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Which one of the following best expresses the idea of this passage?A.Technical Progress.B.

Which one of the following best expresses the idea of this passage?

A.Technical Progress.

B.Man's Distinguishing Characteristics.

C.Learning for Its Own Sake.

D.The Difference Between Science and Philosophy.

提问人:网友siicwzy 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Which one of the following bes…”相关的问题
What advantages does the writer say managers have over other workers?

A.They won't lose their jobs.

B.They get time off to attend courses.

C.They can work at whatever interests them.

D.They can make their own decisions.


In the United States, there is some disagreement (to say the least) over the risks and benefits .of nuclear power. There can be no question that with our electrical power needs increasing rapidly, we cannot rely indefinitely on the earth's remaining fossil fuel supply. The question is, can we safely shift our reliance to nuclear fission power plants—considering the present state of our knowledge and technology? The American public has, in the past few years, developed a rather strong consensus regarding this question. Nuclear power has fallen into disfavor. The risks seem too great, the reward too small—at least for the immediate future.

It is not likely that an explosion of the type produced by atomic bombs can occur in the kinds of nuclear reactors being used today. However, we still don't know how close we came to a major tragedy at Three Mile Island. A far greater tragedy occurred at a nuclear plant at Chernobyl, in the Soviet Union's Ukraine in 1986. The risks associated with nuclear power, however, are not always so spectacular. Some are of a far subtler nature. For example, radioactivity could be released into the environment from activities related to mining and processing nuclear fuel, from the transportation and recycling of the fuel and from storage of the radioactive wastes. We frequently hear of steam or gas leaks from the reactors themselves. ;And even the safest reactors normally leak small amounts of radiation into their immediate environment. (The problem with this is that there are no "safe" levels of radioactivity--only "acceptable" levels. )

We could probably greatly reduce the risks associated with nuclear power by simply exercising more care and common sense. There are numerous published accounts that attest to our carelessness, however. For example, it has been revealed that the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in California was built on an earthquake fault line. At the WNP-2 plant in Washington State, the concrete contained air bubbles and pockets of water as well as shields that had been incorrectly welded. In 1981, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspected forty-three plants that were under construction and rated seven "below average" and thirty-six "average". None were rated even "above average".

Completely apart from the possibility of accidents, there is the unsolved problem of what to do with the radioactive wastes generated in the course of normal nuclear plant reactions. The problem is a tough one since such wastes can only be rendered safe by the passage of time. The waste radioactivity is .generated in the fuel system of the reactors because only a part of the fuel is fissionable and, for technical reasons, not all of the fissionable elements are spent. Much of the spent fuel materials removed from the reactor can be reused. However, some of the radioactive fuel in the spent elements cannot be removed, and this material adds to the radioactive waste.

We have already generated over 10,000 tons of nuclear waste, with another 47,000 tons expected by 19951 Most of the waste is in the form. of fuel rods which are, for now, stored in baths filled with a solution of neutron-absorbing boric acid. The problem is that these are only temporary repositories and,' unless new space is found, existing plants must begin closing for lack of space. The rods can be reprocessed, but the technology could lead to the fuel for nuclear weapons.

The reprocessing also leaves "high-level liquid waste" that must be stored. The prevailing idea at the moment is to dry the liquid and mix it with molten glass that, when it hardens, can be stored in tanks. Suggestions range from burying it in the Antarctic to sending it into space.

Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the selection?

A.Numerous risks and problems have made nuclear power an unpopular energy source.

B.There are fewer risks associated with nuclear power than the public believes exists.

C.Explosions of the type produced by atomic bombs are unlikely.

D.The primary problem at nuclear power plants is structural defects.


For most of us, work is the central, dominating fact of life. We spend more than half our conscious hours at work, preparing for work, traveling to and from work. What we do there largely determines our standard of living and the status we are accorded to a considerable extent as well. It is sometimes said that because leisure has become more important the indignities and injustices of work can be pushed into a corner, that because most work is pretty intolerable, the people who do it should compensate for its boredom, frustrations and humiliations by concentrating their hopes in the other parts of their lives. I reject that as a counsel of despair. For the foreseeable future the material and psychological rewards which work can provide, and the conditions in which work is done, will continue to play a vital part in determining the satisfaction that life can offer. Yet only a small minority can control the pace at which they work or the conditions in which their work is done; only for a small minority does work offer scope for creativity, imagination, or initiative.

Inequality at work and in work is still one of the most cruel and most glaring forms of inequality in our society. We cannot hope to solve the more obvious problems of industrial life, many of which arise directly or indirectly from the frustrations created by inequality at work, unless we tackle it head-on. Still less can we hope to create a decent and hi, mane society.

