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Whenever we could, Joan and I took refuge in the streets of Gibraltar. The Englishman's ho

me is his castle because he has not much choice. There is nowhere to sit in the streets of England, not even, after twilight, in the public gardens. The climate, very often, does not even permit him to walk outside. Naturally, he stays indoors and creates a cocoon of comfort. That was the way we lived in Leeds.

These southern people, on the other hand, look outwards. The Gibraltarian home is, typically, a small and crowded apartment up several flights of dark and dirty stairs. In it, one, two or even three old people share a few ill-lit rooms with the young family. Once he has eaten, changed his clothes, embraced his wife, kissed his children and his parents, there is nothing to keep the southern man at home. He hurries out, taking even his breakfast coffee at his local bar. He comes home late for his afternoon meal after an appetitive hour at his cafe. He sleeps for an hour, dresses, goes out again and stays out until late at night. His wife does not miss him, for she is out, too—at the market in the morning and in the afternoon sitting with other mothers, baby-minding in the sun.

The usual Gibraltarian home has no sitting-room, living-room or lounge. The parlour of our working-class houses "would be an intolerable -waste of space. Easy-chairs, sofas and such-like furniture are unknown. There are no bookshelves, because there are no books. Talking and drinking, as well as eating, are done on hard chairs round the dining-table, between a sideboard decorated with the best glasses and an inevitable display cabinet full of family treasures, photographs and souvenirs. The elaborate chandelier over this table proclaims it as the hub of the household and of the family. 'Hearth and home' makes very little sense in Gibraltaf. One's home is one's town or village, and one's hearth is the sunshine.

Our northern towns are dormitories with cubicles, by comparison. When we congregate— in the churches it used to be, now in the cinema, say, impersonally, or at public meetings, formally—we are scarcely ever man to man. Only in our pubs can you find the truly gregarious and communal spirit surviving, and in England even the pubs are divided along class lines.

Along this Mediterranean coast, home is only a refuge and a retreat. The people live together in the open air—in the street, market-place. Down here, there is a far stronger feeling of community than we had ever known. In crowded and circumscribed Gibraltar, with its complicated inter-marriages, its identity of interests, its surviving sense of siege, one can see and feel an integrated society.

To live in a tiny town with all the organization of a state, with Viceroy (总督), Premier, Parliament, Press and Pentagon, all in miniature, all within arm's reach, is an intensive course in civics. In such an environment, nothing can be hidden, for better or for worse. One's successes are seen and recognized; one's failures are immediately exposed. Social consciousness is at its strongest, with the result that there is a constant and firm pressure towards good social behaviour, towards courtesy and kindness. Gibraltar, with all its faults, is the friendliest and most tolerant of places. Straight from the cynical anonymity of a big city, we luxuriated in its happy personalism. We look back on it, like all its exiled sons and daughters, with true affection.

Which of the following best explains the differences in ways of living between the English and the Gibraltarians?

A.The family structure.

B.Religious belief.

C.The climate.

D.Bating habit.

提问人:网友bixkjwfnh 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Whenever we could, Joan and I …”相关的问题
Whenever we planned our vacations, mother could always offer some _____ suggestions()





Part ADirections: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by cho

Part A

Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Scientists will be able to freeze dying people and revive them years later when a cure for their disease has been found opening the door to human immortality, predict excited experts.

And their conclusions are not just pie in the sky. They are based on an astonishing experiment in which a dog was frozen for 15 minutes, then revived in perfect health!

"The bottom line of experiments like this is the indefinite extension of human life ! "declared Dr. Paul Segall, who conducted the frozen dog experiment.

"If you're about to die -- you have an incurable disease such as AIDS, or even extreme old age -- we could freeze you and stop time for you until we can cure those diseases or reverse a condition like aging."

"What we're looking at is a gradual victory over death and aging and freezing someone and then bringing them back could be here within four years !"

"Not only will freezing allow iii persons to survive until a cure for their disease if found, but it will also open up new possibilities for organ transplants, which will in mm allow people to live much longer perhaps indefinitely."

