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听力原文:W: Why, Peter! You are sweating heavily. Where have you been?M: I've just been to

听力原文:W: Why, Peter! You are sweating heavily. Where have you been?

M: I've just been to the Fitness Centre to learn Street dance.

W: What is street dance?

M: Street dance is a newly emerged way of keeping fit. It was introduced into China in 1999.

W: Why do you choose Street dance?

M: I found that this class is the most interesting.

W: Oh really? Tell me more about it.

M: Well, Street dance uses its music, its basic movements, and also its freedom for self-expression.

W: It sounds like an aerobics class.

M: Not exactly. The participants and the instructor are dressed in their ordinary casual wear. Moreover, the music they use is not the dancing music that an aerobics class usually uses.

W: s that the main differences from normal aerobics?

M: No, Street dance is a lot more tiring.

W: Does it mean you feel like you've been tired out?

M: Ha, no. I think it is a good way to relax.

W: Is there any age or skill level limit for entering?

M: No. In our class, the youngest student is 15 and the oldest is 50. And everyone can choose whatever difficulty level he or she wants to.

W: Sounds interesting. I'll go with you next time.


A.How to lose weight.

B.Street dance.

C.Exercising in a gym.

D.Dancing music.

提问人:网友boylove1 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文:W: Why, Peter! You are sw…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: My typewriter doesn't work.W: Why not ask Peter?Q: What does the woman mean?(1

听力原文:M: My typewriter doesn't work.

W: Why not ask Peter?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She doesn't want to ask Peter herself.

B.She thinks Peter can fix the typewriter.

C.She thinks Peter can buy him a new typewriter.

D.Peter's typewriter doesn't work either.

听力原文:W: Why didn't you call me last night. Peter? M: I did. But your line was always b

听力原文:W: Why didn't you call me last night. Peter?

M: I did. But your line was always busy.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He tried calling the woman but failed.

B.He had no time to call the woman.

C.He called the woman but she was out.

D.He doesn't know the number of the woman.

听力原文:M: I have trouble concentrating when my roommate plays the guitar.W: Why don't yo

听力原文:M: I have trouble concentrating when my roommate plays the guitar.

W: Why don't you just ask him to turn down the volume, Peter7

Q: What does the woman suggest Peter do?


A.Keep all the volumes of books together.

B.Concentrate on the music.

C.Find a quieter place to study.

D.Bring the problem to his roommate's attention.

听力原文:W: Peter, your voice teacher called to ask why you were not at practice for your
concert program.

M: I was there but I was standing with a large group and-tm didn't see me.

Q: Why did the teacher call?


A.Because he wanted to invite Peter to a concert.

B.Because he thought Peter was not at practice for the concert program.

C.Because he wanted Peter to join the large music group.

D.Because he wanted to see Peter at home.

听力原文:W: It’s Lind’s birthdy. She’s 20 yers old tody.re you going to her birthdy听力原
文:W: It’s Lind’s birthdy. She’s 20 yers old tody.re you going to her birthdy prty, Peter M: Sure, why not Here is present for her. W: Is it book M: No. W: Cn I open it M: Yes, gohed. W: Wow, video tpe. How nice ! Whtre they tlkingbout Lind’s birthdy. B. video tpe. C.Peter’s present for Lind. D.Lind’s birthdy prty.

A.Linda’s birthday.

B.A video tape

C.Peter’s present for LindA

D.Linda’s birthday party.

听力原文:W: It's Linda's birthday. She's 20 years old today. Are you going to her birthday
party, Peter?

M: Sure, why not? Here is a present for her.

W: Is it a book?

M: No.

W: Can I open it?

M: Yes, go ahead.

W: Wow, a video tape. How nice!

What are they talking about?

A.Linda's brithday.

B.A video tape.

C.Peter's present for Linda.

D.Linda's birthday party.

听力原文:M: I really can't understand why Peter isn't here yet. We agree to meet at 8:30.
It's almost 9:00. Do you think we should leave for the airport?

W: He probably got into some trouble with the traffic. Let's give him some more minutes.

Q: What are these people going to do?


A.Leave for the airport.

B.Look for Peter.

C.Remove the trouble for Peter.

D.Wait a little longer.

听力原文:M: I must be going now—I promised to pick up Nancy.W: Since you're going to pick

听力原文:M: I must be going now—I promised to pick up Nancy.

W: Since you're going to pick up Nancy from the fitness class, why don't you kill two birds with one stone and pick up Peter after his ballet class?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The man shouldn't have promised to pick up Nancy.

B.Nancy and Peter should go to the same class for convenience's sake.

C.The man should pick up Nancy and Peter as well.

D.The man should kill the birds for dinner before leaving.

听力原文:M: Hello, Julia. Why are you in such a hurry?W :Hello, Peter. I' m going to the t

听力原文:M: Hello, Julia. Why are you in such a hurry?

W :Hello, Peter. I' m going to the theatre. They say there’s a lecture on how to improve the skills of listening. Do you want to go with me?

M: Oh, no. Thanks. I heard it yesterday.

W: Really? What did you think of it?

M: I liked it, but I was sorry to have missed the first part.

W: Oh, what happened?

M :I was held up on the way. So by the time I got there, the second part was just beginning.

W: What a pity ! But I' 11 tell you about it after I hear it.

M: Thanks. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Peter won't go with Julia because __________.

A.he's very busy

B.the traffic is busy

C.he has already heard it

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