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M: Mike told me yesterday that he'd been looking in vain for a job in the art gallery.

W: Really? If I remember right, he had a chance to work there but he turned it down.

Q: What does the woman say about Mike?

A.He used to work in the art gallery.

B.He does not have a good memory.

C.He declined a job offer form. the art gallery.

D.He is not interested in any part-time jobs.

提问人:网友fjlabc2008 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“M: Mike told me yesterday that…”相关的问题

M: Mike told me yesterday that he'd been looking in vain for a job in the art gallery.

W: Really? If I remember right, he had a chance to work there but he turned it down.

Q: What does the woman say about Mike?

A.He used to work in the art gallery.

B.He does not have a good memory.

C.He declined a job offer form. the art gallery.

D.He is not interested in any part-time jobs.

听力原文:M: My brother Mike has just done a course at the Green Park Camping School.W: Rea

听力原文:M: My brother Mike has just done a course at the Green Park Camping School.

W: Really! What made him decide to do that?

M: Well, for one thing, some boys in his class decided to do it and they dared him to go with them!

W: You mean he didn't really want to go?

M: I think he wanted to go but I think he was also a little frightened. Of course, now that he's done it, he's very pleased with himself and he's always talking about it.

W: So he enjoyed it, didn't he?

M: Not exactly. I think he's enjoying the feeling of having done it more than he enjoyed actually doing it!

W: What sort of things did he do?

M: Oh, all sorts of open-air activities: hiking, camping, canoeing. One thing he had to do was to capsize a canoe and then right it again without getting out. He said the water was very cold but that he hardly noticed it at the time.

W: Why not?

M: He was too busy righting the canoe!

W: That doesn't sound very comfortable at this time of the year.

M: That's what I said when he told me. On another occasion he had to spend a day and a night by himself in the open country.

W: Was he frightened ?

M: He was frightened at first, apparently, but then he got used to it.

W: It seems to me that the course did him a lot of good. I expect it's made him more self-reliant.

M: That's what he says and now he wants me to go!


A.Mike was eager to do the course.

B.Mike had done outdoor activities.

C.Mike enjoyed life in the open.

D.Mike was reluctant and timid.

听力原文:W: I haven't seen Mike for years. How is he getting along?M:I came across him in

听力原文:W: I haven't seen Mike for years. How is he getting along?

M:I came across him in the street only yesterday and he told me that he was having trouble with his new business.

W: He has set up another business? I knew nothing about it.

M: He managed a shop last year selling sport clothes but it soon went bankrupt. So he changed his mind.

W: What is he doing now?

M: He is managing a bar. And this is also in a pretty bad stale.

W: Sorry to hear that, but that should be what he's good at.

M: Yes. But he was fined and threatened to close the bar.

W: What went wrong?

M: He's only licensed to sell beer, but he sold hard drinks.

W: He should have minded his steps. But that shouldn't be the reason for...

M: Well... He has had several other setbacks, too.

W: Misfortunes never come alone. What setbacks?

M: The people around him did not support him. Some even tried to play down him.

W: They are jealous, aren't they?

M: Worse than that. Some people even tried to encourage him against his wife, because she wants him to give up the business.

W: I can't believe that.

M: And Mike was in a ruined mood.

W: Let's go and have a good talk with Mike's wife. We need to persuade her to support him.

M: You've taken the words put of my mouth.


A.In a shop today.

B.In a street today.

C.In the street yesterday.

D.In a shop yesterday.

听力原文:W: Mike! Long time no see. What's up?M: Hey, Lydia. Fancy meeting you here. Are y

听力原文:W: Mike! Long time no see. What's up?

M: Hey, Lydia. Fancy meeting you here. Are you keeping busy?

W: A little bit. Well, someone told me you've got bunches of good stamps, like a museum.

M: I do have a lot. I'm interested in stamp collecting. I guess it's actually a part of my life.

W: They cost a lot though. How can you afford them?

M: Sometimes I do have hard time with them. I've to save every penny. But it's worthy. And, when big days such as my birthday or Christmas come, most of my friends give me stamps as gifts.

W: That's good. Stamp collecting is also a long-term investment. The price keeps going up. You can earn a lot by bringing them to the market.

M: I'm afraid not. For me, stamp collecting is merely a bobby, a personal fondness. I'd be sad if I'd ever have to sell them.

W: I can imagine. Keeping a hobby is like having a friend, both enjoyable and rewarding. You get great pleasure by attending them.

M: I couldn't agree more.

W: By the way, have you ever been to other countries?

M: Not yet.

W: Then how do those foreign stamps come from?

M: Well, I've some friends studying abroad. They send me some at times.

W: I see. My friends travel a lot every year. Lf you like I could ask them to help you with that.

M: That would be too good if it's not trouble for them.

W: Not at all.

M: Now, I'm heading for the post office. I heard a new set of stamps is for sale for the World Cup. Do you have interest to go with me?

W: I'd love to. But I've to meet my friend at 4 o'clock at the airport. He's coming back for vacation. Anyway, I'll call you later.

