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What can we learn about the result of the latest study?A.There was a significant differenc

What can we learn about the result of the latest study?

A.There was a significant difference in total deaths from cancer between the two groups.

B.There was no significant difference in death rates between the two groups.

C.The comparison group has a lower death rate.

D.More veterans died from leukemia than from other cancers.

提问人:网友liyanfeiyl 发布时间:2022-01-07
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One of the key challenges in urban architecture over the next 50 years will be figuring out how to squeeze vast numbers of additional people into urban areas that are already extremely crowded. London, for example, will somehow have to deal with a projected 100,000 extra inhabitants every year until 2016. The current plan of building a new “satellite towns” of the city causes a lot of problems---but architecture think tanks are working on ambitious solutions that go vertical instead of horizontal in search of space.

In terms of population density, London is one of the least crowded major cities in the world---four times fewer people per square kilometer than Paris, for example, six times fewer than New York and eight times fewer than Cairo. But the fact remains that the city’s population is growing at a rapid rate, and horizontal expansion into the surrounding areas is eating up increasingly important agricultural land, as well as worsening all the transport problems that come with urban growth.

Popular Architecture would propose a radically different solution. The proposal is to go upwards, with vertical towers of considerable size, each representing an entire new town, by the time it’s completed. Each tower would be 1500 meters high. Beyond mere accommodation, each tower would function as an entire town unit, with its own schools, hospitals, parks and gardens, sports faculties, business areas and community spaces. The population density of such a tower could help lower the individual energy requirements of each inhabitant, reducing the ecological impact of the population as a whole.

The village towers are considered as hollow tubes, with large holes to allow light and air though the entire construction. Occasional floor discs spread throughout the height of the building will give inhabitants large central areas in the middle of the tube to use as gathering spaces.

While the building itself is unlikely ever to be seriously considered for construction---imagine the number of elevators it would need, let alone the safety implications of open areas at such heights and with such wind exposure---the concept can serve as conversation-starter for urban planners looking to face the challenges of the current and coming countries.

One key challenging task for urban architects in the future is to ______.

A.build new satellite towns

B.work out ambitious plans

C.design less crowded cities

D.accommodate more inhabitants

Which of the following cities has the largest population density?




D.New York.

Horizontal expansion not only wastes land, but makes it hard for London to ______.

A.handle its safety problems

B.resolve its transport issues

C.control its population growth

D.measure its population density

The vertical tower would represent an entire new town in itself because______.

A.it is energy-saving

B.it is cost-effective

C.it is self-sufficient

D.it is comfort-oriented

For city planners today, the idea of building a vertical tower can become______.A.a topic for fun

B.a shocking reality

C.a modest proposal

D.a source of inspiration


Advances in science and technology and other areas of society in the last 100 years have transformed the way we live as well as postponing the day we die. There is no better time to be alive than now. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Model Response The last hundred years have seen rapid and dramatic developments in many areas, including medicine, transport, manufacturing and communications. Over that period our lives have changed in ways that our parents and grandparents could only have dreamed of, but the question we should ask is whether the world is a better place to live in as a result. There have clearly been many benefits. Advances in medical science have brought cures for once fatal diseases and this has significantly extended the lifespan we can expect. Information technology has allowed us to contact friends or colleagues worldwide at the click of a mouse. We can now gather information, manage our bank account or shop without having to step outside our home. In addition, labour-saving devices such as washing machines and microwave ovens have made everyday tasks much easier. However, the fact that life has improved in so many ways does not mean that all the developments have been positive. For example, the emphasis on acquiring the latest technology has made people increasingly materialistic. We also tend to lead more isolated lives than our parents did, with less concern for the elderly and other vulnerable people without the support they need. Among other serious problems we face are the drug culture, and the ever-present threat of terrorism. In summary, we have made great progress over the last hundred years but there are still many important issues to tackle. This may well be a better time to live than any previous age but hopefully the future will be better still. (268w) What approach does the essay follow?

A、argument-led approach

B、thesis-led approach

C、Neither argument-led nor thesis-led approach

D、Both argument-led and thesis-led approach

From the text we know that the e market is ______ the traditional one.

A.much more complex than

B.much more simpler than

C.much more beautiful

D.the same as

The leading character Okonkwo is a brave warrior, and his pride of his tribe and himself ended in a tragedy.

【其它】In fact, there is a long and honorable history of procrastination to suggest that many ideas and decisions may well improve if postponed. It is something of a truism that to put off making a decision is itself a decision. The parliamentary process is essentially a system of delay and deliberation. So, for that matter, is the creation of a great painting, or an entree, or a book, or a building like Blenheim Palace, which took the Duke of Marlborough's architects and laborers 15 years to construct. In the process, the design can mellow and marinate. Indeed, hurry can be the assassin of elegance. As T.H. White, author of Sword in the Stone, once wrote, time "is not meant to be devoured in an hour or a day, but to be consumed delicately and gradually and without haste." In other words, pace Lord Chesterfield, what you don't necessarily have to do today, by all means put off until tomorrow.

Which one of the below descriptions of the imaginary exponential signal is NOT CORRECT ( )

A、Both the imaginary exponential siganland sine signalare periodic signals with the fundamental peroid of.

B、The imaginary exponential signalcan be represented as

C、Both the imaginary exponential siganland sine signalcan be linearly represented by the other signal, and thus, they have the same properties.

D、The greater the, the higher the oscillation frequency of the real and imaginary parts of the imaginary exponential signal.

In order to communicate clearly, we should use our sense of humour.
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