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Poetry doesnt matter to most people. One has to wonder if poetry has any place in the 21

st century, when music videos and satellite television offer daunting competition for poems, which demand a good deal of attention and considerate analytic skills, as【M1】______ well as some knowledge of the traditions of poetry. In the 19th century, poets like Scott, Byron, and Longfellow had huge audiences around the world. Their works were best sellers, yet they were cultural heroes as well. But readers had few【M2】______ choices in those days. One imagines, perhaps false, that people【M3】______ actually liked poetry. It provided them with narratives that entertained and inspired. They gave them words to attach to their【M4】______ feelings. They enjoyed folk ballads, too. In the sense, music and【M5】______ poetry joined hands. In the 20th century, something went to amiss. Poetry became【M6】______ "difficult". That is, poets began to reflect the complex of modern【M7】______ culture, its fierce disjunctions. The poems of Ezra Pound, Hilda Doolittle and T.S. Eliot asked a lot of the reader, including a range of cultural references to topics when even in the early 1900s had【M8】______ become little known. To read Pound and Eliot with easy, for【M9】______ instance, one needed some knowledge of Greek and Latin poetry. That kind of learning had been fairly common among educated readers in the past. The same could be said for most readers in the【M10】______ 20th century—or today, when education has become more democratized and the study of the classics has been relegated to a small number of enthusiasts.


提问人:网友koalaylj 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Poetry doesnt matter to most p…”相关的问题
The sentence "...it doesnt matter in the least" in the seventh paragraph meansA.this recor

The sentence "...it doesnt matter in the least" in the seventh paragraph means

A.this record of Wagner"s misbehaviors doesn"t affect his life at all.

B.this record of Wagner"s misbehaviors doesn"t let him misunderstood.

C.this record of Wagner"s misbehaviors doesn"t have him laughed at.

D.this record of Wagner"s misbehaviors doesn"t undermine his reputation.

As an attribute for the new poetry, “specificity” refers to_____

A、uniqueness of subject matter

B、the expression of the special

C、depth of exploration

D、attention to concrete reality

The usual subject matter of the confessional poetry has been previously considered_____.





In width of scope, Yeats far exceeds any of his contemporaries. He is the only poet since
the 18th century who has been a public man in his own country and the only poet since Milton who has been a public man at a time when his country was involved in a struggle for political liberty. This may not seem an important matter, but it is a question whether the kind of life lived by poets for the last two hundred years or so has not been one great reason for the drift of poetry away from the life of the community as a whole, and the loss of touch with tradition. Once the life of contemplation has been divorced from the life of action, or from real knowledge of men of action, something is lost which it is difficult to define, but which leaves poetry enfeebled and incomplete. Yeats responded with all his heart as a young man to the reality and the romance of Ireland's struggle but he lived to be completely disillusioned about the value of the Irish rebellion. He saw his dreams of liberty blotted out in horror by "the innumerable clanging wings that have put out the moon". It brought him to the final conclusion of the futility of all discipline that is not of the wlaole being, and of "how base at moments of excitement are minds without culture". But he remained a man to whom the life of action always meant something very real.

The title below that best expresses the main idea of this paragraph is ______.

A.The Basis of True Poetry

B.The Necessity of Culture

C.Action Versus Contemplation

D.Yeats as a Poet and Patriot

People seldom feel neutral about poetry(诗). Those who love it sometimes give the impressi

People seldom feel neutral about poetry(诗). Those who love it sometimes give the impression that it is an adequate substitution for food, shelter, and love. It isn't. Words, no matter how satisfying, are never an equivalent for life itself and its human experiences. Those who dislike poetry on principle sometimes claim, on the other hand, that poetry is only words and good for nothing. That's not true either. It is easy to become frustrated by words—in poetry or in life—but when words represent and recreate genuine human feelings, as they often do in poetry, they can be very important. Poetry is, in fact, more than just words. It is an experience of words, and those who know how to read poetry can easily ex- tend their experience of life, their sense of what other people are like, their awareness of themselves, and their range of human feelings.

One reason poetry can be so important is that it is so closely concerned with feelings. Poetry is often full of ideas, too, and sometimes poems can be powerful experiences of the mind, but most poems are primarily about how people feel rather than how people think. Poems provide, in fact, a language for feeling, and one of poetry's most insistent merits involves its attempt to express the inexpressible. How can anyone, for example, put into words what it means to be in love or what it feels like to lose someone one cares about? Poetry tries, and it often captures exactly the shade of emotion that feels just right to a reader. No single poem can be said to express all the things that love or death feels like, or means, but one of the joys of experiencing poetry occurs when we read a poem and want to say, "Yes, that is just what it is like; I know exactly what that line means but I've never been able to express it so well " Poetry can be the voice of our feelings even when our minds are speechless with grief or joy.

"People seldom feel neutral about poetry" (in Para. 1) in this context means that______.

A.few people think that poetry is neutral

B.people always differ in their views about poetry

C.people rarely take a biased opinion about poetry

D.people generally think of poetry as extremely important or totally useless

PoetryPeople seldom feel neutral about poetry(诗). Those who love it sometimes give the im


People seldom feel neutral about poetry(诗). Those who love it sometimes give the impression that it is an adequate substitute for food, shelter, and lobe. It isn't words, no matter how satisfying, are never an equivalent for life itself and its human experiences. Those who dislike poetry on principle sometimes claim, on the other hand, that poetry is only works and good for nothing. That's not true either. It is easy to become frustrated by words-in poetry or in life-but when words represent and recreate genuine human feelings, as they often do in poetry, they can be very important. Poetry is, in fact, more than just words. It is an experience of words, and those who know how to read poetry can easily extend their experience of life, their sense of what other people are like, their awareness of themselves, and their range of human feelings.