M: All right. Then see you soon.

W: See you.


A.Because he has enough money to buy stamps.

B.Because he used to receive stamps as gifts.

C.Because stamp collecting is his hobby.

D.Because he invests in stamps.

听力原文:W: I must have told Mike five times not to forget the meeting. And he still misse
d it.

M: Well, you know Mike; everything's in one ear and out the other.

Q: What can be inferred about Mike?


A.Mike doesn't always listen.

B.Mike's never missed a meeting.

C.Mike had to attend another meeting.

D.Mike has an ear infection.

A: I'm Bob. Mike asked me to visit you. B: Nice meeting you, Bob.()

A: I'm Bob. Mike asked me to visit you. B: Nice meeting you, Bob.()

SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:INTERVIEWER: On the matter of careers, a lot of the jobs that people go into are sort of lifetime careers. What about baseball? Is it a full life-time career?

MIKE: It's been—I mean, it's been my life so far, you know. I know someday—could be tomorrow—that I'm going to be out of it.

INTERVIEWER: But how long can you really expect to... to play, let's say, actively?

MIKE: Well, I think I've set goals, and I made my first goal, which was to make it to the big leagues. And now, my next goal is to make it through four years... to get my pension. And after that, everything is...

INTERVIEWER: But how many years can you expect to play professional ball?

MIKE: It's...I'm a pitcher, and it's difficult, as a pitcher to really say how many years... because you never know whether you're going to have a sore arm, whether it's going to go on you or what the problem may be. But as a pitcher, I guess the prime—I'm 24 years old now, and this is my sixth year—and the prime time for a pitcher is 27 to 30.

INTERVIEWER: Well, is there any problem with a sort of feeling of insecurity?

MIKE: Yeah, there is, especially, like I said—my first year. I disciplined myself, and I worked hard—and that's what got me here. And I realize that I have to work hard to stay here. And there is the insecurity.

INTERVIEWER: You're under contract?

MIKE: Right, I'm under contract. But that doesn't necessarily—I mean, they could send me down tomorrow. They could do whatever they wanted with me.

INTERVIEWER: What does it take to play professionally? I'm thinking about the skill. Is it something that you just work hard to get, or is there a natural sort of ability?

MIKE: Well, there's people that have the natural ability, you know. I feel like I didn't have.

INTERVIEWER: So, you think there is something natural... a natural ability.

MIKE: There's a natural ability.

INTERVIEWER: I mean, just working hard isn't enough.

MIKE: I think that's what got me here. I really do. I know there was bad times and then— at one time in this organization, I was a suspect instead of a prospect. And I was told that.

INTERVIEWER: Well, what about the... on the personal side? What's the schedule like for a... for a professional baseball player? Is it full time around the year, or... ?


INTERVIEWER: Are there some seasons... ?

MIKE: Well, it depends. Like last winter, after the season was over, I got a phone call from a team in Obregon, Mexico, and they asked me if I wanted to go down and play winter ball down there. So, I...


MIKE: I thought, well it'd be a good chance because there's a lot of big league ball players down there, and I'll get a chance to face big league hitting, so I decided to go down there. And I think it helped me.

INTERVIEWER: How long does the season last here?

MIKE: Okay. This season lasts from April... let's see, April sixth until October second— depending on whether or not you're going to be in the playoffs, and then it runs till, like, October sixteenth, or something like that.

INTERVIEWER: So, you then went to Mexico.

MIKE: Right.

INTERVIEWER: Well, when kids play baseball, it's kind of mostly for fun. Is it still the

same when you're a professional ?

MIKE:It's always fun when you're winning, and right now, you know, we're having our tough time, but I mean, I still enjoy going out every day, and running, and throwing. INTERVIEWER: What's the main attraction, would you say? Uh... because you're doing exactly what you want to do?

MIKE: I think that's the big thing.






听力原文:M1: Mr. Chen called to see if his car is ready for pick up. Did you finish puttin
g in the new carburetor, Jeff?

M2: No. because I was busy working on the van this morning. You told me last night to have that ready for pick up by noon today, remember?

M1: All right, could you work on Mr. Chen's car right away? He said he will be coming to pick it up at 4 o'clock, so that should give you plenty of time to do the work. Also, could you ask Mike to change the oil on the pickup truck?

M2: Mike's not here right now. He had to drive Tom to the hospital.

Who are they?

A.Auto mechanics.

B.Car salespeople.

C.Truck drivers.


听力原文:M: What a relationship Mike and his wife have!W: Don't they? I hope my husband co

听力原文:M: What a relationship Mike and his wife have!

W: Don't they? I hope my husband could care about me more and communicate more with me as Mike does to his wife.

Q: What can be inferred about the woman?


A.She dislikes her husband.

B.She admires Mike's relationship with his wife.

C.She regrets to care little about her husband.

D.She disagrees with the man.

【单选题】Mike: Would you be interested in joining me for dinner after work? Mary: I’d love to, but _____ I have to work late tonight.

A、I believe

B、I’m afraid

C、I expect

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