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I am exceedingly delighted to recall the past two month.翻译。

I am exceedingly delighted to recall the past two month.翻译。

提问人:网友聂坤 发布时间:2023-02-24
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更多“I am exceedingly delighted to …”相关的问题
Exchange a glance with someone, and then look away. Do you realize that you have made a st
atement? Hold the glance for a second longer, and you have made a different statement. Hold it for three seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every social situation, there is permissible time that you can hold a person's gaze without being intimate, rude, or aggressive. If you are on an elevator, what gaze-time are you permitted? To answer this question, consider what you typically do. You are very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up(打量) and to assure them that you mean no threat. Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction, you need to emit a signal telling others you want to be left alone. So you cut off eye contact, which sociologist Erving Goffman(1963 ) calls "a dimming of the lights". You look down at the floor, at the indicator lights, anywhere but into another passenger's eyes. Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on an elevator, you will make the other person exceedingly uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.

If you hold eye contact for more than three seconds, what are you telling another person? Much depends on the person and the situation. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner. They typically gaze at each other for about three seconds at a time, and then drop their eyes down for three seconds, before letting their eyes meet again. But if one man gives another man a three-second-plus stare, he signals— "I know you. " "I am interested in you. " or "You look peculiar and I am curious about you. " This type of stare often produces hostile feelings.

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that______.

A.every glance has its significance

B.staring at a person is an expression of interest

C.a gaze longer than three seconds is unacceptable

D.a glance conveys more meaning than words

根据以下内容回答题:Exchange a glance with someone,then look away.Do you realize that you h
ave made a statement?Hold the glance for the second longer,and you have made a different statement.Hold it for three seconds,and the meaning has changed again.For every social situation,there is a Dennissible time that you can hold a person’s gaze without being intimate,rude or aggre- ssive.If you are on an elevator,what gaze.time are you permitted?To answer this question,consider what you typically d0.You are likely to give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you mean flo threat. Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction,you need to give a signal telling others you want to be left alone.So you cut off eye contact,what sociologist Erv-ing Goffrnan calls“a dimming of the lights”you look down at the floor,at the indicator lights,anywhere but into another passenger"s eyes.Should you break the rule against staring at a stran-ger on an elevator,you will make the other person exceedingly uncomfortable,and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself. If you hold eye contact for more than three seconds,what are you telling another person?Much depends on the person and situation,For instance,a man and woman communicate interest in this matter.They typieally gaze at each other for about three seconds at a time,then drop their eyes down for three seconds,before letting their eyes meet again.But-if one man gives another man a 3-second—plus stare,he signals“I know you,I am interested in you,”or“you look peculiar and I am CUriOUS about you.”This type of state ohen produces hostile feel—ings.

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that__________ .

A.every glance has its significance

B.staring at a person is an expression of interest

C.a gaze longer than three seconds is unacceptable

D.a glance conveys more meaning than words

根据材料请回答 46~50 题 Exchange a glance with someone, and then look away.46 Hold the

根据材料请回答 46~50 题

Exchange a glance with someone, and then look away. 46 Hold the glance for a sec-ond longer, and you have made a different statement.Hold for 3 seconds, and the mean-ing has changed again. For every social situation, there is a permissible time that you can hold a person's gaze without being intimate, rude, or aggressive.If you are on an eleva-tor, what gaze-time are you permitted? 47 You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you mean no threat.Since being close to an-other person signals the possibility of interaction, you need to emit a signal telling others you want to be left alone.So you cut off eye contact, what sociologist Erving Goffman(1963) calls "a dimming of the lights". 48 Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on an elevator, you will make the other person exceedingly uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.

If you hold eye contact for more than 3 seconds, what are you telling another person? 49 For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner.They typical-ly gaze at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, then drop their eyes down for 3 sec-onds, before letting their eyes meet again.But if one man gives another man a 3-second-plus stare, he signals "I know you." "I am interested in you." Or " 50 " This type of stare often produces hostile feelings.

A.To answer this question, consider what you typically do.

B.If one is looked at by a stranger for too long, he tends to feel curious.

C. You look down at the floor, at the indicator lights, anywhere but into another pas-senger's eyes.

D.Do you realize that you have made a statement?

E.Much depends on the person and the situation.

F.You look peculiar and I am curious about you.

