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What is the main topic of the talk?The main topic of this talk is to offer advice on _____

What is the main topic of the talk?

The main topic of this talk is to offer advice on ______.

提问人:网友zhanglietx 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“What is the main topic of the …”相关的问题
What was the main reason that Beckham became the top story maker?A.Beckham always attracts

What was the main reason that Beckham became the top story maker?

A.Beckham always attracts the public attention by his fashionable hair style. and constant appearance in the media.

B.Beckham's transfer fee breaks a new record in the football world.

C.Beckham's trademark free kick and passes are still best-performed for his new club.

D.Beckham controversially leaves the club he has been grown up with and joins one of the other most prestigious clubs in Europe.

What is the main implication of the fable the Frog in the Well?

A、Narcissism is a source of motivation

B、Don’t take risks and safety is the top priority

C、Never compare yourself with others because everyone has his/her strength

D、It’s no need to be too self-centered

What are the regulations of three views? main view and left view : ; main view and top view: ; top and left view: .

A、same height; same length; same width

B、same length; same height; same width

C、same width; same length; same height

D、same height; same witdh; same length

What’s the main implication of the fable the Oil Burns Itself Out illustrate?

A、It’s difficult to understand the happiness of others

B、We should think globally and act locally

C、Our top priority in life is to improve competitiveness

D、We should learn how to preserve our strength and prepare for the future

What right is not given to Japan?A.To own a fifth of jobs at the head office.B.To construc

What right is not given to Japan?

A.To own a fifth of jobs at the head office.

B.To construct and house the main research facility

C.To act as some ITER"S top post.

D.To host ITER.

What is the main idea of this passage?A.The price of Beijing's office space rises higher

What is the main idea of this passage?

A.The price of Beijing's office space rises higher

B.Different costs of office space all over the world

C.The cost of Beijing's office space ranks the top

D.Air pollution doesn't influence Beijing's office space

听力原文:Some of America's best universities have accepted an unusually low percentage of
students for admission this fall. For example, the Wall Street Journal reported that Stanford University had a record low admission rate this year. The news- paper said the California school accepted less than 11 percent of the students who applied.

College admissions officers give a number of reasons for the higher rates of rejection letters this year. They say the main reason is that high school seniors are applying to more schools than in the past. Some colleges reported big increases in the number of applications. Another reason is the general increase in students going to college. Electronic forms make applying easier. For example, students can send an online form. called the Common Application to many different colleges and universities.

Many students who apply to top schools are placed on a waiting list. They do not get a decision until the school knows how many applicants who are offered admission will accept the offer. Just as students compete, so do schools.

The increasing competition for the best colleges means more worry for students and parents. They wonder just what schools are looking for. They wonder why a top student is accepted at one school but not another. The Wall Street Journal says some top schools are actively looking for students who have shown great interest in helping others. Other schools are said to be looking for students who have musical talent.

What is the passage mainly about?


A.The best universities in the United States.

B.High school students’choices after graduation.

C.Electronic application in college admission.

D.The increasing competition for the top schools in the U. S.

听力原文:M:Elizabeth Vega's mock indictment appears in a new book entitled United States v

听力原文:M: Elizabeth Vega's mock indictment appears in a new book entitled United States v. George W. Bush, et al. Vega spent 20 years in the U.S. Attorney's office. She joins us here in New York. Welcome to Democracy Now!

W: Thanks for having me, John.

M: Vega was a former federal prosecutor; she has drafted an indictment of President Bush, Vice President Cheney and other top officials for tricking the nation into war and for conspiracy to defraud the United States.

W: Well, I was an Assistant U.S. Attorney up until 2004, so I was still working as an Assistant U.S. Attorney when the President and his senior aides started their marketing campaign for the war.

M: So, how did you come up with the mock indictment? What made you decide to do this?

W: At that time, the Enron case was happening, and I was observing the similarities between what the President was doing in order to deceive the public regarding the war and the same type of techniques that the Enron people used to defraud their investors.

M: What, then?

W: Of course, in the case of the Enron fraud, the public was absolutely outraged, and rightly so. And they have been, in the main, held accountable.

