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MEMOTO: All StaffFROM: Norma Nguyen, product-development teamDATE: May 13RE: Request for n


TO: All Staff

FROM: Norma Nguyen, product-development team

DATE: May 13

RE: Request for new product ideas

I would like to announce that a product-development team has been formed to review new product ideas for personal-care products. We strongly encourage you to submit any ideas you have for new products. One advantage of submitting your ideas through the team is that we make your participation in the development of the product possible, giving you valuable insights into the development process as a whole.

The team has created an idea submission guide, which outlines the kind of information necessary for the team to review your new product idea, offer you feedback, and move your idea forward toward implementation. Please contact me if you would like me to send you a copy of the guide.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, or any member of the team, if you have questions about the new product-submission procedures. We look forward to your participation!

TO: Norma Nguyen

FROM: Sam Patel

DATE: May 17

RE: Request for new product ideas

I have little experience in the area of developing personal-care products, but I have been thinking about the potential of a hair-care product line for men that might interest the product-development team. Please forward a copy of the idea submission guide to me. In addition, I would like to talk with you to make sure this is the type of product your team is interested in developing. Please contact me at extension 553 at your earliest convenience.

Thank you

What is the purpose of Norma Nguyen's memo?

A.To announce a new line of personal-care products

B.To tell staff about a new product-development team

C.To encourage staff to buy personal-care products

D.To ask staff to review competitors' products

提问人:网友zhuifengwy 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“MEMOTO: All StaffFROM: Norma N…”相关的问题

An ebook(also referred to as an electronic book,eBook,or e-book)is a digital version(版本)of a print book that you download and read. But if you want to read an ebook, you must have an Ebook Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. Make sure you have installed the appropriate Reader before you download your ebook from the Internet. The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options(计算机屏幕上的阅读选择). Ebooks are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computers and create your own library of hundreds of titles. If you load them onto your portable computer,you can take them with you when you travel. Some ebooks are even interactive! Best of all,when you order an ebook,there is no waiting and no shipping charges. The amount of time it takes to download your ebook depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your ebook. From this passage,we learn that an ebook___________.A.can be found in any library

B.can be read directly from the Internet

C.can be read by any one who has a computer

D.can be read when special software is installed

From this passage,we can learn that______________.A.you can read an ebook on a laptop when you travel

B.you Can order an ebook using the Ebook Reader

C.the ebooks ordered have to be shipped to you

D.it takes a lot of trouble reading an ebook

Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.An ebook is ordered in print book is.

B.The size of the words in an ebook cannot be changed.

C.The downloading time is decided by the ebook’s size.

D.There is less fun reading an ebook than a print book.

The Ebook Reader is used for___________.A.reading an ebook you’ve downloaded

B.turning a print book into a digital version

C.downloading an ebook from the Internet

D.copying an ebook onto a portable computer

The passage is mainly about_______________.A.a better way to download an Ebook

B.a new kind of book—the Ebooks

C.the new version of Ebooks

D.the fun of reading Ebooks

It is only in marriage with the world that our ideals can bear fruit; divorced___it, they remain barren.
Suzhou _______ is featured with primitive simplicity and elegant variety, two basic elements that are highly valued in the Taoist philosophy.

basic grow invest ideally called now that wasteful accumulated where direct Money management can actually be broken down into a very simple practice that even a fourth grader can do in his young life. The ___1___ step to being on your wealth path is knowing how much you really do need in your life and how you can ___2___ the rest. If you are already working, arrange with your company to ___3___ a predetermined amount of your payroll into a forced savings fund and then you will learn to live with the rest. ___4___, the amount that is left for you to work with is smaller, and this particular practice is actually ___5___ “learning to pay yourself first” — despite bills and other payables, you will come first. The beauty of this money management practice to get you on the wealth path is that you will be forced to cut your ___6___ spending. You will learn to live with what you have and figure out the little avenues in your life ___7___ you can stop the financial leaks. With this, you will find that you have extra money to invest with. ___8___ you have a sizeable amount, the next thing that you can do is to figure out where to put the extras that have ___9___ over time so you can generate money and make it ___10___ with very little effort from you. There are many things you can find to put your money in. 请把你的答案按照顺序写在下面!答案之间用分号隔开。 ___________________________________________________________________________


