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We all know people who are filled with joy, despite the unpleasant _________ of their lives.

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更多“We all know people who are fil…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: You know, I've often wondered why people laugh at the picture of a big belly b
usinessman slipping on a banana skin and falling on his bottom. We are to feel sorry for him.

M: Actually, Laura, I think we laugh because we are glad it didn't happen to us. But of course there is also a kind of humorous satisfaction in seeing somebody self-important making a fool of themselves.

W: Yes, and then there are a lot of jokes about people who are too fat or physically handicapped, you know, deaf, or short-sighted, things like that. After all, it's not really funny to be like that.

M: Oh, I think that's because we're embarrassed. We don't know how to cope with the situation. Perhaps we are even a bit frightened we might get like that, so we laugh. What about the custard pie routine?

W: What do you mean "custard pie routine"?

M: You know, all those old films where someone gets so outraged with his boss, he picks up a custard pie and plasters it all over the other person's face.

W: That never makes me laugh very much, because you can guess it's going to happen. But a lot of people still find it laughable. It must be because it's the sort of the thing we'd all love to do once in a while and never quite have the courage to.

M: I had an old aunt who used to throw cups of tea at people when she was particularly irritated. She said it relieved her feelings.

W: It must have come a bit expensive.

M: Not really. She took care never to throw her best china.


19. Why does the man say we laugh when we see some self-important people making fools of themselves?

20. Why do some people joke about those who are fat or handicapped according to the man?

21. Why do many people find it funny to see someone throwing a custard pie on their boss's face?

22. Why did the man's aunt say she would drop cups of tea at people occasionally?


A.We simply cannot help reacting instinctively that way.

B.We wish to hide our indifference to their misfortune.

C.We derive some humorous satisfaction from their misfortune.

D.We think it serves them right for being mean to other people.

听力原文:W What led you to open the Cincinnati Glass Center?M Well, people know about Cinc

听力原文:W What led you to open the Cincinnati Glass Center?

M Well, people know about Cincinnati's history as a steel manufacturing center for North America, but not many people know that the town used to be a center of the glass industry as well. We wanted to awaken people to that part of Cincinnati's past.

W What would you say has been your proudest achievement since you opened the museum?

M Since we opened the center, several prominent glass artists have moved here, artists from all over the world. I'm proud that we've attracted so many glass artists to the city.

What is being discussed?

A.A museum

B.A library

C.An art school

D.An art gallery

听力原文:M: Think about it, Mary. Through telecommunication information travels almost at
the speed of light.

W: That is 1,860,000 miles per second, isn't it?

M: Yeh. Or 300,000 km per second. Of course only light can travel that fast.

W: Yeh. I know, Bob. But it is still incredible. When an astronaut lands on the moon within seconds we on earth can see it happen. People here in Australia see it at the same moment they see it in US. It is wonderful.

M: Maybe it's wonderful. I know very well it is a fact. All over the planet we can see the same thing at the same time. So moving on the moon or playing a soccer game or if we like we can watch the same war.

W: That's awful !

M: What? Soccer?

W: You know very well that I mean war. It's awful to have a war and it's awful to watch a war on television. It's not right to sit in your house to watch people kill each other.

M: Right or wrong, awful or not, it is a fact. Wars are on the television all the time, and people all over the world watch it. Sometimes they eat dinner while they watch.

W: I don't believe that.

M: The trouble with you is that you have many opinions about things but you don't look at facts. You don't see what you don't want to see.


A.The speed of light.

B.The speed of telecommunications.

C.Astronauts landing on the moon.

D.The United States.

听力原文:M: I was young once myself, you know. I know what it's like to be young.W: But yo

听力原文:M: I was young once myself, you know. I know what it's like to be young.

W: But you don't know what it's like to grow up in our world, Mr. Perkins.

M: I grew up during the war, young lady.

W: Exactly. You had a brave new world to fight for, didn't you? But what have we got to look forward to? Pollution and population explosion, if we are not destroyed first by the H bomb.

M: But you'll survive like all the generations before us. Progress is just moving a little bit faster. That's all.

W: Really, Mr. Perkins? Progress, as you call it, can change things completely in a few years these days. You know that perfectly well. Can't you see how pointless your business world must seem to young people like me?

M: In any event, we have to go on living, Ann. And living means working. The young will realize that one day. They'll learn. They'll grow up.

W: You think we should grow up to be like you, don't you, Mr. Perkins? I know you do. I know you'll laugh at us when we talk about universal love and understanding between people. When people demonstrate about what is happening in other countries, you'll say, "What right have they to interfere? It's none of their business." But it is our business, Mr. Perkins. We are all responsible for one another these days, whatever our race, or color, or nationality.

