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A.It wants to ban smoking in indoor public places.B.It wants to curb second hand smoki

A.It wants to ban smoking in indoor public places.

B.It wants to curb second hand smoking.

C.It hopes to win a big majority in parliament.

D.It hopes to make a proposed smoking ban tougher.

提问人:网友opopo20005 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“A.It wants to ban smoking in i…”相关的问题
A.Detecting and screening out vicious spams.

B.Collecting online payment safely.

C.Helping companies customize anti-spam software.

D.Bypassing any anti-spam device to deliver e-mails directly to people's inboxes.

听力原文:W: Not long ago an American magazine released a report, saying: "American students are remarkably limited in their knowledge of science and their ability to use what they know." What do you think of this report?

M: It's a reflection of the true state of affairs of the American educational system. By that I mean not only the schools, but also the social attitude toward education. This is a big and very complicated issue. But what is obvious is that the kids from the east are more disciplined. They have a tendency to listen to the advice of their parents and teachers. I noticed when my children were very little, I would say, "Perhaps you should do this." They said, "No, I don't want to do; it's boring." This concept of not doing something because it might be boring does not exist with children in the east; they don't have the idea that they have to find instant gratification before they launch into something. Here the kids all want to see something immediately, to see the point. Kids from babyhood in the east learn to be quiet, sit down and work before they can get ahead. They take that naturally and are willing to be drilled. In this respect, the educational system in the east has a great advantage.

W: It's what society expects of them, and they know that.

M: Yes. Their parents, neighbors and friends—all say the same thing. But I'm not saying this system is absolutely good for everybody. The other side of the coin is that kids trained in the east tend to be timid, tend to say: "My god, there have been all these saints who have done this and that. Who am I?" This attitude prevents a number of them later from jumping over hurdles to make important contributions. We see this very clearly among our postgraduate students. The postgraduate students from the east are quieter and more willing to work, and they make very good grades, but they are somewhat restrained from making imaginative leaps.

W: You mean that if you give them a problem, they can solve, but if you ask them to find the problem themselves, they have a harder time at it?

M: Yes, because there is a tendency for them to automatically, subconsciously say: "I have to follow the rules; the rules have already been given." They don't want to challenge previous authors; they don't get the creative daring of the individual spirit that soars beyond the accepted boundary. And if you compare the eastern with European cultures and American ones, Europe is somewhere between the two. The European students are usually better trained and less daring than American students.

W: What do you think explains the fundamental difference?

M: I think America is a new country; it is a young culture. My belief is that as culture age, they will show a greater respect for learning. They will tell kids to sit down and learn all the great things that people said in the past.

W: What are the problems you see now in American culture?

M: One problem is that kids are not patient enough to learn; another is that we have drug problems. All this is related to the American concept that the individual is supreme. I'm not saying it is a wrong concept; I'm only trying to analyze. In China you would say that in the final analysis, it is the society that's important, not the individual, while in America you are told that what you do is important, that you've got to get out on your own and make it and succeed, and nobody's there to help you.


11.Which of the following is NOT included in the reasons that children in the east even do some boring things?

12.What actually prevents students from the east from jumping over hurdles to make important contributions?

13.In what respect does the educational system in the east enjoy a great advantage?

14.Compared with European students, why are American students usually poorer trained but more daring?

15.Why has the man referred to the American concept that the individual is supreme?


A.They have been accustomed to being obedient to their parents and teachers.

B.They naturally do not need instant gratification before starting to do anything.

C.They know they must sit down and work hard before making any progress.

D.They are repeatedly told by their parents, friends and neighbors to do so.

The word "maintain" in paragraph 4 means______.






Wholly aside from aesthetic and moral considerations, fashion is an economic absurdity, and there is little to be said in its favor. Nevertheless, we can appreciate the wisdom in Gina Lombroso's belief that the enormous stress which women lay on everything pertaining to clothes and the art of personal adornment is connected with the tendency to crystallize sentiment into an object. Woman symbolizes every important event in her life by a special dress; and a jewel or a beautiful gown means to a woman what an official decoration means to a man.

"The temptation of dress is the last step in the ceremony to which the novice has to submit before entering the cloister. The memory of the gown which she too might have worn was the strongest temptation that assailed St. Catherine before she took her solemn vows—a gown, embroidered with gold and stars, like those her sister had worn, which her grandchildren would have gazed at with eyes filled with wonder and admiration…

If a woman's clothes cost the family and society a little time, money, and activity, they allow woman, independent of lies and calumnies, to triumph and come to the fore outside of man's world and competition. They allow woman to satisfy her desire to be the first in the most varied fields by giving her the illusion that she is first, and at the same time enabling her rival to have the same illusion. Clothes absorb some of woman's activity which might otherwise be diverted to more or less worth-while ends; they give woman real satisfaction—a satisfaction complete in itself, and independent of others, and… they constitute a safety valve which saves society from much greater and more dangerous evils than those which they cause. "

The aptness of these observations lies in the emphasis on clothes which are really beautiful and distinctive. But fashion is not primarily concerned with beauty; and fashion connotes conformity, not the individuality so cherished by our society and so artfully suggested by the copywriters. Many people who rigorously follow fashions believe they are following their own inclinations; they are unaware of the primitive, tribal impulsion; and this is true of fashions in manners, morals, and literature, as well as in clothes.

To a woman, a dress is______.

A.a symbol of an important event in her life

B.a sign to enable her to compete with man

C.as meaningful as official decoration is to a man

D.both A and C

A woman's clothes allow her to______.

A.triumph outside of man's world

B.compete on an equal basis in a man's world

C.become an sexual object

D.deceive both men and women

Gina Lombroso believes that with regard to clothes and the art of personal adornment, women______.

A.are individualistic

B.tend to crystallize sentiment into an object

C.are not sentimental

D.are really not fashion conscious

The author believes that fashion______.

A.is primarily concerned with beauty

B.is concerned only with the clothes that are beautiful and distinctive______.

C.promotes individuality

D.promotes conformity

According to the passage, women's absorption in clothes______.

A.constitutes a great danger to society

B.saves society from more dangerous evils than those it causes

C.is the only satisfaction a woman gets out of life

D.is a source of constant dissatisfaction to a woman

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