One reason poetry can be so important is that it is so closely concerned with feelings, poetry is often full of ideas, too, and sometimes poems can be powerful experiences of the mind, but most poems are primarily about how people feel rather than how people think. Poems provide, in fact, a language for feeling, and one of poetry's most insistent merits involves its at tempt to express the inexpressible. How can anyone, for example, put into words what it means to be in love or what it feels like to lose someone one cares about? Poetry tries, and it often captures exactly the shade of emotion that feels just right to a reader. No single poem can be said to express all the things that love or death feels like, or means, but one of the joys of experiencing poetry occurs when we read a poem and want to say," Yes, that is just what it is like; I know exactly what that line means but I've never been able to express it so well." Poetry can be the voice of our feelings even when our minds are speechless with grief or joy.

"People seldom feel neutral about poetry"(in Para. 1) in this context means that ______.

A.few people think that poetry is neutral

B.people always differ in their views about poetry

C.people rarely take a biased opinion about poetry

D.people generally think of poetry as extremely important or totally useless

Some say that nothing is more vivid or memorable than a picture. We disagree. No visual im
age is as vivid as the image created by the mind in response to words. The main function of the poet or the artist, in fact, is to enable people to see more deeply into things than they can with the unaided eye, and this is what good prose or poetry or painting is all about.

It is not true that one picture is worth a thousand words. It takes only a few words if they are the right words-to ignite the imagination and produce picture far more colorful than anything within the range of electronic communication.

Yet the ultimately importance and power of print is represented not by its superior images but by its ability to convey abstract ideas. No matter how intensive or prolonged a person's formal schooling may be, he is only partially educated if he is unable to think abstractly. He knows that the most vital ingredient in the making of decisions is sequential thought; This is what is meant by abstract thought. No other medium of communications can equal the speed and accuracy of print in moving an abstraction from one human brain to another. If we are looking for a way to kill philosophy, then let us by all means put an end to print, for print is the natural habitant of ideas.

There is also a connecting between reading and owning that is not accidental or incidental. People who are impressed with ideas want to think about them, on their own terms and in their own time.

What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A.Visual image is not so vivid as the image created by the mind in response to words.

B.Poets and artists can help people understand the essence of things.

C.Good prose or poetry invariably deals with life.

D.What the mind produces is more profound than what the eye can see.

Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

Some say that nothing is more vivid or memorable than a picture. We disagree. No visual image is as vivid as the image created by the mind in response to words. The main function of the poet or the artist, in fact, is to enable people to see more deeply into things than they can with the unaided eye, and this is what good prose or poetry or painting is all about.

It is not true that one picture is worth a thousand words. It takes only a few words if they are the right words-to ignite the imagination and produce picture far more colorful than anything within the range of electronic communication.

Yet the ultimately importance and power of print is represented not by its superior images but by its ability to convey abstract ideas. No matter how intensive or prolonged a person's formal schooling may be, he is only partially educated if he is unable to think abstractly. He knows that the most vital ingredient in the making of decisions is sequential thought; This is what is meant by abstract thought. No other medium of communications can equal the speed and accuracy of print in moving an abstraction from one human brain to another. If we are looking for a way to kill philosophy, then let us by all means put an end to print, for print is the natural habitant of ideas.

There is also a connecting between reading and owning that is not accidental or incidental. People who are impressed with ideas want to think about them, on their own terms and in their own time.

What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A.Visual image is not so vivid as the image created by the mind in response to words.

B.Poets and artists can help people understand the essence of things.

C.Good prose or poetry invariably deals with life.

D.What the mind produces is more profound than what the eye can see.

Not too long ago, I was faced with what appeared to be a brick wall. After【C1】______a corp
orate environment for greener pastures, I found that the other side wasnt any【C2】______, nor did there seem to be any grass at all. No matter what I【C3】______to do, I was invariably knocked back to square one. So, I started【C4】______business venture, again to be knocked back to square one. I began to【C5】______my own confidence; maybe I had made a fatal【C6】______. Maybe, I should go back to what I did before.【C7】______, it seemed to be a much more secure and safer environment. As I contemplated(预期)my【C8】______, I received a card in the mail from a friend of mine who knew how I was【C9】______. The card read: "Persistence; persistence prevails when all else fails. " I sat there【C10】______that card, once, twice, three times. When youre faced with an uncertain future, when all you try seems to go【C11】______, maybe there was more truth to these words than I【C12】______. Maybe, I hadnt found the right【C13】______for success. On the other hand, maybe I had【C14】______up too soon. Ever heard the expression " back up and reload" . Well, if you give up, it meant to me that I should start again【C15】______this time internalizing(内化)the words " persistence prevails when all else fails". To make a long story【C16】______, I did persevere; persistence【C17】______with a god dose of patience realizing that a new beginning doesnt emerge to success【C18】______. Failure is the chance to【C19】______your mistakes. Success also encourages us to learn, to persevere in order to reach your goal. Life can be filled with【C20】______, but only those who dont persevere adopt failure as the way it has to be.






A.He hasnt finished the book yet.B.He doesnt agree with the woman.C.He d

A.He hasnt finished the book yet.

B.He doesnt agree with the woman.

C.He doesnt like the novel.

D.He cant understand the novel.

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