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Before gold and silver were brought to Europe from file Spanish and Portuguese colonies in

Latin America during the sixteenth century, inflation had not been a major problem. Since that time, however, inflation has been a significant economic issue, especially during and after wars.

Currently, in many countries of the world, people are facing problems caused by inflation, which is a de crease in the purchasing power of money because of continuous rises in the prices of available goods. There are two different kinds of inflation, each of which can affect people's lives.

When inflation is discussed, people generally refer to an increase in prices, wages, and the amount of money circulating in a country’s economy. The most common type of inflation is called creeping inflation be cause there is a steady but manageable increase in the rate of inflation within a year. Prices rise continuously, so that workers ask for higher wages to cover the increasing costs of housing, food, and transportation. Al though such wage increases are inflationary, they are often unavoidable. As a result, a government may have to impose price and wage controls in order to control this type of inflation.

A less common type of inflation is called hyperinflation, which is usually due to war or occupation by a foreign country. During a period of hyperinflation, price levels double rapidly. Because there is too much money available in the economy, the currency decreased in value, and people lose confidence in their government's financial competence. To win back the trust of the people, the government may create a new currency.

Regardless of the type of inflation that a country's economy is experiencing, inflation affects every individual in that society. In the United States, for example, many families could no longer afford to buy at today's prices the homes that they bought years ago. As long as the costs of food and entertainment continue to rise, people will be forced to modify their lifestyles. People on fixed incomes such as pensions or scholar ships have such serious financial problems that they cannot live decently, since their incomes do not keep up with the rate of inflation.

Until there is cooperation not only among individuals within any given country but also among the various governments of the world, inflation will not continue to trouble many of us.

With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?

A.Different causes of inflation,

B.A significant economic issue--inflation.

C.The trouble caused by inflation.

D.The control of inflation.

提问人:网友foruse 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Before gold and silver were br…”相关的问题
Never before ______ won gold medals in the Olympic Games.A.have such many Chinese athletes

Never before ______ won gold medals in the Olympic Games.

A.have such many Chinese athletes

B.so many Chinese athletes have

C.have so many Chinese athletes

D.such many Chinese athletes have

The gold standard is ______.A.the average price of gold on the world marketB.a basis for d

The gold standard is ______.

A.the average price of gold on the world market

B.a basis for determining the value of currency

C.the amount of gold required by a nation before its currency can be made convertible

D.a means of determining the quality of gold

According to Paragraph 2, why did the gold coins used in the United States before 1933 bel
ong to the category of commodity money?

A.Because they were made of the precious metal gold and hence very valuable.

B.Because they could be used to exchange commodities and were called commodity money.

C.Because the value of a coin was the same as the value of the gold in the coin.

D.Because the value of the gold contained in a coin was more than the value of the coin.

According to the passage, which of the following is an example of fiat money?A.The gold co

According to the passage, which of the following is an example of fiat money?

A.The gold coins circulated in the U.S. before 1933.

B.The U.S. note issued during the American Civil War.

C.The coins and bills used in the U.S. today.

D.The gold or silver used in primitive societies.

Why are private companies trying to discover the human genome before the government genome
project does?

A.Because there's a bit of a gold rush going on at it.

B.Because they want to stake claims on their discoveries and make huge profits.

C.Because they want to patent the genome and transform. medicine in ways.

听力原文:People always seem to be looking for ways to get rich quickly. So when gold was d

听力原文: People always seem to be looking for ways to get rich quickly. So when gold was discovered in California in the mid 1800's, hundreds and hundreds of people rushed in, hoping to get a part of the wealth. Today, gold in California continues to have as much of an appeal as it did over one hundred years ago. Modem prospectors in the form. of mining corporations have headed back to the same area to use new techniques for locating the gold that old time prospectors left behind. These modern prospectors, however, do not have some of the problems the old timers had. Anxious to seek a fast fortune, many of those early prospectors arrived before law and order were established. And they took full advantage of this situation by cheating and robbing each other. But not every one looking for gold in those days was greedy. Some people were generous and helpful. One such person was William Waldo. He established a relief committee that collected money and supplies to help save the lives of countless people who were caught in the mountains by early snowstorms before they even reached California.


A.Better land.

B.Quick wealth.

C.Modem equipment.

D.Stricter laws.

According to paragraph 4, what can be inferred about investors before the Great Depression

A.They invested too heavily in dotcom stocks.

B.They were motivated by a greed that was wholly self-destructive.

C.They did not understand the stock market as well as we do now.

D.They could only invest in bonds and gold because there were no stocks.

Several of the chemical elements were known in prehistoric【C1】______ . One of the great【C2
】______ forward in civilization came when bronze, an alloy,【C3】______ stone as the main material for tools and weapons. The iron replaced bronze. The first elements【C4】______ were those that were found free in nature or could be readily【C5】______ from their ores at relatively low temperatures. During the Middle Ages, chemistry was mostly practised by the alchemists,【C6】______ tried to turn base metals into gold, and who were interested in discovering a way of living for【C7】______ . But they discovered many important【C8】______ about the metals and some of the most easily attainable compounds. Even before the Middle Ages, people knew how to【C9】______ mercury, tin, and iron from their ores. By the time of Paracelsus, chemistry was developed largely to the effort of【C10】______ medicines.






