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Ways of ensuring total costs across value chain are lower than competitors’ total costs: and . 确保自身价值链活动导致的总成本低于竞争对手的两大途径是: 和 。

A、Performing value chain activities more efficiently than rivals and control factors that drive costs. 比竞争对手更有效率地运行价值链活动,并控制导致成本上升的各类因素。

B、Offering superior after sales service. 为顾客提供卓越的售后服务。

C、Creating products which are superior to competitors by virtue of design, technology, performance etc. 通过良好的设计、先进技术和优异性能,为顾客带来超越竞争对手的产品。

D、Revamp the firm’s overall value chain to eliminate or bypass some cost-producing activities. 改进企业整个价值链,以剔除或避开某些带来成本的活动。

提问人:网友xiaoeggs 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Ways of ensuring total costs a…”相关的问题
What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?A.To remind people of the need of sus

What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?

A.To remind people of the need of sustainable development.

B.To suggest ways of ensuring sustainable food production.

C.To advance new criteria for measuring farming progress.

D.To urge people to rethink what sustainable agriculture is.

56 What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage? A) To remind people of the need

56 What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A) To remind people of the need of sustainable development

B) To suggest ways of ensuring sustainable food production

C) To advance new criteria for measuring farming progress

D) To urge people to rethink what sustainable agriculture is

Ways of ensuring total costs across value chain are lower than competitors’ total costs: and . 确保自身价值链活动导致的总成本低于竞争对手的两大途径是: 和 。

A、Revamp the firm’s overall value chain to eliminate or bypass some cost-producing activities. 改进企业整个价值链,以剔除或避开某些带来成本的活动。

B、Creating products which are superior to competitors by virtue of design, technology, performance etc. 通过良好的设计、先进技术和优异性能,为顾客带来超越竞争对手的产品。

C、Offering superior after sales service. 为顾客提供卓越的售后服务。

D、Performing value chain activities more efficiently than rivals and control factors that drive costs. 比竞争对手更有效率地运行价值链活动,并控制导致成本上升的各类因素。

Cells have several ways of ensuring that their daughters remember what kind of cells they should be. How do differentiated cells maintain their identity?

A.One of the simplest and most important is through a positive feedback loop, where a master transcription regulator activates transcription of its own gene,in addition to that of other cell-typespecific genes. Each time a cell divides, the regulator is distributed to both daughter cells, where it continues to stimulate the positive feedback loop.?The continued stimulation ensures that the regulator will continue to be produced in subsequent cell generations.?Positive feedback is crucial for establishing the “self-sustaining” circuits of gene expression that allow a cell to commit to a particular fate—and then to transmit that decision to its progeny.

B.Although positive feedback loops are probably the most prevalent way of ensuring that daughter cells remember what kind of cells they are meant to be,there are other ways of reinforcing cell identity. One involves the methylation of DNA.In vertebrate cells, DNA methylation occurs on certain cytosine bases. This covalent modification generally turns off the affected genes by attracting proteins that bind to methylated cytosines and block gene transcription. DNA methylation patterns are passed on to progeny cells by the action of an enzyme that copies the methylation pattern on the parent DNA strand to the daughter DNA strand as it is synthesizeD

C.Another mechanism for inheriting gene expression patterns involves the modification of histones. When a cell replicates its DNA,each daughter double helix receives half of its parent’s histone proteins, which contain the covalent modifications that were present on the parent chromosom

E.Enzymes responsible for these modifications may bind to the parental histones and confer the same modifications to the new histones nearby. It has been proposed that this cycle of modification helps reestablish. the pattern of chromatin structure found in the parent chromosome

D.Because all of these cell-memory mechanisms transmit patterns of gene expression from parent to daughter cell without altering the actual nucleotide sequence of the DNA,they are considered to be forms of epigenetic inheritanc

E.These mechanisms, which work together, play an important part in maintaining patterns of gene expression, allowing transient signals from the environment to be remembered by our cells—a fact that has important implications for understanding how cells operate and how they malfunction in diseas


