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What of the following is NOT suggested when you are giving a group presentation?

A、Ensuring that each group member is working hard.

B、Making sure each group member's work fits well into the whole presentation.

C、Practicing your own part of the presentation while other members are giving their presentation.

D、Knowing how to introduce the next speaker.

提问人:网友shiweimi 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“What of the following is NOT s…”相关的问题

【简答题】Do the following passages contain arguments? If so, what are their conclusions? a. Cutting the interest rate will have no effect on the stock market this time round as people have been expecting a rate cut all along. This factor has already been reflected in the market. Yes. The conclusion is that this time, cutting interest rate will have no effect on the stock market. So it is raining heavily and this building might collapse. But I don’t really care. b. Although the first statement starts with “so” it does not indicate a conclusion. Virgin would then dominate the rail system. Is that something the government should worry about? Not necessarily. The industry is regulated, and one powerful company might at least offer a more coherent schedule of services than the present arrangement has produced. The reason the industry was broken up into more than 100 companies at privatisation was not operational, but political: the Conservative government thought it would thus be harder to renationalise. c. All of Russia’s problems of human rights and democracy come back to three things: the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. None works as well as it should. Parliament passes laws in a hurry, and has neither the ability nor the will to call high officials to account. State officials abuse human rights (either on their own, or on orders from on high) and work with remarkable slowness and disorganisation. The courts almost completely fail in their role as the ultimate safeguard of freedom and order. d. Most mornings, Park Chang Woo arrives at a train station in central Seoul, South Korea's capital. But he is not commuter. He is unemployed and goes there to kill time. Around him, dozens of jobless people pass their days drinking soju, a local version of vodka. For the moment, middle-aged Mr Park would rather read a newspaper. He used to be a brick layer for a small construction company in Pusan, a southern port city. But three years ago the country's financial crisis cost him that job, so he came to Seoul, leaving his wife and two children behind. Still looking for work, he has little hope of going home any time soon. e. For a long time, astronomers suspected that Europa, one of Jupiter's many moons, might harbour a watery ocean beneath its ice-covered surface. They were right. Now the technique used earlier this year to demonstrate the existence of the European ocean has been employed to detect an ocean on another Jovian satellite, Ganymede, according to work announced at the recent American Geo-physical Union meeting in San Francisco.

Which of the following is grammatically correct but sounds strange?

A、I often cut my finger.

B、I cut my finger yesterday.

C、I am cutting my finger.

D、I have cut my finger.


Questions下列各are based on the following passage. How many times have you heard the expression that most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do planning their lives? .I would 36 that expression by adding that most people spend more time "thinking" about their vacation than they do thinking about whats important in their life. While rest and relaxation are a must in living a 37 life, its not what we were created to do. After all, the Master Creator took his R&R (Rest and Recreation) on the seventh day, only after six days of "definitely directed thought". Wallace D. Wattles wrote, "There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and 38 thought; it is the hardest work in the world. " And yet it is the first and primary labor of 39 My friend Mike Lit man wrote an outstanding article for his ezine (电子杂志) this week. Its called"The Millionaire Composite (合成物)" and it 40 one of the big differences between super successful people and everyone else. He writes, "I recently visited with a Real Estate Multi Millionaire Mogul (大人物). What did I see next to his desk? His vision statement, along with a list of what he values in life-hand written. " "A few months back, I interviewed an individual who has sold over a billion dollars worth of products on television. He told me that he reads his life and business vision and goals dally, and that he TAKES TIME to 41 exactly what he wants to create--EACH NIGHT before falling asleep. " What is your lifes purpose or your personal mission statement? Is it written down? Do you review it and think about it often? Is your life organized around your purpose and a set of goals that support that purpose? Without purpose and goals--defmitely directed thought--you are like the 42"ship without a rudder (舵) , 1here is power m your purpose and in your goals. It is the power that takes you over obstacles, the fuel that 43. you toward the life you envision. One of my favorite passages of James Allen is one he wrote in "The Mastery of Destiny" :"All successful people are people of purpose. They hold 44 to an idea, a project, a plan, and will not let it go; they cherish it, brood upon it, tend and develop it; and when assailed by difficulties, they refuse to be beguiled into surrender; indeed, the intensity of the purpose increases with the growing 45 of the obstacles encountered. " And thats-worth thinking about. A)achievement I)multitude B)analyzes J)notorious C)balanced K)paralyse D)consecutive L)persecute E)expand M)propels F)fast N)proverbial G)magnitude O)visualize H)moderately 第36题应选

You are entitled to keep silent when you find it makes you uneasy to answer the security-related questions.
What are schools with a democratic environment not characterized by?

A、Better staff-student relationships.

B、A more harmonious atmospheres.

C、Devastating student dropout rates.

D、A more effective learning environment.

SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points)

It was one of those days that the peasant fishermen on this tributary of the Amazon River dream about.

With water levels falling rapidly at the peak of the dry season, a giant school of bass, a tasty fish that fetches a good price at markets, was swimming right into the nets being cast from a dozen small canoes here.

"With a bit of luck, you can make $350 on a day like this," Lauro Souza Almeida, a leader of the local fishermen's cooperative, exulted as he moved into position. "That is a fortune for people like us," he said, the equivalent of four months at the minimum wage earned by those fortunate enough to find work.

But hovering nearby was a large commercial fishing vessel, a "mother boat" equipped with large ice chests for storage and hauling more than a dozen smaller craft. The crew on board was just waiting for the remainder of the fish to move into the river' s main channel, where they intended to scoop up as many as they could with their efficient gill nets.

A symbol of abundance to the rest of the world, the Amazon is experiencing a crisis of overfishing. As stocks of the most popular species diminish to worrisome levels, tensions are growing between subsistence fishermen and their commercial rivals, who are eager to enrich their bottom line and satisfy the growing appetite for fish of city-dwellers in Brazil and abroad.

In response, peasants up and down the Amazon, here in Brazil and in neighboring countries like Peru, are forming cooperatives to control fish catches and restock their rivers and lakes. But that effort, increasingly successful, has only encouraged the commercial fishing operations, as well as some of the peasants' less disciplined neighbors, to step up their depredations.

"The industrial fishing boats, the big 20-to 30-ton vessels, they have a different mentality than us artisanal fishermen, who have learned to take the protection of the environment into account," said the president of the local fishermen's union. "They want to sweep everything up with their dragnets and then move on, benefiting from our work and sacrifice and leaving us with nothing."

Which of the following tips is not mentioned in our lectures?

A、Giving your own opinion about the story.

B、Trying to activate your audience's sensory

C、Telling your audience how you feel.

D、Telling your audience what is happening but not what will happen.

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A、Emotion can make the story relatable.

B、A relatable story can help create a connection between the speaker and the audience.

C、A story without emotion is always short.

D、How the storyteller feels is the emotional core of the story.

Which of the following is the key to the story if you want your audience to remember it?

A、Surprising ending.

B、Novel plots.


D、Happy ending.

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