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听力原文: Iraq's President Jalal Talabani says he is hopeful the country's draft constitut

ion will be ready today. Last minute talks have been continuing in Baghdad as the provisional Government tries to thrash out a deal in time to meet Monday's deadline. They remain focused on contentious points like the role of religion in law and the demand by southern Iraq Shi'ites for more autonomy. A member of the drafting committee said 14 of the 18 remaining stumbling blocks in the new constitution had been resolved. This included an agreement that at least 25% of seats in parliament should be reserved for women. The constitution is due to be presented to the Iraqi parliament on Monday and submitted to referendum in mid-October.

What is this news mainly about?

A.The presidential election of Iraq.

B.The provisional government of Iraq.

C.The new constitution of Iraq.

D.The rights of Iraqi women.

提问人:网友wadehua9742 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文: Iraq's President Jalal T…”相关的问题
听力原文: An Iraq army general in charge of the Interior Ministry's armored bridge has bee
n kidnapped in Baghdad. Police said the brigade's general Jalal Mohammed Salah was pulled from his car in the western Mansour district of the city. It's the latest in a series of abductions of senior Iraq security figures. Mr. Salah's 1,600—strong armored brigade is used in major operations against criminals and insurgents.

What happened to the Iraq army general in Baghdad?

A.He was bombed.

B.He was kidnapped.

C.He ran into a car accident.

D.He fell off the bridge.

听力原文:Iraq has signed a free-trade agreement with three other Arab countries at the con

听力原文: Iraq has signed a free-trade agreement with three other Arab countries at the conclusion of an Arab Economic Union meeting in Baghdad, the first there since 1991.

The accord was signed Thursday by trade ministers from Iraq, Egypt, Syria and Libya. Officials say the free trade agreement is the first step towards establishing a common Arab market. Iraq is still under United Nations economic sanctions imposed after its 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Earlier this year, Iraq signed bilateral free trade agree-merits with Egypt and Syria.

Reuters news agency reports Iraq's imports from Arab nations makes up 50 percent of Baghdad's annual trade.

When was the free trade agreement assigned?





听力原文:Iraq's interim constitution says that Islamic law may serve as a source for legis
lation, though it will not be the law's main underpinning as some religious conservatives had hoped.A bill of rights similar to that in America guarantees the right to free speech and freedom of religion.

Even with a bill of rights, Iraq's new constitution is primarily based on Islamic codes.



听力原文: An Iraq army general in charge of the Interior Ministry's armored bridge has bee
n kidnapped in Baghdad. Pot lice said the brigade's general Jalal Mohammed Salah was pulled from his car in the western Mansour district of the city. It's the latest in a series of abductions of senior Iraq security figures. Mr. Salab's 1,600--strong armored brigade is used in major operations against criminals and insurgents.

What happened to the Iraq army general in Baghdad?

A.He was bombed.

B.He was kidnapped.

C.He ran into a car accident.

D.He fell off the bridge.

听力原文: The U.S. ambassador to the Vatican said Tuesday that officials in the Holy City
want the United States to remain in Iraq and pacify the country despite Pope John Paul Ⅱ's opposition to the war. John Paul strongly opposed what the United States called a "preventive war" in Iraq, urging instead that U.N. weapons inspections be allowed to continue.

Where is this news reported?


B.New York

C.The U.N. quarters.


听力原文:In his radio address on Saturday, Bush warned that there is likely to be more tou

听力原文: In his radio address on Saturday, Bush warned that there is likely to be more tough fighting to come in Iraq. The president urged Americans to share their confidence in a positive outcome to the war. And he told radio listeners his aim is to defeat members of Saddam Hussein's former regime and foreign and Iraqi terrorists and criminals responsible for the violence. At the same time, the United States is helping train Iraqi security forces so U. S. troops can eventually return home. Bush again turned aside calls in Congress and elsewhere for him to set a deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops.