A Chinese trading company (the Buyer) entered a contract with a Japanese manufacturer (the Seller) of precision machinery and testing equipment for purchasing 15 sets of production lines. The total value of the contract is 400,000 US dollars. Price terms: CFR Shanghai; Time of shipment: the end of September 2017; Payment terms: Buyer opens an irrevocable negotiable letter of credit in full amount two months prior to the date of shipment. In the sales contract, the place of arbitration is China. On July 29, 2017, the buyer opened a letter of credit through a bank in favour of the seller and no deposit was made. The seller, on September 8, shipped the production lines, and negotiated the payment to the negotiating bank. On September 19, the 15 sets of production lines arrived at the port of destination – Shanghai. The regional commodity inspection authority inspected the production lines. The inspection report issued by the authority showed that: 4 out of 15 sets of the production lines are not in conformity with the quality terms stipulated in the sales contract. These 4 sets of production lines cannot be used to manufacture standard-conforming products at all. The buyer insisted that the 15 sets of production lines should be used together. Since 4 sets of the production lines were of no use, the remaining 11 sets of qualified production lines should be rejected as well. Therefore, on September 29, 2017, the buyer sent a memo to the Japanese manufacturer, which requested that all 15 sets of production lines should be sent back to Japan. However, the Japanese seller neither signed the memo nor replied to the Chinese buyer’s request. The buyer finally brought the case to the CIETAC, the arbitration institution specified in the sales contract. The demands of the buyer were: 1). Return the 15 sets of the production lines. The seller should fully refund the payment and bear the costs and expenses associated with the return. 2). The buyer signed a contract with another Chinese company for renting out all 15 sets of the production lines. Because the 4 sets of faulty production lines, the buyer had already paid compensation of 15,000 US dollars to the leasing Chinese company. The buyer demanded that the seller should bear the loss and pay the buyer 15,000 US dollars. Questions: 1. Other than the discrepancy and claim clauses, what kind of clause regarding dispute resolution should be included in the sales contract of this case? (1’) Why? (1’) 2. What could be the arbitration awards the arbitration court gives in terms of the demands of the buyer? (1’+1’) Give your answers for the following subjects a. Return of 15 sets of production lines b. economic loss to the Chinese buyer which rented out the equipment 3. Since the Japanese manufacturer did not sign the memo and respond to the Chinese buyer, could the buyer bring the case to a court in China and sue the Japanese seller for damage and loss first before arbitration? Why? (2’+2’) After the arbitration award was made, if the Japanese manufacturer refused to honour the award, what could the Chinese buyer do? (2’) Total 10 points

I'm currently working in a large international company.






