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根据下列材料请回答 23~30 题:Depression and the Elderly1 We all feel sad at times.However,c

根据下列材料请回答 23~30 题:

Depression and the Elderly

1 We all feel sad at times.However,clinical depression is a serious matter.Clinical depression, sometimes called major depression,is a biologically based brain disorder that affects one’s thoughts,feelings,behavior,and physical health.When people complain that they feel terrible,they have no interest or take no pleasure in things,have trouble sleeping,lack energy,have poor appetite,or cannot concentrate,depression is a definite possibility.

2 Depression in its many forms affects more than 6.5 million of the 35 million Americans who are 65 years or older.Most older people with depression have been suffering from episodes(发作)of the illness during much of their lives。For others.depression has a first onset(起病)in late life—even for those in their 80s and 90s.Depression in older persons is closely associated with dependency and disability and causes great suffering for the individual and the family

3 Many older people and their families don’t-recognize the symptoms of depression,aren’t aware that it is a medical illness,and don’t know how it is treated Others may mistake the symptoms of depression as sighs of dementia(痴呆).Also,many older people think that depression is a character flaw(缺陷)and are worried about being stigmatized(给…带来耻辱),SO they blame themselves for their illness and are too ashamed(羞耻的)to get help,Others worry that treatment would be too costly.

4 Older persons with depression rarely seek treatment for the illness。Unrecognized and untreated depression has fatal consequences in terms of both suicide and non-suicide mortality(死亡率).The highest rate of suicide in the US is among older white men?Depression IS the single most significant risk factor for suicide in that population。Tragically,many of those people who go on to commit suicide have reached out for help -20%see a doctor the day they die,40%the week they die,and 70%in the month they die.Yet depression is frequently missed.

第 23 题 Paragraph 1_____________

提问人:网友mmmwar 发布时间:2022-01-07
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根据所听内容,回答 22~23 题 第 22 题 What's the purpose of police in Rio de Janeiro laun

根据所听内容,回答 22~23 题

第 22 题 What's the purpose of police in Rio de Janeiro launching the operation?

[A] To catch suspected murderers.

[B] To put an end to violent strikes.

[C] To stop gangs' illegal behaviours.

[D] To train officers and motorcycle police.

根据下列材料请回答 16~30 题: Some years ago,Chinese high school students would show t

根据下列材料请回答 16~30 题:

Some years ago,Chinese high school students would show their new schoolbags,new clothes or new pens to their classmates when the new term started.Today,however,all have 16 If you still come back to school 17 0nly these things,you are out—of-date(过时的)。Students in big cities like to bring the latest high.tech things to school,and feel happy and 18 to show off(炫耀)these things to 19 .Mobile phones,MP3 players,CD players,electronic dictionaries,the list is endless.

Young people think that.1iving in the 21 st century,they must keep up with the 20 They don't want to fall 21 .Besides,they think 22 they need to keep in touch with their classmates.SO they need mobile phones.They also like to 23 the pop music,SO they need CD players.They explain that, 24 like electronic dictionarjes,these can be 25 in their study, 26 .They think that their parents should understand 27 they want these things-

Foreign students will also bring some latest high-tech things when they 28 to school at the beginning of a new term. 29 ,they often use the money which they made by themselves during the holiday to 30 these high—tech things that they want.

第 16 题





根据下列条件,回答 23~26 题:某男,17岁,急淋白血病,化疗后1周出现发热、咽痛、咳嗽。血象Hb96g/L,WB
C1.3 × 109/L(N 65%L 30%),PLT 54 ×109/L







根据下列材料回答下列各 题。 A.卵磷脂/鞘磷脂比值为2.3 B.淀粉酶值为500U/L C.胆红素类物质值为0
.01 D.脂肪细胞出现率为23% E.肌酐值为203μmol/L 提示胎儿肺成熟

根据材料请回答 23~30 Researchers have established that when people are mentally engage

根据材料请回答 23~30

Researchers have established that when people are mentally engaged, biochemical changes occur in the brain that allow it to act more effectively in cognitively areas such as attention and memory.This is true regardless of age.

People will be alert and receptive if they are faced with information that gets them to think about things they are interested in.And someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an ac-tive mind.

Many experts are so convinced of the benefits of challenging the brain that they are putting the theory to work in their own lives."The idea is not necessarily to learn to mem-orize enormous amounts of information," says James Fozard, associate director of the Na-tional Institute on Aging."Most of us don't need that kind of skill.Such specific training is of less interest than being able to maintain mental alertness."Fozard and others say they challenge their brains to work.

Gene Cohen, acting director of the same institute, suggests that people in their old age should engage in mental and physical activities individually as well as in groups.Cohen says that we are frequently advised to keep physically active as we age, but older people need to keep men-tally active as well.Those who do are more likely to maintain their intellectual abilities and to be generally happier and better adjusted."The point is, you need to do both." Cohen says, "Intel- lectual activity actually influences brain-cell health and size."

第 23 题 Paragraph 1__________.

根据下列材料请回答 23~30 题:Ways to Reduce Exposure to Air Pollution1 A report published r

根据下列材料请回答 23~30 题:

Ways to Reduce Exposure to Air Pollution

1 A report published recently brings bad news about air pollution.It suggests that it could be as damaging to our health as exposure to the radiation from the 1 986 Ukraine nuclear power plant disaster.The report was published by the UK’S Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution.But what can city people do to reduce exposure to air pollution? Quite a lot,it turns out.

2 Avoid walking in busy streets.Choose side streets and parks instead.Pollution levels can fall a considerable amount just by moving a few meters away from the main pollution source—exhaust furies(废气).Also don’t walk behind smokers.Walk on the windward(顶风的)side of the street where exposure of pollutants(污染物)can be 50 percent less than on the downwind(顺风的)side.

