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阅读下文,回答题It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. (78) The


It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. (78) The meanings of thou-sands of everyday perceptions . the bases for the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by memory.

Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use. It includes not only "remembering" things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also involving any change in the way an animal typically behaves. (79) Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain be-cause he has sniffed something suspicious in the grain pile. Memory is also involved when a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat.

Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and ma-chines. Computers, for example, contain devices for storing data for later use. It is interesting to compare the memory-storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being. The instant-access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100,000 "words"--ready for instant use. An averageU.S. teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100,000 words of Engfish. However, this is but a fraction of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored. Consider, for ex- ample, the number of faces and places that the teenager can recognize on sight.

The use of words is the basis of the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings.

A large part of a person' s memory is in terms of words and combinations of words.

According to the passage, memory is considered to be__________. 查看材料

A.the basis for decision making and problem solving

B.an ability to store experiences for future use

C.an intelligence typically possessed by human beings

D.the data mainly consisting of words and combinations of words

提问人:网友liggen 发布时间:2022-01-06
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阅读下文,回答题One type of person that is common in many countries is the one who always t


One type of person that is common in many countries is the one who always tries to do as little as possible and to get as much(56)return as he can. His opposite, the man who has(57)for doing more that is strictly(58)and who is ready to accept(59)is offered in return, is(60) everywhere.

Both these types are entirely different(61)thei behavior. The man who(62)is always talking about his "(63)"; he thinks that society should(64)him a pleasant, easy life. The man (who is always doing more than(65)) talks of "duties" ; he feels that the66is in debt to society.

The man who tries to do as(67)as he can is always full of(68)For instance, if he has (69)to do something, it was because he was(70)by bad luck. His opposite is never(71) busy to take ona(an)(72)piece of work. So it is(73)that if you want something(74)ina hurry, go to the busiest man whom you have(75)in.

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阅读下文,回答题一位语文教师在批改作业时,发现了以下造句: 想——我想听到花开的声音 活泼——河里
的水很活泼 丢——上街时,我把爸爸丢了 爬——牵牛花像个小弟弟,爬在树上 老师不假思索地就把这些句子都打上了“×”,理由是不符合人们的表达习惯。




阅读下文,回答题Birth, marriage and death:these are the greatest events in human life. Many


Birth, marriage and death:these are the greatest events in human life. Many things, good and bad, can happen to us in our lives. (79)Yet there are three days which are usually marked by some kind of special ceremony: the day we are bom ;the day we get married and the day we die.

These are the three main events in life. We only have a choice in the second of these: we can choose whether or not to marry. But we have no choice in birth and death. All human beings-- from the most primitive to the most sophisticated--are affected by these three events. The only thing that differs in each society is the way these events are celebrated. Yet all societies share com- mon characteristics. Birth is a time of joy. The proud parents receive congratulations and presents on behalf of the new-born. Marriage is also a time of joy. The young couple go through a special wedding ceremony and receive presents to help them set up their home. (80)Death is a time of sorrow and is marked by a special ceremony and mourning. The dates of all three events are usually remembered.

All human societies__________. 查看材料

A.celebrate the three main events in life, but in different ways

B.are not affected by these three events

C.celebrate these three events in exactly the same way

D.are the same

阅读下文,回答题Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style. of their own.(56)th


Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style. of their own.(56)the turn of the century when jazz was born, America had no prominent(57)of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was(58), or by whom. But it began to be(59)in the early 1900s. Jazz is Ameri-ca's contribution to(60)music. In contrast to classical music, which(61)formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free in form. It bubbles with energy,(62)the moods, inter-ests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s jazz(63)like America, and64it does to-day. The(65)of this music are as interesting as the music(66) American negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz(67)They were brought to Southern States(68)slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long(69). When a Ne-gro died his friends and relatives(70)a procession to carry the body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the(71). On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion.(72)on the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted.

Death had removed one of their(73), but the living were glad to believe. The band played(74)music, improvising(即兴表演) on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes(75)at the funeral. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form. of jazz.