It seems that ______

A.the American troops are faced with violent fighting in Iraq

B.Americans are confident in a positive outcome to the war

C.radio listeners all agree to Bush's strategy for military success

D.radio listeners agree to Bush's warning of a tough war in Iraq

听力原文:Our correspondent reported that the United States will consider Iraq's destructio

听力原文: Our correspondent reported that the United States will consider Iraq's destruction of the Al Samoud, a liquid propellant "mini-Scud" ballistic missile, a test of Baghdad's commitment to disarm. Destroying the Al Samouds would rob Iraq of a potentially valuable weapon which it considers legitimate for its defense at a time when it faces tens of thousands of American troops poised for a possible invasion. Other outstanding disarmament issues include allowing inspectors to interview Iraqi scientists without government "minders" present. Inspectors from the U.N. Monitoring and Observation Commission led by Blix, have conducted only three private interviews with Iraqi scientists since their return to Iraq in November. "It's three out of more than 20 attempts," he said. The International Atomic Energy Agency, which is inspecting Iraq's nuclear program, has conducted four private interviews, including one Monday.

According to Iraqis, the Al Samoud is ______.

A.a solid-fuel propellant ballistic missile

B.a test of Baghdad's commitment to disarm

C.a weapon poised for a possible invasion

D.a potentially valuable defensive weapon

听力原文:On the second anniversary of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, there has been a bi

听力原文: On the second anniversary of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, there has been a big demonstration in Baghdad calling for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. The rally, which was organized by the Shiite cleric Muqtada A1-Sadr, drew tens of thousands of demonstrators to the square, where Saddam Hussein's statue was toppled two years ago. Protesters also said they wanted the former Iraqi leader to be put on trial.

"Our demands are ending the occupation of Iraq immediately and the trial of Saddam Hussein and the release of all the Iraqi prisoners."

The demonstration is to______.

A.ask for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq

B.appeal to kill the former leader

C.call for more human rights

D.ask for improvement of working conditions

听力原文:Mister Kerry criticized the Iraq war, as well as the president's economic record.

听力原文: Mister Kerry criticized the Iraq war, as well as the president's economic record. He said wages are falling, health care costs are rising and the middle class in America is shrinking. He declared: "It is time for those who talk about family values to start valuing families."

John Kerry has served in the Senate for twenty years. But many commentators said his acceptance speech in Boston was his most important speech ever. Political observers say the presidential race appears extremely close. John Kerry said his goal this week was to show voters that he could do better than President Bush.

Others who spoke at the Democratic convention included former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. And they included A1 Gore, the former vice president who lost to Mister Bush in the disputed election of two-thousand.

Which one of the following is not mentioned by Kerry?

A.Iraq war.


C.Health care.

D.Gay marriage.

听力原文:An American U-2 surveillance plane made its first flight over Iraq on Monday in s

听力原文: An American U-2 surveillance plane made its first flight over Iraq on Monday in support of the current U.N. inspection mission, marking another concession by Saddam Hussein's regime to stave off (避开;延迟;挡开) a U. S. -led attack. Meanwhile, Iraqi state television broadcast scenes of Iraqi troops in maneuvers to show their determination to defend the country from a possible U. S. attack. State television said Saddam praised last weekend's anti-war protests, singling out those in Italy, Spain and Britain whose governments support the strong U.S. position against Baghdad. The U-2 flight began only one week after the United Nations and Baghdad broke an impasse (难局;僵局) that had kept the reconnaissance plane grounded since the start of inspections in November. The Iraqis agreed to allow U-2 flights last week, fulfilling a major demand by U.N. inspectors seeking to determine if Iraq still harbors weapons of mass destruction.

Though Iraq agreed to let the American U-2 surveillance plane join the U.N. inspection,

A.she protests against military action.

B.she maneuvers to show its forces.

C.she intends to defend its country.

D.she makes another concession.

听力原文:More shuffling was in the Bush administration, President Bush today said, in addi

听力原文: More shuffling was in the Bush administration, President Bush today said, in addition to moving intelligence director John Negroponte to the No. 2 slotted at the State Department. He is proposing that Mike McConnell take over Negroponte's job. Mr. Bush is calling on the Senate act quickly to confirm both men. President is also making changes in top command leadership in Iraq ahead of the expected release next week of the administration's new policy plan for the now fully nearly 4-year-old Iraq War. The president will nominate Admiral William Fallon to replace General John Abizaid as the head of U. S. central command. America's top military commander in Iraq, General George Casey, will be replaced by Lieutenant General David Petraeus.

Employers added 167,000 jobs to the economy last month. Labor Department's report today, showed that the service sector continues to drive jobs' growth, even as manufacturing and construction shared more positions.

Mike McConnell is going to be ______.

A.intelligence director

B.chief administrator

C.head of America's central command in Iraq

D.America's top military commander in Iraq

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