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听力原文:The World Bank has just rated counties on how friendly they are to business. And

the biggest news was the progress in Africa.Two African countries, Ghana and Tanzania, are listed this year among the top ten in business reforms.

The World Bank has just rated counties on how friendly they are to business. According to World Bank, only Kenya in Africa is listed this year among the top ten in business reforms.



提问人:网友beinuo0501 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文:The World Bank has just r…”相关的问题
听力原文: The key committee of the World Bank meeting in Washington has expressed serious
concern about the personal scandal surrounding the bank's president Paul Wolfowitz. The controversy is over the decision by Mr. Wolfowitz to promote and give a big pay-rise to his girlfriend who was employed by the hank before he took over. Mr. Wolfowitz is still in his job, but he remains under a cloud. The bank's board will continue looking into the controversy and he has said he'll accept whatever remedies the board proposes.

Paul Wolfowitz has been involved in a ______.



C.personal scandal

D.political conflict

听力原文:While women make up half the 325 million people in the Middle East and North Afri
ca, and in some countries as many as 63 percent of university students, they comprise only 32 percent of the labor force, according to a World Bank report released on the eve of its annual meeting with the International Monetary Fund.

Out of the 325 million laborers in the Middle East and North Africa, 63 percent are women and 32 percent university students.



SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文: World Bank president James Wolfensohn Thursday said there won't be peace in the world until the widening income gap between rich and poor is narrowed. Mr. Wolfensohn spoke at a forum on the effectiveness of foreign assistance at Washington's Johns Hopkins University.

Mr. Wolfensohn says in the aftermath of September 11, there is a growing recognition that poverty is a cause of violent conflict. Arguing that rich and poor countries are united in striving to eradicate poverty, the World Bank president said the world won't be peaceful until something is done to improve equity and social justice.

What does the World Bank president think can help to bring peace to the world?

A.Rich and poor countries unite together.

B.To improve equity and social justice.

C.Everybody can make 2 dollars a day.

D.People in rich countries pay more tax.

听力原文:Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has ordered construction to continue on Israe

听力原文: Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has ordered construction to continue on Israel's West Bank separation barrier despite a non-binding world court ruling declaring the barrier illegal. The Sharon order comes forty-eight hours after the International Court of Justice ruled the illegal barrier should be dismantled. Hours before Mr. Sharon's order today, Palestinian militants detonated a bomb near a Tel Aviv bus station that killed an Israeli soldier and wounded more than twenty other people.

What will Israel do with the barrier?

A.It will stop building the barrier.

B.It will suspend building the barrier.

C.It will continue building the barrier.

D.It will resume building the barrier.

听力原文:Trade between countries is one of the most important economic activities in the w

听力原文: Trade between countries is one of the most important economic activities in the world today. The U.S. has many trading partners; one of the most important is Japan. The trade between the two countries amounts to several billion dollars a year. Many U.S. banks therefore have offices in Japan, particularly in Tokyo and Osaka, the largest cities. Jean McPherson is the manager of one of those branch banks in Tokyo.

Jean majored in accounting and business administration in college. After graduation she got a job with a large New York bank. After two years in accounting, she was transferred to the loan department. Many of the loans which she was asked to consider involved international transactions. Some of them were so complicated that Jean felt she didn't have a broad enough background to understand them.

To get more experience, she asked for a transfer to the bank's international department She became so expert in international finance that it became her career. When the bank decided to open a branch in Tokyo, Jean was selected to set it up and run it for the first few years. She has been in Tokyo for more than three years now.


A.She is a trading representative of the U.S. in Tokyo.

B.She is a government official of the U.S. in Tokyo.

C.She is the manager of an American bank in Tokyo.

D.She is the manager of a Japanese bank ill Tokyo.

听力原文:Zimbabwe's inflation rate has soared in the past 3 months and is now at 11.2 mill

听力原文: Zimbabwe's inflation rate has soared in the past 3 months and is now at 11.2 million percent— the highest in the world, according to the country central statistical office. Official figures dated Monday showing inflation has surged from the rate of 2.2 million percent recorded in May, despite the government's price controls. (Q7) The country's finance minister confirmed the new figure in an interview but said the rising inflation rate was not confined to Zimbabwe alone. In February, the price of a loaf of bread in the country was less than 200,000 Zimbabwe dollars. On Monday, that same loaf of bread cost 1.6 trillion Zimbabwe dollars. Analysts have said that this Zimbabwe government official inflation rate figures are conservative. Last week, one of Zimbabwe's leading banks — Kingdom Bank, said the country's inflation rate was now more than 20 million percent. (Q8) The locally-owned bank predicted tougher times ahead for Zimbabwe in the absence of donor's support and foreign investment in the economy that has been in free fall for almost a decade.

