题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

—I'm impressed. When you gave directions to the taxi driver, you sounded just lik

e a native. Do you understand everything now?


A. Well, not quite. I still have trouble expressing myself.

B. A little. But I used to have a lot of trouble with the pronunciation.

C. Not everything. I still have some trouble understanding people, especially when they speak fast.

提问人:网友13***935 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“—I'm impressed. When you gave …”相关的问题
Interviewer: Mr. Wang I’m very much impressed. There’s no need for further questions. Wang

Interviewer: Mr. Wang I’m very much impressed. There’s no need for further questions.

Wang: _________.

A.Thank you for your time

B.Really?That’s great

C.Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you

D.It’s my pleasure

听力原文:W: You seem well prepared for this Spanish midterm text, I'm impressed.M: I'd bet

听力原文:W: You seem well prepared for this Spanish midterm text, I'm impressed.

M: I'd better be prepared. I spent the last forty-eight hours cramming for it.

Q: What has the man been doing?


A.Booking a flight to Spain.

B.Giving Spanish tests to students.

C.Paying for private lessons.

D.Studying continually.

听力原文:M:I have never heard such a fascinating lecture on solar energy. But you don't se
em to be impressed. Don't you like it, Sally?

W:Well, I must admit that I dozed off most of the time. I think it's too difficult for me to understand.

Q:How did the woman feel about the lecture?


A.Too complicated.




听力原文:W: You seem well prepared for this Spanish mid-term test. I'm impressed.M: I'd be

听力原文:W: You seem well prepared for this Spanish mid-term test. I'm impressed.

M: I'd better be prepared. I spent the last forty-eight hours cramming for it.

Q: What has the man been doing?


A.Giving Spain lessons.

B.Having private Spanish lessons.

C.Giving Spanish tests to students.

D.Studying continually for two days.

听力原文:M: I have a special guest today, Shirley. Shirley, you truly have an amazing gard
en. Could you [et us know how you put this together?

W: Tills spring I took a square-foot gardening class, and I decided to try some of the things I've learned. Urn, one of the most important things in square-foot gardening is that you choose a good location. You need at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine. You also need to choose a location that has good drainage, and it should be a convenient location. A garden is a lot more fun if yon are walking by and seeing it all the time. Urn, you need to decide what kind of containers you want, or, in my case, I used wooden boxes.

M: Wall, Shirley, I've noticed these vertical beams. I've never seen that before. Could you explain that to us a little bit?

W: Right here we have some cantaloupe, and cantaloupe take a lot of space when you grow them out on the ground, and I don't have that much space, so I just grow them up. I just made a metal frame, and took some string. I just allow them to grow up, and they will support themselves.

M: This is amazing. I noticed in this garden, there is u vast amount of vegetation.

W: Well, over on the far end, I have tomatoes growing vertically. In front of those I have green peppers, basil, strawberries, beets, green beans, com, carrots and so on. Right here, as I said before, I have cantaloupe. Down at the bottom, I have some Mexican tomatoes. And down at this end, I have eggplant, another kind of pepper called banana peppers, cucumbers, okra, pumpkins...and I think that's about it.

M: I'm so impressed. I'd like to thank you very much for having us in today to look at your garden.=


A.By attending a class.

B.From her parents.

C.Through a gardening magazine.

D.From her neighbors.

听力原文:M: I have a special guest today, Shirley. Shirley, you truly have an amazing gard
en. Could you let us know how you put this together?

W: This spring I took a square-foot gardening class, and I decided to try soma of the things I've learned. Um, one of the most important things in square-foot gardening is that you choose a good location. You need at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine, You also need to choose a location that has good drainage, and it should be a convenient location. A garden is a lot more fun if you are walking by and seeing it all the time. Um, you need to decide what kind of containers you want, or, in my case, I used wooden boxes.

M: Well, Shirley, I've noticed these vertical beams. I've never seen that before. Could you explain that to us a little bit?

W: Right here we have some cantaloupe, and cantaloupe take a lot of space when you grow them out on the ground, and I don't have that much space, so I just grow them up. I just made a metal frame, and took some string. I just allow them to grow up, and they will support themselves.

M: This is amazing. I noticed in this garden, there is a vast amount of vegetation,

W: Wall, over on the far end, I have tomatoes growing vertically. In front of those I have green peppers, basil, strawberries, beets, green beans, corn, carrots and so on. Right here, as I said before, I have cantaloupe. Down at the bottom, I have some Mexican tomatoes. And down at this end, I have eggplant, another kind of pepper called banana peppers, cucumbers, okra, pumpkins...and I think that's about it.

M: I'm so impressed. I'd like to thank you very much for having us in today to look at your garden.


A.By attending a class.

B.From her parents.

C.Through a gardening magazine.

D.From her neighbors.

听力原文:M: I have a special guest today, Shirley. Shirley, you truly have an amazing gard
en. Could you let us know how you put this together?

W: This spring I took a square-foot gardening class, and I decided to try some of the things I've learned. Um, one of the most important things in square-foot gardening is that you choose a good location. You need at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine. You also need to choose a location that has good drainage, and it should be a convenient location. A garden is a lot more fun if you are walking by and seeing it all the time. Um, you need to decide what kind of containers you want, or, in my case, I used wooden boxes.

