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The Canterbury Tales is the only work of Chaucer.

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The Canterbury Tales is a masterpiece by Geoffrey Chaucer, the first preeminent English poet in history.
Which of the following was written by Geoffrey Chaucer?



C、The Canterbury Tales


____ is the most important representative of the English classical poetry. He was at his best in satire and epigram.

A、Jonathan Swift

B、Samuel Richardson

C、Samuel Richardson

D、Joseph Addison


9.Chaucer There was no printed book in Chaucer's time, and there was little contact between different parts of the UK, so the English spoken by different regions was quite different. Moreover, at that time, the court language was French, and the academic language was Latin. Chaucer was the first court writer to write in English. He lives in London and naturally uses the English of the counties in the middle of England, rather than the northern or southern dialects of England. His works have made great contributions to the formation of modern English. Chaucer is the first writer who uses monologue to create characters. The beauty of this technique lies in that it is not the characters who directly say what kind of people they are, but that they often unconsciously expose their essence and character in their own lives. For example, the despicability of selling atonement coupons is not that he tells how greedy and shameless he is, but that he talks about it. He's not repenting, he's preaching. Chaucer not only created dramatic monologues, but also introduced many other literary genres to English literature. Canterbury Tales, the most famous work of Chaucer, is a treasure house of literary genres. Although there are only 21 complete stories and other unfinished fragments in Chaucer's story collection, they include most literary genres in Europe at that time, such as Knight stories, marketplace stories, tragedy stories, comedy stories, legends, saints, historical legends, religious miracles, animal fables, religious fables, sermons, etc. Chaucer's introduction of tragic stories into English literature is of special significance. Chaucer not only created works famous in the world, but also created a tradition. His experiment and exploration opened up a new era of English literature, especially laid a foundation for the overall prosperity of English literature in the Elizabethan era. Shakespeare and other successors were the biggest beneficiaries of the exploration and innovation in Chaucer's era. Among the major English writers of his time, Chaucer was undoubtedly the most widely influenced by foreign influences, but from the perspective of the history of English literature, he was the most "British" and was regarded as "the father of English poetry". 18.What kind of story is not involved in the Canterbury Tales?

A、knight stories

B、supermarket stories

C、tragedy stories

D、comedy stories


4.Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer (born 1340/44,died 1400) is remembered as the author of The Canterbury Tales, which ranks as one of the greatest epic works of world literature. Chaucer made a crucial contribution to English literature in using English at a time when much court poetry was still written in Anglo-Norman or Latin. Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London. He was the son of a prosperous wine merchant and deputy to the king's butler, and his wife Agnes. Little is known of his early education, but his works show that he could read French, Latin, and Italian. In 1359-1360 Chaucer went to France with Edward III's army during the Hundred Years' War. He was captured in the Ardennes and returned to England after the treaty of Brétigny in 1360.There is no certain information of his life from 1361 until c.1366, when he perhaps married Philippa Roet, the sister of John Gaunt's future wife. Philippa died in 1387 and Chaucer enjoyed Gaunt's patronage throughout his life. Between 1367 and 1378 Chaucer made several journeys abroad on diplomatic and commercial missions. In 1385 he lost his employment and rent-free home, and moved to Kent where he was appointed as justice of the peace. He was also elected to Parliament. This was a period of great creativity for Chaucer, during which he produced most of his best poetry, among others Troilus and Cressida (c.1385), based on a love story by Boccaccio. Chaucer took his narrative inspiration for his works from several sources but still remained an entirely individual poet, gradually developing his personal style and techniques. His first narrative poem, The Book of the Duchess, was probably written shortly after the death of Blanche, Duchess of Lancaster, first wife of John Gaunt, in September 1369. His next important work, The House of Fame, was written between 1374 and 1385. Soon afterward Chaucer translated The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius, and wrote the poem The Parliament of Birds. Chaucer did not begin working on The Canterbury Tales until he was in his early 40s. The book, which was left unfinished when the author died, depicts a pilgrimage by some 30 people, who are going on a spring day in April to the shrine of the martyr, St.Thomas Becket. On the way they amuse themselves by telling stories. Among the band of pilgrims are a knight, a monk, a prioress, a plowman, a miller, a merchant, a clerk, and an oft-widowed wife from Bath. The stories are interlinked with interludes in which the characters talk with each other, revealing much about themselves. According to tradition,Chaucer died in London on October 25,1400.He was buried in Westminster Abbey,in the part of the church,which afterwards came to be called Poet's Corner.A monument was erected to him in 1555. 8. Which of the following work was not created by Chaucer?

A、The House of Fame.

B、The Canterbury Tales.

C、The Book of the Duchess.

D、The Consolation of Philosophy.

______ is often regarded as the father of English Literature.





______________ is entitled “the Father of American Poetry”

A、A) Philip Freneau

B、B) James Joyce

C、C) Virginia Woolf

D、D) W. B. Yeats

Chaucer has employed ________ in his poems, which was the predominant English measure for all the poetic kinds from the age of John Dryden through that of Samuel Johnson , some poets, including Alexander Pope, used it almost to the exclusion of other meters.

A、A, heroic couplet

B、B, blank verse

C、C, sonnet

D、D, octet and sestet

The use of heat pumps has been held back largely by skepticism about advertisers’ claims that heat pumps can provide as many as units of thermal energy for each unit of electrical energy used, thus apparently contradicting the principle of energy conservation. 问题:If the author's assessment of the use of heat pumps is correct, which of the following best expresses the lesson that advertisers should learn from this case?______

A、Concentrate your advertising firmly on financially relevant issues such as price discounts and efficiency of operation.

B、Focus your advertising campaign on vague analogies and veiled implications instead of on facts.

C、Do not use facts in your advertising that will strain the prospective client's ability to believe.

D、Do not assume in your advertising that the prospective clients know even the most elementary scientific principles.

3. Who is the writer of The Faerie Queene?





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