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Asking and answering questions are indispensable parts for a company's presentation.

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更多“Asking and answering questions…”相关的问题
What is Tom doing now?A.He is calling Mary.B.He's asking Mary for help.C.He is answering t

What is Tom doing now?

A.He is calling Mary.

B.He's asking Mary for help.

C.He is answering the phone from Mary.

If we want to have a longer talk about interst,the wiser way is that we do more in _


B、asking questions



The other dispatcher is_____ while one dispatcher is asking very specific questions.

A、seeing the map

B、having a rest

C、already sending out a help

D、answering the phone call

Which should be the first step of check-out service:A.Printing the bill for the guest.B.

A.Printing the bill for the guest.

B.Asking if the guest has recently signed any new bills.

C.Presenting the bill and total to the guest.

D.Answering any questions concerning the bill that the guest may hav

听力原文:W:Professor Li,I am so sorry to disturb you by asking you so many questions after
class.You must feel very tired of that.

M:Tired? There is nothing more interesting than helping my students solve the problems in the study.

Q:What is man's attitude towards answering these questions after class?


A.It is very boring.

B.It is very interesting.

C.It is a waste of time.

D.It is his responsibility.

When preparing for the interview, how many questions should you plan to ask the person interviewing you?

A、None. The focus of the interview is on you answering questions, not asking them.

B、At least a few. Show you are interested and knowledgeable about the position and organization.

C、Bring a list of 20 questions and don’t leave until you get them all answered.

D、None of the above.

听力原文:W: Professor Li, I'm so sorry to disturb you by asking you so many questions afte
r class. You must feel very tired of that.

M: Tired? There is nothing more interesting than helping my students solve the problems in the study.

Q: What does the man think of answering the woman's questions after class?


A.It is very boring.

B.It is very interesting.

C.It is a waste of time.

D.It is his responsibility.

You asked me to tell you about culture shock for an Iranian in Britain.There is cultur
e shock in a sense.One of the things was that when you talk to people in Iran, you can comfortably ask how much people earn and which religion they are.I found this very difficult with English people.They don' t tell you, they look away or they somehow get around the question.I didn' t understand why.I mean, I still don' t understand why people are uncomfortable answering that sort of question.In Iran, it's no problem, there' s no problem in asking anybody It’ s not rude at all.

I had that confirmed to me when in one of my English classes my teacher told me not to talk to English people about three things politics, religion and money.(判断正误)

26.People in Iran are not happy to talk about their salary or their religion.()

27.People in England try to avoid personal questions.()

28.In Iran, it's rude to ask questions about salary and religion()

29.The writer was advised to avoid talking to English people about politics, religion and money.()

30.The main idea of the passage is culture shock.()

Probably the most frequently asked question in any job interview is “Tell me about yours

The interviewer’s purpose in asking this question is to get information related to work and job openings. Some people make the mistake of taking this request literally and answering by giving their life history. In fact, the best points to focus on when answering this question are past work experience, education, and social activities. Of these three, work experience carries a lot more weight.

Another very common question that comes up in interviews is “Why do you want to work for this company?” If you don’t have an answer ready for this question, you are letting the interviewer know that you haven’t done much research about the company or the job you are interviewing for. Candidates who can give detailed answers about the perceived benefits of working for a particular company make a much better impression on interviewers.

Two other questions that many people find difficult in interviews are “What are your strengths?” and “What is your biggest weakness?”

People have a hard time answering the first question because it feels like boasting in some ways. But an interview has no time to be shy or modest! The second question poses a problem because the answer needs to be a weakness that sounds like a strength. A good tip to keep in mind is to mention how you are trying to improve.

Along with considering these common interview questions, it is also helpful to remember the questions that should not be asked during an interview. For instance, questions related to family, health, or religion are generally off limits in an interview. If you don’t feel comfortable giving such personal information, then simply don’t.

A final suggestion for preparing for an interview is to go into the interview with your own questions to ask. By asking the interviewer question about the company, you are showing interest and enthusiasm for the job.

1)What is the passage mainly about? ()

A . Actions to avoid during an interview.

B . Body language that interviewers watch for.

C . Interesting interview experiences.

D . Typical interview questions and responses.

2)When asked to tell about yourself, what should be your main focus? ()

A . Your family.

B . Your past jobs.

C . Your hobbies.

D . Kinds of work you enjoy.

3)What response in the following will most impress the interviewer? ()

A . I’ll learn more team spirit from the company.

B . The company’s philosophy is interesting.

C . I would like to find out my benefits as well.

D . I don’t know how to answer this question.

4)If you’re required to talk about your weaknesses, how would you respond? ()

A . Try not to say too much weakness.

B . Try to talk about your strengths instead.

C . Talk about your weakness but sounds like a strength.

D . Be humble and directly tell the interviewer.

5)Why should you prepare your own questions before theinterview?()

A . Let the interview know your strong points

B . Help the interviewer feel relaxed

C . Make the interview last longer

D . Seem enthusiastic about the company

A proven method for effective textbook reading is the SQ3R method developed by Francis Rob
inson. The first step is to survey (the S step) the chapter by reading the title, introduction, section headings, summary and by studying any graphs, tables, illustrations or charts. The purpose of this step is to get an overview of the chapter so that you will know before you read what it will be about. In the second step (the Q step), for each section you ask yourself questions such as "What do I already know about this topic?" and "What do I want to know?" In this step you also take the section heading and turn it into a question. This step gives you a purpose for reading the section. The third step (the first of the 3 R's) is to read to find the answer to your questions. Then at the end of each section, before going on to the next section, you recite (the second of the 3 R's) the answers to the questions that you formed in the question step. When you recite you should say the information you want to learn out loud in your own words. The fifth step is done after you have completed steps 2, 3 and 4 for each section. You review (the last of the 3 R's) the entire chapter. The review is done much as the survey was in the first step. As you review, hold a mental conversation with yourself as you recite the information you selected as important to learn. The mental conversation could take the form. of asking and answering the questions fromed from the headings or reading the summary, which lists the main ideas in the chapter, and trying to fill in the details for each main idea.

The passage implies that the SQ3R method______.

A.needs to be proven

B.leaves much to he desired

C.turns out to be practicable

D.cannot be used by every reader

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