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In America, "December 20th,2018" should be written as ______.





提问人:网友loveliy520 发布时间:2022-01-07
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  • · 有4位网友选择 D,占比50%
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[205.***.***.84] 1天前
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[130.***.***.58] 1天前
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[238.***.***.188] 1天前
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[162.***.***.144] 1天前
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[67.***.***.109] 1天前
更多“In America, "December 20th,201…”相关的问题
The attack on Pear Harbor on December 7,1941 was an ______ event which brought America into World Wa
r Ⅱ.


In America, "December 20th,2018" should be written as ______.





In America, the best-known(11)to be on December thirty-first is Times Square in New York C

In America, the best-known (11) to be on December thirty-first is Times Square in New York City. Hundreds of thousands of people gather in the cold. They (12) together and wait for midnight. It feels like a huge party. The people count down the (13) seconds. "Ten... nine...eight..." All eyes watch a huge glass ball as it (14) a pole on top of a tall building. Someone in the crowd says it looks like a bright piece of snow. Someone else says it looks like thousands of stars. This is a (15) Times Square tradition.

Thanksgiving Day, which originated in America, was first celebrated by the pilgrims after
they had achieved a bumper harvest to show their gratitude to God and the Indians. Since 1863, it is celebrated on______.

A.November 31st

B.December 11th

C.the fourth Thursday of November

D.the fourth Thursday of December

EThe Christmas Tree In pre-Christian Europe, people believed that trees (fruit trees and e


The Christmas Tree

In pre-Christian Europe, people believed that trees (fruit trees and evergreens in particular) were embodiment of powerful beings. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the designated miracle play for December 25 was the story of Adam and Eve and in this play the chief prop was an apple-hung evergreen called the paradise tree. In the sixteenth century, German families began bringing evergreens into their homes during the Christmas season. By the seventeenth century, they were known as Christbaiime (Christ trees) and were being decorated with fruits, candies, cookies, candles and wafers resembling the eucharistic host.

The first Christmas trees in America were set up by German immigrants in the 1820s and the almost universal adoption of the custom dates from the 1910s. Now at Christmas time decorated trees stand in about two-thirds of American homes. The modem American tree is usually covered with colored balls and strings of colored lights. The star on top represents the Star in the East which guided the three Wise Men to Bethlehem.

Christmas is traditionally celebrated on______.

A. December 24

B. December 25

C. December 30

D. December 31

How Americans Celebrate ChristmasChristmas is America' s most popular holiday. Some people

How Americans Celebrate Christmas

Christmas is America' s most popular holiday. Some people will attend church and observe Christmas as the birthday of Christ. For others, Christmas is just a day of fun and celebration, a time for family and friends to gather together, exchange gifts and enjoy a huge holiday dinner. Christmas Day will need weeks of preparations. Since the last days of November American homes and stores have been decorated with Christmas trees and bright lights. Schools and churches have been presenting special holiday concerts. People have been going to parties, finding gifts and preparing special Christmas food. For a large number of Americans, Christmas is surrounded by more traditions than any other holiday. Yet, many of these traditions are not really very old ones in the United States. In fact, the nation's first settlers would have. been very surprised to see how Americans celebrate Christmas today.

People in other parts of the world, of course, have been celebrating Christmas for many centuries. In fact, December was a winter holiday season in northern and southern Europe even before the birth of Christ. And the ancient Romans celebrated the New Year on December twenty-fifth. Some experts believe that is why the Roman Catholic Church set the birth of Christ on that day. Christians borrowed other Christmas traditions from ancient times. In the years before Christ, for example, people honored the evergreen tree as a sign of life after death. For Christians, it became a sign of Christ's birth. By the 16th century Roman Catholics in Europe were celebrating Christmas with lively parties filled with eating and drinking. Many of the first Europe an settlers in America, however, disapproved of such customs. They believed people should honor God in simpler, quieter ways, so Christmas became a day just like any other day for most people in America's northern colonies.

