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Many Native Americans closely resemble Asians. This has led most scientists to (1) believe somet

Many Native Americans closely resemble Asians. This has led most scientists to(1)believe something about Native Americans. They think that most Native Americans(2)from a distant group of people. These people(3)from Siberia across the Bering Strait, between 17,000-11,000 years ago. The exact time and 4 is still under question. That is, it is still a(n)(5)of debate. The time they traveled and the route they took is still being argued, as is whether it happened(6).

(7)recently, some anthropologists (人类学家) argued that the migration occurred 12,000 years ago. However, there are a number of difficulties with this theory —(8)particular, the presence of people in the Americas earlier than one might think. There is growing evidence of human(9)in Brazil and Chile 11,500 years ago or earlier. There is also(10)of humans living in the Americas some 50,000 years ago.(11), other possibilities have been suggested.

They may have(12)the land bridge several thousand years earlier or they may have sailed along the western coast. However, some(13)this theory. They think that humans(14)skills for sailing during that era.

Some consider the genetic and cultural evidence for an Asian origin overwhelming. It should be noted,(15), that some other people are very upset at this idea. Many present-day Native Americans(16)the above theories. They say those who put forward such theories have political(17)They have their own traditional stories that offer(18)of where they came from. Their own stories claim that their(19)are different from what scientists say. Those accounts, though, have mostly been(20)by scholars. Therefore, the origin of Americans still remains a mystery to be explored.

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Today many young people change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do you think the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
Bribery may lead to murder. A month ago reporters rushed to the(1)of a crime. At the spot the detective seemed even hardly aware of their(2)as he did his work. He carefully searched for(3)over every inch of the house. After a while, he bent over to pick up a small torn(4)of fabric. Nothing could(5)from his search. The detective(6)that this piece of fabric was(7)from the murderer's clothing during a struggle.

The(8)had been the finance director of a very large computer hardware manufacturer. His wife, a timid woman,(9)everything she knew with the detective, including a hot(10)her husband had with some of the company's top executives at a banquet. There had been a scandal(11)bribery at his company. He was(12)the business of many of the top executives. He had(13)that some people were giving special favors to government officials to get(14). He often questioned their moral(15)and told them that he would accuse them if they were doing something they shouldn't,(16)caused problems for him. His questioning and accusing often left him at(17)with many of the executives. This time it had led to a(18)blow on his head. The detective caught(19)of a crucial clue, a brass button in the corner. It was from a jacket of one of the top executives. Later this executive and the company's president was(20). Of course this is not the end of the story.

Have you ever experienced living alone by yourself?.

Sunlight disappears, awakening me to the fact(1)I am alone. I am a(n)(2)observer on this isolated pond in the forest. Here I sit alone as the last light of day(3)away. A lone wolf in the(4)cries out. Then darkness(5)around me. I return to my small hut to put the kettle on the stove and sit in(6)with a hot cup of tea until I want to sleep. The fire inside the stove is low, so I use the axe to(7)some wood and throw them in. It gets the fire(8). I had made(9)to be here for the entire summer. However, after a month I am already(10)in supplies. I didn't expect I would be(11)of this experience so soon. In the cupboards there is(12)noodles, and half a pint of wine. I have become so(13)noodles: Still, I have to force myself to(14)them down.(15)I bring the teacup to my lips, I consider whether I should return to civilization to gather supplies or simply(16). my adventure. My observation is that self-reliance is a bit(17). I long to(18)a steak dinner with my friends, to watch my niece play in the summer's heat. Still my ego will not let me return to my family and friends just yet. I had(19)to them about how being alone would bring about(20)to writing poetry. The fact is that I have written nothing.


We are living in the age of a telecommunications revolution. In order to keep from getting(1), many developing countries are making an intensive effort to strengthen their telecommunications infrastructure. This will help them(2)the developed countries. It was, after all, advanced telecommunications(3)gave some countries an economic advantage(4)others during the 20th century. There is one place that developing nations are(5)improve upon. That is enabling their citizens and businesses to get(6)to the Web. They are installing advanced optical fibers. These fibers, a millimeter in(7), can bring the information superhighway to their door. The(8)investments that countries like Vietnam are making may seem too great because they still lack basic(9), like electricity and water. However, government officials say that these moves are(10). They are also confident that their countries will(11)the benefits. They will benefit from having more(12)and up-to-date telecommunications equipment and gaining more(13). One Vietnamese leader said, "It is understandable that people want to(14)their immediate problems first. Still, our entire future is(15). People don't always understand the(16)of the problem, though." He continued, "There are problems with using the antique communications equipment. And if we continue to use such old equipment, the(17)between us and the developed world will continue to widen.(18)have to be made now so that our children will have a country with opportunities equal(19)those they see in the developed world." It will not be far(20)they can cruise alongside Americans and Western Europeans on the information superhighway.


