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提问人:网友xushun 发布时间:2022-01-07
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  • · 有4位网友选择 A,占比44.44%
  • · 有3位网友选择 C,占比33.33%
  • · 有2位网友选择 B,占比22.22%
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[31.***.***.59] 1天前

A. 唇舌系带的矫正术

B. 瘢痕切除修整术

C. 松动软组织切除修整术

D. 口腔黏膜疾患的治疗

E. 以上都对






Use the chart on p.27 in the "Stylistic Features of Academic Writing" (Swales & Freak, 2012) and include the citation information of the article, for example: Li, W. (2018). Translanguaging as a practical theory of language. 39(1): 9-30. You are expected to create a table in a word document.
Write down your tentative research topic and find 40 sources on the topic. A few rules: At least 1/3 of the sources should be in English (not including MA or doctoral theses). At least 1/2 of the sources should be published between 2009 and 2019. The number of MA or doctoral theses may not exceed five. All journal articles found in CNKI should be from core journals or CSSCI-indexed journals. At least five books should be included in the references. Pleas see the attached file for format.

Assignment: Read “Students’ practices and abilities for writing from sources in English at universities in China” by Cumming et al (2018), and write a summary of its thesis and main points. Your summary should be at least one paragraph long (8 -10 lines) and no more than one page. You CANNOT plagiarize from the abstract on the first page or any part of the paper. Summary: a concise restatement of a reading’s main ideas. When composing a summary . . . Do . . . Don’t . . . Use your OWN words. It may be necessary at times to quote the author if you want to capture a particular phrase or tone from the original, but your summary should be mostly in your own words. Rely heavily on quotations. Borrow language directly from the text without enclosing it in quotation marks. At some point (usually either in the beginning or the end of your summary) offer a direct statement of the author’s thesis or main idea in your own words. Include a summary of the supporting ideas the author uses to support his or her main idea. Offer your opinions, analyses, or judgments of the author’s ideas or effectiveness. This can be tricky to avoid—even a statement like “Ulreich beautifully describes . . .” involves your opinion that his description is beautiful. Provide context for your summary by offering the full name of the author and the full title of the text in the first or second sentence. Then, refer to the author throughout the rest of the summary by his or her last name (Since this article has more than three authors, Cumming et al should be used to address the authors). Write as if your reader is already familiar with the text. Use effective verbs that characterize an author’s rhetorical moves: argues, claims, stresses, concedes, admits, examines, questions, analyzes, points out, reasons, compares, refutes, rejects, emphasizes, confirms. Offer some variation in your verbs. If the author is making lots of claims, don’t use the verb claim over and over. Offer some variation through synonyms: claims, posits, argues, asserts, believes, comments, contends, notes, thinks, notes, writes, suggests. Don’t use verbs that indicate a direct statement by the author unless followed by a direct statement. For example, don’t say that the author “states that . . .” when you are only inferring something from his or her remarks. Reserve verbs like states for direct quotes. Don’t use the verb quotes unless the author is quoting someone else. In other words, don’t say “Al Gore quotes that he could have won the nomination.” Reserve the verb quotes for when Al Gore is quoting someone else in the text: “Al Gore quotes Leo Tolstoy, saying that ‘All happy families are alike.’” Compose your summary in the present tense. Switch tenses or use the past tense unless the text itself refers to something that happened in the past. For example, “According to Stevenson, research done in the early 1970’s erred (past) because it ignored women. Because of this she argues (present) that it should be reassessed.” Grading: When grading your summaries, I will pay attention to the following: your ability to adhere to the conventions above; organization; your understanding of the article’s thesis and main ideas; grammar and spelling. Since this is a short assignment (less than one page), I will expect an “A” summary to be free of grammatical and spelling errors. After all, you will likely have less than ten sentences to edit.


Case: 1 Source: Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies. New York and London: W. W. Norton & Co., 1999. 159. "The ways in which domesticated animals have diverged from their wild ancestors include the following. Many species changed in size: cows, pigs, and sheep became smaller under domestication, while guinea pigs became larger." Student Writing Sample # 1 There are many differences between domesticated and wild animals. Does this writing sample use sources correctly?


Case: 1 Source: Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies. New York and London: W. W. Norton & Co., 1999. 159. "The ways in which domesticated animals have diverged from their wild ancestors include the following. Many species changed in size: cows, pigs, and sheep became smaller under domestication, while guinea pigs became larger." Student Writing Sample # 2 Domesticated animals diverged from their wild ancestors in numerous ways. Animals such as cows became smaller, while animals such as guinea pigs became larger. Does this writing sample use sources correctly?


Case: 1 Source: Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies. New York and London: W. W. Norton & Co., 1999. 159. "The ways in which domesticated animals have diverged from their wild ancestors include the following. Many species changed in size: cows, pigs, and sheep became smaller under domestication, while guinea pigs became larger." Student Writing Sample # 3 A careful examination of the ways in which domesticated animals have diverged from their wild ancestors shows that cows, pigs, and sheep became smaller under domestication, while guinea pigs became larger. Does this writing sample use sources correctly?


Case: 2 Source: Moers, Ellen. "Female Gothic: The Monster's Mother." Frankenstein. Ed. J. Paul Hunter. New York and London: W. W. Norton, 1996. 214. "In Gothic writings fantasy predominates over reality, the strange over the commonplace, and the supernatural over the natural, with one definite authorial intent: to scare. Not, that is, to reach down into the depths of the soul and purge it with pity and terror (as we say tragedy does), but to get to the body itself, its glands, epidermis, muscles, and circulatory system, quickly arousing and quickly allaying the physical reactions to fear." Student Writing Sample # 1 According to Ellen Moers, Gothic writings "get to the body itself, its glands, epidermis, muscles, and circulatory system, quickly arousing and quickly allaying the physical reactions to fear" (214). Does this writing sample use sources correctly?


Case: 2 Source: Moers, Ellen. "Female Gothic: The Monster's Mother." Frankenstein. Ed. J. Paul Hunter. New York and London: W. W. Norton, 1996. 214. "In Gothic writings fantasy predominates over reality, the strange over the commonplace, and the supernatural over the natural, with one definite authorial intent: to scare. Not, that is, to reach down into the depths of the soul and purge it with pity and terror (as we say tragedy does), but to get to the body itself, its glands, epidermis, muscles, and circulatory system, quickly arousing and quickly allaying the physical reactions to fear." Student Writing Sample # 2 Gothic novels such as Frankenstein were written with one definite authorial intent: to scare (Moers 214). Does this writing sample use sources correctly?

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