The most glaring inequality is that between managers and the rest. For most managers, work is an opportunity and a challenge. Their jobs engage their interest and allow them to develop their abilities. They are constantly learning; they are able to exercise responsibility; they have a considerable degree of control over their own and others' working lives. Most important of all, they have opportunity to initiate. By contrast, for most manual workers, and for a growing number of white-collar workers, work is a boring, dull, even painful experience. They spend all their working lives in conditions which would be regarded as intolerable for themselves by those who make the decisions which let such conditions continue. The majority has little control over their work; it provides them with no opportunity for personal development. Often production is so designed that workers are simply part of the technology. In offices, many jobs are so routine that workers justifiably feel themselves to be mere cogs in the bureaucratic machine. As a direct consequence of their work experience, many workers feel alienated from their work and their firm, whether it is in public or in private ownership.

In the writer's opinion, people judge others by ______.

A.the type of work they do

B.the place where they work

C.the time they spend at work

D.the amount of money they earn

Which of the following risks occurs most frequently at nuclear power plants?

A.Leakage of untreated nuclear wastes.



D.Gas or steam leaks.

Which of the following facts from the selection best supports the statement that the radioactive waste is an unsolved problem?

A.We have already generated over 10,000 tons of nuclear waste.

B.Radioactivity could be released into the environmental from activities related to mining and processing nuclear fuel.

C.Only a part of nuclear fuel is fissionable.

D.A location for stainless steel tanks containing "high-level liquid waste" mixed with molten glass has not been found.

Risks associated with nuclear power ______.

A.can only occur at the plant Site

B.may occur when wastes are transported or recycled

C.are limited to structural problems within the plant

D.are primarily a result of carelessness

Most plants under construction inspected by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission were rated


B.below average


D.above average

When you begin to see death as an invisible, but friendly, companion on your life' s journey you ______.

A.will be frightened

B.cannot but wait till tomorrow to do what you mean to do

C.are able to pass through your life as usual

D.can learn to become more fully human

In a sense, death is something welcome. It ______.

A.is an integral part of our lives

B.gives meaning to human existence

C.sets a limit on our time in this life

D.urges us to do everything


Death is a subject that is evaded, ignored, and denied by our youth-worshipping, process- oriented society. It is almost as we have taken on death as just another disease )co be conquered. But the fact is that death is inevitable. We will all die; it is only a matter of time. Death is as much a part of human existence, of human growth and development, as being born. It is one of the few things in life we can count on, that we can be assured will occur. Death is not an enemy to be conquered or a prison to be escaped. It is an integral part of our lives that gives meaning to human existence, It sets a limit on our time in this life, urging us to do something productive with that time as long as it is ours to use.

This, then, is the meaning of Death: The Final Stage of Growth: All that you are and all that you've done and been is culminated in your death. When you're dying, if you're fortunate enough to have some prior warning (other than that we all have all the time if we come to terms with our finiteness), you get your final chance to grow,, to become more truly who you really are, to become more fully human. But you don't need to, nor should you wait until death is at your footstep before you start to really live. If you can begin to see death as an invisible, but friendly, companion on your life's journey—gently reminding you not to wait till tomorrow to do what you mean to do—then you can learn to live your life rather than simply passing through it.

Whether you die at a young age or when you are older is less important than whether you have fully lived the years you have had. One person may live more in eighteen years than another does in eighty. By living, we do not mean frantically accumulating a range and quantity of experience valued in fantasy by others. Rather, we mean living each day as if it is the only one you have. We mean finding a sense of peace and strength to deal with life's disappointments and pain while always striving to discover vehicles to make more accessible, increase, and sustain the joys and delights of life. One such vehicle is learning to focus on some of the things you have learned to tune out--to notice and take joy in the budding of new leaves in the spring, to wonder at the beauty of the sun rising each morning and setting each night, to take comfort in the smile or touch of another person, to watch with amazement the growth of a child, and to share in children's wonderfully" uncomplexed ", enthusiastic, and trusting approach to living.

To rejoice at the opportunity of experiencing each new day is to prepare for one's ultimate acceptance of death. For it is those who have not really lived—who have left issues unsettled, dreams unfulfilled, hopes shattered, and who have left the real things in life (loving and being loved by others, contributing in a positive way to other people's happiness and welfare)—who are most reluctant to die. It is never too late to start living and growing. This is the message delivered each year in Dickens' "Christmas Carol"—even old Scrooge who has spent years pursuing a life without love or meaning, is able through his willing it, to change the road he's on. Growing is the human way of living, and death is the 'final stage in the development of human being, for life to be valued every day, not simply near to the time of anticipated death, one's own inevitable death must be faced and accepted. We must allow death to provide a context for our lives, for in it lies the meaning of life and the key to our growth.

Think about your own death. How much time and energy have you put into examining your feelings, beliefs, hopes, and fears about the end of your life? What if you were told you had a limited time to live? Would it change the way you're presently conducting your life? Are there things you would feel an urgency to do before you died? Are you afraid of dying? Of death? Can you identify the sources of your fears? Consider the death

A.it is not worthwhile showing great respect to the young

B.a progress-oriented society is denied

C.death is a subject everyone is concerned about

D.the elderly is held in less respect than the young

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