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Guest: It's a bit cold here. Host: Oh, I'm sorry. ______A.Let me turn on the heater.B.Plea

Guest: It's a bit cold here. Host: Oh, I'm sorry. ______

A.Let me turn on the heater.

B.Please take a seat.

C.Let me take the temperature.

D.I feel all fight myself.

提问人:网友Avalon 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Guest: It's a bit cold here. H…”相关的问题
Guest: It's a bit cold here.Host: Oh, I' m sorry. ________A.Let me turn on the hea

Guest: It's a bit cold here.

Host: Oh, I' m sorry. ________

A.Let me turn on the heater.

B.Please take a seat.

C.Let me take the temperature.

D.I feel all right myself.

将以下英文段落翻译为中文 Breakfast meetings rarely last more than an hour. They imply cert
ain urgency and are often convenient during business travels. Lunch is usually best for getting to know a guest a bit better. People do not have to talk about business, of course. Afternoon tea or coffee is a relaxed way to spend 45 minutes or an hour talking about business. Dinner is a more formal business event. Generally, this is not a time to talk about business, but rather a time to get to know the other person and enjoy each other’s company. ()

听力原文:W: Good evening, sir. I'm the Assistant Manager.M: How nice.W: Yes, I'm afraid we

听力原文:W: Good evening, sir. I'm the Assistant Manager.

M: How nice.

W: Yes, I'm afraid we've had a complaint about the noise from your neighbor across the corridor. He's trying to get some sleep as he has an early start tomorrow. I'm sure you understand.

M: Oh, I see.

W: Do you think it might be possible to ask your friends to be a little quieter? We do like to give our guests a chance of getting a good night's sleep. It is well after eleven.

M: Oh, I'm so sorry. I do apologize. I suppose we were talking rather loudly. It's just that we've signed a very important contract. We were having a bit of a celebration.

W: I'm pleased to hear it. Shall I ask Room Service to bring you some coffee?

M: No, that won't be necessary. We were just about to pack up anyway.

W: Thank you, sir, and good night to you.


A.She wants to greet the man.

B.She wants to send the man some coffee.

C.She wants to inform. the guest of a complaint from his neighbor.

D.She wants to join their celebration.

What will the weather in Arizona be like in the coming week?A. Rainy. B. Warm. C. A bit co

What will the weather in Arizona be like in the coming week?

A. Rainy.

B. Warm.

C. A bit cold.

听力原文:Interviewer:My guest today is Douglas Turner, who recently spent a weekend climbi

听力原文:Interviewer: My guest today is Douglas Turner, who recently spent a weekend climbing a mountain in Africa. Douglas, how did this come about?

Douglas: Well, I suppose it started with seeing adverts for activity holidays in the national press week after week; it somehow got into my subconscious. Then there was one which said, 'Are you ready for the greatest physical challenge of your life? 5,000 metres. One weekend', and somewhat against my better judgement, I found myself picking up the phone straight away. You see, I simply hadn't trained for it, the nearest I'd got was a bit of hill-walking five years ago.

Interviewer: What did you think you would get out of the weekend?

Douglas: Generally when I go to things I enjoy meeting people, but in this case I was afraid the rest of the group would be a bunch of healthy types, and I wouldn't have much in common with them. And as for the physical effort of climbing the mountain, I thought I'd be lucky if I survived the weekend at all! It was more a kind of wanting to see what I was mentally capable of doing, would I get cold feet and not go at all, or go, but give up halfway up, that sort of thing.

Interviewer: But you made it to the top.

Douglas: Yes, I did. Much to my surprise, I can tell you.

Interviewer: And were you right about the other people?

Douglas: No, actually. There were a few serious walkers and climbers, but most of the participants were professional people who wanted to do something ,quite different once in a while, more or less like me, in fact. So not intimidating after all. Though I have to admit that nearly all of them were fleer than me. Actually I hadn't realised so many people did this sort of thing. It was funny, when I told a friend that I was going, she said, 'Oh, not another one. Everyone I know's going climbing this year. There's a big thing about pushing yourself to your limit at the moment, isn't there? You're welcome to it,' she said. 'You won't catch me up there.'

Interviewer: How did you all get on together?

Douglas: I suppose we were a bit suspicious of each other at first, but that soon went, and we somehow developed a really close group feeling, and nobody complained about having to wait for the slow ones, which usually included me. Or at least, if they did complain, they did it out of earshot. In fact, on the flight home we were busy exchanging cards and decided to book another weekend trip as a party-- but without a mountain in sight this time.

