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Mr. Robert Morris Managing Editor, Computer Trend 356 Harbor Road, Philadelphia Dear Mr

. Morris, Your new marketing assistant, Melissa Stewart, mentioned that you might be looking for interns this winter. I am prepared to bring an unusual level of energy, dedication, and hard work to such internship. I have worked as an event planners assistant during school breaks for the past four years, successfully juggling customer service, events and administrative functions. This work background is an excellent complement to my solid liberal arts education. As a fast learner with Internet and computer skills, I have a keen desire to serve your clients, this is in line with my general interest in the computer industry. Can we pursue this possibility further? I will call within two weeks to verify that you received my resume, answer any preliminary questions you may have, and arrange an appointment to talk about the internship. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss how I can serve Computer Trend Magazine this winter. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Eric Stadler

What company is Mr. Stadler applying for?

A.A computer manufacturer.

B.A computer outlet.

C.A magazine company.

D.An event planning company.

提问人:网友wf8900422 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Mr. Robert Morris Managing Edi…”相关的问题
WORLD CONSTRUCTIONBill statementCustomer name and number: Tom Morris / 36544Date: March 10


Bill statement

Customer name and number: Tom Morris / 36544

Date: March 10


Materials $450.00

Labor $150.00

Tax $60.00

Total $660.00

You have to pay this expense within fifteen days of the billing date. You can pay by personal checks and credit cards, if prefered. If paying by check, make it out to WORLD CONSTRUCTION.


PO Box 32000 Amherst, MA 01002-5000 (413) 543-2045

Subject: Payment for construction work

To: Tom Morris (tml23@yahoo.com)

From: Allan Cooper, accounting manager (acoop@yahoo.com)

Dear Mr. Morris,

I'm writing to inform. you that our construction company, WORLD CONSTRUCTION, hasn't yet received payment for the work done on your drive way in the first week of January. You were supposed to pay this by the end of February. Our firm policy is to begin legal proceedings two months after the work has been done if your payment is not made. We haven't received payment for two months.

If you don't send payment to our account by the end of this month March 31, You will be persecuted.

Allan Cooper

Accounting Manager

What is the purpose of this e-mail?

A.To attract customers.

B.To inform. a customer of an overdue statement.

C.To inform. a customer about a big sale.

D.To apologize to a customer for a mistake.

What made the Robert Morris Inn the center of Oxford, Maryland?A.It was built as early as

What made the Robert Morris Inn the center of Oxford, Maryland?

A.It was built as early as 'i710.

B.Its unusual size, location and color.

C.Robert Morris once lived in the house.

D.It was rebuilt recently.

Which of the following suggests that the junior Robert Morris would become successful?A.As

Which of the following suggests that the junior Robert Morris would become successful?

A.As early as twenty years old, he became a full partner in a large mercantile house.

B.He was inclined to the grand gesture.

C.Once he was the owner of almost all the western half of the state of New York.

D.He asked Major L'Enfant to build the Morris Mansion for him.



B、蠕虫制造发布者、康奈尔大学学生Robert Tappan Morris Jr.也成为第一个受到美国《计算机诈骗和滥用法案》重罪定罪的人



听力原文:W: Is this your first appointment with Mr. Morris?M: Oh, yes. I'd like to have a

听力原文:W: Is this your first appointment with Mr. Morris?

M: Oh, yes. I'd like to have a dental examination. A lot of my teeth ache these days.

Q: Who is Mr. Morris?


A.A physician

B.A surgeon

C.A dentist

What does WORLD CONSTRUCTION want Mr. Morris to do by the end of March?A.Send payment.B.Bu

What does WORLD CONSTRUCTION want Mr. Morris to do by the end of March?

A.Send payment.

B.Buy a new product.

C.Sell his old house.

D.Contact the local lawyer.

Why did the speaker expect Mrs. Morris to come to live with her daughter()

A.Because Mr. Morris was dead

B.Because Mrs. Morris suffered from illness

C.Because Mrs. Morris lived all by herself

D.Because of all the reasons mentioned in A, B and C

Mr. Morris has shown a great deal of ______in supporting the implementation of job counsel
ing programs.





How does Mr. Stadler know about the internship positions?A.He read an advertisement in the

How does Mr. Stadler know about the internship positions?

A.He read an advertisement in the newspaper.

B.He saw the information on the company Web site.

C.He heard from Mr. Morris" coworker.

D.He attended a job fair.

A rambling frame. building dating back to 1710, the Robert Morris Inn stands three stories
high at the foot of Morris street on the riverfront at the public ferry dock. Its size, location and bright yellow color make it the center of Oxford, Maryland, which has retained its small town atmosphere and low population, thanks to its isolated location.

Robert Morris himself, who lived in the house shortly after he came to Maryland in 1738 at the age of twenty-seven was termed "a jovial soul, a bon vivant who made friends easily." In 1747, after he had established himself as an important businessman in the community, he brought over his thirteen-year-old son, who he had left behind in Liverpool with relatives. The junior Robert Morris came to be one of the most important men in the American Colonies.

After living with his father for a few years, the youth was sent to Philadelphia for further study. He made good at once, and by the time he was twenty he was a full partner in the largest mercantile house there. In time he branched out into banking, and the job of financing the American Revolution ultimately fell to him. Without his efforts, George Washington's army would have dwindled away in the early days before the young colonies had established a financial system of their own. His activities ranged from the bureaucratic role of Superintendent of Finance to the Congress, to the non-bureaucratic role of paying soldiers in the field out of his picket.

Before the Revolution, Morris was already the richest man in colonial America. He loved the challenge of money and sought to continue his successes after the war was over. He was far from a financial conservative, being inclined, rather, to the grand gesture. As a speculator he bought up millions of acres from land in the unsettled parts of the new nation and, at one time, held title to almost all the western half of the State of New York.

When Congress decided to locate the new capital city on the banks of the Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia, he was on the scene early and brought 7,234 lots within the 100 square mile area. Of the two hundred in Washington in 1,800, he constructed fifty. His ideas for his own housing were grandiose in scale. Deciding upon a very unfrontier—like structure of marble, he hired Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant, the designer of the new City of Washington, to build the Morris Mansion for him. Before it was completed. Morris lost his fortune through overextension, was arrested for debt and imprisoned. The three years he spent in the Philadelphia jail has a certain style. about them nevertheless. His visitors included George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and the Governor of Pennsylvania. He was released in 1801 under terms of the new Federal bankruptcy laws. Thus the man who kept the whole country going financially was forced to say: "I now find myself without one cent that I can call my own." He lived on the charity of his wife's friends and died in 1806 at the age of seventy-two.

When was the senior Robert Morris born?





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