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Those Africans who first came to America am ______A.slavesB.workersC.teachers

Those Africans who first came to America am ______




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更多“Those Africans who first came …”相关的问题
Here are some short summaries. Each one goes with ...

Here are some short summaries. Each one goes with one of the paragraphs [A–J], but they are not in the correct order. Can you put them in the correct sequence? 1) Although many Africans are multilingual, they often don’t speak English because it is less useful to them than the languages they do speak. 2) Despite the strong position of English in the world, the long-term trend may be for it to become less important. 3) English first became internationally important because of England’s historical role in the world. 4) Generally, only certain types of people are effective users of English as a foreign language. The situation is not likely to change in the future. 5) Important international uses of English mean that people who speak it are often in a better position than those who don’t. 6) One reason why regional languages are becoming more important is that various government and religious organizations throughout the world are encouraging their use. 7) Regional languages will become increasingly important as a way of facilitating communication in places where local languages are spoken. 8) The use of English is growing throughout the world in an uncontrolled fashion. 9) There are a number of reasons why English is currently increasing in international importance. Some of them are less obvious than others. 10) The demand for regional languages is increasing rapidly. Par. A: __8)__ Par. B: ______ Par. C: ______ Par. D: ______ Par. E: ______ Par. F: ______ Par. G: ______ Par. H: ______ Par. I: ______ Par. J: ______

听力原文: The European Union says thirty thousand Sub-Saharan Africans are waiting in Moro
cco and Algeria to cross illegally into Europe. [23] Morocco has been criticized by human rights organizations after it was reported that its security forces had dumped large numbers of these would-be migrants in the desert and left them to fend for themselves. Meanwhile, in the Moroccan capital, Rabat, demonstrations have been taking place against the treatment of those who've been trying to enter the Spanish enclaves of Melilia and Ceuta, [24] where last week several people were killed in clashes with Moroccan troops.

Why did the human rights organizations criticize Morocco?

A.Because Morocco repatriated those who wanted to enter Spain..

B.Because Morocco allowed the would-be migrants to enter Europe.

C.Because Moroccan troops killed several would-be migrants.

D.Because Moroccan security forces treated the would-be migrants cruelly.

In order to show how black people throughout North American were culturally isolated from the start,
it Is important to recognize how strange and unnatural the initial contact with Western society was for the African. Once we realize what a shock this first encounter was, we can begin to understand the amazing albeit agonizing transformation that produced contemporary black Americans from the people who were first bound and brought to this country. Life in colonial America was completely different from what the African thought human existence should be. This was one of the most important aspects of the enslavement of the African, the radically different, even opposing cultural perspectives that the colonial American and the African brought to one another.

Early European-Americans could not appreciate the profundity of the African world view because it differed so greatly from the Western system of thought and ideas. Western culture, which views the ultimate happiness of humanity as the sole purpose of the universe, could not comprehend the goals or “canons of satisfaction” of a culture with elaborate concepts of predetermination and of the subservience of human beings to a complex of Gods. The cruelty of this misunderstanding, when contained within already terrifying circumstance of slavery, should be readily apparent.

Africans were unable to preserve many of the achievements of their civilization under a system of slavery which denied cultural autonomy to the oppressed. European-Americans immediately attempted to eradicate all manifestations of African political, social, and economic traditions. Moreover, the highly developed African system of Jurisprudence could not function under the American form of slavery. Nevertheless, Africans were able to preserve some of their own cultural perspectives, and many of the attitudes, customs, and cultural characteristics of the black American can be traced directly back to Africa. Religion, non-material aspects of

African culture, which could not be suppressed, now form the most apparent legacies of African past.