Interviewer: Se how did the weekend compare with your expectations?

Douglas: It was much better than I'd expected. It made me change, in subtle ways. As I'd hoped, I gained in self-knowledge, and I learnt to get on with people I couldn't escape from, but I also became much more observant, of the tiny little wild flowers, for instance, and that was quite a bonus.

Interviewer: I suppose you're going to be a regular mountain climber now.

Douglas: The pair of boots I wore, I'm keeping with the mud still on them, on my desk at work. They're a kind of trophy, to prove to myself that rve done it. But I somehow don't think I'll be using them again. I'm going to have to put them somewhere less visible, though, because it's sometimes a bit embarrassing when other people are impressed.

Interviewer: Douglas Turner, thank you very much.

Douglas: Thank you.

How did Douglas feel when he booked the weekend?

A.sure that he would enjoy training for it

B.uncertain if it was a good idea for him

C.surprised that such activities were organised

Here is a dialogue about chamber service. Please p...

Here is a dialogue about chamber service. Please put the sentences in order to make the dialogue between the guest and the floor attendant. ______A: What time would you like me to come back? ______G: An hour later. ______A: May I clean your room now? ______G: Yes. I’m out of toilet paper. Would you bring me more? ______A: Housekeeping. May I come in? ______G: Well, I’m a bit tired now. Can you come back later? ______A: All right, I’ll get it for you right away. ______G: Come in, please. ______A: Okay. Is there anything I do for you before I leave?

听力原文:Clark Warren has been a marriage counselor for 35 years -- long enough to help co

听力原文: Clark Warren has been a marriage counselor for 35 years -- long enough to help couples confront just about every domestic difficulty imaginable. On the personal side, he's helped six close friends as they went through three divorces each. His own marriage, happily, has lasted 43 years -- and he and his wife, Marylyn, have raised three daughters who also enjoy happiness of marriage.

So this is enough to say that Dr. Warren knows a fair bit about marriage -- from his practice, his friends, his own experience, and from his parents, who still liked to hold hands after 70 years together. And he thinks he knows what it is that makes or breaks a marriage.

The key, he says, is not necessarily family background, or chemistry, or even how old people are when they marry. It is... are you ready? That is choosing wisely in the first place. "This choice has more to do with the eventual success of your marriage than everything else combined that you do after you get married," says this voice of experience. "If you choose someone who is highly compatible, it feels almost effortless; if you are mismatched, it's all hard work and good intentions."

What is Clark Warren?

A.A domestic scientist.

B.A marriage counselor.

C.A happy bachelor.

D.A medical advisor.

听力原文:M: Good evening and welcome to "Hardlife", the program that talks to ordinary peo
ple about their jobs. Today's guest is Barbara Currie, who's a dentist. Welcome, Barbara.

W: Thank you.

M: I suppose I should start by asking you how you became interested in dentistry.

W: Well, I suppose it started when I was eight. I smashed my front tooth and the dentist put in a gold one, which I thought was wonderful. I had it until I was 17.

M: And you've been a dentist for ten years or so?

W: Fifteen now.

M: Would you say that dentistry is still a man's world? I mean, I can't remember ever having a woman dentist in my life.

W: Well, it used to be a totally male profession. It's getting better, but you still find only a few women who own their own practices. Most of them are junior partners or employees in a man's business.

M: In your experience, is it common for people to be frightened of the dentist?

W: Yes, that's common. Some people are even frightened of coming into the room. I have to go through a long process of getting them to come in, walk around, sit down and then leave.

M: You mean you don't actually do any work on their teeth?

W: That's right. Sometimes, if people are scared, the first thing is simply helping them to feel a bit more comfortable with the place. M: Would you say you enjoyed your work?

W: Yes, I think so on the whole. But I'm still not used to some of the horrors I see when people open their mouths, and bad breath is not pleasant to deal with. Another thing that I find difficult is the noise of the drill. But laser treatment is now doing a lot of work we had to use the drill for, so now it's not so much of a problem.


A.She smashed her front tooth in her childhood and the dentist put in a beautiful one.

B.Her childhood experience was so horrible that she made up her mind to help those with bad teeth.

C.She liked to be dentist without any particular reasons.

D.She fell in love with a dentist.

After greeting a new guest, the receptionist’s first action should be to ().

A.check the guest’s reservation

B.ask the guest the length of his stay.

C.ask the guest to register

D.call the bellman

If a guest compliments something in another person's home, the Chinese host or hostess will probably give that thing to the guest.
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