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What is Canadians' answer to Americans' accusation?A.Stumpage fees at present are high rat

What is Canadians' answer to Americans' accusation?

A.Stumpage fees at present are high rather than low.

B.No protection is received from Canadian government.

C.Raising stumpage fees will not solve the problem.

D.Lumber price includes many other costs.

提问人:网友dongwen_wen 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“What is Canadians' answer to A…”相关的问题
What is one reason Canadians began to immigrate to Maine during the 1800s?A.Maine was less

What is one reason Canadians began to immigrate to Maine during the 1800s?

A.Maine was less influenced by the French government.

B.Maine had better employment opportunities.

C.Maine was politically stable.

D.Marine had a better climate.

What was the Canadians' attitude towards Eskimos in the past?A.They were a useful source o

What was the Canadians' attitude towards Eskimos in the past?

A.They were a useful source of unskilled labor.

B.The Canadians had the responsibility of looking after them for the Eskimos' own good.

C.They should be encouraged to carry out useful government projects.

D.They should be kept under firm government control.

听力原文: The Old Canada Road is a long lost trail between the Canadian province of Quebec
and Maine in the northeast corner of the United States. Yes it really was lost and finding it again was a complex process that involved state of our technology: how the location of the roads was pinpointed was very interesting. And I'll return to it as soon as I gave you a little background information. The road was begun in 1817, a few years before Maine even became a state. At the time Quebec was a major market for livestock, crops and fish. So a road to Quebec was seen by officials in Maine as necessary for trade. For about 20 years the movement of people and goods was mostly from Maine to Quebec, and then the trend reversed as thousands of Canadians immigrated to Maine to escape poor crops, the lack of jobs and the threat of disease. I think it was a color epidemic. Besides its negative reasons major building projects in Maine also made the state very attractive for the Canadians who needed work. I should stress though that immigration during that period went in both directions. In fact the flow of people and goods went completely unhindered. There wasn't even a border post until around 1850. The people of the time saw Maine and Quebec as a single region mainly because of the strong French influence which is still evident in Maine today. Eventually the road fell into disuse as a major railway was completed. Finally people simply forgot about it and that's how it came to be lost. This brings me back to the original topic.

What does the speaker say about the road between Main and Quebec?

A.It was built by the Canadians.

B.It was built to facilitate trade.

C.The path for the road was extremely difficult to clear.

D.Hostilities between Canada and the United States caused construction delays.

It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still skating on the i
ce near a big hotel. They were having a good time.

Suddenly the ice __21__. One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, "Help! Help!" They didn't know what to do. The two Canadian friends heard them and skated over to get the boy out of the water.

The ice was thin. The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their best to __22__ the little boy. They knew they must be quick. If they didn't push him up onto the ice, he would soon __23__.

Many people ran over to help. Some of them had ropes and poles. A young man __24__ the water to save the three people.

The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women didn't feel well. She was sent to the __25__ at once. But she felt very happy because the boy was safe.




C.jumped into






C.jumped into






C.jumped into






C.jumped into






C.jumped into



听力原文:The Old Canada Road is a long lost trail between the Canadian province of Quebec

听力原文: The Old Canada Road is a long lost trail between the Canadian province of Quebec and Maine in the northeast corner of the United States. Yes, it really was lost and finding it again was a

complex process that involved advanced technology: how the location of the roads was pinpointed was very interesting. And I'll return to it as soon as I gave you a little background information. The road was begun in 1817, a few years before Maine even became a state. At the time Quebec was a major market for livestock, crops and fish. So a road to Quebec was seen by officials in Maine as necessary for trade. For about 20 years the movement of people and goods was mostly from Maine to Quebec, and then the trend reversed as thousands of Canadians immigrated to Maine to escape poor crops, the lack of jobs and the threat of disease. I think it was a color epidemic. Besides its negative reasons major building projects in Maine also made the state very attractive for the Canadians who needed work. I should stress though that immigration during that period went in both directions. In fact the flow of people and goods went completely unhindered. There wasn't even a border post until around 1850. The people of the time saw Maine and Quebec as a single region mainly because of the strong French influence which is still evident in Maine today. Eventually the road fell into disuse as a major railway was completed. Finally people simply forgot about it and that's how it came to be lost. This brings me back to the original topic.

What does the speaker say about the road between Maine and Quebec?

A.It was built by the Canadians.

B.It was built to facilitate trade.

C.The path for the road was extremely difficult to clear.

D.Hostilities between Canada and the United States caused construction delays.

“While the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmos...

“While the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main effect of global warming, there are other effects as well. For example, there is a marked increase in infectious diseases that have changed their range in the past few years. Cases of malaria and dengue fever have occurred as far north as New York, New Jersey and Michigan in recent years, and diseases such as encephalitis and becoming more common. The sea level has changed, affecting low-lying areas and destroying beaches and wetlands around the world. Glaciers and snow cover are gradually disappearing on all five continents. And finally, plant and animal populations are shifting and migration patterns are changing as species try to adapt to changing climates. Some species that are unable to adapt successfully have begun to decline. More severe weather events, such as droughts and flooding, are also a consequence of global warming, and a warning that action must be taken to preserve the environment now.” (From “The Sierra Club Global Warming Campaign” in J. Buckley, ed., The Harbrace Reader for Canadians, p. 273) From what perspective does the passage discuss global warming?

