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Mori: You look so angry. What happened?Susan: Nothing.I ’d rather not talk about it.Mori:

Mori: You look so angry. What happened?

Susan: Nothing.I ’d rather not talk about it.

Mori: Come on. ________

A.I ’ll just not ask about anything

B.You need to let off some steam.

C.If I were you, I ’d be mad, too.

D.That ’ s easy.

提问人:网友yourkeychen 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Mori: You look so angry. What …”相关的问题
Look what happened _____________ when the cameras _____________ dropped outside the New York Stock Exchange. (Please separate the answers with ";")
Julie: I bought this dress two years ago. Its style went out already. Jack:Oh, come on, ________

A.you always follow the fashion.

B.none of your dresses suits you.

C.as long as it looks good on you.

D.you should care about that.

Mike:Professor Cupper ’s class is so boring ; I just can’t stand itany more!

Susan: ________ It’srequired

A.Well, why notjust drop out of it?

B.Why, you can say that again!

C.Well, you might as well get used to it.

D.Why, I couldn’t agree more!

Speaker A: Don ’t you play golf ?

Speaker B: ________

A.Yes. No sport interestsme more than golfing

B.Yes. I have never played golf in my life

C.No. Only once in a while

D.Yes. And Ihate to spend much moneyon sports.

Clair: Do you feel like eating out?

Jenny: ________ We haven’t eaten out for ages.

A.That ’s a good idea

B.You say it.

C.Yes, I can feel it.

D.Right, see you there


Scientists said they have found evidence of a giant planet far out in our solar system.In a statement, the California Institute of Technology—Caltech—said this planet travels a very strange “longandthin orbit in the distant solar system.”The discovery was made by two researchers at Caltech: Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown. They used mathematical modeling and computer simulations (模拟) to find the planet.So far, there have not been any direct observations of the planet. “My jaw hit the floor, ” said astronomer (宇航员) Mike Brown, the moment he realized there might be a ninth planet.

The scientists said it would take this planet 10,000 to 20, 000 years just to make one full orbit around the sun. The new planet, called “Planet Nine ” , has a mass about 10 times the size of Earth.If they are right, the newly found planet would be the ninth planet in our solar system. Pluto (冥王星) had been called the ninth planet until 2006, when it was renamed a “dwarf planet.”

Actual confirmation of a ninth planet would be very big news. “This would be a real ninth planet,” Brown said in the statement. “There have only been two true planets discovered since ancient times, and this would be a third. It&39;s a pretty substantial chunk of our solar system that&39;s still out there to be found, which is pretty exciting.”

While they did not get a picture of “Planet Nine ” yet, the scientists say they are using the biggest—and best—telescopes on Earth to try to find “Planet Nine. ” They are also working on improving their computer simulations. They want to find out more about “Planet Nine’s” orbit, and its impact on the outer part of our solar system.

The newly-found planet ________.

A.moves around the Sun

B.was discovered by two astronomers

C.travels a round orbit

D.is far away from our solar system

The possibility of finding a ninth planet made Mike Brown ________.A.confused




According to the scientists, ________A.the planet is ten times larger than the Earth

B.ittakes the planet less than 10, 000 yearsto make a full orbit

C.Pluto was once thought to be the ninth planet in the solar system

D.Pluto was given anew name after it was discovered in 2006

It can be inferred from Paragraph 4that ________.A.there is no actual confirmation about the ninthplanet

B.no true planets were discovered in ancient times

C.scientists have found three planets in modern times

D.the ninth planet is the only one discovered since ancient times

To find“Planet Nine”, scientists are using allthe followingEXCEPT ________.A.mathematicalmodeling

B.computer simulations

C.advanced telescopes

D.large spacecrafts

Chokwe Selassie is on a mission to help drivers avoid potholes (路面坑洞) .The eighth-grader got his inspiration on a recent morning, when his mother was driving him to school. Their car was damaged as it went over a huge pothole in the middle of the street in their hometown of Jackson, Mississippi. “I decided I was going to do something about the pothole problem in my city,”said Chokwe. His solution: an app that warns drivers when there is a pothole ahead.

Chokwe developed the app with his friends,“When the app detects a pothole, it is highlightedin red,” Chokwe says. “And if you get close to the pothole, your phone will warn you with a beep.” Drivers can also use the app to report any potholes they encounter, and to look for other routes they can take to avoid roads that have them.

The app relies on current available information about the streets of Jackson. “It works by using the city’s 311 call system, soit uses information already stored in a database,” Chokwe says. Throughthe call system, citizens dial 311 to report non-emergency problems—which include potholes. As Chokwe and his friends worked on the app, they also went street by street throughout the city. They determined that focusing on the 10 busiest streets in Jackson would give them a large enough sample size to test it.

Although the app isn’t yet available for sale,Chokwe is already looking for ways to improve it. The app remains limited to 10 streets in Jackson, but he hopes to add more, so that it includes every street in the city. And then he wants to go even farther. “I want to keep working on the app until it’s nationwide, ” Chokwe says.

Chokwe Selassie got the idea to develop the app from ________.

A.his own experience

B.a recent news report

C.his friends

D.his mother

When you are close to a pothole, your phone will warn you with ________.A.a voice report

B.a red light

C.a beeping sound

D.a map image

Drivers can also use Chokwe’s app to ________.A.report emergency traffic problems

B.look for information other than potholes

C.choose safer routes without potholes

D.avoid traffic jam caused bypotholes

To develop the app, Chokwe and his friends ________.A.reported potholes to 311 call system

B.conducted field trips onthe streets

C.built their own information database

D.collected samples in their neighborhood

We can learn from the last paragraph that Chokwe ________.A.is quite successful

B.is facing difficulties

C.has regained hope

D.has a great ambition

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