M: I agree, Ann. But so many of your so-called international demonstrations only make misunderstanding worse. A lot of you are so sure you got the answer to everything. You won't accept any guidance at all from older people.

W: But it's very difficult for older people to give proper guidance when, as people often say, they had no experience of being young today. It's no use their saying I never behaved like that when I was young. They didn't have the same kind of problems. That's what the generation gap is all about.

M: Well, I don't think the generation gap in this country is as great as you make out. In fact, I suspect many young people go to their parents for advice just as often as they go to friends of their own age.

W: You know, Mr. Perkins, I am almost frightened of getting older. Will I be talking like this to my children one day?


A.Because he could avoid being killed by the H-bomb.

B.Because he had a new world to fight for.

C.Because he was able to enjoy a pollution-free life.

D.Because he succeeded in setting up his own business.

听力原文:M: You know, I feel really dumb. Um, there's so much that I don't know and so muc
h to read that I can't process all the information available. Do you feel the same way?

W: I know what you mean. There's so much to find out about in so many different ways nowadays. We have television, we have radio, and we have all sorts of magazines.

M: Even in your own field, you know, you'd have to read twenty or thirty magazines a month in order to keep up.

W: Just to know what's happening.

M: Yeah. That's right.

W: You know, now, because of communication systems, uh, our sphere of interest is the whole world, whereas before, our sphere of interest was just our country or our area.

M: Yeah, yeah, that's right.

W: I think we realize now that we should know things. And therefore, we are pressed to know these things.

M: Yes, we're..., whereas before people didn't understand that...

W: And as an educated adult you also have to keep up with certain international events and affairs, or you cannot really be a responsible person.

M: Yeah, you know you're responsible for making decisions about not only your own life, but many other things and you have to be informed to be able to do that.

W: You have to learn to pick and choose information too.

Why does the man feel dumb?

A.He can't process all the information available.

B.There is so much he doesn't know.

C.There is so much he hasn't read.

D.All of the above.

SECTION ACONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:M: Think about it, Mary. Through telecommunication, information travels almost at the speed of light.

W: That is 1, 860, 000 miles per second, isn't it?

M: Yeah. Or 300, 000 km per second. Of course only light can travel that fast.

W: Yeah. I know, Bob. But it is still incredible. When an astronaut lands on the moon within seconds we on earth can see it happen. The people here in Australia see it at the same moment they see it in the U.S. It's wonderful.

M: Maybe it's wonderful. I know very well it is a fact. All over the planet we can see the same things at the same time—someone moving on the moon or playing a soccer game or we can even watch the same war, if we like.

W: That's awful.

M: What? Soccer7

W: You know very well what I mean. The war. It's awful to have a war on television. It's not right to sit in your house to watch people kill each other.

M: Right or wrong, awful or not, it is a fact. Wars are on television all the time, and people all over the world watch it. Sometimes they eat dinner while they watch.

W: I don't believe that.

M: The trouble with you is that you have many opinions about things but you don't look at facts. You don't see what you don't want to see.

What does Mary think is so incredible and wonderful?

A.The speed of light.

B.The speed of telecommunication.

C.Astronauts landing on the moon.

D.The United States.

听力原文:M: I can't believe this company is letting so many of us go.W: I know how you fee

听力原文:M: I can't believe this company is letting so many of us go.

W: I know how you feel. They should have let us know earlier about the plan to merge with Robson Inc.

M: I can't agree with you more. Perhaps we should consider something legal against the company.

W: Well, that sounds too far to me at this point. All they are saying at this point is that it will be an official decision after both companies sign the contract by the end of next month.

Why is the company laying so many people off?

A.The company plans to merge with another company.

B.The people broke the law.

C.The people didn' t work hard enough.

D.The company went out of business.

听力原文:W: In America, many prisoners are having their cases reviewed, and some have even
been freed through DNA testing.

M: Then, how about the ones whose death sentence have already been carried out?

Q: What can we know about DNA testing from the dialogue?


A.It has helped to find some criminals.

B.It has found most criminals.

C.It has freed all the innocent people from prison.

D.It has freed some innocent people from prison.

听力原文:M: We are having a debate on advertising Thursday evening, and I have to take par

W: That's interesting. I should like to hear what people think about advertising.

M: What's there to say? We must have advertising, mustn't we?

W: Why?

M: Well, we wouldn't know what there was to buy if we didn't have advertisements.

W: Yes, that's true. Up to a point, advertisements provide information that we need. If someone has produced a new article, naturally, the seller wants to tell us about it.

M: Yes, and the advertisements tell us which product is the best.

