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The student was so tired that____________________(他的眼皮耷拉着只想睡觉).

The student was so tired that____________________(他的眼皮耷拉着只想睡觉).

提问人:网友ltyluck 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“The student was so tired that_…”相关的问题
It is so difficult problem tht ____ student in this clss ____ work it out.ny; cn’tB.no; cn
CIt is so difficult problem tht ____ student in this clss ____ work it out.ny; cn’t B.no; cn C.every; cn D.no; cn’t

A.any; can’t

B.no; can

C.every; can

D.no; can’t

GPA is set around 1.8 for each term, so a student should have a GPA of roughly 1.8, with at least 12 credit hours passed if he doesn’t want to be put on probation.
Student A:How come you eat so little?Student B:I gained a few pounds this summer.A.1,m on

Student A:How come you eat so little?Student B:I gained a few pounds this summer.

A.1,m on a diet

B.I don’t want to eat so mueh

C.1’m not hungry

D.I have no appetite

听力原文:W: How is your new job at the student cafeteria Have you started it yet M: Have

听力原文:W: How is your new job at the student cafeteria Have you started it yet M: Have听力原文:W: How is your new job at the student cafeteria Have you started it yet M: Have I Hours of smelling bad food--I just can’t take it anymore. Q: What can be inferred about the man’s problem ()

A.He refused to take the job because of the bad fooD

B.He cannot bear the food’s smell so he may quit.

C.It’s difficult to work because the food smells so goo

D.He is so hungry and wants to take a break.

When students do well on a test, they tend to congratulate themselves and to attribute the
ir success to how hard they studied, their intelligence, and so forth—all internal attributions. But when a student fails a test, the external attributions fly left and right: “They were all tricky questions!” “I couldn’t concentrate because the guy behind me kept coughing.”

A、comparison and contrast

B、cause and effect

C、classification and division


听力原文:W: How is your new job at the student cafeteria? Have you started it yet?M: Have

听力原文:W: How is your new job at the student cafeteria? Have you started it yet?

M: Have I? Hours of smelling bad food--I just can't take it anymore.

Q: What can be inferred about the man's problem?


A.He refused to take the job because of the bad food.

B.He cannot bear the food's smell so he may quit.

C.It's difficult to work because the food smells so good.

D.He is so hungry and wants to take a break.

听力原文:I'm 18 years old and I'm a first-year university student in Dublin. I live with t

听力原文: I'm 18 years old and I'm a first-year university student in Dublin. I live with ten other students in a big old house near the center of the city. I have a large room on the second floor at the front of the house. There isn’t a lift, but I don’t need one. I usually run up the stairs. My room is 7 metres long and 5 metres wide. At The ofter end I've got some cooking tools and a fridge, so I can cook my own meals. At one end I've got my bed and a cupboard for clothes. There's a bathroom and a toilet down the hall, for all the students on my floor. I've got a big desk in my room, too. So i study, eat and sleep in the same room. My parents live in a village near Cork and I go there in the holidays. Please write and tell me about your home.

What do you think the speaker is?

A.A college student

B.A university teacher.

C.A middle school student.

听力原文:RECEPTIONIST; Sorry to keep you waiting. Well, firstly, let me give you this book

It tells you a bit more about the school, the courses and the social

activities we offer. Now, on the first page, there's an outline of this

morning's activities. There, you see? The programme starts at 10 o'clock. 【Example】

Try not to be late as it's a very full day.

At 10 o'clock, all the new students will gather in the Main Hall to 【Q1】

meet the Principal and the rest of the staff. In fact, you spend most of

the morning in the Main Hall.

STUDENT: Where's that?

RECEPTIONIST: I'll show you in a minute. Just let me quickly run through this

morning's events first and then I'll explain how to get there.


RECEPTIONIST: Right. Where were we? Yes, so, the Principal's talk will last about fifteen

minutes and then the Director of Studies will talk to you for half an 【Q2】

hour about the courses and the different requirements for each. After 【Q3】

that, the Student Adviser will tell you about the various services and

activities we offer to students. Any questions?

STUDENT: So, all of this is in the Main Hall?

RECEPTIONIST; That's right. And then you'll go next door to Classroom 5 at 11 o'clock. 【Q4】

STUDENT; What happens there?

RECEPTIONIST: You'll have a test.

STUDENT: Test? I don't like the sound of that. What sort of test?

RECEPTIONIST: Oh, it's nothing to worry about. It's just a placement test to help us find 【Q5】

your level of English so that we can put you in the right class. It won't

last long.


STUDENT: But how do I find the Main Hall?

