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根据以下材料回答题 We found that bar at last.I didn&39;t have to ask again, for there


We found that bar at last.I didn&39;t have to ask again, for there it was in big red neon lettersover the window--Star Bar.There were some iron tables outside with plastic chairs around them.

A few people sat around, looking at a portable television set that someone had brought out of thebar.They were all in thin summer dresses or short shirts; even at that late hour it was stifling.Twothin dogs lay under one of the tables with their tongues out, and some of the women were fanningthemselves unenthusiastically(无精打采地) with magazines.

"He&39; s not here," I said, after a quick look around.The television was speaking out an ad-vertisement for a detergent(洗衣粉), and the people sitting round had their eyes glued to the pic-ture of a woman proudly showing how white her husband&39; s underwear was after having beenwashed.They took no notice of us at all.

"Well, what did you expect?" replied Fergus, yawning(打哈欠)." It&39; s only half past nine,and he said he would be here at nine.You ought to know Graig by this time.He&39; 11 turn up some-time after ten."

The writer and his friend__________. 查看材料

A.had never been to that bar before

B.did not know if they had come to the right place

C.asked somebody the name of the bar

D.had little difficulty in finding the bar

提问人:网友dayingy95 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“根据以下材料回答题 We found that bar at…”相关的问题
根据以下材料,回答题Science Fiction(1) Amongst the most popular books being written today a


Science Fiction

(1) Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles arepublished every year and are read by all kinds of people.

Furthermore, some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.

(2) It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but its ancestors can be found in books written hundreds of years ago. These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form. of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modem stories.

(3) Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H. G Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages.

(4) Modern science fiction writers don"t write about men from Mars(火星)or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now. Because of this, their writing has obvious political undertones (含义) .

(5) In an age where science fact frequently overtakes (超过) science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances. Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology.

Paragraph 2 __________ 查看材料

A.A Fairly New Development

B.Classics of Science Fiction

C.Difficulty in Keeping ahead of Scientific Advances

D.Origins of Science Fiction

E.Themes of Modern Science Fiction

F.Pooularitv of Science Fiction

根据以下材料,回答题Studies Show US Spending Doesn"t Get Best HealthThe United States may s


Studies Show US Spending Doesn"t Get Best Health

The United States may spend twice as much on health care as other rich countries, but it is not getting results to match according to studies released on Tuesday.

But in the study of five wealthy countries, published in the journal Health Affairs, researchers found no single nation had clearly the worst or best health care system.

Gerard Anderson at Johns Hopkins University"s school of public health and colleagues came up with a list of 21 health fields they could evenly compare across the five countries ——Australia,Canada, Britain, New Zealand and the United States.

"Hone of the five countries is consistently the best or the worst on all 21 indicators." Anderson said during a telephone briefing for reporters.

"If you are looking for the place to get the best care, there isn"t a single place. Every country has at least one indicator where it scores the best of the five countries and each country has at least one indicator where it scores the worst of the five countries. "

But, he said, the United States is not getting value for money. "The United States should be particularly concerned about these results, given that we spend twice as much on health care as any other country. So spending more doesn"t necessarily result in "better outcomes."

Anderson"s group of international health experts sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund spent five years working on the study, getting the latest possible data from the five countries on areas such as breast cancer and leukemia survival, suicide rates, death rates from asthma, vaccination rates and cancer screening.

The US spends twice as much on health care as other rich countries. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

根据以下材料,回答题Eat to LiveA meager diet may give you health and long life, but it"s no


Eat to Live

A meager diet may give you health and long life, but it"s not much fun —— and it might not even be necessary. We may be able to hang on to most of that youthful vigor even if we don"t start to diet until old age.

Stephen Spindler and his colleagues from the University of California at Riverside have found that some of an elderly mouse"s liver genes can he made to behave as they did when the mouse was young simply by limiting its food for four weeks. The genetic rejuvenation won"t reverse other damage caused by time for the mouse, but could help its liver metabolize drugs or get rid of toxins.