"Right now, organs taken from a person who's recently died must be transplanted to another person within a very short time, but with the new technology, body organs could be frozen for use whenever they're needed."

Doctors could freeze a patient's body, then warm up just one diseased organ -- a lung or a liver, for example. The person could be injected with massive doses (剂量) of drugs that would be toxic (有毒的) to the body if it weren't frozen.

"Older individuals will choose to enter freezing before death, with instructions not to be revived until a means to stop and even reverse aging is discovered."

"Without a doubt, freezing has the potential to make man immortal. And we should see our first freezing centers established within the next 10 years and probably sooner!"

The word "immortality" in the first paragraph most probably means ______.

A.long life span



D.never-ending life

听力原文:M I was looking at the monthly invoices, and I noticed that whenever you bill Ver
itas, the company pays you a lower hourly rate than you bill them for. Why is this?

W Yes, when I submit my invoices, Veritas reports back with a different set of fees. I come back to them with a counter-offer and we work it out.

M So you have to negotiate for your fees? I've never heard of that.

W It's standard practice. It works out well for me because the company gives me a larger number of clients than I could get on my own. It's less per hour, but more money overall.

What does the man say he was doing?

A.Trying to contact the woman

B.Organizing the woman's papers

C.Examining the woman's invoices

D.Speaking with one of the woman's clients

When we do not understand each other's language, we can talk with the help of signs.A Fren

When we do not understand each other's language, we can talk with the help of signs.

A Frenchman was once travelling in England. He could not speak English at all. One day he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers in it and took them out again. He wanted to say. "Bring me something to eat. "

The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The man moved his head from side to side. The waiter understood him and took the tea away. In a moment he came with a cup of coffee. But the man again refused it. He shook his head whenever the waiter brought him something to drink, for drinks are not good.

When the man was going away, another man came in. This man saw the waiter, and he put his hand on his stomach(胃). That was enough. In a few minutes there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table in front of him.

So, you see, we cannot understand the language of signs as well as we can understand the language of words.

According to the passage, when people do not understand each other's language, they can talk with the help of ______ .

A.a waiter

B.a teacher

C.an Englishman

D.the gesture

听力原文:M: Shawn’s been trying for months to find a job. But I wonder how he could geta j

听力原文:M: Shawn’s been trying for months to find a job. But I wonder how he could get

a job when he looks like that. W: Oh, that poor guy! He really should shave himself every

other day at least and put on something clean. Q: What do we learn about Shawn?

A.He is ashamed of his present condition.

B.He is careless about his appearance.

C.He changes jobs frequently.

D.He shaves every other day.

听力原文:A: Hello!B: Good morning! Mr. David, I know you send your application to our comp

听力原文:A: Hello!

B: Good morning! Mr. David, I know you send your application to our company this weekend, today I am about to make a phone interview on behalf of the company.


A: How much do you know about our company?

B: I just read a lot about your company and also do a lot of researches about your company. I am really impressed with the culture of company.

A: Could you tell me more?

B: I knew this 3M dual ladder system could allow people to advance on the technical side of ladder, assuming additional responsibility for technologies instead of people and budgets. That means that people who are happiest working in the lab can remain there without losing pay raise or recognition.

A: How do you feel about all these?

B: As an inventor, developing a successful new product is about as close as you can come to achieving immortality.

A: What make you want to join our company?

B: Ingvar constantly bypassed formal structure to talk directly with front-line managers. And whenever he visited workplace, he tried to meet and shake hands with every employee, offering a few words of praise, encouragement or advice as he did so.

A: Thank you for your time! We will inform. you of the result as soon as possible.

B: Ok, My pleasure.

Look at form. below

You will hear a phone interview

System of company: (9)______ system.

The person who applys for the job is (10)______

Ingvar usually talks with (11)______

Ingvar often offers (12)______ whenever he visited the workplace.

听力原文:M: Today, I'm interviewing a young girl named Alex about her feelings on how peop
le can help save the environment. So, Alex, how can we save the environment?