第 46 题 请选择(46)处的最佳答案

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Exchange a glance with someone, then look away. So you realize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for a second longer, and you have made a different statement. Hold it for 3 seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every social situation, there is a permissible time that you can hold a person' s gaze without being intimate, rude, or aggressive. If you are on an elevator, what gaze-time are you permitted? To answer this question, consider what you typically do. You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up(打量)and to assure them that you mean no threat. Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction, you need to emit a signal telling others you want to be left alone. So you cut off eye contact, what sociologist Erving Goffman(1963 )calls "a dimming of the lights". You look down at the floor, at the indicator lights, anywhere but into another passenger' s eye. Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on an elevator, you will make the other person exceedingly uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.

If you hold eye contact for more than 3 seconds ,what are you telling another person? Much depends on the person and the situation. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner, They typically gaze at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds, before letting their eyes meet again. But if one man gives another man 3-second-plus stare, he signals,"I know yon" ,"I am interested in you, "or " You look peculiar and I am curious about you." This type of stare often produces hostile feelings.

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______.

A.every glance has its significance

B.staring at a person is an expression of interest

C.a gaze longer than 3 seconds is unacceptable

D.a glance conveys more meaning than words

I regret to say that your thesis requires more thinking than ______ for the problem is exc
eedingly complex.

A.to be put in

B.has been put in

C.being put in

D.have been put in

“I had a hard time__________ notes on the lecture.”“I did too.The professor speaks exceedi
ngly fast.”

A.to take

B.have taken

C.being taken


Miro, A Just ManMiro was goodness, a just man in all things. He did not speak much but was

Miro, A Just Man

Miro was goodness, a just man in all things. He did not speak much but was very courteous. I never saw him with a camera or a ballpoint pen, but he would sometimes spend an hour contemplating the landscape. He and I were alone. I prudently kept my distance. He liked places that were difficult to get to, with a good view.

Francesco Sole, Miro's chauffeur during 25 years. Interview at ABC, in Spain, 1983.

Bernini on Women

Asked in the presence of many French ladies who were the more beautiful, the French or the Italians, he replied that all were very beautiful, but with this difference: that there was blood under the skin with the Italians, while with Frenchwomen there was milk.

F. Baldinucci, Vita del Cavaliere Glo. Lorenzo Bernino, 1681, from the 1846 edition of the Notizie.

Frida Kahlo

Why did Frida paint herself? Her preferred exercise seems to have been shaping and perpetuating the image the mirror returned, enriched by her own art and imagination. On the other hand Frida herself answered this question by saying, "I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone. Because I am the person I know best."

Espacio , Art Magazine 1983.


In the life of Degas, his famous painting, Danseuses a la barre sold for five hundred thousand francs. When Degas discovered this, he commented: "The painter who painted this is not necessarily an imbecile; but the person who paid five hundred thousand francs for this painting, is most definitely an idiot."

Anthology of Anecdotes, Noel Claraso, 1982.

Picasso on Drawing

Picasso said to me once with a good deal of bitterness, they say I can draw better than Raphael, and probably they are right, perhaps I do draw better but if I can draw as well as Raphael I have at least the right to choose my way and they should recognize it, but no, they say no.

G. Stein, Picasso, 1938.

Who was most likely an idiot, according to one of the following descriptions?

A.Miro, because he spoke little but was very courteous.

B.Bernini, because he divided women by skin and silk.

C.The person who bought the Degas' famous painting.

D.Those people do not recognize the talent of Picasso.

Cuales de las siguientes descripciones sobre el siglo XV son correctas?

A.Es una etapa durante la transición de la Edad Media al Siglo de Oro

B.A?finales del siglo XV Cristóbal Colón descubrió América

C.Es el principio de la Edad Media

D.La Primera Revolución Industrial ya había empezado

¿Cuál de las siguientes descripciones sobre el siglo XV es correcta?

A、Es una etapa durante la transición de la Edad Media al Siglo de Oro

B、A finales del siglo XV Cristóbal Colón descubrió América.

C、Es el principio de la Edad Media.

D、La Segunda Revolución Insdurial ya había empezado.

Cuales de las siguientes descripciones sobre el siglo XV son correctas?
A.Es una etapa durante la transición de la Edad Media al Siglo de Oro

B.A?finales del siglo XV Cristóbal Colón descubrió América

C.Es el principio de la Edad Media

D.La Primera Revolución Industrial ya había empezado

—I don’t know how to del with it. --Well. I recommend tht you ______ some professionldvice
.wo—I don’t know how to del with it. --Well. I recommend tht you ______ some professionldvice.would get B.will get C.get D.cn get

A.would get

B.will get


D.can get

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