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听力原文:Thanksgiving Day is one of the biggest holidays in America. Every family comes to

听力原文: Thanksgiving Day is one of the biggest holidays in America. Every family comes together at their parents house, and talks about their live, they also have a big party. Usually, they cook a big turkey and many side dishes such as pumpkin pie. And they have a nice holiday with their family.

It originated in the 1600's. The Pilgrims, who were a group of people from England, arrived in America and some Indians helped them. The Indians taught them how to plant grain such as corn, vegetables and pumpkins. So, after that, the Pilgrims had a party for their Indian friends every year.

During this holiday, many shops have promotions and big sales. The day after Thanksgiving Day, which is called "Black Friday", almost every store displays their the cheapest prices. Almost every American goes shopping to catch the cheapest good before others. It could be described as a "Shopping War". If you wait and go shopping on Sunday, it will be too late! You wont be able to buy many things, because many goods will sold out already. But, sometimes window shopping is a nice experience on Thanksgiving Holiday.

In Korea, there is a very similar holiday, which is called "Chu-suk". This holiday also ex presses thankfulness for ancestors. People will give thanks for the plentiful harvest that year. Almost all Koreans come together with their family, see relatives who live far away and have an ancestor-memorial service with many kinds of food, which had a good harvest that year. Chu-suk is almost the same as Thanksgiving Day.

Every human seems to feel thankfulness for their ancestors, and once a year, they celebrate their good harvest and health. The styles of these two holidays are a little different but the feelings and emotions are the same.






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更多“听力原文:Thanksgiving Day is one o…”相关的问题
听力原文:How do American families celebrate Thanksgiving Day?(16)A.Grandmothers get togeth

听力原文:How do American families celebrate Thanksgiving Day?


A.Grandmothers get together.

B.The whole family gets together.

C.Children get together.

D.Men and women get together.

听力原文:Americans have theft Thanksgiving dinner in late November, in order to celebrate
the gratitude of the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World.


听力原文:What does the man say to the lady at the end of the conversation?(17)A.He express

听力原文:What does the man say to the lady at the end of the conversation?


A.He expresses his appreciation to her.

B.He wants her to play balls with children.

C.He invites her to be their guest on the coming Thanksgiving Day.

D.He is telling jokes with her.

听力原文:This morning in his office Alex told me that he came down with the flu and couldn
't make it home for thanksgiving dinner. What a pity!


A.Alex ate fruit for Thanksgiving.

B.Alex came down to our house for dinner.

C.Alex was able to go home for the holiday.

D.Alex was not able to be home for his Thanksgiving dinner because of his illness.

听力原文:M: How are you going to spend this year's Thanksgiving vacation?W: I'm going to s

听力原文:M: How are you going to spend this year's Thanksgiving vacation?

W: I'm going to spend it with my family. We celebrate very traditionally. We go to my grandparents' house and have a big Thanksgiving dinner. It's really the only time in the year that my whole family gets together.

M: In my family we just have a big feast, too. We don't really stop and think about how Thanksgiving Day developed, how new colonists in Massachusetts had a three-day fest to give thanks for surviving the first terrible winter and for gathering their first corn harvest the following year.

W: Did you know that the original Thanksgiving Day was celebrated in July?

M: No, I thought Thanksgiving had always been in November.

W: The first Thanksgiving was celebrated on July 30, 1623. After that, Thanksgiving was celebrated at many different times. It wasn't until 1863 that Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November as a day of Thanksgiving, and this holiday has been celebrated in November ever since.

What is the subject of this conversation?

A.How and when we celebrate Thanksgiving.

B.The traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

C.When Thanksgiving began.

D.Abraham Lincoln.

听力原文: The traditional American Thanksgiving Da...