Because of the violent differences between what was indigenous to their culture and what was forced on them m slavery, Africans developed an eclectic view of the world, containing both those elements of African temperament that could not be suppressed and those elements of Western culture that were essential to survival in North America. Afro-Americans (the first American-born black people, who retained many pure Africanisms ) and later black Americans inherited these cultural complexities and added individual nuances of their own. So, after several generations in the United States, the black Americans developed a separate culture which reflects both their African and their American experience. The African culture, the retention of some parts of this culture in American, and the weight of the step-culture produced a new people.

Are the British people Europeans? This may seem a strange question to Africans and Asians,
who tend to think of all white men as Europeans. But the British, when they are in Britain, do not regard themselves as Europeans. The Europeans, to them, are those rather excitable foreigners from the other side of the English Channel, who have never learnt how to speak English. Europe is "the Continent": a place full of interest for British tourists, but also the source of almost all the wars in which Britain has ever been involved. Thus, although geographically speaking Britain is a part of Europe, yet the fact that it is a separate island that has made its people feel very, very insular. They feel, and in many ways are, different from the rest of Europe and they sometimes annoy continental nations by failing to support them, or even to understand them, in time of need.

Where did the British people come from? This is an extraordinary interesting question, since they are a mixture of many different races, and all these races invaded Britain at various times from Europe. Nobody knows very much about Britain before the Romans came during the first century B. C. , but there had been at least three invasions before that. The first of these was by a dark-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians. The other two were by Celtic tribes; first the Gaels, whose descendants are the modern Scots and Irish, some of whom still speak the Gaelic language; and secondly the Britons, who gave their name to the whole island of Britain. These were the people whom the Romans conquered. The Romans gave the Britons a good deal of their civilization, but they never settled in Britain in very large numbers, so the British race survived until the overthrow of the Ro man Empire by the "barbarians", i. e. the numerous Germanic tribes which overran the whole of Western Europe.

The purpose of the passage is to ______.

A.talk about Europeans

B.discuss the origin of British people

C.argue for the superiority of British people

D.compare the Europeans with Africans and Asians

Slavery has played a significant role in the history of the U. S. It existed in all the En
glish mainland colonies and most of the Founding Fathers also had slaves, as did eight of the first 12 presidents.

Dutch traders brought 20 Africans to Jamestown, Virginia, as early as 1619, however, throughout the 17 th century the number of Africans in the English mainland colonies grew very slowly. At that time, colonists used two other sources of unfree labor: Native American slaves and European indentured servants.

During those years, every colony had some Native American slaves, but their number was limited. Indian men avoided performing agricultural labor, because they viewed it as women' s work, and colonists complained that they were too "haughty". The more important was that the settlers found it more convenient to sell Native Americans captured in war to planters in the Caribbean than to turn them into slaves, because they often resisted and it was not hard for the slaves to escape. Later, the policy of killing Indians or driving them away from white settlements was proposed and it contradicted with their widespread employment as slaves.

The other form. of labor was the white indentured servitude. Most indentured servants consisted of poor Europeans. Desiring to escape tough conditions in Europe and take advantage of fabled opportunities in America, they traded three to seven years of their labor in exchange for the transatlantic passage. At first, it was mainly English who were the white indentured servitude but later increasingly Irish, Welsh, and German joined. They were essentially temporary slaves and most of them served as agricultural workers although some, especially in the North, were taught skilled trades. During the 17th century, they performed most of heavy labor in the Southern colonies and also consisted of the bulk of immigrants to those colonies.

At the end of the 17 th century, in order to meet the labor need, landowners in America turned to African slaves. During the late 17th and 18th centuries, thanks to the dominant position of England in terms of naval superiority, English traders (some of whom lived in English America) transported millions of Africans across the Atlantic. And the transatlantic slave trade produced one of the largest forced migrations in history, blacks (the great majority of whom were slaves) increasing from about 7 percent of the American population in 1680 to more than 40 percent by the middle of the 18th century.

Which of the following was true of the slavery in America?

A.The colonists sold African Americans to planters in the Caribbean.

B.Native American slaves performed agricultural labor.

C.During the 17th century, the white indentured servitude was the main labor in the Southern colonies.