Spindlers team fed three mice a normal diet for their whole lives, and fed another three on half-rations. Three more mice were switched from the normal diet to half-feed3 for a month when they were 34 months old —— equivalent to about 70 human years.

The researchers checked the activity of 11,000 genes from the mouse livers, and found that 46 changed with age in the normally fed mice. The changes were associated with things like inflammation and free radical production—— probably bad news for mouse health. In the mice that had dieted nil their lives, 27 of those 46 genes continued to behave like young genes. But the most surprising finding was that the mice that only started dieting in old age also benefited from 70 per cent of these gene changes.

"This is the first indication that these effects kick in pretty quickly." say Huber Warner from the National Institute on Aging near Washington D. C.

No one yet knows if calorie restriction works in people as it does in mice, but Spindler is hopeful. "There"s attracting and tempting evidence out there that it will work," he says.

If it does work in people, there might be good reasons for rejuvenating the liver. As we get older, our bodies are less efficient at metabolizing drugs, for example. A brief period of time of dieting, says Spindler, could be enough to make sure a drug is effective.

But Spindler isn"t sure the trade-off is worth it6. "The mice get less disease, they live longer,but they"re hungry," he says, "Even seeing what a diet does, it"s still hard to go to a restaurant and say: "I can only cat half of that"." Spindler hopes we soon won"t need to diet at all. His company,Lifespan Genetics in California, is looking for drugs that have the effects of caloric restriction.

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? 查看材料

A.Eating less than usual might make us live longer.

B.we go on a diet when old, we may keep healthy.

C.Dieting might not be needed.

D.We have to begin dieting since childhood.

根据以下材料,回答题Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis(1) When I was diagnosed with bre


Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis

(1) When I was diagnosed with breast cancer nearly a year ago, I found myself at a loss for words at first. Over time, however, I developed some pointers (点子 ), which I hope will help others.

(2) During the first few weeks of emotional "aftershocks" (余悸) from the diagnosis, I found myself unable to utter the word "cancer". Still, I wanted to share the news with my relatives and friends who already knew that I"d had a biopsy (活检) and were anxiously awaiting my telephone call. I did the best 1 could, which is all anyone can do in this situation. When I called them, I said, "What we feared has happened." They immediately knew what I meant.

(3) Nearly a year after my diagnosis, I find myself more comfortable telling people "I was diagnosed with cancer" instead of saying "I have cancer." On some deep level, I don"t want to "own" this illness. Choose language that suits you when you share your news. And keep in mind that there is no one "right" way of doing this.

(4) Most people, after hearing your announcement, will be curious about the next step. They may wonder if you will be undergoing radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy(化疗). They may wonder where and when you will have surgery. Answer their questions as best you can, but keep in mind that "I don"t know right now" or "I"m still in too much shock to think about that" are good answers.

(5) Wait until the initial wave of strong emotions has passed before telling the children in your life. Don"t overwhelm (使不知所措) very young children with too much information. Assure them that, even if you will be in the hospital for a while, they will see you every day and they will be cared for. Older children may already fear the word "cancer", so be prepared to reassure them. Emphasize the positive steps that doctors will be taking to treat your illness.

Paragraph 2__________. 查看材料

A.Break the news as calmly as possible to children

B.Break the news at your own pace

C.Share the good news with your friends

D.Choose language that suits you

E.Follow your doctor"s advice

F.Be prepared for people"s curiosity

根据以下材料,回答题New Understanding of Natural Silk"s MysteriesNatural silk, as we all kn


New Understanding of Natural Silk"s Mysteries

Natural silk, as we all know, has a strength that manmade materials have long struggled to match. In a discovery that sounds more like an ancient Chinese proverb than a materials science breakthrough, MIT researchers have discovered that silk gets its strength from its weakness. Or,more specifically, its many weaknesses. Silk gets its extraordinary durability and ductility from an unusual arrangement of hydrogen bonds that are inherently very weak but that work together to create a strong, flexible structure.

Most materials- especially the ones we engineer for strength- get their toughness from brittleness. As such, natural silks like those produced by spiders have long fascinated both biologists and engineers because of their light weight, ductility and high strength (pound for pound, silk is stronger than steel and far less brittle). But on its face, it doesn"t seem that silks should be as strong as they are; molecularly, they are held together by hydrogen bonds, which are far weaker than the covalent bonds found in other molecules.