W: Do they? I don't think so. Every manufacturer says that his product is the best, or at least tries to give the impres-sion. Only one can be the best, so the others are misleading, aren't they?

M: Well, in a way, I suppose, but we don't have to believe them, do we?

W: Are you saying that advertisements aren't effective? I don't think that intelligent businessmen will spend millions of dollars on advertising if nobody believes the advertisements, do you?

M: Perhaps not, but after all, it's their money that they are spending.

W: Is it? I think not. The cost of advertising is added to the price of the article. You and I and all the other people who buy the article pay for the advertising.

M: Well, I suppose we get something for our money, some information.

W: Yes, but don't forget it is often misleading information, and sometimes harmful.

M: Harmful?

W: What about the advertisements designed to persuade young people to smoke cigarettes? Wouldn't you say they are harmful?

M: You've given me a lot to think about. I'm quite looking forward to the debate now.

According to the woman, advertisements ______ .

A.let us know the best product

B.give us sufficient information

C.fail to convince people

D.give misleading information

听力原文:M: Good morning.W: Good morning. How can I help you?M: I understand that the scho

听力原文:M: Good morning.

W: Good morning. How can I help you?

M: I understand that the school organizes...umm, trips to different...

W: Yes, we run five every month: three during weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips.

M: What sort of places?

W: Well, obviously it varies, but always places of historical interest and also which offer a variety of shopping, because our students always ask about that...and then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours, because this gives a good focus for the visit.

M: Do you travel far?

W: Well, we're lucky here, obviously, because we're able to say that all our visits are less than three hours' drive.

M: How much do they cost?

W: Again it varies--between five and fifteen pounds a head, depending on distance.

M: Ah ha...

W: Oh, and we do offer to arrange special trips if, you know, there are more than twelve people.

M: All right. I'I1 keep that in mind. And what are the times normally?

W: We try to keep it pretty fixed so that students get to know the pattern. We leave at eight-thirty a.m. and return at six p.m. We figure it's best to keep the day fairly short.

M: Oh yes. And how do we reserve a place?

W: You sign your name on the notice board. Do you know where it is?

M: Ah ha. I saw it this morning.

W: And we do ask that you sign up three days in advance so we know we've got enough people interested to run it, and we can cancel if necessary, with full refund of course.

M: That's fine. Thanks.


A.Once a week.

B.Three every month.

C.Five every month.

D.Two every month.

听力原文:W: Harry, you are an exercise physiologist by training, right?M: Right.W: So you

听力原文:W: Harry, you are an exercise physiologist by training, right?

M: Right.

W: So you can really tell us what we need to do here. Is this all about technology? Is there so much technology, in our office that we don't even bother to walk across the room to talk to our colleagues? Is that why we are gaining weight at our, at our cubicles?

M: Well, there are probably multiple variables that are causing this whole phenomenon. Eh, inactivity, obviously is the reason. Why are we inactive? Over the last ten to twenty years, the faster and the more technology moves, the less we do.

W: Right.

M: While you used to get up, write a message and go see your colleague all the way across the office; now you spend 30 seconds, you write an e-mail zip, it's gone. You are onto the next thing.

W: Yeah.

M: Eh, so there are many reasons why we are less active even in the workplace. Problem is we are in such, we live in such an all-or-none society, that if people don't get 30 to 60 minutes of the formal exercise everyday, they give up.

W: Right.

M: So what's the use? Why should I?

W: OK. So what are things people can do before or after work? You know if they are trying to work as many hours as possible and also spend time with family and everything else, things they can do to help them at least get some exercise.

M: You know, if you commute uh, the New York City, take the bus or the subway, get off the stop earlier before you are supposed to, wherever you are supposed to get off.

W: Right.

M: Get off the stop earlier. That gives you a few extra blocks that you can walk.

W: Sure.

M: Eh, instead, if you are up on the 15th floor, I ant not gonna recommend you take the stairs for 15 flights. But you can take the elevator to the 12 floor and walk up 3 flights.

W: You know what, I've seen people who actually have been doing that way, who use the stairs all the time, makes a huge, huge difference.

M: Absolutely. It's just a matter of getting your 2 minutes here and there. It's a, overall, it all adds up.

W: And what should you do at lunchtime? What about lunchtime?

M: Eh, be sensible. If you are moving less, you really require less energy. And you require less calories if you will.

W: Right.

M: So eat a little lighter, eat a little bit less, drink, eh, non-caloric fluids like water or even diet soda ff you are a soda drinker. And help that..., let that help you fill up.

Why do people nowadays become less active?

A.People are too lazy to do exercise.

B.People are more reliable on modem technology than on themselves.

C.People usually give up formal exercise.

D.People are too busy with their work and family.

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