Which of the following is mentioned as the government's measure to control inflation?

A.Foreign investment.

B.Donor support.

C.Price control.

D.Bank prediction.

听力原文: A new report from the World Bank warns that projected cuts in economic aid to Pa
lestinians once Hamas forms the government could cause the deep economic depression in the Palestinian territories. The World Bank report warns of a bleak economic future for Palestinians if International donors go through with plans to cat financial assistance to the Palestinian authority. Most international donors have said they will no longer be able to make direct disbursements to a Hamas dominated palestinian authority because of the group's refusal to recognize Israel and disarm. Israel also says it is halting the transfer about 15 million dollars a month in customs and tax revenue it collects and disburses to the Paiestinian authority because it says Hamas will be able to control the money. As the result, the World Bank warns personal incomes in the Palestinian territories could drop by as much as 30 percent this year. Unemployment could double to nearly 40 percent, and the Palestinian economy could shrink by nearly 30 percent. Hamas leaders say they are seeking alternate sources of funding in the Muslim world in countries like Iran. So far there is no indication that funding has been found.

What's the result of the planned cuts in economic aid to Palestinians?

A.It would have no negative impact at all.

B.It would lead to a deep economic depression.

C.It would result in a slight economic depression.

D.It would promote the economic development.

听力原文: Three of the world's smallest countries—Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates (UAE),

听力原文: Three of the world's smallest countries—Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Qatar—have the highest average incomes per person, according to a recent World Bank publication which measures income, output, and world populations. The small populations of these countries, combined with their tremendous oil wealth, resulted in a per capita income of $15,480 in Kuwait, $13,990 in UAE, and $11,400 in Qatar. By contrast, Bhutan, the tiny kingdom surrounded by India and Tibet, was the world's poorest country with per capita income of only $70.

The publication also shows that the richest of the industrial countries, Sweden, had an income of $8,670 per person, followed by the United States at $7,890, and Germany with $7,380. Europe remained the world's richest continent, with only two countries—Albania and Turkey—having per capita incomes of less than$1,000.

In contrast, most people in Africa and Asia continue to live in poverty, with only a handful of countries in both continents having an income of more than $1,000 per person. Japan was the richest non-oil producing nation in Asia, with an annual income of $4,910 per head. This contrasts sharply with Bangladesh's $110, India's $150, and China's $410.

The three world's richest industrial countries are ______.

A.Kuwait, UAE, Qatar

B.Kuwait, UAE, Turkey

C.Sweden, USA, Germany

D.USA, Japan, Sweden

听力原文:Trade between countries is one of the most important economic activities in the w

听力原文: Trade between countries is one of the most important economic activities in the world today. The U.S. has many trading partners, one of the most important is Japan. The trade between the two countries amounts to several billion dollars a year. Many U.S. banks therefore have offices in Japan, particularly in Tokyo and Osaka, the largest cities. Jean McPherson is the manager of' one of those for branch banks in Tokyo.

Jean majored in accounting and business administration in college. After graduation she got a job with a large New York bank. After two years in accounting, she was transferred to the loan department. Many of the loans which she was asked to consider involved international transactions. Some of them were so complicated that Jean felt she didn't have a broad enough background to understand them.

To get more experience, she asked for a transfer to the bank's international department. She became so expert in international finance that it became her career. When the bank decided to open a branch in Tokyo, Jean was selected to set it up and run it for the flint few years. She has been in Tokyo for more, than three years now.


A.She is a trading representative of the U.S. in Tokyo.

B.She is a government official of the U.S. in Tokyo.

C.She is the manager of an American bank in Tokyo.

D.She is the manager of a Japanese bank in Tokyo.

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. List


Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: Major world lending agencies said in Washington last Friday that the flow of private capital is crucial for developing countries' economic growth. The world Bank and the International Monetary Fund said that foreign investment is concentrated in a dozen countries but that they will help to increase the number. The statement was contained in a communique issued by the de velopment committee of the World Bank and IMF, which ended their spring meeting on Friday. The communique said that host countries' proper investment environment should include a vigorous private sector, a legal frame. work, a flexible labour market and prompt service of debt. The development committee also expressed concern for the delays and "risk of breakdown" in the Uruguay round of multinational trade negotiations.

What is very important for developing countries' economic growth according to the main world lending agencies?

A.The circulation of money.

B.The circulation of public money.

C.The circulation of private money.

D.Circulation costs.

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