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In a reaction against a too - rigid, overrefined classical curriculum, some educational ph

ilosophers have swung sharply to an espousal of "life experience" as the sole source of learning. Using their narrow interpretation of John Dewey’s theories as a base for support, they conclude that only throught" doing, can learning take place. Spouting such phrases as," Teach the child, not the subject," they demand, without sensing its absurdity, and end to rigorous study as a means of opening the way to learning. While not all adherents to this approach would totally eliminate a study of great books, the influence of this philosophy has been felt in the public school curricula, as evidenced by the gradual subordination of great literature.

What is the purpose of literature7 Why read, if life alone is to be our teacher? James Joyce states that

the artist reveals the human situation by re -creating life out of life; Aristotle states that art presents universal truth because its form. is taken from nature. Thus, consciously or otherwise, the great writer reveals the human situation most tellingly, -*extending our understanding of ourselves to our world.

We can soar with the writer to the heights of man's aspirations, or plumment with him to tragic despair. The works of Steinbeck, Anderson, and Salinger; the poetry of Whitman, Sandburg, and Forst; the plays of Ibsen, Miller and O’Neill: all present starkly realistic portrayals of life's problems, Really? Yes! But how much wider is the understanding we gain than that attained by viewing life through the keyhole of our single existence.

Can we measure the richness gained by the young reader venturing down the Mississippi with Tom and Huck, or cheering Ivanhoe as he battles the Black Knight; the deepening understanding of the mature reader of the tragic South of William Fanlkner and Tennessess Williams, of the awesome determination--and frailty--of Patrick White's Australian pioneers?

This function of literature, the enlarging of our own life sphere, is of itself of major importance. Additionally, however, it has been suggested that solutions of social problems may be suggested in the study of literature. The overweening ambitions of political leaders--and their sneering contempt for the law--did not appear for the first time in the writings of Bernstein and Woodeard; the problems, and the consequent actions, of the guiltridden did not await the appearance of the bearded psychoanalyst of the twentieth century.

Federal Judge Learned Hand has written, "I venture to believe that it is as important to a judge called upon to pass on a question of constitutional law, to have at least a bowing acquaintance with Thucydided, Gibbon, and Carlyle, with Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, and Milton, with Montaigne and Rabelais, with Plato, Bacon, Hume, and Kant, as with the books which have been specitically written on the subject. For in such matters everything turns upon the spirit in which he approaches the questions before him. "

But what of our dissenters? Can we overcome the disapproval of their" life experience classroom "theory of learning? We must start with the field of agreement—that education should serve to improve the individual and society. We must educate them to the understanding that the voice of human experience should stretch our human faculties, and open us to learning. We must convince them—in their own personal language per haps-- of the "togetherness" of life and art; we must prove to them that far from being separate, literature is that pan of life which illumines life.

According to the passage the end goal of great literature is______.

A.the recounting of dramatic and exciting stories, and the creation of characters

B.to create anew a synthesis of life that illumines the human condition

C.the teaching of morality and ethical behavior

D.to write about tragedy and despair

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更多“In a reaction against a too - …”相关的问题
Fill in the blanks with the expressions below, change the form where necessary. illustration; gather one’s thoughts; chat; admission; hang up on; undoubtedly; soak up; keep---from; hem and haw; correspond 3. Don’t _______ me, because I need to talk to you.
The function of the urethra is to

A、transport urine to the outside of the body

B、transport urine from the kidney to the bladder

C、store urine

D、produce urine and regulate body fluids

Keeping the balance of nature is so ________.


B、more difficult



•Read the text below about leadership.

•Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page.

•For each question (21-30), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.


Leadership is the heart of the managerial process, because it involves initiating action. Other terms identifying the same idea are directing, executing, supervising, ordering, and guiding. Whatever term is used, the idea is to (21) into effect the decisions, plans, and programs that have previously been worked (22) for achieving the goals of the group.

Leadership concerns the overall (23) in which a manager influences the actions of subordinates. First, it includes the (24) of orders that are clear, comprehensive, and within the capabilities of subordinates to accomplish. Second, it implies a continual training activity in which subordinates are given instructions to enable them to (25) the particular assignment in the existing situation. Third, it necessarily involves the motivation of workers to try to (26) the expectations of the manager. Fourth, it consists of maintaining discipline and rewarding those who (27) properly. In short, leading is the final action of a manager in getting others to act after all preparations have been made.

The manager's style. of direction depends upon his or her own personal traits and the situation in (28) In leadership, more than any other function, the manager must determine an approach alone, after surveying the (29) that are available. In any event, each manager will (30) well to act as an individual, and not to try to act as others act or to proceed according to the textbook.






For Wilde, the purpose of art would be to guide life as if beauty alone were its object. As Gray's portrait allows him to escape the corporeal ravages of his hedonism, Wilde sought to juxtapose the beauty he saw in art with daily life.
What is denotation of a word().
A、Denotation is the dictionary definition of a word.

B、It is basically the literal meaning.

C、It is the direct or explicit meaning of a word or phrase.

D、All of them.

As for the job applicants, male and female, wearing _______ is the best choice for any formal occasion.
The pelvic part of ureter

A、descends immediately behind the internal iliac artery.

B、crosses lateral to the external vessels, umbilical artery, obturator nerve and vessels.

C、crosses posteriorly over the ductus deferens (male).

D、passes lateral to the fornex of the vagina and is crossed by uterine artery.

E、ends on the inferior of the urinary bladder as the internal urethral orifice.

A 21-year-old football player is admitted to the emergency department with severe back pain. A radiograph reveals a fractured angle of the eleventh rib on the left side. Which of the following organs is most likely at risk for injury?


B、Descending colon




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