W: By saving water.

M: Well, how can we do that?

W: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things, like watering the plants outside.

M: Oh, I think I can do that. What else?

W: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you find a trashcan to put it in because littering makes our planet dirty. Do you like seeing trash all over the ground?

M: No, I don't. Do you have any final suggestions?

W: Yes. We shouldn't waste paper because trees are being cot down to make the paper. By recycling paper, we save the forests where animals live.

M: So, how can people recycle paper, I mean, everyday?

W: Well, for example, when I was in the office, I used to save the newspapers so that I could collect things made out of them, like paper trees, instead of just throwing them away. Now, the children in our neighborhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a recycling center.

M: That's great. Well, thanks Alex for your ideas.


A.Separating different types of garbage.

B.Disposing of trash properly.

C.Having a family clean-up party.

D.Saving water whenever using it.

听力原文:F: Hey Kirk, we axe getting away for the weekend to go canoeing. Wanna come along

M: Well, uhm, it'd be great to get away, but I've never done that before.

F: None of the others have, either, except for me. I went once last fall, but there'll be an instructor the fast day.

M: I don't know.

F: Oh, come on. This is our last chance to take a break before the exam. The scenery is beautiful, and if it gets too hot we can dive in whenever we feel like it. The river's really calm this time of the year, with lots of fish.

M: Sounds good. What would I have to bring?

F: Let's see. Tom's bringing food for the Friday night cookout for everyone. And the people who run the trip have tents set up and they supply food and drinks for all day Saturday. On the way back Sunday morning we'll stop somewhere for breakfast. So, you have to bring a bathing suit and a sleeping bag.

M: I do love camping and sleeping out. Where is this place?

F: It's about an hour and a half to the place where we meet the trip leaders. We leave our car there and they drive us upriver to the place where we stay.

M: And who's driving us to the meeting place?

F: Well, I was hoping we could take Tom's car. Mine's in the shop again. But unfortunately he had a small accident yesterday. He's fine, but his car...

M: Oh, I see. You can take my car.

F: Great. I'll give you a call when I find out when everyone wants to leave on Friday.


A.To borrow his book.

B.To talk about the term paper.

C.To invite him to go canoeing.

D.To ask him out for dinner.

听力原文:J: How are tour new neighbors, Kelly?K: They seem nice enough, but they have a so

听力原文:J: How are tour new neighbors, Kelly?

K: They seem nice enough, but they have a son who is driving me crazy.

J: What do you mean?

K: He comes home every night around 10 with his car window rolled down and radio blaring. It stops as soon as he turns his car off, but by then. the kids are wide awake.

J: Oh, no.

K: Oh. yes. Sometimes it takes me till midnight just to get them to settle down again.

J: Have you tried talking to them?

K: We haven't even really met them yet, except to say a quick hello. I have to get off on the wrong foot.

J: You are not going to like them when you do meet them if you keep on simmering.

K: I know, but I feel stupid complaining. It's not as though he's blasting stereo all night.

J: You said yourself it's driving you crazy.

K: Well, you know how early I have to be here at the office. I just have not got enough sleep and neither have the kids. They are so irritable when I get home in the afternoon.

J: Maybe you could go over sometime with a little gift, a plant for the yard or something. Then you could ask about their son, whether they have other children, and they will be sure to ask about yours.

K: Yes, and then what?

J: And then you could mention that the hardest thing at this stage is getting your kids to go to sleep at night.

K: And keeping them asleep.

J: That's the idea and you should do it soon. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to do politely.

How is Kelly's neighbors' son?





Could a husband sell his wife's inheritance?A.No, under no circumstances.B.Yes, whenever h

Could a husband sell his wife's inheritance?

A.No, under no circumstances.

B.Yes, whenever he wished to.

C.Yes, if she agreed.

D.Yes, if his father-in-law agreed.

Whenever we fail to fulfil a conversational maxim, we fail to observe the Cooperative Principle.
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