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According to Byrne, in the false belief test, ______.A.children are showing the same theor

According to Byrne, in the false belief test, ______.

A.children are showing the same theory of mind competence as gorillas

B.gorillas will know that the first gorilla will look in the box

C.animals hardly have the theory-of-the-mind competence

D.children younger than 4 or 5 years old fail the false belief test

提问人:网友polarbear627 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“According to Byrne, in the fal…”相关的问题
Who said “The purpose of life is a life of purpose”?

A、Winston Churchill

B、Mahatma Gandhi

C、Robert Byrne

D、Charles Darwin



阐述下面案例的事实、判决理由及其裁决: 1964年Hedley Byrne & Co.Ltd.诉Heller and Parther
s Ltd.。(1998年4月,1991年9月)

The study by Richard Byrne and Joanne Tanner of St. Andrews University in the UK implies t
hat ______.

A.gorillas could encourage their playmates to win the game

B.gorillas could be aware of others' mental states

C.kids are observed following others' interaction with a third object

D.theory of mind is shared between dogs, cats and gorillas

Barbie is going through a midlife crisis. After (1)_____ with longtime boyfriend Ken earli

Barbie is going through a midlife crisis. After (1)_____ with longtime boyfriend Ken earlier this year, she has (2)_____ refuge in shopping, surfing, bubble baths and partying with a crew of trendy pals on the beach in Jamaica. At 45, she even made a (3)_____ for the White House.

Then there was the makeover: a new. (4)_____ of Paul Frank fashions, her own fragrance, a new musical and a new man-spiky-haired Australian surfer Blaine.

But, she (5)_____ is going through a crisis, one that started at the cash register. (6)_____ the Barbie brand as a whole (7)_____ $3.6 billion in global retail sales this year, according to manufacturer Mattel Inc., Barbie has (8)_____ sales slide over the past seven quarters. In the past few years, rivals (9)_____ the edgier Bratz have upstaged the iconic doll.

To re-energize its flagship brand, the world's largest toy maker set out to (10)_____ Barbie and her pals in a (11)_____ of books, magazines and animated films, hoping the story lines would (12)_____ sales of the doll and her trove of accessories.

For girls ages 6 to 9, Mattel crafted stories with preteen scenarios—dance parties, dating and shopping. Barbie's look now (13)_____ reflects current fashion trends. Mattel signed diva Hilary Duff to (14)_____ the brand.

"She's the 'It' girl for the Barbie set," said Chris Byrne, an independent toy consultant and editor of the Toy Report.

Mattel is (15)_____ the story-line concept to new and existing doll lines across Barbie's (16)_____, though only about two-thirds of the new toys will be in stores this year, with the (17)_____ arriving in 2005.

"We need to make progress in regaining the confidence of retailers, and that (18)_____ time," Robert A. Eckert, Mattel's chairman and chief executive, told Wall Street analysts last month.

Perhaps a bigger (19)_____ for Mattel is persuading parents and children that Barbie is cool. That cachet has eluded the brand in recent years, particularly among older girls, many of whom either have lost interest in dolls or (20)_____ Bratz.





Urging bored friends to keep playing with you is not limited to humans. A gorilla (大猩猩)

Urging bored friends to keep playing with you is not limited to humans. A gorilla (大猩猩) that wants to continue a game will also try to do this, and will even deliberately lose if necessary. This hints that gorillas may have "theory of mind"--the capacity to attribute mental states to others.

Richard Byrne and Joanne Tanner of St. Andrews University in the UK videoed gorillas at San Francisco Zoo. As well as engaging with a toy and another gorilla, the animals seemed aware of how their playmate was interacting with the toy. "The gorillas could encourage their playmates when they were losing interest by losing the game, if necessarily," says Byrne.

This is the first time animals have been observed following a playmate's interaction with a third object a skill picked up by humans at 9 months old. If you thought your pet dog does this, you're wrong. With dogs, cats, lions and bears the animal wants to win the game, rather than keep it going. Byrne says," This is different to throwing a stick for your pet dog."

Because the gorillas seem to be taking account of the thoughts of others. They are showing some theory of mind competence, says Byrne, although they do not pass a theory-of-mind test called the false belief test, which looks at the ability to infer another's perspective.

In the false belief test, two individuals are shown playing with a toy, before placing it in a box. After one of them leaves the room, the other person moves the toy and places it in a bag. When the first person re-turns to the room, where will they look for the toy? Those with theory of mind--the ability to infer another's perspective will know that the first person will look in the box. Children younger than 4 or 5 have yet to develop theory of mind and think the person will look in the bag in the false belief test. Similar false belief tests that don't require language can be set up for animals.

Felix Warneken at Harvard University agrees the study provides "promising evidence" for collaborative behaviour in gorillas. However, Josep Call, at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, says he has seen this behaviour in chimpanzees before.

Iona Stewart at ZSL London Zoo, who has been looking after captive gorillas for 13 years, says there is "no question" that gorillas have theory of mind. "Anyone who spends time with gorillas will have known this for years," she says. "Not a day goes by when you don't see some examples of this sort of behaviour." The typical gorilla's sense of humour, Stewart says, is schadenfreud. One gorilla she knew would poke a stick at strangers then look the other way and laugh. "If they could whistle, they'd be whistling, but they're not quite clever enough to get away with it."

A gorilla will lose games deliberately to ______.