3 Sifting on the driver'S side of a bus can increase your exposure by 10 percent,compared with sitting on the side realest the pavement.Sifting upstairs on a double—decked(双层电车)can reduce exposure.It is difficult to say whether traveling on an underground train is better or worse than taking the bus.Air pollution on underground trains tends to be less toxic(有毒的)than that at street level,because underground pollution is mostly made up of tiny iron particles(粒子)thrown up by wheels hitting the rails,while diesel(柴油机)and petrol fumes have a mixture of pollutants.

4 When you are crossing a road,stand well back from the curb(路缘)while you wait for the light to change。Every meter really does count when you are close to traffic.As the traffic begins to move,fumes can be reduced in just a few seconds。So holding your breath for just a moment can make a difference,even though it might sound silly.

5 There are large sudden pollution increases during rush hours.Pollution levels fall during nighttime.The time of year also makes a big difference.Pollution levels tend to be at their lowest during spring and autumn when winds are freshest.Extreme cold or hot weather has a trapping effect and tends to cause a build—up of pollutants.

第 23 题 Paragraph 2_________

A When you get up

B Where you stand while waiting to cross a road

C Where you walk

D Where you sit on a bus and how you travel

E When you go to bed

F When pollution levels rise and fall

根据下列材料请回答 23~30 题A New Citizenship Test1 Last week a sample of the new US citize

根据下列材料请回答 23~30 题

A New Citizenship Test

1 Last week a sample of the new US citizenship(公民身份)exam was released by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services(US—CLS ).It will be tried out in 1 0 cities early next year to replace the current test in 2008.Instead of asking how many stripes the USflag has,as the current test does,the new one asks why there are 13 stripes。Instead ofhaving to name the branches of government,an applicant is asked to explain why thereare three.

2 “The goal is to make it more meaningful.”explains Emilio Gonzalez,director of theUS—CIS。Immigrants who pass it are expected to have a better“understanding and respect”for US civic(公民的)values,Gonzalez says.

3 The US isn’t the only country dealing with citizenship tests that aim to get a“ sharedcommitment”from immigrants for their adopted country’s“values”,In recent years,Inaddition to the usual requirement of language/work skills and economic status-severalEuropean countries have adopted citizenship tests.Britain introduced a new citizenshiptest last November.In March,a new Dutch law took effect requiring all would—beimmigrants to take a citizenship test.It involved watching a video showing nude(裸体的)women bathing at beaches and gay(同性恋的)men kissing in public.The aim was toensure that“newcomers will be comfortable with the country’S liberal social mores(风俗)”.

4 Europe has been known for welcoming immigrants for decades.But,today,the fact is that some immigrants are kept apart from local citizens by culture and they becomehostile to each other.Promoting integration has become a major concern for Europeancountries.after the rioting in Muslim ghettoes(少数民族聚居区)in France and the killingof Dutch public figures by religious extremists.

5 Officials believe that a person’s attachment to a country can be tested by his or herknowledge of the country.However,some critics say that the changes can do little to helppeople’assimilate(同化)themselves.“Immigration is a culture war today-Is giving a newtest the right way to lessen the accusations in that fight?”says Ali Noorani ,of theMassachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition(难民辩护联盟)

第 23 题 paragraph 2___________

根据下列材料,请回答 96~100 题: 某房地产企业为评估一项房地产开发投资,已支付30万元项目论

根据下列材料,请回答 96~100 题:


第 96 题 30万元项目论证费用可列为()。


B.现金流出量 |⊙♂



根据下列材料,请回答29~30题: 某根未经切削的东北落叶松(TC17B)原木简支檩条,标注直径为120mm,支

根据下列材料,请回答29~30题: 某根未经切削的东北落叶松(TC17B)原木简支檩条,标注直径为120mm,支座问的距离为6m。该檩条的安全等级为二级,设计使用年限为50年。 试问,该檩条的抗弯承载力设计值(kN·m),与下列何项数值最接近? (A)4.2 (B)5.3 (C)6.1 (D)3.3

根据材料请回答 23~30 题 FordFord's great strength was the manufacturing process, not in

根据材料请回答 23~30 题


Ford's great strength was the manufacturing process, not invention.Long before he started a car company, he was an inveterate (契而不舍) tinker (喜欢小修小补的人),known for picking up loose scraps (碎片)of metal and wire and turning them into ma-chines.He's been putting cars together since 1891.Although by no means the first popu-lar automobile, the Model T showed the world just how innovative Ford was at combining technology and market.

The company's assembly line alone threw America's Industrial Revolution into over-drive(加速挡).Instead of having workers put together the entire car, Ford's cronies(密友), who were great tool and die (金属模具)makers from Scotland, organized teams that added parts to each Model T as it moved down a line.By the time Ford's sprawling(占地巨大的)Highland Park plant was humming along in 1914, the world's first automatic con-veyor belt(传送带)could turn out a ear every 93 minutes.

The same year Henry Ford shocked the world with what probably stands as his grea-test contribution ever, the $5-a-day minimum wage scheme.The average wage in the auto industry then was $2.34 for a 9-hour shift.Ford not only doubled that, he also took an hour off the workday.In those years it was unthinkable that a guy could be paid that much' for doing something that didn't involve an awful lot of training or education.The Wall Street Journal (《华尔街日报》)called the plan "an economic crime," and critics everywhere heaped "Fordism" with equal scorn.

But as the wage increased later to daily $10, it proved a critical component of Ford's quest to make the automobile accessible(易取得的)to all.The critics were too stupid to comprehend that because Ford had lowered his costs per car, the higher wages didn't mat-ter except for making it feasible(可行的)for more people to buy cars.

第 23 题 Paragraph 1__________

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