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Next to Sir Andrew in the club-room sits Captain Sentry, a gentleman of great courage, goo

d understanding, but invincible modesty. He is one of those that deserve very well, but are very awkward at putting their talents within the observation of such as should take notice of them. He was some years a captain, and behaved himself with great gallantry in several engagements and at several sieges; but having a small estate of his own, and being next heir to Sir Roger, he has quitted a way of life in which no man can rise suitably to his merit, who is not something of a courtier as well as a soldier. I have heard him often lament that in a profession where merit is placed in so conspicuous a view, impudence should get the better of modesty. When he had talked to this purpose; I never heard him make a sour expression, but frankly confess that he left the world because he was not fit for it. A strict honesty, and an even regular behavior, are in themselves obstacles to him that must press through crowds, who endeavour at the same end with himself, the favor of a commander. He will, however, in his way of talk excuse generals for not disposing according to men's desert, or inquiring into it; for, says he, that the great man who has a mind to help me, has as many, to break through to come at me, as I have to come at him: therefore he will conclude that the man who would make a figure, especially in a military way, must get over all false modesty, and assist his patron against the importunity of other pretenders, by a proper assurance in his own vindication. He says it is a civil cowardice to be backward in asserting what you ought to expect, as it is a military fear to be slow in attacking when it is your duty, With this candour does the gentleman speak of himself and others. The same frankness runs through all his conversation. The military part of his life has furnished him with many adventures, in the relation of which he is very agreeable to the company; for he is never overbearing, though accustomed to command men in the utmost degree below him; nor ever too obsequious, from a habit of obeying men highly above him.

Captain Sentry, in this passage, demonstrates that he is noteworthy because of his ______.

A.domineering quality




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更多“Next to Sir Andrew in the club…”相关的问题
—______I stop here, sir?— No. Go on to next paragraph (段) , please.A.CanB.ShouldC.winD.Sh

—______I stop here, sir? — No. Go on to next paragraph (段) , please.





听力原文:W: John, remember to drop off those textbooks at Andrew's on the way to class.M:

听力原文:W: John, remember to drop off those textbooks at Andrew's on the way to class.

M: Oh, thanks for the reminder. I'm on my way there.

Q: What will the man probably do next?


A.Go to Andrew's place before class.

B.Go to Andrew's place after class.

C.Go back to his room to get the book.

D.Go to class.

听力原文:M: Can't you knock on the door before you enter my office next time?W: Sorry, sir

听力原文:M: Can't you knock on the door before you enter my office next time?

W: Sorry, sir. It's just that I'm in such a hurry.

Q: How does the man feel when he speaks to the woman?


A.Very sorry.

B.A bit annoyed.



听力原文:M: Andrew Jackson, who was President of the United States from 1829 to 1837, was
one of the most colorful political figures in American history. He first won national attention during the War of 1812 when, as the commander of about 5.000 backwoods farmers and soldiers, he completely defeated a well-trained British army of 10,000 men at the famous Baffle of New Orleans.

There are many anecdotes about Jackson. Among them there is a humorous one:

After his wife died, Jackson lived alone and felt very lonely. He also began to worry greatly about his health. Several members of his family had died after suffering paralytic strokes, and Jackson was sure that he was going to die in the same way. He therefore lived in constant fear of having such a stroke.

One day at the home of some friends, he was playing chess with a young girl. Suddenly Jackson's hand dropped to his side and he seemed to become very weak. His face became pale. Several friends rushed to his side.

"At last it has come," said Jackson weakly. "I have had a stroke. My whole right side is paralyzed."

"How do you know?" someone asked.

"Because," Jackson answered, "in the past few minutes I have pinched my right leg several times, and there is absolutely no sensation in it."

"Oh! I beg your pardon, Sir," said the young woman with whom he had been playing. "But that was my leg you were pinching!"

Who was Andrew Jackson?

A.He was the commander of the American Army during the War of 1812.

B.He was President of the United States.

C.He was one of the most colorful political figures.

D.All of the above.

FROM: memberships@healthsports.com

TO: Dean Towers Tenant

SUBJECT: Special membership deal

SENT: June 11, 12:04 P.M.

Dean Towers Healthsports is pleased to announce special discounts for employees of companies in the Dean Towers complex. Apply within the next month and you can get a full 30% discount off your first year's membership at our fully-equipped and expertly-staffed facility.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am interested in finding out more about your special offer for employees of companies in the Dean Towers complex.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours truly.

听力原文:W: Hello, Air Trailer. What can I do for you, Sir?M: Can I book a ticket to New Y

听力原文:W: Hello, Air Trailer. What can I do for you, Sir?