听力原文: The traditional American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that year a special feast was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The colonists who had settled there had left England because they felt denied of religious freedom. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in coming across the ocean. The ship which carried them was called the Mayflower. The North Atlantic was difficult to travel. There were bad storms. They were assisted in learning to live in the new land by the Indians who in habited the region. The Puritans, as they were called, had much to be thankful for. Their religious practices were no longer a source of criticism by the government. They learned to adjust their fanning habits to the climate and soil. When they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving celebration, they invited their neighbors, the Indians, to join them in dinner and a prayer of gratitude for the new life. They recalled the group of 102 men, women, and children who left England. They remembered their dead who did not live to see the shores of Massachusetts. They reflected on the 65 days' journey which tested their strength.

What is the best title for this passage?

A.First Settlers in Plymouth.

B.Puritans and Indians.


D.American Thanksgiving Day.

听力原文:The traditional American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that

听力原文: The traditional American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that year a special feast was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The colonists who had settled there had left England because they felt denied of religious freedom. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in coming across the ocean. The ship which carried them was called the Mayflower. The North Atlantic was difficult to travel. There were bad storms. They were assisted in learning to live in the new land by the Indians who in habited the region. The Puritans, as they were called, had much to be thankful for. Their religious practices were no longer a source of criticism by the government. They learned to adjust their fanning habits to the climate and soil. When they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving celebration, they invited their neighbors, the Indians, to join them in dinner and a prayer of gratitude for the new life. They recalled the group of 102 men, women, and children who left England. They remembered their dead who did not live to see the shores of Massachusetts. They reflected on the 65 days' journey which tested their strength.

What is the best title for this passage?

A.First Settlers in Plymouth.

B.Puritans and Indians.


D.American Thanksgiving Day.

听力原文:W: Mike, would you please tell us about Thanksgiving Day? We have no idea about i

M: Well, Thanksgiving Day is one of the oldest American holidays. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

W: How is it spent? For example, in your family?

M: In my family, we always go to my grandmother's house on Thanksgiving Day. Everyone is glad to see everyone else and there is a busy time for talking. After dinner, no one can move and we all sit around and talk, play word games, or tell jokes until it is time to go home. It is always difficult to leave because Thanksgiving Day is one of the few days of the year when the whole family gets together.

W: It sounds really interesting!

M: It is. By the way, you are welcome to be our guest next Thanksgiving Day.

W: Thanks a lot, I'll be glad to come.

Question 8: When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated ill America?


A.The first Thursday of November.

B.The fourth Thursday of November.

C.First of November.

D.The fourth of November.

听力原文:M: Come in and have a seat please, Ann. Please make yourself at home.W: I am real

听力原文:M: Come in and have a seat please, Ann. Please make yourself at home.

W: I am really grateful for your invitation. I know Thanksgiving is a very traditional family holiday and I am so glad to be with an American family on this occasion.

M: on the fourth Thursday of November every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. You know its origin (20) ?

w: Yeah, it has something to do with the first settlers and Indians (20) .

M: Right. The first settlers in Massachusetts started this custom. And large dinners with many relatives are common throughout America on this special day.

W: Do you have traditional dishes that you serve every year?

M: Yes, we do. The traditional foods of Thanksgiving meal include roast turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and bread pudding (20) . I hope you have a good appetite today.

W: What do men do while women are doing the cooking?

M: It's the same every year'--football. We watch one game after another on Thanksgiving (21) . I always think we'd better go out and get some exercise, but every year we fail. We are glued to the tube! When I was young, I always went hunting with my father on Thanksgiving Day morning.

W: What do you do after the meal?

M: After dinner we'd like to go bowling. It's a fan thing to do together as a family (22) . After a couple of games, we go back home and eat the leftovers.

W: I think that Thanksgiving and Christmas are the most important holidays in the States, just like Spring Festival in China.


A.How to spend Thanksgiving Day.

B.Preparing food on Thanksgiving Day.

C.The origin of Thanksgiving Day.

D.What to do after Thanksgiving meal.

听力原文:M: Is Jane looking forward to going home for the summer?W: She is counting the da

听力原文:M: Is Jane looking forward to going home for the summer?

W: She is counting the days.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.Jane is looking for a summer job.

B.Jane is packing for the summer vacation.

C.Jane is on her way home.

D.Jane is eager to go home for the vacation.

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