The challenges faced by all child protection caseworkers are obvious(1)is often not so obvious are the many rewards a caseworker career(2)People often ask(3)anybody in their right mind would want to be a child protection caseworker, habitually dealing(4)the most disadvantaged and troubled families in their community. Caseworkers routinely(5)disturbing cases of child abuse and neglect, and clients who are not cooperative. Being a caseworker means being an agent of positive change,(6)when the welfare sector is not just a job to you,(7)a professional vocation.

Child protection is a difficult and(8)career path to follow, but the rewards do exist. Many of our caseworkers choose this career path out of a desire to(9)to the community. To be part of a process can(10)change a family's life, and caseworkers may(11)their intervention equip a young person so that his or her future(12)are improved. Of course, this does not(13)with every intervention. But when it happens, it is a(n)(14)experience. And if you are wondering whether this experience makes the job worthwhile, the answer is YES!

A good indicator of how outside people(15)the caseworker career has been the feedback from university students. In 2006 there were 118 students on placements (实习) of caseworker career. Those students who completed their placements in child protection told us about the great(16)they have had to(17)theory to practice; the many chances of learning new skills and trying new tasks; the sound knowledge(18)through training; and how(19)becoming familiar with different welfare services was(20)their future career.


It is doubtful that there was a more successful comedy team in the 20th century(1)the Three Stooges. Larry, Moe, and Curly became famous for their many short movies(2)extraordinary comedy. In their movies, they found many ways of(3)funny actions. They attracted large audience and received a lot of(4). However, their movies also(5)criticism. Some people who didn't like the Three Stooges(6)they were too violent. In a TV interview Moe and Larry were roused to(7)themselves. Their coarse brand, they said, shouldn't be taken(8). It was just "cartoon violence".

The Stooges got their name and their start in an act(9)Ted Healy and His Stooges. This act began(10)the way for their exceedingly successful career.(11), the team was composed of Larry, Moe and Shemp.(12), Shemp left for a career in more serious movies. When Shemp left, Curly took his(13). Shemp's clumsy character returned in 1946 after Curly(14)a stroke.

Moe was the heart and soul of the team, acting as(15)their main comic force and their director. He was responsible(16)scripting many of the jokes. He'd also spend time providing his services as their business manager. In 1934 the team began a series of comedy shorts that numbered more than 200(17)they ceased in 1958,(18)won them numerous fans.(19)all the criticism, the Three Stooges are undoubtedly the most famous comedy team that history.(20)invented.

Unconsciously, we all keep a comfortable distance around us when we interact with other people. This space between us and another person(1)invisible walls.

The(2)of space changes(3)on the nature of the relationship. For(4), we are usually more comfortable standing closer to family members(5)to strangers. Personality(6)determines the size of the area(7)we are comfortable when talking to people. Introverts (性格内向的人) often prefer(8)with others(9)a greater distance than do extroverts. Cultural styles are important too. A Japanese employer and employee usually stand(10)apart while talking than their American counterparts. Latin Americans and Arabs(11)to stand closer than Americans do when talking.

For Americans, the usual distance in social conversation(12)from about an arm's(13)to four feet. Less space in the American culture may be(14)with either greater intimacy(15)aggressive behavior. The common practice of saying, "Excuse me," for the slightest(16)touching of another person(17)how uncomfortable Americans are if people get too(18). In cultures(19)close physical contact is(20)and even desirable, Americans may be perceived (感觉认为) as cold and distant.


My brother, Henry, has an excellent job at a bank. I couldn't(1)him(2)he told me that he had decided to give it(3). Though I tried to make him(4)his mind, I failed(5). "You should reconsider your decision," I said. "You have already spent five years(6)the bank and you could have a wonderful(7). You might become a bank manager(8)the time you're thirty-five." "I know," Henry answered. "I've got no complaints(9)the bank. It's a(n)(10)job in pleasant surrounding and we keep civilized hours. The bank manager told me that my(11)were excellent." "Then why do you want to leave?" I(12). "It's(13)money," Henry said. "But you're getting a good(14)." I answered. "I don't(15)that," Henry said. "What do I do at the bank? Well, at the moment(16)I do is to count money. I find it very(17)." "What's depressing about counting money?" I asked, unable to(18)the logic of Henry's argument. "You don't understand," Henry answered. "I enjoy(19)my own money,(20)I hate counting other people's!"

I was exposed to new people, new ideas and a completely new way of life -- a way of life that exposed me to drugs. Most of the people that I met in the acting school had already been doing drugs for years, I felt that by using drugs, I would become a part of their world and it would deepen my friendships with them to new levels. I tried pot, even a little cocaine, but it was Ecstasy that changed my life forever.

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After hiding from the police for several weeks, the criminal finally ______ himself ______.
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