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I am a devoted soccer fan, but__________(当说到)American football, I have absolutely no ta

I am a devoted soccer fan, but__________(当说到)American football, I have absolutely no taste for it.

提问人:网友michael_2008 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“I am a devoted soccer fan, but…”相关的问题
下列哪些选项是国际学术会议的开场语句(A) “I am very pleased to have this opportunity to


(A) “I am very pleased to have this opportunity to ...”

(B) “First let me express my gratitude ...”

(C) “Now after a short introduction I would like to read to the main part of my paper ...”

(D) “The last part of my report will be devoted to ...”

Read the following text and answer questions by marking T if the state is true or F if the
state is not true.

Tipping is a subject that has long interested and irritated me.

Many people think that the word "tip" is an acronym for "To insure promptness." However, this is not possible, I think. Since the practice of tipping began in England in the Middle Ages, scholars have not been able to find any acronyms much earlier than the 20th century. Most scholars track the word "tip" back to the early 1600s, where it originated as criminal slang. It referred to inside information. Therefore, to give another criminal a tip was to give something valuable (information)

The word gradually evolved to the point where, in the late 1700s, it meant to give a monetary gratuity(tip) to someone for service performed. That's where it stayed until the English immigrated to North America.

In America, the three basic occupations that require tipping are waiters/waitresses, taxi drivers, and barbers. The standard tip is now between 15 and 20 percent of the bill, depending on the quality of service.

Why these three particular services deserve this special treatment is a mystery to me. Why am I supposed to tip a waiter for bringing me food when I'm not expected to tip the flight attendant on an airplane for doing the same thing? Why am I supposed to tip a cab driver, but I'm not expected to tip the bus driver? Why am I supposed to tip the barber for cutting my hair but not the dentist for fixing my teeth? I have been a teacher for 39 years. No one has ever tipped me after a particularly successful class or lecture.

The whole concept of tipping doesn't make any sense. I have heard that there are some exclusive and expensive restaurants in major cities in the US where the restaurant does not give the waiters any salary at all due to the large amounts of the tips. In fact, in some instances, I read that the waiters actually pay the restaurant a small fee for the opportunity to collect the large tips.

Also, I was quite surprised to learn that there was actually a website devoted to tipping and related issues(http://www.tipping.org). Some of the invisible and illogical rules of this practice are close to ridiculous.

The tipping problem in many European countries is solved by automatically adding a 15 percent gratuity to the bill, I prefer the Chinese solution: no tipping at all. While I understand why China, as a developing nation, has adopted many western customs, I hope the Chinese are wise enough to never start the unnecessary practice of tipping. The level of service in China is already good enough that it doesn't need anything to make it better.

The word "tip" is an acronym for "To insure promptness."



用哪种顺序来组织要点?可中文回答。 请用完整的句子列...

用哪种顺序来组织要点?可中文回答。 请用完整的句子列出讲稿主体中的要点。 用英文回答。 ------------------------------------------- 参考:第十四章的例子。 评分标准:要点陈述是否符合以下要求 Are my main points organized according to one of the following methods of organization? 组织要点时,是否用到了以下某种顺序:问题-方案顺序,问题-原因-方案顺序,比较优势顺序,动机序列顺序? Does the body of my speech contain two to three main points? 演讲主体是否包含2-4个要点? Are my main points clearly separate from one another?每个要点之间是否划分明确? As much as possible, have I used the same pattern of wording for all my main points? 每个要点表达是否尽量运用了相同的句式? Have I roughly balanced the amount of time devoted to each main point? 是否均衡了每个要点的演讲时间? Is each main point backed up with strong , credible supporting materials? 每个要点的论述中,是否用到了有力可信的论证材料? Do I use connectives to make sure my audience knows when I am moving from one main point to another? 从一个要点过渡到另一个要点时,是否用到了衔接语来提示听众?

请用完整的句子列出讲稿主体中的要点。 用英文回答。 参...