Cells have several ways of ensuring that their daughters remember what kind of cells they should be. How do differentiated cells maintain their identity?
A.One of the simplest and most important is through a positive feedback loop, where a master transcription regulator activates transcription of its own gene,in addition to that of other cell-typespecific genes. Each time a cell divides, the regulator is distributed to both daughter cells, where it continues to stimulate the positive feedback loop.?The continued stimulation ensures that the regulator will continue to be produced in subsequent cell generations.?Positive feedback is crucial for establishing the “self-sustaining” circuits of gene expression that allow a cell to commit to a particular fate—and then to transmit that decision to its progeny.

B.Although positive feedback loops are probably the most prevalent way of ensuring that daughter cells remember what kind of cells they are meant to be,there are other ways of reinforcing cell identity. One involves the methylation of DNA.In vertebrate cells, DNA methylation occurs on certain cytosine bases. This covalent modification generally turns off the affected genes by attracting proteins that bind to methylated cytosines and block gene transcription. DNA methylation patterns are passed on to progeny cells by the action of an enzyme that copies the methylation pattern on the parent DNA strand to the daughter DNA strand as it is synthesizeD

C.Another mechanism for inheriting gene expression patterns involves the modification of histones. When a cell replicates its DNA,each daughter double helix receives half of its parent’s histone proteins, which contain the covalent modifications that were present on the parent chromosom

E.Enzymes responsible for these modifications may bind to the parental histones and confer the same modifications to the new histones nearby. It has been proposed that this cycle of modification helps reestablish. the pattern of chromatin structure found in the parent chromosome

D.Because all of these cell-memory mechanisms transmit patterns of gene expression from parent to daughter cell without altering the actual nucleotide sequence of the DNA,they are considered to be forms of epigenetic inheritanc

E.These mechanisms, which work together, play an important part in maintaining patterns of gene expression, allowing transient signals from the environment to be remembered by our cells—a fact that has important implications for understanding how cells operate and how they malfunction in diseas


Have you ever thought about what determines the way we are as we grow up? Remember the TV
program "Seven Up"? It started following the lives of a group of children in 1963. We first meet them as wide-eyed seven-year-olds and then catch up with them at seven-year intervals: nervous 14-year-olds, serious 21 -year-olds, then grown-ups.

Some of the stories are inspiring, others sad, but what is interesting in almost all the cases is the way in which the children's early hopes and dreams are shown in their future lives. For example, at seven, Tony is a lively child who says he wants to become a sportsman or a taxi driver. When he grows up, he goes on to do both. How about Nicki? She says," I'd like to find out about the moon." And she goes on to become a space scientist. As a child, soft-spoken Bruce says he wants to help "poor children" and ends up teaching in India.

But if the lives of all the children had followed this pattern the program would be far less interesting than it actually was. It was the children whose childhood did not prepare them for what was to come that made the program so inspiring. Where did their ideas come from about what they wanted to do when they grew up? Are children influenced by what their parents do, by what they see on television, or by what their teachers say? How great is the effect of a single important event? Many film directors, including Stephen Spielberg, say that an early visit to the cinema was the turning point in their byes. Dr. Margaret McAllister, who has done a tot of research in this area, thinks that the major influences are parents, friends, and the wider society.

What does the text mainly discuss?

A.New ways to make a TV program interesting.

B.The importance of television programs to children.

C.Different ways to make childhood dreams come true.

D.The influence of childhood experience on future lives.

More than how much money comes in it's a matter of how you spend it.That's whe

More than how much money comes in it's a matter of how you spend it.That's where budgeting comes in.A detailed budget helps you keep tabs on your income.There are many people who are able to live comfortably on what they earn, even if their income is modest.A budget, therefore, keeps track of income and expenses.It will segregate your fixed expenses like your food, stay and insurance and your variable expenses like your travel, entertainment, etc.

Adequate insurance for you and your family is an essential part of investing.Life, health and property insurance protect you and your loved ones from unforeseen mishaps.It is also wise to make a will so that your assets can be handled smoothly.

