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What should public schools do to provide education to exceptional children?A.They should s

What should public schools do to provide education to exceptional children?

A.They should set the same educational pace to exceptional children as to other children.

B.They should adjust their programs and instructions to exceptional children.

C.They should give exceptional children special help to benefit from regular courses.

D.They should assign new programs and instruction to exceptional children.

提问人:网友guorui212121 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“What should public schools do …”相关的问题
In what cases should the journalists not report a public figure’s privacy?

A、If it is a small misdeed in his private life.

B、If it has no possible effect on the public.

C、If it is not well proved.

D、If it does not appeal to public interest.

Decide which of the following statements or questions are good topics to discuss.

A、What are the most efficient energy-saving measures of air-conditioning systems in public places?

B、Nuclear fission reactors should be deployed and used to generate electricity from nuclear fuel for civilian purposes.

C、Solar power provides an alternative to conventional energy resources.

D、America’s anti-pollution efforts should focus on privately owned hybrid cars.

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

At the end of last year, a town called Friendship Heights, in Maryland's Montgomery County, approved America's (and thus the world's) strictest tobacco policy. Town officers courageously banned smoking on all public property, including streets, pavements and public squares. "It's a public health issue", said the mayor, Alfred Muller, who is also a doctor. "We don't have the right to outlaw tobacco, but we're doing what we can within our rights".

This newspaper has expressed disgruntlement with the element of intolerance that is increasingly manifesting itself within America's anti-tobacco movement. It must be said, however, that brave Friendship Heights has discovered an approach that liberals can embrace. Private property is its owners' sanctuary, but the public rules in public spaces. Undeniably, the streets belong to the government; what happens in them, therefore, is the government's business.

On this worthy principle, smoking should be merely the beginning. For example, it is clear that the consumption of fatty foods contributes to heart disease, strokes and other deadly disease. Besides, eating junk makes you fat and ugly. What people do at home is their own affair, but why allows them to abuse the public streets for this gluttony? America's pavements and boardwalks are overridden with persons, many of them overweight, who amble along licking ice cream or gobbling chips. In many cities, hot dogs are spread, quite openly, on the pavement itself. All this should be stopped. Not just in Friendship Heights but in other enlightened districts, it should be illegal to eat anything but low-fat foods in public zones. Because Americans consume too little by way of fruits and vegetables, in time (it is best to move slowly, because people's rights must be respected) streets should become strictly vegetarian.

More can be done. Shrieking newspaper headlines create stress for those who may not wish to view them. People who want to buy and read papers should therefore be required to do so in private. America has long and justly sought to prevent the entanglement of religion with public life. What people do in church or at home is their business. However, praying, sermonizing or wearing religious garb in the streets surely compromises the requirement that the public will not be dragooned into supporting religion.

There is the environment to consider, as well. That people exhale carbon dioxide in public places, thus contributing to global warming, is probably inevitable, and America's politicians would be wise to permit it. But methane, too, is a greenhouse gas, and an odiferous one. Its emission in public places, where it can neither be avoided nor filtered, seems an imposition on both planetary hygiene and human comfort. Breakers of wind, surely, can be required to wait until they can answer their needs in private; and prosecuted when they fail.

Fame, then, to Friendship Heights. Other towns should take note. If they intend to fulfill their responsibilities to the health and welfare of citizens, to public order, and above all to the public streets and parks whose rights the authorities are sworn to uphold, then the way ahead is clear.

Alfred Muller's words imply______.

A.laws do a lot for public health

B.he can't make laws about the tobacco

C.what he has done is benefiting the people

D.the mayor's approval is the important factor in making laws

Please choose THREE of the following questions and...

Please choose THREE of the following questions and answer at least 150 words each in English. 1. What are the characteristics of daily conversation from the perspective of semantics, grammar, vocabulary and phonology? 2. How do you account for the inexplicitness of language in daily conversation? 3. What is the purpose of public speech? Why are many rhetorical devices used in public speech? 4. What are semantic features of news report? 5. Most of the headlines are elliptical sentences. Tell in what way ellipsis is best achieved in news report. 6. Why is there so much use of direct speech in news report? 7. Why should business English be correct and complete? 8. In business English sometimes active voice is used, and sometimes passive voice is preferred. Point out what stylistic features can be achieved through using voices. 9. Why should we avoid clichés in business English?

听力原文:W: Nobody can deprive other people's right of breathing fresh air. This room is f
illed with too heavy smoke.

M: I can't agree more. Smoking should be prohibited in public places like this cinema.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.Both of them are bothered with the smoke in the cinema.

B.The man doesn't agree to the woman's opinion.

C.The room is smoky because it's on fire.

D.The man isn't permitted to smoke in the room.