请用完整的句子列出讲稿主体中的要点。 用英文回答。 参考:第七章P89-96 及十三章的例子。 ------------------------------------------- 评分标准: 你喜欢ta讲稿主体部分的要点组织方式和写法吗? 参考下面的清单(即课本P94页清单), ta的要点组织方式和写法是否有助于ta达到演讲目标? Are my main points organized according to one of the following methods of organization? 组织要点时,是否用到了以下某种顺序:时间顺序,空间顺序,话题顺序,因果顺序? Does the body of my speech contain two to three main points? 演讲主体是否包含2-3个要点? Are my main points clearly separate from one another?每个要点之间是否划分明确? As much as possible, have I used the same pattern of wording for all my main points? 每个要点表达是否运用了相同的句式? Have I roughly balanced the amount of time devoted to each main point? 是否均衡了每个要点的演讲时间? Is each main point backed up with strong , credible supporting materials? 每个要点的论述中,是否用到了有力可信的论证材料? Do I use connectives to make sure my audience knows when I am moving from one main point to another? 从一个要点过渡到另一个要点时,是否用到了衔接语来提示听众?

Man is the only【B1】that laughs. Why is this true? What makes us respond as we do to pleasu
rable experiences? What is the history of this "happy convulsion", as someone once【B2】it, and just what is its function?

We are not short【B3】theories to explain the mystery; For centuries, biologists, psychologists, and medical men have been seeking a definitive explanation of laughter. One writer put【B4】the theory that its function is to frighten others or to humiliate them. Another took the opposite【B5】that we laugh in order not to cry. A psychologist offered the explanation that laughter functions【B6】a remedy to painful experiences, and that it serves to protect a person【B7】what the psychologist called "the many minor pains to which man is exposed". In the seventeenth century a writer set【B8】the theory that we laugh when we compare ourselves with others and find ourselves superior to others; in effect, we laugh at the【B9】of others.

Almost every theory has been concerned【B10】either the structure or the function of laughter,【B11】relatively few have been devoted【B12】the question of its origin. I propose to offer a theory which, so far as I am concerned, has not previously been set forth.【B13】only those animals capable of speech are capable of laughter; and that therefore man, being the only animal that【B14】, is the only animal that can laugh.

Those of us who have【B15】chimpanzees closely feel quite confident that chimpanzees occasionally【B16】behavior. that looks very much like a primitive human laughter. This【B17】, however, has been observed only in a humanlike way; whether or not it is laughter is doubtful; but the【B18】fact that under any condition an ape is capable of【B19】behavior. is no more than passing interest—for【B20】only indicates that early man had the basic laughter.






I like cats but unfortunately I'm ______ to them.





Man is the only animal that laughs. Why is this true? What makes us respond as we【C1】_____
_ to pleasurable experiences? What is the history of this "happy convulsion", as someone once【C2】______ it, and just what is its function?

We are not short【C3】______ theories to explain the mystery; for centuries, biologists, psychologists, and medical men have【C4】______ a definitive explanation of laughter. One writer theoried that its function is to intimidate others or to gain stature【C5】______ them by humiliating them. Another took the opposite view that we laugh in order not to cry. A psychologist offered the explanation that laughter functions as a remedy【C6】______ painful experiences, and that it serves to defend a person【C7】______ what the psychologist termed "the many minor pains【C8】______ which man is exposed". In the seventeenth century, a writer set【C9】______ the theory that we laugh when we compare ourselves with others and find ourselves superior; in effect, we laugh at the infirmities of others.【C10】______ every theory bas been concerned with either the structure or the function of laughter,【C11】______ relatively few have been devoted 【C12】______ the question of its origin. I propose to offer a theory which, so far as I am 【C13】______ , has not previously been set forth: that only those animals capable of speech are capable of laughter; and that therefore man, being the only animal that【C14】______ , is the only animal that laughs.

Those of us who have observed chimpanzees closely feel quite confident that the chimpanzee occasionally【C15】______ behavior. that looks very much like a primitive precursor of human laughter. This behavior, however, has been observed only in a human【C16】______ ; whether or not it occurs under natural【C17】______ is dubious; but the 【C18】______ fact that under any condition an ape is capable of such behavior. is【C19】______ more than passing【C20】______ for does it not indicate that early man had the rudiments of laughter?






10. I’m now __________ (true) happy that I’m a devoted friend of the human race.
I discovered that Lin Qiaozhi had devoted her whole life __________ her patients and had chosen not to have a family of her own.

I have devoted four weekends to writing papers and now I feel I () a rest.





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