M: And the President?

W: Yet, the President, who has caused this fraud that has obviously been far graver in scope and the consequences have been horrific, has not been held accountable in any way. So, I wanted to explain to people in a very non-charged atmosphere, which is the atmosphere of a hypothetical grand jury, exactly how this fits into the elements of a crime, which is conspiracy to defraud the United States.


A.Bush, Cheney and other top officials' conspiracy to defraud the United States.

B.Bush, Cheney and other top officials tricking the nation into war.

C.Bush, Cheney and other top officials' compromise in the war.

D.Bush, Cheney and other top officials deceiving the public regarding the war.

The writer of this book gives his personal views of what makes a good business leader.A.B.

The writer of this book gives his personal views of what makes a good business leader.

A. Salinas outlines the key qualities of good management m this autobiography. He believes that decisions should be based on facts, not opinions; that people’s strengths should be exploited; and that disagreement is sometimes necessary. But the main point he makes is that leadership means performing well at all times and setting a good example

B. In this collection of essays, top business leaders predict how businesses will change over the next few years. They analyse changes in business and society and their efforts on job markets, as well as taking a look at possible strengths and weaknesses of leading economics and their currencies. This collection outlines a vision of tomorrow’s business world and the type of leaders that will be required.

C. This book is a well-researched study of the problem of leadership in global quoted companies, 160 international business leaders were asked how they added value to their companies and their answers form the main part of this book. Both managers and companies are analysed in order to show how they cope with difficult issues. A useful book for all senior managers.

D. 100 well-known US business leaders through this century are described in this book, which analyses how their fortunes were made and sometimes lost. The background, business career, character and personal life of each individual are outlined, creating an impressive collection of biographies and an excellent reference work.

听力原文:M: Lilly, what's it like to be a top model?W: It's very hard work. Most people th

听力原文:M: Lilly, what's it like to be a top model?

W: It's very hard work. Most people think I lead a very glamorous life, but, in fact, I probably work as hard as anyone.

M: In what way?

W: Well, I often have to get up very early. If a photographer wants to use the early morning light, or if we have to get to a particular location, then I must be there in good time. I have to put on the clothes that I'm modeling, and my hairdresser, may need to spend at least an hour on my hair, and then there's make-up to do.

M: It must be like being a film actress.

W: Very much so, except that I think the work is physically harder. Actors working in films have long breaks between "takes". For me, during a morning's shooting, I may wear a dozen different outfits. And I'm usually moving all the time. Photographers want me to adopt a wide range of different poses. Some of the poses are very unnatural and tiring to hold.

M: In what other ways is your life different from that of a film actress?

W: Well, I don't have to learn lines, though I think modeling does require a certain amount of acting ability. But I suppose the main difference is that, whereas a good actress can have a life-long career, a fashion model is finished by the time she's in her early thirties.

M: Have you any ambitions left? W: I suppose my main ambition is to stay where I am for a few more years. M: Thank you.

Lilly has to get up early and arrive in good time because______.

A.she has to study all the poses

B.it takes time for her to get prepared

C.the photographers insist on punctuality

D.no one can do anything until she arrives

Your mind like your body is a thing where the powers are developed by effort. This is a pr
incipal use, as I see it, of hard work in studies. Unless you train your body you can't be a good sportsman, and unless you train your mind you can't be much of a scholar. The four miles a boatman covers at top speed is in itself nothing to the good, but the physical capacity to hold out over the distance is thought to be of some value. So a good part of what you learn by hard study may not be retained forever, and may not seem to be of much final value, but your mind is a better and more powerful instrument because you have learned it. "Knowledge is power," but still more the ability of acquiring and using knowledge is power. If you have a trained and powerful mind, you are bound to have stored it with something, its value is more in what it can do, what it can grasp and use, than in what it contains; and if it were possible, as it is not, to come out of college with a trained mind and nothing useful in it, you would still be ahead, and still, in a manner, educated.

The title that best expresses the main idea of this passage is ______. ()

A.Knowledge Is Power

B.How to Retain and Use Knowledge

C.Physical and Mental Efforts

D.The Trained Mind Is What One Needs

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