A、First-person narrator

B、Second-person narrator

C、Third-personal narrator

D、None of the above

根据下列材料回答下列各 题。 When the TV viewer turns on his set,what sort of programsDoes
he have to choose from?You might think there would be more programs Devoted to entertainment than to anything else,but that’s not the case.In most countries,fewer than 20%of broadcasting hours aleDevoted toentertainment.U.S. figures are high—34.8%,and the furdovig Canadians are even higherwith 44%.Except Canada and Italy,all countries save more broadcasting time to educationtllan to either information(news,documentaries and SO on)or entertainment programs. Of course.few educationM broadcasts take placeDuring peak viewing times.In Japan though,more than 60%of broadcasting time is taken up with education of one kind of another-justanother example of the businesslike Japanese philosophy.In the U.K.,the figure is 56.4%.The Italians have fewer educational programs than anyone else.They Don’t go in for entertain ment either.Only about ten percent of viewing time is Devoted to Dramas and serials,quizshows.music,sports,ete.You will find more news information programs Oil Italian TV thananything else.That,s understandable in a country experiencing social and political changes. Italian8 rely on TV to tell them what's going on—and events are happening almost too fast to fol1ow.The percentage of time the U.S.devoted to news and Documentary programs is much smaller.After education,most TV time is given to entertainment.Many of these programs are shown around the wodd. ()More news information programs are broadcast on Italian TV than anywhere else because the Italians__________.

A.are interested in what is happening in the wodd

B.like to undergo social and political changes

C.prefer to learn news information on TV rather than in newspapers

D.exDect TV to tell them the latest news about what is going on in their country

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

The Canadian economy contracted in April as it shrank by 0.2 percent from March. The April shrinkage was the first monthly decline since the events of Sept. 11, 2001, Statistics Canada reported Friday.

During April, manufacturing output continued to fall, while the economic impact from the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome affected Canada's hospitality sector.

The economic contraction—Canada's first in 18 months—was not unexpected as it matched the forecasts of most economists.

Consumer demand, a key factor to economic health, had been rolling along during the most recent economic expansion as Canadians snapped up houses and new vehicles. However that roll came to a stop in April.

"A number of special domestic and international factors stalled this demand, which resulted in lower output for residential construction and the retailing industry," Statistics Canada said. "There was a retrenchment in the travel-related industries, as both Canadians and international tourists stayed home."

Statistics Canada said it was impossible to isolate the total impact of SARS on the economy.

"The war in Iraq, a weaker-than-expected US economy, a stronger Canadian dollar, fluctuating crude oil prices and other events had inter-related effects in some industries," Statistics Canada said.

Factoring out the travel sector, economic activity declined by 0.1 percent, just a bit better than the whole picture for April.

Manufacturing output fell by 0.3 percent—the sector's second drop over the last three months. Durable goods manufacturers were responsible for much of the weakness.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A.An unexpected economic contraction took place in Canada.

B.The Canadian economy contracted in April.

C.Canada's manufacturing output continued to fall during April.

D.The reasons of Canada's economic contraction.

It was getting dark. (天色渐晚。) Some children and two Canadian women were still ___21__

It was getting dark. (天色渐晚。) Some children and two Canadian women were still ___21___ on the ice near a big hotel. They were having a good time.

Suddenly the ice broke. One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, “Help! Help!” They didn&39;t know what to so. The two Canadian friends heard ___22___ and skated over to get the boy out of the water.

The ice was thin. The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their best to ___23___ the little boy. They knew they must be quick. If they didn&39;t push him up onto the ice, he would soon die.

Many people ran over to help.Some of them had ropes and poles. A young man jumped into the water to save the ___24___ people.

The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women didn&39;t feel well. She was sent to the ___25___ at once. But she felt very happy because the boy was safe.

21. A.save B.hospital C.three D.skating E.them

22. A.save B.hospital C.three D.skating E.them

23. A.save B.hospital C.three D.skatingE.them

24. A.save B.hospital C.three D.skating E.them

25. A.save B.hospital C.three D.skating E.them

"The essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism", remarked Franklin Roosevelt in 1933,"

"The essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism", remarked Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, "must be the same as those which constitute a good neighbour, namely mutual understanding and… a sympathetic appreciation of the other's point of view." That is advice which the United States would do well to heed in its relations with its immediate neighbours, Canada and Mexico. Most Americans may not be aware of it, but frustrations and resentments are building just across their borders to both south and north.

Of course, neighbourly ties in North America are closer than in Roosevelt's day. Under the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA), trade among the three countries has more than doubled since 1994 and cross-border investment climbed even faster. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, the United States moved quickly to sign "smart border" agreements with both Canada and Mexico, to try to ensure that the demands of security did not interrupt trade. By the standards of much of the 20th century, political ties between the United States and Mexico are warm.

Yet go to either border and you wouldn't know all this. Fed up with the flow of illegal migrants from the south, the governors of Arizona and New Mexico this month declared a state of emergency. Violence between drug gangs recently led the United States temporarily to close its consulate in Nuevo Laredo, the busiest border-crossing point. The American ambassador bluntly criticises Mexico for its failure to prevent drug-related violence along the border. That has prompted retaliatory verbal blasts from Mexican officials.

Canada's mood is not much more cordial. Since September 11th, Canadians and Americans alike have become less keen on popping over what they liked to call " the world's longest undefended border" for shopping or recreation. Canadians increasingly disagree with Americans over matters as varied as the Iraq war and gay marriage. They are disillusioned with NAFTA, claiming it has failed to prevent the United States from unlawfully punishing their exports of, for example, lumber.

So what? Friction is in the nature of international relations, and the problems on the northern border are different from those in the south. Yet there is a common denominator. Americans tend to see security, migration, drugs, even trade, as domestic political issues. But so they are for Canada and Mexico too. Like it or not, Americans rely on their neighbours for prosperity, energy and help with security. It behoves all three countries to show some "sympathetic understanding".

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that______.

A.the essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism were defined by Franklin Roosevelt

B.mutual understanding is one of the most far-reaching elements in North America

C.few Americans may be aware of others'point of view

D.America's friendship with Canada and Mexico risks going sour

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