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His illness accounts () his absence from class.





提问人:网友黄静 发布时间:2022-08-03
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更多“His illness accounts () his ab…”相关的问题
His illness accounts ______ his absence from clas。A. toB. forC. overD. after

A. to

B. for

C. over

D. after

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D . Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

In our lifetime, we should suffer from a lot of hardship, setback and misery. Perhaps no body could free from these unhappy things. Accidents and illnesses are unhappy things to talk about, but no one can expect to live a lifetime without having some kind of accident or becoming ill. Some accidents and illnesses are serious and may result in long periods of invalidism.

The newspapers contain spectacular accounts of accidents in the street and highways and public places, but nearly as many accidents occur around the home. Somebody trips on a rug. Somebody falls off a stepladder. Somebody is careless in cooking dinner, and is burned. Accidents incurred in the playing of sports and swimming also accounts for a large number of injuries, big and little. Despite constant campaigns to reduce the number of accidents, there are still approximately 100,000 accidental deaths and nearly 9,000,000 non-fatal injuries in the United States each year.

In has been estimated that around 3,000,000 people are constantly ill in the United States throughout the year and that over half the illness is caused by respiratory diseases, chiefly colds and influenza.

The pain and suffering caused by accidents and illness tell only half the story. Loss of time from school and work and medical and hospital expenses often make the pain seem worse. Money spent in this country for doctors, services, hospitalization, nursing care, drugs, medicines, X-rays, and special treatments, amounts to a huge annual sum. Added to this expense is another much larger amount that is lost to wage earners throughout the nation by reason of their loss of wages or income while sick or otherwise disabled.

Accident and health insurance is a form. of insurance devised to protect against these economic losses. It protects the earnings of wage earners and finishes financial aid to the family of the breadwinner by the payment of his doctor and hospital bills. Today, business and professional men, farmers, industrial workers, clerks, and those engaged in various occupations, whose earning power is shut off for a week, a month, or sometimes years, because of accidents or illness can insure themselves against this financial loss by accident and health insurance.

Protection is available to all types of workers and the cost (called the premium) ranges from a few cents a day for small or limited policies to a month for policies paying larger amounts (called indemnities). Policy is another name for an insurance contract. Most accidents and health policies are cancelable policies--that is, they are sold for a definite term such as a week, a month, or a year, similar to contracts of fire insurance and automobile liability insurance. There are, however, policies which cannot be canceled or terminated by the insurance company until the policyholder reaches an age at which he usually has no further earning power--most often at sixty or sixty-five years. These non-cancelable policies cost more than the cancelable policies.

What is the passage mainly concerned about?

A.Everyone will have some sort of illness or accident.

B.Accident and health insurance is available to everyone.

C.Insurance is a good protection against accidents and illness.

D.Cancelable insurance policies are better than non-cancelable one.

Visitors to St. Paul's Cathedral are sometimes astonished as they walk round the space und
er the arch to come upon a statue which would appear to be that of a retired armed man meditating upon a wasted life. They are still more astonished when they see under it an inscription indicating that it represents the English writer, Samuel Johnson. The statue is by Bacon, but it is not one of his best works. The figure is, as often in eighteenth-century sculpture, clothed only in a loose robe which leaves arms, legs and one shoulder bare. But the strangeness for us is not one of costume only. If we know anything of Johnson, we know that he was constantly ill all through his life; and whether we know anything of him or not we are apt to think of a literary man as a delicate, weakly, nervous sort of person. Nothing can be further from that than the muscular statue. And in this matter the statue is perfectly right. And the fact which it reports is far from being unimportant. The body and the mind are closely interwoven in all of us, and certainly in Johnson's case the influence of the body was extremely obvious. His melancholy, his constantly repeated conviction of the general unhappiness of human life, was certainly the result of his constitutional infirmities. On the other hand, his courage, and his entire indifference to pain, were partly due to his great bodily strength. Perhaps the vein of rudeness, almost of fierceness, which sometimes showed itself in his conversation, was the natural temper of an invalid and suffering giant. That at any rate is what he was. He was the victim from childhood of a disease which resembled St Vitus's Dance. He never knew the natural joy of a free and vigorous use of his limbs; when he walked it was like the struggling walk of one in irons. All accounts agree that his strange gestures and contortions were painful for his friends to witness and attracted crowds of starers in the streets. But Reynolds says that he could sit still for his portrait to be taken, and that when his mind was engaged by a conversation the convulsions ceased. In any case, it is certain that neither this perpetual misery, nor his constant fear of losing his reason, nor his many grave attacks of illness, ever induced him to surrender the privileges that belonged to his physical strength. He justly thought no character so disagreeable as that of a chronic invalid, and was determined not m be one himself. He had known what it was to live on four pence a day and scorned the life of sofa cushions and tea into which well-attended old gentlemen so easily slip.