D.It was at the end of the 17th century that African people began to be brought to America.

Who are the Chosen People?





Those who ______ will burn themselves.A.play a fireB.play fireC.play the fireD.play with f

Those who ______ will burn themselves.

A.play a fire

B.play fire

C.play the fire

D.play with fire

The American victory in the Revolutionary War unit...

The American victory in the Revolutionary War united 13 of the English-speaking settlements into the largest and most powerful political unit in the territory , even though those first 13 states hugging the eastern coast seem small compared with the country' s eventual size. As a result of the Revolution ,approximately 71 , 500 people out of a population of some 2. 5 million fled the new United States. Some were Loyalists - political or economic refugees whose loyalties to Great Britain remained strong; others were blacks seeking refuge from slavery. Immigration and the commercial slave trade after the war quickly restored the population to its former level. The Revolution also opened up the area west of the Appalachian Mountains to settlement , as fur traders and farmers were no longer confined by British settlement restrictions. Pioneering citizens , immigrants , and slaves moved west , displacing Native Americans who had hoped to preserve their cultures undisturbed by the expanding United States.

The 17th and 18th centuries saw a growing importation of Africans into North America. After 1808 U. S. law forbade the importation of slaves from abroad , although some smuggling of slaves continued. Few people from Africa chose to come to the United States voluntarily (the free African population was small) because they were considered second-class citizens , and confined largely to the northern states. Large numbers of Europeans migrated to the United States in the early national period , drawn by the promise of freedom , cheap land in the West , and jobs in the first factories of the emerging industrial age. The influx of Europeans , the end of the slave trade , and the ongoing wars removing Native Americans meant that some of the racial diversity of the population was diminishing. By the early decades of the 19th century , a greater proportion of Americans were of western European and Protestant heritage than at the time of the Revolution.

Over the course of the 19th century , the United States gradually absorbed the French colonists in the upper Midwest and in New Orleans , Louisiana; the Spanish and Russian colonists in the South , West ,and Northwest; and the territories of the Hawaiian people and other indigenous groups. Sometimes these territories were added by diplomacy , sometimes by brute force. European visitors were surprised at the diversity in nationalities and in religious and secular beliefs in early America , as well as the number of intermarriages between people of differing European heritages. There were also cross-racial births , sometimes voluntary and sometimes by force , but rarely within legal marriages. The population continued to grow through migration as well , driven in part by English , Irish , and German settlers who came in large numbers around 1848 to escape political repression and food shortages in Europe.

31. The American independence made all of the following leave the new country EXCEPT ()

A. those who were hostile to the old colonialists

B. pro-British colonialists loyal to the old political system

C. those attempting to free themselves from slavery

D. those who fled on account of economic problems caused by birth of the new nation

32. It can be inferred from the passage that ()

A. slavery was soon abolished after the victory of the American Revolution

B. people didn't enjoy freedom of settlement in the West before the Revolutionary War

C. native Americans moved abroad in large numbers during the War

D. the western expansion destroyed the environmental conditions in those areas

33. Which of the following stopped the influx of Africans into the United States in the first decade of the 19th century? ()

A. Large numbers of European immigrants.

B. Some smuggling slaves.

C. Legislation by the government.

D. Second-class citizens.

34. By (), the United States succeeded in obtaining vast land from other colonies during the 19th century.

A. military action and re-settlement

B. negotiations and re-settlement

C. military action and negotiations

D. negotiations and industrialization

35. Implied , but not directly stated , is the fact that () in early America.

A. there appeared to be many diverse nationalities

B. numerous different religions existed

c. marriages between European descendants were commonplace

D. marriages between different races were not encouraged or accepted

Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?

A、American Indians


C、People from Africa

D、Native American

Which is the most appropriate expression to translate “心”each the sentence 劳心者治人,劳力者治于人。Those who work with _______ rule and those who work with their brawn are ruled.







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