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SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:INTERVIEWER: On the matter of careers, a lot of the jobs that people go into are sort of lifetime careers. What about baseball? Is it a full life-time career?

MIKE: It's been—I mean, it's been my life so far, you know. I know someday—could be tomorrow—that I'm going to be out of it.

INTERVIEWER: But how long can you really expect to... to play, let's say, actively?

MIKE: Well, I think I've set goals, and I made my first goal, which was to make it to the big leagues. And now, my next goal is to make it through four years... to get my pension. And after that, everything is...

INTERVIEWER: But how many years can you expect to play professional ball?

MIKE: It's...I'm a pitcher, and it's difficult, as a pitcher to really say how many years... because you never know whether you're going to have a sore arm, whether it's going to go on you or what the problem may be. But as a pitcher, I guess the prime—I'm 24 years old now, and this is my sixth year—and the prime time for a pitcher is 27 to 30.

INTERVIEWER: Well, is there any problem with a sort of feeling of insecurity?

MIKE: Yeah, there is, especially, like I said—my first year. I disciplined myself, and I worked hard—and that's what got me here. And I realize that I have to work hard to stay here. And there is the insecurity.

INTERVIEWER: You're under contract?

MIKE: Right, I'm under contract. But that doesn't necessarily—I mean, they could send me down tomorrow. They could do whatever they wanted with me.

INTERVIEWER: What does it take to play professionally? I'm thinking about the skill. Is it something that you just work hard to get, or is there a natural sort of ability?

MIKE: Well, there's people that have the natural ability, you know. I feel like I didn't have.

INTERVIEWER: So, you think there is something natural... a natural ability.

MIKE: There's a natural ability.

INTERVIEWER: I mean, just working hard isn't enough.

MIKE: I think that's what got me here. I really do. I know there was bad times and then— at one time in this organization, I was a suspect instead of a prospect. And I was told that.

INTERVIEWER: Well, what about the... on the personal side? What's the schedule like for a... for a professional baseball player? Is it full time around the year, or... ?


INTERVIEWER: Are there some seasons... ?

MIKE: Well, it depends. Like last winter, after the season was over, I got a phone call from a team in Obregon, Mexico, and they asked me if I wanted to go down and play winter ball down there. So, I...


MIKE: I thought, well it'd be a good chance because there's a lot of big league ball players down there, and I'll get a chance to face big league hitting, so I decided to go down there. And I think it helped me.

INTERVIEWER: How long does the season last here?

MIKE: Okay. This season lasts from April... let's see, April sixth until October second— depending on whether or not you're going to be in the playoffs, and then it runs till, like, October sixteenth, or something like that.

INTERVIEWER: So, you then went to Mexico.

MIKE: Right.

INTERVIEWER: Well, when kids play baseball, it's kind of mostly for fun. Is it still the

same when you're a professional ?

MIKE:It's always fun when you're winning, and right now, you know, we're having our tough time, but I mean, I still enjoy going out every day, and running, and throwing. INTERVIEWER: What's the main attraction, would you say? Uh... because you're doing exactly what you want to do?

MIKE: I think that's the big thing.






提问人:网友chang00613 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: …”相关的问题
When you are preparing for a job interview, you should do the following except ____.
A.find company information and qualifications for the job

B.dye your hair blue

C.practice interview questions and have a great resume

D.prepare for a A great resume

Which one is not the appropriate wearing for the business banquet ?


B、swallow-tailed coat



The aoorioriateness of physical contact varies with different cultures.
An attractive , well-written resume can lead to an invitation for a job interview. ()
Interviewer: Jane, you've recently returned from Japan. How long did you live there?

Jane: For five years.

Interviewer: And why did you go to Japan in the first 21?

Jane:Well, a Japanese exchange student was living with my family, and he got me interested in going to Japan. He encouraged me 一 22一 to get a teaching job there and even offered me a place to stay until I found an apartment—at his mother's house in Tokyo.

Interviewer: So you went?

Jane: I did. When I arrived his mother was very helpful, but she didn't speak much English and I didn't speak any 23 .We managed to communicate, somehow, with gestures and mime, or sometimes we would both use dictionaries.

Interviewer: In what ways is life in Japan —24— from life in the United States?

Jane:In just about every aspect. A big change was using public transportation in Tokyo instead of a car. Trains, subways, and other transportation in Japan are very good, though crowded. You get used 一 25一 more often, because, without a car, you have to carry your groceries home. But I was really glad to be rid of my car. Another thing is the low crime rate in Tokyo and other big cities in Japan. I always felt —26— and never worried about crime. That's pretty unusual in almost any big city in the world today.

Interviewer: Did you have any difficulties adjusting?

Jane: Well, at the beginning it was hard not knowing the language. At first I learned survival Japanese, so I could get by in everyday situations, but anything technical was difficult for me to understand. I took classes, but it was slow going, and I didn’t always express myself because I was afraid of —27— mistakes. I wish I had taken more risks一I would probably have learned the language faster. Another thing I had to get used to was living in a culture where the majority of people looked different from me. I knew I'd always be an —28— in some ways.

Interviewer: What about Japanese food?

Jane: Overall, the diet there is a healthy one-low fat. Oh, there were many Japanese specialties that I liked, and others that I didn't like so much. The food wag very different, but I didn't expect to eat American style. there. I expected to eat Japanese style. and though,—29— Japanese products. I think Japanese food preparation takes a long time and I didn't have a lot of time to prepare food, so much of my experience comes from eating in restaurants.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone going to live overseas for the first time?

Jane: Do some of the things I didn't do: Before you go, read as much as you can. Find out about the culture, the customs, the holidays, the traditions. Learn a little bit of the language if you can and the way people express politeness. Be flexible. Living in another culture is like seeing the world through a new pair of glasses—at first everything—30—confusing. But if you keep your eyes open,eventually everything becomes clear. Unfortunately, a lot of people just close their eyes.

21. A. place B. idea C. opinion D. view

22. A. try B. to try C. trying D. to trying

23. A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. Spanish

24. A. differ B. different C. the same D.differentiate

25. A. to shopping B. shopping C. go shopping D.to shop

26. A. good B. happy C. easy D.safe

27. A. make B. to make C. making D. doing

28. A. visitor B. passenger C. passers-by D.outsider

29. A. buying B. to buying C. to buy D.bought

30. A. look B. looks C. is looked D. is looking

The appropriate body language during an interview is _____________ .


B、make eye contact

C、sit or stand up straight

D、lean back a little bit to show your interest

The author of Piers Plowman is ______.

A、Robin Hood

B、William Langland



Dressing is significant because ______.

A、the way you dress communicates to the people around you

B、a person’s dressing style tells what he thinks about himself

C、a person’s dressing style tells how much he respects his body and probably what kind of person he is

D、all of the above

It is up to men themselves to decide whether to wear long-sleeved shirts in case it is too hot in a business casual event.
It is perceived improper for men to wear athletic shoes in a business casual event.
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