A.persuade his friends to keep playing with him

B.prove his "theory of mind"

C.attribute mental states to others

D.continue the game with his partners

Margaret Sanger and Birth Control Margaret Sanger, an American nurse, was the first to sta

Margaret Sanger and Birth Control

Margaret Sanger, an American nurse, was the first to start the modern birth control movement in the United States. In 1912 she(51)publishing information about women's reproductive (生殖的) concerns through articles and books. In 1914 Sanger Was charged(52)violation of the Comstock Law, which federal legislation had passed in 1873 forbidding the mailing of sexy material(53)information about birth control and contraceptive (避孕的) devices. Though she was put in jail for these activities, Sanger(54)to publish and spread information about birth control. She and her sister Ethel Byrne opened the first of several birth control clinics in America on October 16, 1916, in Brooklyn, New York.

The Comstock Law was rewritten by Congress in 1936 to(55)birth control information and devices. Many states had laws forbidding distribution or use of contraceptive devices but the constitutionality (合宪性) of these laws was increasingly(56). In 1965, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that married people have the right to practice birth control without government intervention. In 1972, the court(57)that unmarried people have the same right.

Today there are more: birth control options(58), but overpopulation and unwanted pregnancies remain worldwide(59). Having more children than one can support may lead(69)poverty, illness, and high death rates for babies, children, and women.

The problem of teenage pregnancy is(61)worse in the United States(62)in almost any other developed country. Studies show that birth rates for women under 20 are higher in the United States than in 29 other(63)countries. A detailed study suggested that the problem of teenage pregnancy in the United States may be(64)to less sex education in schools and lower availability (可获性) of contraceptive services and supplies to young people. This study(65)the view of people in the United States who argue that sex education or making contraceptive supplies available to school-age children promotes sexual activity.





根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。 Margaret Sanger and Birth Control Margaret Sanger,an A

根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。

Margaret Sanger and Birth Control

Margaret Sanger,an American nurse,was the first to start the modern birth control movement in the United States.In 1912 she__________(1)publishing information about women’s reproductive(生殖的)concerns through a rticles and books.In l914 Sanger was charged__________(2)violation of。the Comstock Law,which federal legislation had passed in l873 forbidding the mailing of sexy material__________ (3)information about birth control and contraceptive(避孕的)devices.Though she was put in jail for these activities,Sanger__________ (4)to publish and spread information about birth control.She and her sister Ethel Byrne openedthe first of several birth control clinics in America 0n 0ctober 16,1916,in Brooklyn,New York.

The Comstock Law was rewritten by Congress in 1936 to__________ (5)birth control information and devices.Many states had laws forbidding distribution or use of contraceptive devices but the constitutionality(合宪性)of these laws was increasingly__________(6).1n 1965,the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates ruledthat marriedpeople have the right to practice birth control without government intervention.In 1972,the court__________ (7)that unmarriedpeople have the same right.

Today there are more birth control options__________(8),but overpopulation and unwantedpregnancies remain worldwide__________ (9).Having more children than one can support may lead__________ (10)poverty, illness,and high death rates for babies,children,and women.

The problem of teenage pregnancy is__________ (11) worse in the UnitedStates__________ (12)in almost any other developedcountry.Studies show that birth rates for women under 20 are higher in the UnitedStates than in 29 0ther__________ (13)countries.

A detailedstudy suggestedthat the problem of teenage pregnancy in the UntiedStates may be __________ (14)to less sex education in schools and Lower availability(可获性)of contraceptive services and supplies to young people.This study__________ (15)the view of people in the UnitedStates who argue that sex education or making contraceptive supplies available to school-age children promotes sexual activity.

第 51 题



C.begand took


根据以下材料,完成题。Ma rgaret Sanger and Birth Control Margaret Sanger,an American nurse


Ma rgaret Sanger and Birth Control Margaret Sanger,an American nurse,was the first to start the modem birth control movement in the United States.In l912 she. (51)publishing information about women’s reproductive(生殖的)concerns through articles and books.In l914 Sanger was charged. (52)violation of the Comstock Law,which federal legislation had passed in l 873 forbidding the mailing of sexy material. (53)information about birth control and contraceprive(避孕的)devices.Though she was put in jail for these activities,Sanger. (54)to publish and spread information about birth contr01.She and her sister Ethel Byrne opened the first of several birth control clinics in America on October l6,1916,in Brooklyn,New York.

The Comstock Law was rewritten by Congress in l936 to. (55)birth control information and devices.Many states had laws forbidding distribution or use of contraceptive devices but the constitutionality(合宪性)of these laws was increasingly. (56).In l965,the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that married people have the right to practice birth control without government intervention.In l 972,the court. (57),that unmarried people have the same right.

Today there are more birth control options. (58),but overpopulation and unwanted pregnancies relnain worldwide. (59).Having more children than one can support may lead . (60)poverty,illness,and high death rates for babies,children,and women.

The problem of teenage pregnancy is. (6 1)worse in the United States . (62)in almost any other developed country.Studies show that birth rates for women under 20 are higher in the United States than in 29 0ther. (63)countries.A detailed study suggested that the problem of teenage pregnancy in the United States may be. (64)to1ess sex education in schools and lower availability(可获性)of contraceptive services and supplies to young people.This study. (65)the view of people in the United States who argue that sex education or making contraceptive supplies available to school——age children promotes sexual activity.

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According to mechanism the polymerization can be classified into ______ and ______.
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