M: Well, Shirley, I've noticed these vertical beams. I've never seen that before. Could you explain that to us a little bit?

W: Right here we have some cantaloupe, and cantaloupe take a lot of space when you grow them out on the ground, and I don't have that much space, so I just grow them up. I just made a metal frame, and took some string. I just allow them to grow up, and they will support themselves.

M: This is amazing. I noticed in this garden, there is a vast amount of vegetation.

W: Well, over on the far end, I have tomatoes growing vertically. In front of those I have green peppers, basil, strawberries, beets, green beans, corn, carrots and so on. Right here, as I said before, I have cantaloupe. Down at the bottom, I have some Mexican tomatoes. And down at this end, I have eggplant, another kind of pepper called banana peppers, cucumbers, okra, pumpkins...and I think that's about it.

M: I'm so impressed. I'd tike to thank you very much for having us in today to look at your garden.


A.By attending a class.

B.From her parents.

C.Through a gardening magazine.

D.From her neighbors.

听力原文:M: I have never heard such a fascinating lecture on solar energy. But you don't s
eem being impressed. Don't you like it, Rose?

W: Well, I must admit that I dozed off most of the time during the lecture. I think it's too difficult for me to follow. Any way it does not concern my major at all.

Q: How did the woman feel about the lecture?



B.Too complicated.



听力原文:Interviewer:My guest today is Douglas Turner, who recently spent a weekend climbi

听力原文:Interviewer: My guest today is Douglas Turner, who recently spent a weekend climbing a mountain in Africa. Douglas, how did this come about?

Douglas: Well, I suppose it started with seeing adverts for activity holidays in the national press week after week; it somehow got into my subconscious. Then there was one which said, 'Are you ready for the greatest physical challenge of your life? 5,000 metres. One weekend', and somewhat against my better judgement, I found myself picking up the phone straight away. You see, I simply hadn't trained for it, the nearest I'd got was a bit of hill-walking five years ago.

Interviewer: What did you think you would get out of the weekend?

Douglas: Generally when I go to things I enjoy meeting people, but in this case I was afraid the rest of the group would be a bunch of healthy types, and I wouldn't have much in common with them. And as for the physical effort of climbing the mountain, I thought I'd be lucky if I survived the weekend at all! It was more a kind of wanting to see what I was mentally capable of doing, would I get cold feet and not go at all, or go, but give up halfway up, that sort of thing.

Interviewer: But you made it to the top.

Douglas: Yes, I did. Much to my surprise, I can tell you.

Interviewer: And were you right about the other people?

Douglas: No, actually. There were a few serious walkers and climbers, but most of the participants were professional people who wanted to do something ,quite different once in a while, more or less like me, in fact. So not intimidating after all. Though I have to admit that nearly all of them were fleer than me. Actually I hadn't realised so many people did this sort of thing. It was funny, when I told a friend that I was going, she said, 'Oh, not another one. Everyone I know's going climbing this year. There's a big thing about pushing yourself to your limit at the moment, isn't there? You're welcome to it,' she said. 'You won't catch me up there.'

Interviewer: How did you all get on together?

Douglas: I suppose we were a bit suspicious of each other at first, but that soon went, and we somehow developed a really close group feeling, and nobody complained about having to wait for the slow ones, which usually included me. Or at least, if they did complain, they did it out of earshot. In fact, on the flight home we were busy exchanging cards and decided to book another weekend trip as a party-- but without a mountain in sight this time.

Interviewer: Se how did the weekend compare with your expectations?

Douglas: It was much better than I'd expected. It made me change, in subtle ways. As I'd hoped, I gained in self-knowledge, and I learnt to get on with people I couldn't escape from, but I also became much more observant, of the tiny little wild flowers, for instance, and that was quite a bonus.

Interviewer: I suppose you're going to be a regular mountain climber now.

Douglas: The pair of boots I wore, I'm keeping with the mud still on them, on my desk at work. They're a kind of trophy, to prove to myself that rve done it. But I somehow don't think I'll be using them again. I'm going to have to put them somewhere less visible, though, because it's sometimes a bit embarrassing when other people are impressed.

Interviewer: Douglas Turner, thank you very much.

Douglas: Thank you.

How did Douglas feel when he booked the weekend?

A.sure that he would enjoy training for it

B.uncertain if it was a good idea for him

C.surprised that such activities were organised

听力原文:After 22 years of marriage, I have discovered the secret to keep love alive in my

听力原文: After 22 years of marriage, I have discovered the secret to keep love alive in my relationship with my wife, Peggy. I started dating with another woman.

It was Peggy's idea. One day she said to me, "life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, it will make us closer."

The other woman my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother, a 72-year-old widow who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago. Right after his death, I moved 2,500 miles away to California and started my own life and career. When I moved back near my hometown six years ago, I premised myself that I would spend more time with mom. But with the demands of my job and three kids, I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays.

Mom was surprise and suspicious when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you." I said. "Just the tow of us."

"I would like that a lot," she said.

When I pulled into her driveway, she was waiting by the door with her coat on. Her hair was curled, and she was smiling, "I told my lady friends I was going out with my son, and they were all impressed. They can't wait to hear about our evening," Mother said.


A.Never dating another woman.

B.Asking his mother to live with his family.

C.Seeing more of his mother.

D.Taking his wife and children to a dinner and a move.

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