Good personal finance management involves investing, managing risk, insurance, understanding and handling debt and credit, knowing the value of time and money and ensuring that your retirement is taken care of.While planning you make an assessment of your present situation in relation to your goals.Managing personal finances becomes a hassle when you get into debt.Debt is what you owe, and can be good and bad.If you have borrowed money to buy property, it is an investment and the money you pay against interest on the loan is tax deductible.But running up debts like overdue credit cards is not good.This is why budgeting is very important so that you know exactly where your money is going.It is very easy to lose track of what you spend without a budget.

There are multiple ways to invest and save for the future.The crux of the matter is to keep in mind your sources of income and account for your expenses, while keeping a budget that is feasible.Periodical review keeps you in control of your personal finance.

1.The word "modest" in Para.1 probably means "____________"?





2.How many ways of finance management does the author mainly mention?()





3.What's the essential part of investing for a family?()

A.Sources of income

B.Various expenses

C.Adequate insurance

D.Detailed budget

4.How does the author think of debt?()

A.It's completely bad

B.It's both good and bad

C.It's wonderful

D.It's not mentioned

5.What does this passage mainly talk about?()

A.How to manage money

B.How to spend money

C.How to invest money

D.How to loan money

Passage 2 As we have seen, the focus of medical ca...

Passage 2 As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease, especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviours, such as poor eating habits, smoking, and failure to exercise. The line of thought involved in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutritious (有营养的) foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, and who has no chest pain or abnormal (不正常的) blood pressure, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This person is not ill. He may not even be at risk for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier. The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely “not ill” and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body’s special needs. Both types have simply been called “well”. In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms “well” and “wellness” only to those who are actively striving (努力) to maintain and improve their health. People who are “well” are concerned with nutrition and exercise, and they pay attention to their body’s condition. Most important, perhaps, people who are “well” take active responsibility for all matters related to their health. Even people who have a physical disease or handicap (缺陷) may be “well” if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations. “Wellness” may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are “well” are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of “wellness” can have a positive impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life. Today’s medical care is placing more importance on ________.

A、keeping people in a healthy physical condition

B、keeping an eye on people’s body functions

C、removing people’s bad living habits

D、ensuring people’s psychological health

More than how much money comes in it's a matter of how you spend it.That's where
budgeting comes in.A detailed budget helps you keep tabs on your income.There are many people who are able to live comfortably on what they earn, even if their income is modest.A budget, therefore, keeps track of income and expenses.It will segregate your fixed expenses like your food, stay and insurance and your variable expenses like your travel, entertainment, etc.

Adequate insurance for you and your family is an essential part of investing.Life, health and property insurance protect you and your loved ones from unforeseen mishaps.It is also wise to make a will so that your assets can be handled smoothly.

Good personal finance management involves investing, managing risk, insurance, understanding and handling debt and credit, knowing the value of time and money and ensuring that your retirement is taken care of.While planning you make an assessment of your present situation in relation to your goals.Managing personal finances becomes a hassle when you get into debt.Debt is what you owe, and can be good and bad.If you have borrowed money to buy property, it is an investment and the money you pay against interest on the loan is tax deductible.But running up debts like overdue credit cards is not good.This is why budgeting is very important so that you know exactly where your money is going.It is very easy to lose track of what you spend without a budget.

There are multiple ways to invest and save for the future.The crux of the matter is to keep in mind your sources of income and account for your expenses, while keeping a budget that is feasible.Periodical review keeps you in control of your personal finance.

1.The word "modest" in Para.1 probably means "____________"?

2.How many ways of finance management does the author mainly mention?





3.What's the essential part of investing for a family?

A.Sources of income

B.Various expenses

C.Adequate insurance

D.Detailed budget

4.How does the author think of debt?

A.It's completely bad

B.It's both good and bad

C.It's wonderful

D.It's not mentioned

5.What does this passage mainly talk about?

A.How to manage money

B.How to spend money

C.How to invest money

D.How to loan money

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