To get a better understanding of how silk manages to produce such strength through such weak bonds, the MIT team created a set of computer models that allowed them to observe the way silk behaves at the atomic level. They found that the arrangement of the tiny silk nanocrystals is such that the hydrogen bonds are able to work cooperatively, reinforcing one another against extemal forces and failing slowly when they do fail, so as not so allow a sudden fracture to spread across a silk structure.

The result is natural silks that can stretch and bend while retaining a high degree of strength.

But while that"s all well and good for spiders, bees and the like, this understandingof silk geometry could lead to new materials that are stronger and more ductile than those we can currently manufacture. Our best and strongest materials are generally expensive and difficult to produce (requiring high temperature treatments or energy-intensive processes).

By looking to silk as a model, researchers could potentially devise new manufacturing methods that rely on inexpensive materials and weak bonds to create less rigid, more forgiving materials that are nonetheless stronger than anything currently on offer. And if you thought you were going to get out of this materials science story without hearing about carbon nanotubes, think again. The MIT team is already in the lab looking into ways of synthesizing silk-like structures out of materials that are stronger than natural silk—— like carbon nanotubes. Super-silks are on the horizon.

MIT researchers carry out the study to illustrate an ancient Chinese proverb. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

根据以下材料,回答题The Bilingual BrainWhen Karl Kim immigrated to the United States from K


The Bilingual Brain

When Karl Kim immigrated to the United States from Korea"s a teenager, he had a hard time learning English. Now he speaks it fluently, and he had a unique opportunity to see how our brains adapt to a second language. As a graduate student, Kim worked in the lab of Joy Hirsch, a neuroscientist in New York. __________ (46) They found evidence that children and adults don"t use the same parts of the brain when they leam a second language.

The researchers used an instrument called an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner to study the brains of two groups of bilingual people. __________ (47) The other consisted of people who, like Kim, learned their second language later in life. People from both groups were placed inside the MRI scanner. This allowed Kim and Hirsch to see which parts of the brain were getting more blood and were more active. They asked people from both groups to think about what they had done the day before, first in one language and then the other. They couldn"t speak out loud because any movement would disrupt the scanning.

Kim and Hirsch looked specifically at two language centers in the brain —— Broca"s area, which is believed to control speech production, and Wemicke"s area, which is thought to process meaning.

Kim and Hirsch found that both groups of people used the same part of Wernicke"s area no matter what language they were speaking. __________ (48)

People who learned a second language as children used the same region in Broca"s area for both their first and second languages. People who learned a second language later in life used a different part of Broca"s area for their second language. __________ (49) Hirsch believes that when language is first being programmed in young children, their brains may mix the sounds and structures of all languages in the same area. Once that programming is complete, the processing of a new language must be taken over by a different part of the brain.

A second possibility is simply that we may acquire languages differently as children than we do as adults. Hirsch thinks that mothers teach a baby to speak by using different methods involving touch, sound, and sight. __________ (50)

回答(46)题 查看材料

A.But their use of Broca"s area was different.

B.One group consisted of those who had learned a second language as children.

C.How does Hirsch explain this difference?

D.We use special parts of the brain for language learning.

E.And that is very different from learning a languase in a high school or college class.

F.Their work led to an important discovery.

根据以下材料,回答题Cancer Drug Trials Often Halted EarlyAn increasing number of clinical t


Cancer Drug Trials Often Halted Early

An increasing number of clinical trials for new cancer treatments are being halted before the risks and benefits have been fully evaluated, say Italian researchers, who warn that this growing trend could put patients at risk of harm from new therapies rushed into use.

The researchers looked at 25 randomized, controlled clinical trials that were stopped early because the treatments had started to show benefit to patients.

"When we analyzed 25 trials over a 10-year period between 1997 and 2007, we found a consistent increase in prematurely stopped trials——more than 50 percent were stopped within the last three years," study co-author Giovanni Apolone said at a news conference Tuesday.