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阅读下文,回答题以下是两位教师用“一起”造句的两种不同设计: 设计一:(1)出示范句,帮助学生理解句
子的意思 (2)独立准备 (3)指名交流 设计二:(1)出示范句,帮助学生理解句子的意思 (2)独立准备 (3)小组长组织交流人的句子,选出最佳句子 (4)小组内修改,练说最佳句子,准备参加班级交流 (5)各小组汇报交流,评出最佳句子




阅读下文,回答题The Chinese have used a method called acupuncture(针灸) to perform. operati


The Chinese have used a method called acupuncture(针灸) to perform. operations for about 4,000 years without putting the patient to sleep. This involves placing flexible needles into certain parts of the body. The needles are available in a number of stores in China and anyone may buy them.

To learn how to use the needles takes about one month of training. But to be skillful requires greater time. (79) The person who performs the acupuncture knows how to put in the needles so the needles themselves are not painful. This person also knows where to place the needles so the patient feels no pain in the area where the operation is to be performed. A particular operation might require 25 or more needles placed in various parts of the body. But now this operation re-quires only 3 or 4 needles.

Today, the Chinese doctors are trying to learn more about acupuncture. (80) They are trying to develop a convincing theory to explain how the needles work in preventing pain, or why a nee-dle in the wrist, for example, would prevent the pain in the area of the mouth.

A patient who needs an operation is given a choice between having acupuncture or having one of the chemicals used for putting him to sleep. It has been estimated that over half of the patients choose acupuncture because there is no sickness after the operation but the chemical may make the patient sick for a few hours or a day.

Acupuncture is__________. 查看材料

A.a medical operation

B.a medical needle

C.a medical technique

D.a medical machine

阅读下文,回答题When we want to(56)other people what we think,we can do it not only with th


When we want to(56)other people what we think,we can do it not only with the help of words,but also in many(57)ways.For example,we sometimes move our heads(58)when we want to say“yes”,and we move our heads(59)when we want to say“no”.

People who can(60) hear 60 speak talk to each other with the help of their fingers.

People who do not understand each other’s language have to do the same.The following story shows61 they sometimes do it.

(62)English man who could not speak Italian was(63)travelling in Italy.One day he entered a restaurant and sat(64)a table.When the waiter came,the Englishman opened his mouth,(65)his fingers into it,(66) them out again and moved his lip. In this way he meant to say,“(67)me something to eat.”The waiter soon brought him(68)tea.The Englishman (69) his head and the waiter understood that he didn’t want tea,so he took it (70)and brodght him (71)coffee.The Englishman was angry.He was just going to leave the restaurant (72)another traveller came in.When this man saw the waiter,he 73 his hands on his stomach.That was enough.In a (74)minutes there was a large plate of bread and meat (75)his table.

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阅读下文,回答题On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg in Pennsylvania to


On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg in Pennsylvania to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery. The Civil War was still going on. There was much criticism of Presi-dent Lincoln at the time. He was not at all popular. He had been invited to speak at Gettysburg on-ly out of politeness. The principal speaker was to be Edward Everett, a famous statesman and speaker of the day. Everett was a handsome man and very popular everywhere.

It is said that Lincoln prepared his speech on the train while going to Gettysburg. Late that night, alone in his hotel room and tired out, he again worked briefly on the speech. The next day Everett spoke first. He spoke for an hour and 57 minutes. His speech was a perfect example of the rich oratory of the day. Then Lincoln rose. The crowd of 15,000 people at first paid little attention to him. He spoke for only nine minutes. At the end there was little applause. Lincoln turned to a friend and remarked,"I have failed again". On the train back to Washington, he said sadly, "That speech was a fiat failure, and the people are disappointed".

Some newspapers at first criticized the speech, but little by little as people redid the speech they began to understand better. (76) They began to appreciate its simplicity and its deep mean-ing. It was a speech which only Abraham Lincoln could have made.

Today, every American school child learns Lincoln' s Gettysburg Address by heart. Now eve-ryone thinks of it as one of the greatest speeches ever given in American history.

In 1863, Abraham Lincoln was__________. 查看材料

A.very critical


C.very popular

D.very courteous

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