Mandarin, or Putonghua, is the standard service sector language in our country. But recent
ly, employees at a big city's subway station have been busy learning dialects of other parts of the country. Proponents say that using dialects in the subway is a way to provide better service. But opponents think that encouraging the use of dialects in public counters the national policy to promote Putonghua. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:

Are Dialects Just as Acceptable in Public Places?

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Requirements: The use of mobile telephone has become more and more popular. However, some
people think that despite its convenience.it often causes disturbances in public and interferes people's private lives. Write an essay of about 200 words on this issue to state your own opinion.

In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary. Marks will be awarded for organization as well as for syntactic variety and appropriate word choice.

听力原文:W: As a well-known public speaker, can you give us some suggestions on how to del
iver a good speech?

M: To begin with, you should ask yourself a question, that is, what does your audience need and want? It's better to question yourself before the speech.

W: Why do we need to know their needs and wants?

M: If you are a public speaker, it is absolutely essential to know how to capture and maintain the interest of your audience, which means you have to know what they want to know and what they want to hear.

W: You mean we should pay special attention to the content of the speech, right?

M: Yes. If you elaborate on facts and figures that everyone is already familiar with, then it is quite possible that you will actually lose the attention of those who are listening to your presentation.

W: What should we do then?

M: Many successful speakers will summarize that part or add some different viewpoints to it. This is a good way to increase their level of understanding of the topic. If your audience cannot follow your speech, it's quite possible that they'll leave or doze off.

W: How about body language? I see many speakers use a lot of hand gestures.

M: Not only hand gestures, but also facial expression, body movement and even voice changes. It is always important to remember that sometimes, how you say something will have a larger impact than what you say.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What preparation should a public speaker do according to the conversation?

20. Which is the proper way to deliver a speech?

21. What can we learn about a good speaker from this conversation?


A.Put his notes in order ahead.

B.Ask himself a lot of questions.

C.Know his own needs and wants.

D.Figure out what his audience is interested in.

听力原文:W:As a well-known public speaker,can you give us some suggestions on how to deliv
er a good speech?

M:(19)To begin with, you should ask yourself a question, that is, what does your audience need and want? It's better to question yourself before the speech.

W:Why do we need to know their needs and wants?

M:(21)If you are a public speaker Lit is absolutely essential to know how to capture and maintain the interest of your audience, which means you have to know what they want to know and what they want to hear.

W:You mean we should pay special attention to the content of the speech,right?

M:Yes.If you elaborate on facts and figures that everyone is already familiar with,then it is quite possible that you will actually lose the attention of those who are listening to your presentation.

W:What should we do then?

M:(20)Many successful speakers will summarize that part or add some different viewpoints to it.This is a good way to increase their level of understanding of the topic.If your audience cannot follow your speech.it's quite possible that they'll leave or doze off.

W:How about body language? I see many speakers use a lot of hand gestures.

M:Not only hand gestures,but also facial expression,body movement and even voice changes.It is always important to remember that sometimes,how you say something will have a larger impact than what you say.


A.Ask himself a lot of questions.

B.Know his own needs and wants.

C.Figure out what his audience is interested in.

D.Put his notes in order ahead.

Public officials and candidates for public office routinely use public opinion polls to ke
ep track of what the people are thinking. An important question is the degree to which these polls should guide leaders in their actions. There are arguments for and against the use of polls as the basis for policy decisions.

Polls can contribute to effective government by keeping political leaders from getting too far out of line with the public's thinking. In a democratic society, the effectiveness of a public policy often dep. ends on the extent of its public support. When a policy is contrary to the public's desires, people may choose to disregard or undermine it, thus making it counterproductive or inefficient. Further, when government pursues a course of action with which a large proportion of the public disagrees, it risks a loss of public confidence, which can have a negative effect on its ability to lead. The Reagan administration, flying high from 1981 to 1985 ,was brought low in 1986 by public reaction to news of its secret sales of weapons to Iran. The administration had not paid sufficient attention to polls that revealed the deep antagonism American still felt toward Iran be cause the Ayatollah Khomeini's regime has held sixty-three American hostages in 1979 - 1981.

However, leaders can also do a disservice to the public they represent by using poll results as a substitute for policy judgment. "Effective government", as Walter Lippmann wrote, "cannot be conducted by legislators and officials who, when a question is presented, ask themselves first and last not what is the truth and which is the right and necessary course, but what does the Gallup Poll say?" During his presidential term, Jimmy Carter proposed five consecutive inflation-fighting programs, changing his plans with each shift in public sentiment without having invested the political capital necessary to get Congress and the country behind any of the efforts. The nation -- and Carter -- would probably have been better served by a steadfast commitment to a single course of action.

Paragraph 2 mainly implies that ______.

A.Reagan lost a lot of support late in his administration

B.leaders should learn to win support for their policies

C.it is up to the leaders to determine the value of public opinion

D.public opinion polls are very important to a democratic society

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