Did you examine your paper money closely? See if you can locate a $5, $10, or $20 bill pri
nted before 1964 and marked "Federal Reserve Note" over the portrait. In the upperleft portion above the seal, a statement written in fine print says that the note is legal tender(法定货币)and that it "is redeemable(可兑现的) in lawful money at the United States Treasury (美财政部), or at any Federal Reserve Bank. "Does this mean that the bill is not lawful? At the bottom center the same bill says, "Will pay to the bearer on demand X dollars. "Does this mean that your X-dollar bill is not X dollars?

Much confusion exists about the real nature of money. Many people think that money has no value unless it is backed by gold or silver. They think that the Federal Reserve note is only a sym bol for money, and that real money is the metal backing the note. Some people look on money as wealth and believe that it must have intrinsic(内在的) value.

If we were to study the history of money, we would find that in different places and at different times a variety of things have been used as money. Cattle, shell, beads (珠子), tobacco leaves, and various metals—including iron, zinc (锌), bronze (青铜), and copper—have all been used as a basis of exchange. The precious metals, particularly silver and gold, have proved most satisfactory for this purpose and have been most commonly used in modem times.

Until early 1968, the United States backed its Federal Reserve notes with 25 percent gold, but this did not mean that citizens could use gold as money or convert paper dollars to gold. Clearly, it is not what money is but what it does that is important.

This passage is about ___________.

A.the nature of money

B.the face value of a bill

C.the intrinsic value of money

D.the lawfulness of money

根据短文回答 31~35 题。 Sleep Necessary for Memories Burning the midnight oil before

根据短文回答 31~35 题。

Sleep Necessary for Memories

Burning the midnight oil before an exam or interview does harm to the performance according to a recent research which found that sleep is necessary for memories to be taken back into the brain.A good night's sleep within 30 hours of trying to remember a new task is a required condition of having good recall in the weeks ahead。scientists}lave found.

The research,published in the December issue of Nature Neuroscience.Showed that it was the act of sleep.rather than the simple passage of time,that was critical for long-term memory formation.

"We think that getting that first night's sleep starts the process of minify consolidation(巩固),"said Robert Stick gold,a sleep researcher at Hayward Medical! School who conducted the latest study.

"It seems that memories normally wash out of the brain unless some process nails them down.My suspicion is that sleep is one of those things that does the nailing down,Professor Stick gold said.

With about one in five people claiming that they are so chronically short of sleep that it affects their daily activities.the latest work emphasizes the less well-understood side effect—serious memory impairment(损害).

Volunteers in an experiment found it easier to remember a memory task if they were allowed to sleep that night.But for those kept awake ,no amount of subsequent sleep made up for the initial loss.

Professor Stick gold's team trained 24 people to identify the direction of three diagonal(斜线形的)bars flashed for a sixtieth of a second on a computer screen full of horizontal(水平的)stripes.

Half of the subjects were kept awake that night。while the others slept.Both groups were allowed to sleep for the second and third nights to make up for any differences in tiredness between the volunteers.

Those who slept the first night were significantly and consistently better at remembering the task while the second group showed no improvement despite enjoying two nights of catch.up sleep.

第 31 题 The research published in Nature Neuroscience showed that what was essential to the formation of long—term memory was()





根据短文回答 31~35 题。 Sleep Necessary for Memories Burning the midnight oil before

根据短文回答 31~35 题。

Sleep Necessary for Memories

Burning the midnight oil before an exam or interview does harm to the performance according to a recent research which found that sleep is necessary for memories to be taken back into the brain.A good night's sleep within 30 hours of trying to remember.A new task is a required condition of having good recall in the weeks ahead,scientists have found.

The research,published in the December issue of Nature Neuroscience,showed that it was the act of sleep,rather than the simple passage of time,that was critical for long-term memory formation.

"We think that getting that first night's sleep starts the process of memory consolidation(巩固),"said Robert Stick gold,a sleep researcher at Harvard Medical School who conducted the latest study.

"It seems that memories normally wash out of the brain unless some process nails them down.My suspicion is that sleep is one of those things that does the nailing down,"Professor Stick gold said.

With about one in five people claiming that they are so chronically short of sleep that it affects their daily activities,the latest work emphasizes the less well-understood side effect-serious memory impairment(损害).

Volunteers in an' experiment found it easier to remember a memory task if they were;allowed to sleep that night.But for those kept awake,no amount of subsequent sleep made up for the initial loss.

Professor Stick gold's team trained 24 people to identify the direction of three

diagonal(斜线形的)bars flashed for a sixtieth of a second on a computer screen full of horizontal(水平的)stripes.

Half of the subjects were、kept awake that night,while the others slept.Both groups were allowed to sleep for the second and third nights to make up for any differences in tiredness between the volunteers.

Those who slept the first night were significantly and consistently better at remembering the task while the second group showed no improvement despite enjoying two nights of catch-up sleep.

第 31 题 The research published in nature Neuroscience showed that what was essential to the formation of long-term memory was()





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