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Who does the word "Stakhanovites" refers to according to the passage?A.Those that are of R

Who does the word "Stakhanovites" refers to according to the passage?

A.Those that are of Russian origin.

B.Those Russian workers.

C.Those exceedingly hardworking ones.

D.Those socialists.

提问人:网友xfocus 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Who does the word "Stakhanovit…”相关的问题
What does the word "pirates" in the third paragraph mean?A.One who robs at sea or plunders

What does the word "pirates" in the third paragraph mean?

A.One who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea.

B.One who makes use of or reproduces the work of another without authorization.

C.To take (something) by piracy.

D.To make use of or reproduce (another's work) without authorization.

What's the meaning of the italicized word "heathen" in Paragraph 3 according to the passag

A.It means something or somebody that is sacred.

B.It means a person who can't bear heat.

C.It means a person who does not believe in any of the world's chief religions.

D.It means a person who is superstitious.

What does the word "Tracy" most probably refer to? A.The name of a metropolis.B.T

What does the word "Tracy" most probably refer to?What does the word "Tracy" most probably refer to?

A.The name of a metropolis.

B.The name of a scientist who died in 1974.

C.The name of a tropical cyclone.

D.The name of one of the professor"s colleagues.

Each company has many "public" who would be able not only to recognize its name【21】______t

Each company has many "public" who would be able not only to recognize its name 【21】______ to correctly identify its industry and its 【22】______ . These publics include present customers and stockholders as well as banks, insurance companies, stockbrokers, and securities 【23】______ who supply the company with essential services and capital.

The 【24】______ names of many well-established companies can be one of misinformation, thereby 【25】______ communication with them. This was the problem that faced Michigan seamless tube company—a company with sales of 128 million a year. At first 【26】______ , the company's name tells us that it is located in Michigan 【27】______ that it manufactures seamless tubing. What the name does not 【28】______ to most people is the fact Michigan seamless tube also has operations in five 【29】______ states and has a varied production line of forgings, broaching machines, tools, and steel bars in addition to seamless tubing. The problem was 【30】______ by the company's 【31】______ , which operated 【32】______ . Their own names were not clearly identified with the 【33】______ company.

Customers, suppliers, and the financial community did not see Michigan seamless tube as a 【34】______ based metal producer. They perceived it only as a small, 【35】______ , regional manufacturing company. The company's 【36】______ decided to adopt a new corporate identity.

The 【37】______ point for this change was the company name. The new name had to be one that could encompass all of the company's products and subsidiaries, a name that would correctly project the image of a 【38】______ corporation. After considering many different possibilities, management decided on a 【39】______ word: quanex—a name 【40】______ from a combination of the first three letters of the word "quality" and the first three letters of the Latin word "nex", which means connection.






&8226;Read the aicle below about labor market in Spain.

&8226;In mOst of the lines 41-52 there is one extra word。It is either grammatically incorrect or does not in with the sense of the text.Some lines,however,are correct.

&8226;If a line is correct.write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;If there is an extra word in the line.write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

Spain's government wants firms to appoint more female directors

41.women are almost being absent from the upper ranks of business.Spanish women

42.make up by just 4.1% of corporate brands,against an average of 11% in Europe.

43.One reason is that fewer women make it into the workforce than in any other

44.European countries.Reconciling family life with work,a struggle anywhere,seems

45.to be very hard in Spain.Spanish women who spend far more time on domestic chores

46.than men.The govemment has passed a law that requiring firms to raise the share of

47.women on boards to 40% by 2015.However,the target is mainly symbolic,since

48.companies will not face with financial penalties if they do not meet it.To begin with,

49.it may be beter to help women gain enough experience to be good candidates for

50.directorships.Of course,there are no reasons for optimism.A bigger share of women

51.in their 20s are joining in the workforce.Many peapie believe it is only a matter Of

52.time long before women's lot at Spanish firms improve.It's changing naturally,it's a generational thing.


Who does the underlined word he in Paragraph 5 refer to()





What does the word "centenarian" (Line 1, Para. 6) mean in this passage?A.Person who has 1

What does the word "centenarian" (Line 1, Para. 6) mean in this passage?

A.Person who has 100 family members.

B.Person who is 100 or more years old.

C.Person who is the central figure.

D.Leader of a unit of 100 soldiers.

What does the word "abstainer" (Line 4, Para. 2) mean?A.Heavy drinkers.B.People who never

What does the word "abstainer" (Line 4, Para. 2) mean?

A.Heavy drinkers.

B.People who never drink.

C.People who used to drink but not any more.

D.Moderate drinkers.

&8226;Read the article below about Accenture.&8226;In most of the lines 34-45 there is one

&8226;Read the article below about Accenture.

&8226;In most of the lines 34-45 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, axe correct.

&8226;If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.


In today's what-have; you-done-for-me-lately environment, nothing is more valuable than innovative ideas. And it doesn't really matter so where the ideas

34 come from or who originates them. All that matters is what you do away with

35 them. An idea may live in a neatly bound presentation deck, but not for long

36 time. Because in business, an idea belongs not necessarily to those who

37 conceived it, but to those who make it happen either. Accenture Co. has been

38 the world's most leading management and technology services organization

39 not only for our ability to think, but for our ability to think and act. Having

40 worked along with more than half of the Fortune Global 500, we axe steeped

41 in experience across industries, geographies and through cultures. And that

42 combination of knowledge, depth and insight enables us to swiftly mobilize it

43 and, most importantly, deliver. Because in the end, it’s not only how many

44 ideas you have. It’s how many you make happen. For much more information,

45 including case studies in your industry, visit accenture, com, or you can call our hotline, 3366889.


听力原文:The word "sports" first meant something that people did in their free time. Later

听力原文: The word "sports" first meant something that people did in their free time. Later it often meant hunting wild animals and birds. About 100 years ago the word was first used for organized games. This is the usual meaning of the word today. People spend a lot of their spare time playing football, basketball, tennis and many other sports. Such people play because they want to. A few people are paid for the sport they play and they are called "professional athletes", or "pros". They may only be pros for only a few years, but during that time the best ones can cam a lot of money. For example, a professional football player in America earns more than $100,000 a year. The stars earn a lot more. Some international golf and tennis pros can make mare than a million dollars a year. Of course, only a few pros can earn much money. But perhaps the most surprising thing about pros and money is this: the stars can earn more money from advertising than from sports. An advertisement for sports equipment does not simply say "Buy our things." It says "Buy the same shirt and shoes as the pros have." Famous pros can even advertise things like watches and food. They allow companies to use their names or photographers and they are paid for this usage. Sports are no longer just something for people's spare time.


A.Someone who spends a lot of their spare time playing football.

B.Someone who hunts wild animals and birds.

C.Someone who sells shoes and shirts.

D.Someone who is paid for the sport they compete in.

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