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Climate, more than any other single factor, determines the distribution of life on Earth.

Climatic boundaries establish the limits within which organisms can survive. Plants, even more than animals, must be well adapted to climate in order to survive. They cannot move about or take shelter but must be equipped to endure whatever weather conditions are likely to occur. In the harsh conditions of the tundra (苔原), for example, low growing mosses, lichens, and a few flowering plants all hug the ground for shelter from icy winds.

Animals, despite their ability to move about and find shelter, are just as much influenced by climate as plants are. Creatures such as the camel and the penguin are so highly specialized that they have an extremely limited distribution. Others, such as bears, are flexible enough to adapt to a broad range of climates. Ocean-dwelling organisms are just as sensitive to climatic changes-- in this case temperature and salinity—as land animals. Reef corals (珊瑚) can survive only in clear warm seawater. Certain foraminifers are so sensitive to changes in their environment that their presence can be taken as an index of sea temperature. Human beings are among the least specialized of all animals and can bye almost anywhere. Their clothes and their homes act as a sort of "miniature climate" that can be taken with them everywhere.

According to the passage, plants on the tundra grow in the ground______.

A.to avoid being eaten by arctic animals

B.because fertilizer is not readily available

C.to minimize exposure to the cold

D.because unfrozen water supplies are very scarce

提问人:网友lushengjun 发布时间:2022-01-07
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根据下列短文,回答下列各题。 Climate.more than any other single factor,determines the distribution of life on earth.Cli-matic boundaries establish the limits which organisms can survive.Plants,even more than ani-mals.must be well adapted to climate in order to survive.They cannot move about or take shel-ter but must be equipped to endure whatever weather conditions are likely to Occur.In the harsh conditions of the tundra,for example,low growing mosses,lichens,and a few flowering plants allhug the ground for shelter from icy winds. Animals,despite their ability to move about and find shelter,are just as much influenced by climate as plants are.Creatures such as the camel and the penguin are so highly specializedthat they have an extremely limited distribution。Others,such as bears are flexible"enough to a.dapt to a broad range of climates.Oceandwelling organisms are just as sensitive to climaticchanges--in this case temperature and salinity--as land animals.Reef corals can survive onlyin clear warm seawater.Certain foraminifers are so sensitive to changes in their environmentthat their presence can be taken as an index of sea temperature.Human beings are among theleast specialized of all animals and can live almost anywhere.Their clothes and their homes actas a sort of“miniature climate”that Can be taken with them everywhere. According to the passage,plants on the tundra grow in the ground_________.

A.to avoid being eaten by arctic animals

B.because fertilizer is not readily available

C.to minimize exposure to the cold

D.because unfrozen water supplies are very scarce

A constitutional amendment ________any president from serving more than two terms.





Columbia, a poetic name for the Americans and the feminine personification of the United States of America, was made famous by the poet ______ during the American Revolutionary War.

A、Phillis Wheatley Phillis

B、Philip Freneau

C、Emily Dickinson

D、Ann Bradstreet

阅读理解.????Britain almost more than any other co...
Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the

problem of building upwards, that is to say of accommodating(居住) a considerable

proportion of its population in high blocks of flats. It is said that the Englishman

objects to this type of existence, but if the case is such, he does in fact differ from

the inhabitants of most countries of the world today. In the past our own blocks or

flats have been associated with(把……同……联系起来) the lower-income groups

and they have lacked the obvious provisions, such as central heating, constant hot

water supply, electrically operated lifts from top to bottom, and so on, as well as

such details, important notwithstanding(然而), as easy facilities for disposal(处理)

of dust and rubbish and storage places for baby carriages on the ground floor,

playgrounds for children on the top of the buildings, and drying grounds for washing.

It is likely that the dispute regarding flats versus individual houses will continue to

rage(风行) on for a long time as far as Britain is concerned, and it is unfortunate

that there should be hot feelings on both sides whenever this subject is raised. Those

who oppose the building of flats base their case primarily on the assumption that

everyone prefers individual home and garden and on the high cost per unit of

accommodation. The latter ignores the higher cost of providing full services to a

scattered(分散)community and the cost in both money and time of the journey to

work for the suburban resident.

1. We can infer from the passage that ____.
A. English people, differently from most people in other countries, dislike

living in flats

B. people in most countries of the world today are not opposed to living in flats

C. people in Britain are forced to move into high blocks of flats

D. modern flats still fail to provide the necessary facilities for living

2. What is said about the blocks of flats built in the past in Britain?_____
A. They were mostly inhabited by people who did not earn much.

B. They were usually not large enough to accommodate big families.

C. They were sold to people before necessary facilities were installed.

D. They provided playgrounds for children on the top of the buildings.

3. Some people oppose the building of flats because ____.
A. this living expenses for each individual family are higher

B. it involves higher cost compared with the building of houses

C. they believe that people like to live in houses with gardens

D. the disposal of rubbish remains a problem for those who lives in flats

4. The author mentions that people who live in suburban houses ____.
A. do not have access to easy facilities because they live away from the city

B. have to pay a lot of money to employ people to do service work

C. take longer time to know each other because they are a scattered community

D. have to spend money and time going to work every day

___ literary world turns out to be a most disturbed, tormented and problematical one, which has much to do with the “black” vision of life and human beings.

A、Herman Melville’s

B、Washington Irving’s

C、Nathaniel Hawthorne’s

D、Walt Whitman’s

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