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What does the word synthesis (Para 3, line 5) mean?A.summaryB.combinationC.analysisD.alter

What does the word synthesis (Para 3, line 5) mean?





提问人:网友zenggeqiang 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“What does the word synthesis (…”相关的问题
What does the word “regression” (Para. 1, Line 7) most probably mean in this passage?

A、Forgetting things that happened in the past.

B、Returning to the previous culture shock stage.

C、Leaving the new country for one’s home country.

D、Remembering the good times in one’s home country.

3. What does the word “commercials” mean in this conversation?





3. What does the word “hassle” (Line 3 Para.6) mean?





( ) What does the word ‘tedious’ mean?

A、short and interesting

B、long and uninteresting

C、cold and empty

D、rude and indifferent

What does not the prose poetry rely on?





22. What was the result of the first study?

A、The Westerners seemed to be more active than people thought.

B、The Westerners burned more calories than the Hadza.

C、The Hadza and the Westerners were similar in calories burned.

D、The Hadza and the Westerners were very different from each other.

24. What do the two studies show?

A、The great importance of exercising.

B、Exercises make people eat too much.

C、Dieting may be not so helpful for weight loss.

D、Exercises do not necessarily lead to weight loss.

25. What’s the best way to lose weight according to the author?

A、Learn to decrease stress and anxiety.

B、Exercise as much as possible.

C、Keep a healthy diet while exercising.

D、Be on a diet and give up exercising.


Section A Skimming and Scanning Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Non-Verbal Communication Really Matters in Our Daily Work A) There are many well-recognized forms of communicating without words, and even when the main intentional messages are through spoken or written language they are always transmitted or received in non-verbal contexts which may help or hinder the recipient (接受者) in receiving exactly the message the sender intended. Whether or not the two participants communicate effectively depends just as much on their sharing an understanding of the non-verbal signs as on their having a common vocabulary of words. B) The kinds of non-verbal signs we easily recognize are facial expressions, gestures, body postures, and variations in pitch and tone of voice. Actors are skilled in the strict control of these. They are supported by costumes, stage set, furniture, lighting and so on, but the audience must already have learnt to interpret the whole, as any who have attended a Japanese opera will agree. Doctors, like actors, deliberately use many non-verbal signs such as dress. With the transition from preclinical to clinical stage, medical students tend to adopt smooth, dark suits along with the stethoscope (听诊器). A doctor is usually sensitive to the different meanings of receiving patients sitting or standing, of getting up to shake hands or to show them to the door, and of his touch being rude or gentle, and realizes that an anxious mother will more readily hear doom in his pronouncements than will a self-confident one. C) But the doctor-parent relationship is also influenced by rather less well recognized non-verbal cues - the spatial (空间) distance between them, for instance, real or symbolic, and the way in which furniture affects this. Some of these non-verbal factors, which we might learn to control better, are well illustrated by a story that the wife of a colleague told me in a recent visit to hospital. She herself had been trained as a nurse and was by no means unsophisticated in medical ways. She was nevertheless frightened and discouraged more than was necessary, and almost certainly more than the doctor intended, by the non-verbal factors that permeated (渗透,弥漫) the whole climate of the clinical interview. The furniture was arranged so that she sat immediately opposite him at the table. It is well known that conversation takes place more easily when people sit across the corner of a table than opposite each other. Ultimately a round table was agreed upon. D) The importance of furniture in establishing dominance, or making clear what differences of status exist between people who come together to converse, is well illustrated by a court of law. Here the judge sits in a special chair, well above the rest of the people, and has his own door in and out of the court, so that he does not need to mix with the other members, thus stressing his aloofness (置身事外) and authority. This matter of exits and entrances may seem very slight, but sometimes it acquires great importance. E) Returning to my colleague's wife, another non-verbal indication of the patient's lower status was the presence of a row of medical students sitting beside the consultant; this emphasized that she was there not only for herself but as an object on which to teach. She would be questioned and interrupted but would not do so herself. F) What upset her most, however, was that the doctor, sitting at his table and bending over her notes, questioned her without ever raising his head to look into her face. Now perception (感知) of the human face, and especially mutual eye-to-eye contact, is of enormous importance in communication. It begins very early with feeding; a mother tends automatically to look at the baby, and the baby automatically to look at her face, as he takes the nipple into his mouth. Normal babies prefer to look at a picture of a human face rather than any other target. In contrast, autistic (患自闭症的) children, given the choice, prefer to look at animal faces, and enjoy playing with environmental stimuli such as door knobs or electrical switches more than normal children; in social situations their gestures are normal, except that they tend to lower their heads, avoiding their gaze, so that they do not engage in eye-to-eye contact - just as the doctor did in the interview described above. G) The feeling that face-to-face contact is necessary in understanding the person one is talking to is well accepted, but rather less so is the fact that one feels that one is better understood if the other person is or seems to be looking at one. H) My informant's account shows many ways in which the doctor's non-verbal communications isolated him from the patient. Distance between doctor and patient, real or symbolic, spatial or psychological, may be helpful in some cases; but modern doctoring more and more requires cooperation. The witch-doctor is maybe the more powerful for being kept apart, spatially, by dress, habits and reputation; he commands the magic which he uses on behalf of the patient. But in modem medicine the patient has to do a great deal of the curing himself, especially in the area of preventive medicine. Many more subtle clues which convey to the patient that his way to health is through domination rather than self-reliance linger on in the ordinary clinical interview. In many cases, because the doctor is not aware of their power, the symbols are working against him, and not for him. It is very important that the spatial arrangements between doctor and patient, the furniture, equipment and building should all express cooperation and participation rather than domination. 1. The signs of non-verbal communication include facial expressions, gestures, postures, changes in pitch and tone of voice.

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