RECEPTIONIST: Right; if you look on the back of the booklet I gave you, you'll see a

map of the school. Let me show you. Look; you came in through the

Main Entrance, here, and now we're here at Reception. Now, to get to

the Main Hall, you walk on to the end of this corridor in front of you

and then you turn left. Walk along past the Language Laboratory and

then past the Library, which is next to the Language Lab. on the same

side, and facing you is the Main Hall, at the end of the corridor. You 【Q6】

can't miss it.

STUDENT: So it's next to the Library, in fact. 【Q7】

RECEPTIONIST: Yes, that's right.

STUDENT: I should be able to find that. And do you have a Computer Laboratory?


STUDENT: Could you tell me where that is?


听力原文:M: I'm a little tired, so I think I'll go to the student restroom and listen to m
usic. Would you go with me?

W: I'd love to. But I have to go to the library to look at a book on reserve.

Why can't the woman go with the man?

A.She's a little tired.

B.She's going to go to the library.

C.She wants to listen to music.

D.She's going to study.

Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a __21__ shop, no assistant wi
ll come near to you and say, "Can I help you?" You needn't buy anything you don't want. You may try to find out __22__ the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is not interested in selling any book at all.

There is a story which tells us about a good shop. A medical student __23__ a very useful book in the shop, but it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn't get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read __24__ at a time. One day, however, he couldn't find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book __25__, "I put it there so as not to be sold out," said the assistant. Then he left the student to go on with his reading.



B.in a corner



E.a little



B.in a corner



E.a little



B.in a corner



E.a little



B.in a corner



E.a little



B.in a corner



E.a little

听力原文:[Student] Excuse me, Professor Carter. May I speak to you for a minute?[Professor

听力原文:[Student] Excuse me, Professor Carter. May I speak to you for a minute?

[Professor] Sure. Come in.

[Student] I'm Jenniffer. I'm taking your course in Population Studies.

[Professor] Right. Well, Jenniffer, how can I help you?

[Student] I'm... having a bit of trouble with the second assignment, and it's due in twelve days.

[Professor] What sort of trouble are you having? Is the assignment question a problem?

[Student] Well, it's not about the question itself. I'm having been having... trouble getting hold of the books. I've been to the library several times, and all the books are out.

[Professor] Sounds like you should have started borrowing books a bit earlier.

[Student] Well, I had a really big assignment due in for another course, and I've been spending all my time on that, and I thought...

[Professor] You might get an extension of time to finish your assignment for me?

[Student] If that's possible, but I don't know...

[Professor] Well, yes, it is possible, but extensions are normally given only for medical or compassionate reasons, otherwise it's really a question of organizing your study, and we don't like giving extensions to students who simply didn't plan their work properly. What did you get for your first assignment?

[Student] I got eighty-seven per cent.

[Professor] Mmm, yes, you did very well indeed, so obviously you can produce good work.

[Student] I don't think I'll need too much extra time, as long as I can get a hold of some of the important references.

[Professor] Well, since you did so well in your first assignment, I'm prepared to give you an extra two weeks for this one, so that'll mean you'll need to submit it about a month from now.

[Student] Thank you.

[Professor] Now, what about the reading materials? Have you checked out the journal articles in the list?

[Student] Umm, no, not yet, there were about twenty of them, and I wasn't sure which ones would be most useful or important.

[Professor] Well, they're all useful, but I don't expect anyone to read them all, because a number of them deal with the same issues. Let me give you some suggestions. The article by Anderson and Hawker is really worth reading.

[Student] Right, I'll read that one.

[Professor] You should also read the article by Jackson, but just look at the part on the research methodology, how they did it.

[Student] OK... Jackson, got that...

[Professor] And if you have time, the one by Roberts says very relevant things, although it's not essential.

[Student] So, OK, if it's useful, I'll try and read that one...

[Professor] Now, the one by Morris. I wouldn't bother with that at this stage, if I were you.

[Student] OK, I won't bother with Morris. Oh, now, someone told me the article by Cooper is important.

[Professor] Well, yes, in a way, but just look at the last part, where he discusses the research results. And lastly, there's Forster--I can't think why I included that one. It's not bad and could be of some help, but not that much. OK. Do you have any more questions?

[Student] No, thank you very much. Professor Carter.

[Professor] You are welcome.

Narrator Now get ready to answer some questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

1. Why does the student want to talk with the professor?

2. Based one the student's statements, why has she not started the assignment?

3. What are the reasonable excuses for extensions?

4. In the conversation, the professor gives the student some suggestions about the journal articles. Whose articles must be read and whose articles can be read in part. Check the correct box for each person.

Narrator Listen again to a part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

[Student] Well, it's not about the question itself. I'm having been having... trouble getting hold of the books. I've been to the library several times, and all the books are out.

[Professor] Sounds lik

A.Because he cannot finish her assignment as scheduled.

B.Because he could not get the books she need.

C.Because she cannot fully understand the assignment.

D.Because she has difficulty understanding the reading materials.

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