Visitors to St Paul's Cathedral are surprised when they look at Johnson's statue because ______.

A.they don't expect it to be there

B.it's dressed in Roman costume

C.it's situated in the dome

D.it's dressed in eighteenth-century costume

Samuel Johnson塞缪尔•约翰逊Visitors to St. Paul's Cathedral are sometimes astonished

Samuel Johnson


Visitors to St. Paul's Cathedral are sometimes astonished as they walk round the space under the dome to come upon a statue which would appear to be that of a retired gladiator meditating upon a wasted life. They are still more astonished when they see under it an inscription indicating that it represents the English writer, Samuel Johnson. The statue by Bacon, but it is not one of his best works. The figure ism as often in eighteenth-century sculpture, clothed only in a loose robe which leaves arms, legs and one shoulder bare. But the strangeness for us is not one of costume only. If we know anything of Johnson, we know that he was constantly ill all through his life; and whether we know anything of him or not we are apt to think of a literary man as a delicate, weakly, nervous sort of person. Nothing can be further from that than the muscular statue. And in this matter the statue is perfectly right. And the fact which is reports is far from being unimportant.The body and the mind are inextricably interwoven in all of us, and certainly in Johnson's case the influence of the body was obvious and conspicuous. His melancholy, his constantly repeated conviction of the general unhappiness of human life, was certainly the result of his constitutional infinities. On the other hand, his courage, and his entire indifference to pain,were partly due to his great bodily strength. Perhaps the vein of rudeness, almost of fierceness,which sometimes showed itself in his conversation, was the natural temper of an invalid and suffering giant. That at any rate is what he was. He was the victim from childhood of a disease which resembled St. Vitus's Dance. He never knew the natural joy of a free and vigorous use of his limbs; when he walked it was like the struggling walk of one in irons. All accounts agree that his strange gesticulations and contortions were painful for his friends to witness and attracted crowds of starers in the streets. But Reynolds says that he could sit still for his portrait to be taken, and that when his mind was engaged by a conversation the convulsions ceaseD.In any case, it is certain that neither this perpetual misery, not his constant fear of losing his reason, nor his many grave attacks of illness, ever induced him to surrender the privileges that belonged to his physical strength. He justly thought no character so disagreeable as that of a chronic invalid, and was determined not to be one himself. He had known what it was to live on fourpence a day and scorned the life of sofa cushions and tea into which well-attended old gentlemen so easily slip.

We understand from the passage that most eighteenth-century sculpture was______.

A.done by a man called Bacon

B.not very well made

C.loosely draped

D.left bare

The news of his father's illness greatly ______ him.A.annoyedB.botheredC.irritatedD.distur

The news of his father's illness greatly ______ him.





His illness made him ______ of concentration.A.incompetentB.unableC.incapableD.powerless

His illness made him ______ of concentration.





His illness first ________ itself as severe stomach pains and headaches.A.manifeste

His illness first ________ itself as severe stomach pains and headaches.





His illness was ______ to overwork.A.responsibleB.reasonC.dueD.because

His illness was ______ to overwork.





His illness accounted for his not being here yesterday.()
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