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Most characters in O’Neill’s works are shown as _________________, yet all of them are baffled and hurt in a hostile world.

A、seeking material success in society

B、seeking meaning and purpose in life

C、seeking respect and reputation in career

D、seeking love and passion in family

提问人:网友zcq111 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Most characters in O’Neill’s w…”相关的问题
O'Neill was one of the most famous advocates of a way of writing called "naturalism." This
involved both a technique and a way of viewing life. Essentially, the literary concept of naturalism grew out of the concept of realism during the nineteenth century. The realist had wanted to "hold up a mirror to life" and render a very accurate picture of life. The naturalist wanted to go a step further and examine life as would a scientist. Thus the technique of the naturalist involves viewing life with scientific objectivity.

For the naturalist, man is controlled by basic urges and can do very little to determine his own destiny. Forces of environment and biological instinct combine to control man's life. These basic and elemental urges place man in a position similar to that of animals. But O'Neill also accepted the psychological urges as a part of man's basic driving force.

In his plays, O'Neill shows characters being driven by forces which they cannot understand or conquer. A man born in one type of environment is influenced accordingly, to a point where his basic actions in life are governed by these environmental forces. Carried to an extreme, this view leads to determinism, that is, the idea that man can do nothing for himself and is constantly at the mercy of forces outside himself. A typical image used by the naturalist is that of a person being trapped or being in a cage. In his earlier works, O'Neill often used the physical image of the cage (as in The Hairy Ape) to suggest the position of man caught or trapped in an alien and hostile universe.

Which one of the following is most suitable for the title of the passage?

A.O'Neill as a famous playwright.

B.Naturalism as a dramatic form.

C.O'Neill as a realist playwright.

D.The tragedy of being a man.

O'Neill was one of the most famous advocates of a way of writing called "naturalism. " Thi
s involved both a technique and a way of viewing life. Essentially, the literary concept of naturalism grew out of the concept of realism during the nineteenth century. The realist had wanted to "hold up a mirror to life" and render a very accurate picture of life. The naturalist wanted to go a step further and examine life as would a scientist. Thus the technique of the naturalist involves viewing life with scientific objectivity.

For the naturalist, man is controlled by basic urges and can do very little to determine his own destiny. Forces of environment and biological instinct combine to control man's life. These basic and elemental urges place man in a position similar to that of animals. But O'Neill also accepted the psychological urges as a part of man's basic driving force.

In his plays, O'Neill shows characters being driven by forces which they cannot understand or conquer. A man born in one type of environment is influenced accordingly, to a point where his basic actions in life are governed by these environmental forces. Carried to an extreme, this view leads to determinism, that is, the idea that man can do nothing for himself and is constantly at the mercy of forces outside himself. A typical image used by the naturalist is that of a person being trapped or being in a cage. In his earlier works, O'Neill often used the physical image of the cage (as in The Hairy Ape) to suggest the position of man caught or trapped in an alien and hostile universe.

Which one of the following is most suitable for the title of the passage?

A.O'Neill as a famous playwright.

B.Naturalism as a dramatic form.

C.O'Neill as a realist playwright.

D.The tragedy of being a man.

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B.dramatic techniques



We can infer from the text that the most outstanding characteristics of Schjerfbeck's pain
tings is______.

A.her vivid characterization of common people

B.her capture of the characters' soul

C.the melancholy expression of the characters

D.her unconscious sense of some mysterious elements

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Which one are the characters of “nǐ hǎo”?





Comics in America have broadened their appeal by marketing to adults. Prior to World War I
I , usually only adolescents bought comics. During World War I1, the comic book industry in the United States began to undergo a major change. When the war started, the government subsidized the comics industry in order to take advantage of the powerful propaganda effects, regulating them for purposes of military defense. By the time the war was over, the taste for comic books had reached the adult population. Publishers from this point on expanded this portion of the market that was to become the largest sales increase in the history of the comic industry.

The editor of Exciting Comics, Ed O' Donnell, was important in extending the success of this marketing drive. Here organized comic drawing to encourage artists' innovation. The market had declined slightly since the late forties. O' Donnell, against conventions, hired adroit illustrators. He abandoned the low-cost budget publication, a step considered risky to his peers in the publication industry; however, his begin environment for artistic creation eventually proved successful. Kenny Bar was one of the artists that helped spawn the most innovative titles to come out of Exciting Comics. He insisted on revising the concept of the comic book radically; he proposed to create characters designed to capture markets that had previously not been successfully explored by comic books. This revolutionary idea laid the foundation for the now thriving market for sophisticated adult-oriented comic books.

What is the best title for this passage?

A.Kenny Barby' s Contribution to the World of Comics.

B.The Publishing World of Edward O' Donne Ⅱ.

C.The Birth of the Comic Book.

D.The Comic Book Since World War Ⅱ.

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