ou are going to read a passage with 10 statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Corporate culture instilled online A. At its most basic, the Internet is a wonderful way to communicate. Hit that "send" button and off goes the email to everybody in the firm and beyond. No wonder companies find it a perfect way to talk to their staff. No wonder it is so useful—but also so dangerous—when staff want to talk to each other. B. Over and over again, the Internet's uses turn out to go beautifully with current trends. As companies become more fragmented and their workers more geographically dispersed, managers need a way to rally the troops. In particular, they need a way to build a corporate culture: that intangible something that binds employees together and teaches them to understand instinctively the defining qualities of the business and the appropriate way to respond to any issue that confronts them. The Internet provides the means to do this. C. In a stable, slow-growing, and well-established company, a common culture may be easy to maintain. But few companies today can afford to be stable or slow-growing. Instability and speed make culture-creation harder. In many companies, for instance, the sales or the maintenance people rarely come into the office. A quarter of IBM's workforce, for instance, is now mobile—they spend at least 80 percent of their time off-site, usually working from home or on the road. Key people may be based in key markets abroad, a day's air travel away from the main office. D. You need also consider mergers (公司合并), which create a need to persuade a new bunch of employees to abandon one corporate creed for another. As companies outsource (外包) more and more activities, too, they look for ways to teach their subcontractors to share their values. And the faster things change, the more important it becomes to explain to employees what is happening, and why. E. How to do it? "In a rapidly changing and geographically distributed organization," says Michael Morris, a social psychologist at Stanford's Graduate School of Business, "you don't have the option of the drink after work." But you do have the Internet. More than any previous technology, it allows companies to ensure that every employee has access to the corporate news, views, and vision. F. Some companies use it to teach their employees (as well as suppliers and customers) their ethical code. Boeing, for instance, offers an online "ethics challenge" where employees can test their moral instincts on such delicate issues as "acceptance of business courtesies" and "the minister drops a hint." Such applications are a way to spread a common approach throughout an organization. G. The Internet is also a way for bosses to tell staff where they want the business to go. For example, at Ford, which claims to have the world's largest intranet, 170,000 staff around the world are emailed a weekly "Let's chat" note from Jac Nasser, the chief executive. A purpose-built newsroom maintains a website upgraded several times a day, and available to Ford's employees around the world. H. Not only does the Internet allow managers to talk to their staff; it lets them track whether the staff are at least pretending to listen. William Nuti, president of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for Cisco Systems, a high-tech giant, produces a monthly video to send to his staff explaining where the business is going. What happens if the staff don't choose to watch? Well, the Internet allows you to track who opens an email and when. "I know everyone who clicks on it, and those who throw it away, and I make phone calls to people, saying it's important you watch this." Unsurprisingly, Mr. Nuti's viewing figures are high. I. But all this communication from on high can sometimes cause problems. SAP, a German business-software giant, is another company with an elaborate communications system. It allows material to be broadcast on the car radios of workers on the road, for example. The company found that middle managers objected to the chairman emailing all employees. Their authority had rested partly on their role as a source of information, and without it they felt exposed. As so often with Internet-driven changes, the implications of what appeared to be a simple, time-saving innovation turned out to be more complex and politically sensitive. That sensitivity becomes more acute as communications become increasingly bottom-up as well as top-down. At Siemens, a large German company, Chittur Ramakrishnan, the chief information officer, has noticed a "very significant number of emails to top management. The idea of going through a secretary to get an appointment has changed. People can send emails to anyone and expect a response. It is very democratizing." J. Despite all these, companies find all sorts of routine tasks can be done online with greater efficiency and less expense. As a result, "B2E"—business-to-employee—applications are flourishing. They may be the biggest growth area for Internet applications over the next couple of years. They include many tasks involving staff matters, the creation of an internal job market, and training. One of the strengths of the Internet over previous systems is that it can be used to provide services to everyone in a company. K. A growing number of companies now have a "corporate portal": a centralized home page with links to various services and items of information to attract the staff to keep looking in. Click, and there is a map of each floor of the office; click again, and there are photographs and personal details about who sits where. Elsewhere on the page there may be links to the online services of the human resources department, or the day's news clippings (剪报), or a page allowing workers to order office supplies or find telephone numbers. L. The good thing about such pages is that they are accessible not only to employees in head office, but also to people in distant subsidiaries, on the road, or at home. Increasingly, employees can personalize their page, so that if they are working in the marketing department they do not receive a flood of news clippings on irrelevant subjects. Companies with lots of old computer systems can use the home page as the entrance to a network designed to pull all the old systems together. M. Next, there is the prospect of turning the corporate workforce into a marketplace. It is an advertiser's dream: a stable group of people with regular pay and a known employer. Why not, for instance, offer a link from the page that informs an employee of her holiday entitlements to a travel company with which the company already does corporate business, and which will offer discounts on leisure travel? Why not charge local restaurants for the occasional advertisement? N. Indeed, this is already starting to happen. For instance, Exult, a consultancy to which BP subcontracts much of its human resources work, is discussing just such a proposition with companies offering financial services. But how will businesses feel about encouraging their staff to hunt for a home loan when they should be finishing a presentation? Alan Little, Exult's head of global client relationships, replies robustly that, if employees can work from home at the weekend on their company laptop, then surely they should be allowed to book their holidays from the office on a weekday. They should be judged by results. 1. The Internet does a better job than any other technology in helping employees get the news and views of their organizations.

2. Employees can find information or services of their interest by following the links on the home page of the company.
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