In America' s southern colonies, however, the Church of England became the established religion. Its traditions were closer to those of Roman Catholic Church. So it became common for people on large farms in the south to celebrate Christmas with huge dinners and dancing. And in many parts of America, smaller groups of settlers from other western European countries observed Christmas with their own national customs. After 1,800, all these people began to mix together more and they began to borrow Christmas traditions from each other. Settlers from Ger many, for example, observed Christmas by cutting live evergreen trees and covering them with candies and fruit. By the middle of the 19th century, people all over America were putting up evergreen trees at Christmas. Dutch settlers in New York were most responsible for creating another popular American tradition--Santa Claus.

The story of Santa Claus began hundreds of years earlier. During the fourth century, a Roman Catholic Church official called Nicholas of Myra became famous for his many good actions. Nicholas was made a saint (圣人) after his death and it became common in northern Europe to hold a celebration on December 6th, the day Nicholas died. All kinds of stories were told about Saint Nicholas and the Dutch brought one of these stories with them to America. They believed that each year the saint rode a white horse from home to home. He gave presents to children who had been good, and coal or straw to children who had been bad. Other Americans who lived nearby greatly enjoyed the Dutch celebrations. They decided to make Saint Nicholas part of their own celebration of Christmas. But he got a new name Santa Claus. It was taken from the Dutch words for Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus. The Dutch imagined Saint Nicholas to be a serious, even frightening person, who would punish as well as give gifts. But in 1822, an American named Clement C. Moore wrote a Christmas poem for his children. The poem, called A Visit From St. Nicholas, created a




The celebrations of NAFTA's 10th anniversary are far more muted than those involved in its
creation might have hoped. In the United States, the North American Free Trade Agreement has failed to fulfill the most dire warnings of its opponents and the most fervent expectations of its supporters. In Mexico, however, the treaty remains controversial and even harmful—as do America's efforts to liberalize trade throughout the hemisphere.

There is some good news. In America, the "giant sucking sound of jobs being pulled out of this country" that Ross Perot predicted never quite materialized. The first six years of NAFTA saw unemployment in the United States fall to new lows. NAFTA has brought some benefits to Mexico as well; it was trade with-America, fueled by NAFI'A, not the bailout of Wall Street lenders, that was responsible for Mexico's quick recovery after the financial crisis of December 1994.

But while Mexico benefited in the early days, especially with exports from factories near the United States border, those benefits have waned, both with the weakening of the American economy and intense competition from China. Meanwhile, poor Mexican corn farmers face an uphill battle competing with highly subsidized American corn, while relatively better-off Mexican city dwellers benefit from lower corn prices.

Growth in Mexico over the past 10 years has been a bleak 1 percent on a per capita basis—better than in much of the rest of Latin America, but far poorer than earlier in the century. From 1933 to 1948, Mexico grew at an average annual rate of 3.2 percent per capita. (By contrast, in the 10 years of NAVFA, even with the East Asian crisis, Korean growth averaged 4.3 percent and China's 3 percent in per capita terms. )

And while the hope was that NAFTA would reduce income disparities between the United States and its southern neighbor, in fact they have grown by 10.2 percent in the last decade. Meanwhile, there has been disappointing progress in reducing poverty in Mexico, where real wages have been falling at the rate of 0.2 percent a year.

These outcomes should not have come as a surprise. NAFTA does give Mexico a slight advantage over other trading partners. But with its low tax base, low investment in education and technology, and high inequality, Mexico would have a hard time competing with a dynamic China. NAFTA enhanced Mexico's ability to supply American manufacturing firms with low-cost parts, but it did not make Mexico into an independently productive economy.

According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A.Without the North American Free Trade Agreement, Mexico would have developed better.

B.Wall Street lenders did not help Mexico recover from the financial crisis of December 1994.

C.Not all the citizens in Mexico suffer from the low price of corn.

D.Mexico have natural advantage over China.