M: Can I book a ticket to New York for next Friday, please?

W: Sure, but all the tickets of direct flights from Beijing are sold out. Would you mind a transfer ticket?

M: No. Where shall I go first, Hong Kong or Tokyo?

W: Tokyo. You'll wait there only for a couple of hours.

M: Well, that doesn't sound too bad. When can I get the ticket?

W: Any time. Would you like to have it delivered to you?

M: Yes, please.

W: No problem.

M: Can I have a discount?

W: Yes, a ten percent discount.

M: Fine, thanks.



B.New York.


D.Hong Kong.

听力原文:W: Andrew, you're quite a hero, aren't you?M: Am I? I didn't know.W: Have you eve

听力原文:W: Andrew, you're quite a hero, aren't you?

M: Am I? I didn't know.

W: Have you ever been on the radio before?

M: No, not really. I mean I've never found so much money before.

W: Tell me what happened that morning.

M: Well, I collected my newspapers at about 8 o'clock and started my pa- per around. I went past the phone box and I saw this black bag in one comer. I got off my bike to have a better look. It was just an ordinary case. So I decided to find out who it belonged to.

W: When did you realize it was money?

M: As soon as I opened it.

W: What did you do next?

M: I rushed out of the box, went to the nearest house, and phoned the police.

W: what did the police do with the bag?

M: I didn't stay to find out. I had to go and continue the delivery of my newspapers.

W: Were you late for school?

M: Only about five minutes. Nobody seemed to mind.

Where did Andrew find the money?

A.In a phone box.

B.On his way to school.

C.Outside the newspaper office.

听力原文:W: What can I do for you, sir?M: I'm looking for a jacket for my son.W: Come with

听力原文:W: What can I do for you, sir?

M: I'm looking for a jacket for my son.

W: Come with me, please. Here are jackets for boys.

M: The black one is nice. How much is it?

W: Twenty five pounds.

M: Oh, I'm afraid it's too expensive.

W: What about the blue one over there? It looks nice, too. And it's cheaper.

M: But it's a bit too small. Have you a bigger size?

W: Sorry, we haven't. But we'll get some soon. Will you come next week?

M: All right. I'll come again.

What does the man want to buy?

A.A jacket.

B.A T-shirt.

C.A pair of trousers.

听力原文:W: Hello, Mary Smith here. Could I speak to Mr. Brown, please?M: Speaking.W: Oh,

听力原文:W: Hello, Mary Smith here. Could I speak to Mr. Brown, please?

M: Speaking.

W: Oh, it's you, Andrew, is it? I didn't recognize your voice. Sounds as if you're miles away.

M: Oh, hello, Mary. Yes, the line isn't very good. I'll speak a bit louder. Is that any better?

W: Yes, that's much better now. Andrew, it looks as if I won't be able to keep the appointment we made.

M: That was to be Friday, wasn't it?

W: Yes, I'm so sorry. This visitor I was actually expecting last week had some kind of change in his schedule, and now he's rung me up to say the only day he can come is next Friday.

M: I see.

W: And the trouble is, as he's over from Argentina, I can't very well put him off. Hope you understand.

M: Well, I suppose so.

W: But could we meet on Saturday? Or would you prefer the beginning of next week?

M: Afraid I'm tied up at the weekend. And...let me just check. Tuesday would be all right, I think.

W: Tuesday is O.K. for me too. Could you come here at 11:30 as we'd arranged? I'll show you round our place, we could lunch together and work out the terms of our contract in the afternoon. How does that sound to you?

M: Yes, fine. I'll write it down in my diary. That's Tuesday, 12th December. Right, I'll be at your place at 11:30 then.

W: Thanks, Andrew. Hope I haven't messed up your arrangements too much.

M: Oh no, these things happen, don't they? See you next Tuesday. And have a nice weekend.

W: Thanks. You too.


A.Changing an appointment.

B.Making an appointment.

C.Canceling an appointment.

D.Meeting a friend.

听力原文:W: What can I do for you, sir? M: I'm looking for a jacket for my son. W: Come wi

听力原文:W: What can I do for you, sir?

M: I'm looking for a jacket for my son.

W: Come with me, please. Here are jackets for boys.

M: The black one is nice. How much is it?

W: Twenty five pounds.

M: Oh, I'm afraid it's too expensive.

W: What about the blue one over there? It looks nice, too. And it's cheaper.

M: But it's a bit small. Have you a bigger size?

W: Sorry, we haven't. But we'll get some soon. Will you come next week?

M: All right. I'll come again.

What does the man want to buy?

A.A jacket.

B.A T-shirt.

C.A pair of trousers.

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