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Convert to Symbol对话框上的Registration图表的作用是()

A. 确定转换后元件的中心点位置

B. 确定转换后元件的坐标位置

C. 确定被转换对象的中心点位置

D. 确定被转换对象的坐标位置

提问人:网友zhengyytt 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Convert to Symbol对话框上的Registra…”相关的问题

A. Up/Down Hierarchy

B. Annotate

C. Convert Part To Sheet Symbol

D. Cross Probe

在Windows XP的“运行”对话框中,可使用convert命令将硬盘分区由FAT32文件系统转换为 ______文件系

【单选题】设置元件符号的属性时,在器件属性Library Component Properties对话框中,以下哪一项参数为元件的默认注释:

A、Default Designator

B、Default Comment


D、Symbol Reference

Did you examine your paper money closely? See if you can locate a $5, $10, or $20 bill pri
nted before 1964 and marked "Federal Reserve Note" over the portrait. In the upperleft portion above the seal, a statement written in fine print says that the note is legal tender (法定货币) and that "it is redeemable (可兑现的) in lawful money at the United States Treasury (美国财政部), or at any Federal Reserve Bank (联邦储备银行)." Does this mean that the bill is not lawful? At the bottom center the same bill says, "Will pay to the bearer on demand X dollars." Does this mean that your X-dollar bill is not X dollars?

Much confusion exists about the real nature of money. Many people think that money has no value unless it is backed by gold or silver. They think that the Federal Reserve note is only a symbol for money, and that real money is the metal backing the note. Some people look on money as wealth and believe that it must have intrinsic (内在的) value.

If we were to study the history of money, we would find that in different places and at different times a variety of things have been used as money. Cattle, shell, beads (珠子), tobacco leaves, and various metals—including iron, zinc (锌) , bronze (青铜) , and copper—have all been used as a basis of exchange. The precious metals, particularly silver and gold, have proved most satisfactory for this purpose and have been most commonly used in modem times.

Until early 1968, the United States backed its Federal Reserve notes with 25 percent gold, but this did not mean that citizens could use gold as money or convert paper dollars to gold. Clearly, it is not what money is but what it does that is important.

This passage is about______.

A.the nature of money

B.the face value of a bill

C.the intrinsic value of money

D.the lawfulness of money

Read the article below about changes in working time.Choose the best sentence to fill in e

Read the article below about changes in working time.

Choose the best sentence to fill in each of the gaps.

For each gap 8—12, mark one letter (A—G) on your Answer Sheet.

Do not use any letter more than once.

One answer has been given as an example.

There is an example at the beginning.

The Nature of Money

C In the upper-left portion above the seal, a statement written in fine print says that the note is legal tender(法定货币) and that it" is redeemable(可兑现的)in lawful money at the United States Treasury (美国财政部) , or at any Federal Reserve Bank. " Does this mean that the bill is not lawful? At the bottom center the same bill says, " Will pay to the bearer on demand X dollars. " (8)…

(9)…Many people believe that money has no value unless(10)…They think that the Federal Reserve note is only a symbol for money, and that real money is the precious metal backing the note. Some people look on money as wealth and believe that it must have intrinsic (内在的)value.

If we were to study the history of money, we would find that (11)… Cattle, shell, beads(珠子), tobacco leaves, and various metals—including iron, zinc(锌), bronze(青铜), and copper—have all been used as a basis of exchange. The precious metals, particularly silver and gold, have proved most satisfactory for this purpose and have been most commonly used in modern times.

Until early 1968, the United States backed its Federal Reserve Notes with 25 percent gold, but this did not mean that (12)…Clearly, it is not what money is but what it does that is important.

A it is backed by gold or silver.

B in different places and at different times a variety of things have been used as money.

C See if you can locate a $ 5, $ 10, or $ 20 bill printed before 1964 and marked " Federal Reserve Note" over the portrait.

D citizens could use gold as money or convert paper dollar to gold.

E therefore, the precious metals can be taken as money.

F Does it mean that your X-dollar bill is not X dollars?

G Much confusion exists about the real nature of money.


Of greatest interest to those concerned with the environmental aspects of solid waste mana
gement is the issue of—and the need for—resource recovery and recycling. To many Americans, there is perhaps no greater symbol of our imbalance with nature and our mal-adaptation to its realities than the fact that we discard millions of tons of wastes every year which do, in act, have value. The American people realize now that trash need not be mere junk. It has the potential of becoming a significant vein or resources, a mother lode of opportunity for men of vision who can see beyond the horizon.

The American people are right. And those who serve them can no longer view solid waste management solely in terms of collection and disposal. However, something more than the magic of science and technology is required to convert all this waste back into useful resources.

In fact, in proportion to consumption, resource: recovery has been steadily losing ground in recent years in virtually every materials sector. Approximately 200 million tons of paper, iron, steel, glass, nonferrous metals, textiles, rubber and plastics flow through the economy yearly—and materials weighing roughly the same leave the economy again as waste. In spite of neighbor hood recycling projects, container recovery depots, paper drives, anti-litter campaigns, local ordinances banning the non-returnable bottle, and file emergence of valuable new technological approaches, only a trickle of the "effluence of affluence" is today being diverted from the municipal waste stream.

The principal obstacles are economic and institutional, not technological. The cost of recovering, processing and transporting wastes is so high that the resulting products simply cannot compete, economically, with virgin materials. Of course, it the true costs of such economic "externalities" as environmental impact associated with virgin materials use were reflected in production costs and if there were no subsidies to virgin materials in the form. of depletion allowances and favorable freight rates, the use of secondary materials would become muck more attractive. But they are not now. There are no economic or technical events on the horizon, short of governmental intervention, that would indicate a reversal of this trend. If allowed to continue to operate as it does now, the economic system will continue to select virgin raw materials in preference to wastes. This fact should be etched into the awareness of those who look to recycling as a way out of the solid waste management dilemma.

We can conclude from the passage that the scientific means for recycling solid waste______.

A.requires further research

B.is available now

C.remains to be developed

D.is still being experimented

【连线题】Convert the following 2 sentences into inversion.





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