听力原文:The Antarctic is probably the most difficult place on earth for human beings to s

听力原文: The Antarctic is probably the most difficult place on earth for human beings to survive. For six months of the year there is total darkness, and temperatures may fall as law as -88~C. Even in the summer months the temperature is often below zero.

The first successful expedition to the South Pole was led by Ronald Amundsen. His team used dogs and sledges to cress the frozen continent, and reached the pole in December 1911. in 1928, Richard Byrd decided to lead an expedition to the Antarctic to explore the unknown area from the air for the first time. It was the largest and best equipped expedition that had ever set out for the Antarctic. Byrd and his team established a base which they called Little America on the coast of the Rosa Sea. In November 1929, during the Antarctic spring, Byrd and three colleagues flew from the Little America base to the South Pole and back in 19 hours.

Byrd's major achievement was to introduce the use of aircraft ,radio and other devices in polar exploration. He did not agree with Ronald Amundsen that the airplanes would one day replace dogs and sledges; he believed that modern techniques were only an addition to the traditional methods of exploration. All of his expeditions, therefore, carded dogs and sledges, and people to look after them. This proved very efficient, and Byrd was able to achieve results of great scientific value.

What is the lowest temperature in the Antarctic?





听力原文: On December 25, 2000,. many Pe0Ple across North America received a rare Christma
s treat when the moon passed in front of the sun resulting in a partial solar eclipse.

Solar eclipses occur when the moon passes between the earth and the sun, and the moon's shadow covers part of the earth, and a total solar eclipse takes place when the moon's shadow blocks out the sun entirely~ What made this particular solar eclipse unique was that such an event has occured on December twenty - fifth only 30 times during the past 5000 years, the last time in 1954. But people must be exceptionally careful when attempting to view a solar eclipse. Without taking precautionary measures, one can permanently damage the retina of the eyes; however, there are several safe methods of witnessing this heavenly marvel.

First, you can view a solar eclipse by using eclipse safety glasses for filtering out the sun's harmful rays. They should-be used when any part of the sun is visible. Sunglasses can block out some of the sun's ultraviolet rays, but the results can be very deceptive. The eye's natural reaction to this darken state when wearing sunglasses is to make the pupil larger, which allows in more light and can intensify the damage to your eyes. You can also watch an eclipse by pro- jecting the sun's image on a piece of paper either by using a telescope, or easier yet, by creating a pinhole in a piece of paper and viewing the result on another piece of paper, thus called a pinhole projector.

Only during a total eclipse when the sun is completely and briefly covered can you watch the eclipse without eye protection. Even then, extreme caution should be taken. In case you didn't catch this last spectacular eclipse on December twenty - fifth, 2000, there's no need to fret. Your posterity can record the next eclipse on Christmas in the year 2307, but only if their visiting the west coast of Africa for the holidays.

What made this eclipse so unique?

A.Its location for viewing in the world.

B.Its timing on the calendar.

C.Its movement across the sky.

D.Its beautiful scene.

The Christmas Tree In pre-Christian Europe, people believed that trees (fruit trees and ev

The Christmas Tree

In pre-Christian Europe, people believed that trees (fruit trees and evergreens in particular) were embodiment of powerful beings. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the designated miracle play for December 25 was the story of Adam and Eve and in this play the chief prop was an apple-hung evergreen called the paradise tree. In the sixteenth century, German families began bringing evergreens into their homes during the Christmas season. By the seventeenth century, they were known as Christbaiime (Christ trees) and were being decorated with fruits, candies, cookies, candles and wafers resembling the eucharistic host.

The first Christmas trees in America were set up by German immigrants in the 1820s and the almost universal adoption of the custom dates from the 1910s. Now at Christmas time decorated trees stand in about two-thirds of American homes. The modem American tree is usually covered with colored balls and strings of colored lights. The star on top represents the Star in the East which guided the three Wise Men to Bethlehem.

Christmas is traditionally celebrated on______.

A.December 24

B.December 25

C.December 30

D.December 31

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