Of 14 trials halted early and published between 2005 and 2007, the researchers found that 11(79 percent) of them were used to support drug approval applications submitted to the European Medicines Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

"This suggests a strong commercial component in stopping trials prematurely. In fact, this strategy could guarantee quicker access to the market for companies. On the other hand, a quicker clinical drug development may lead to an "immature" benefit/risk balance of new drugs,"Apolone said.

He and his colleagues "are aware that trials stopped early because they are showing benefit may result in identification of promising new treatments for patients. However, findings obtained following this strategy should be considered to be preliminary results that require subsequent confmnation."

It can take several years for the long-term benefits or harmful side effects of a new treatment to become apparent, Apolone noted, but the average duration (持续时间) of the 25 studies he and his colleagues analyzed was 30 months, with a range from 12 to 64 months.

They also found that at the time five of the studies were stopped, they"d enrolled less than 40 percent of the total number of patients planned for final analysis.

"Clinical trials need to stop early for superior benefit whenever there"s proof beyond reasonable doubt that the new treatment really is superior. That would be an ethical obligation,"Stuart Pocock, a professor of medical statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom, said at the news conference. "However, too many trials are stopped early claiming efficacy (功效) without strong evidence being available."

The number of prematurely stopped clinical trials has increased recently. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

根据以下材料回答题 We experience different forms of the sun' s energy every day.The


We experience different forms of the sun' s energy every day.The sun is the major source ofenergy for our planet.It causes the evaporation (蒸发) of water from the oceans and lakes.Sun-light also provides the energy used by green plants to make their own food.

Much of the energy that comes from the sun never reaches the earth' s surface.It is either re-fleeted or absorbed by the gases in the upper atmosphere.Of the energy that reaches the lower at-mosphere, 30% is reflected by clouds or the earth' s surface.The remaining 70% warms the surfaceof the planet, causes water to evaporate, and provides energy for the water cycle and weather.

Only a tiny part, approximately 0.023%, is actually used by green plants to produce food.

Many gases found in the atmosphere actually reflect heat energy escaping from the earth' s sur-face back to the earth.These gases act like the glass of a greenhouse in that they allow energy fromthe sun to enter but prevent energy form. leaving.They are therefore called greenhouse gases.

When sunlight strikes an object, some of the energy is absorbed and some is reflected.Theamount reflected depends on the surface.Dark-colored surfaces, such as dark soil or forest, absorbmore energy.

According to the passage, the root cause for weather changes on the earth is __________. 查看材料

A.the atmosphere surrounding the earth

B.water from oceans and lakes

C.energy from the sun

D.greenhouse gases in the sky

根据以下材料,回答题。The Fridge1 The fridge is considered a necessity. It has been so sin


The Fridge

1 The fridge is considered a necessity. It has been so since the 1960s when packaged food first appeared with the label: "store in the refrigerator. "

2 In my fridgeless Fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily. The milkman came daily, the grocer, the butcher, the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times a week. The Sunday meat would last until Wednesday and surplus bread and milk became all kinds of cakes. NOthing was wasted and we were never troubled by rotten food. Thirty years on, food deliverieshave ceased, fresh vegettbIes are almost unobtainable in the country.

3 The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of food preservation. A vast variety of well-tried techniquesady already existed natural cooling, drying, smoking, salting,sugaring, bottling...

4 What refrigeration did promote was marketing marketing hardware and electricity, marketing soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the globe in search of a good price.

5 Consequently, most of the world"s fridges are to be found, not in the tropics where they might prove useful, but in the ,Tealthy countries with mild temperatures where they are climatically almost unnecessary. Every winter, millions of fridges hum away continuously, and at vast expanse,busily maintaining an artificially-cooled space inside an artificially-heated house,-while outside,

nature provides the desired temperature free of charge.

6 The fridge"s effect upon the environment hasbeen evident, while its contribution to human happiness has been insignificant. If you don"t believe me, try it yourself. Invest in a food cabinet and turn off your fridge next winter. You may miss the hamburgers but at least you"ll get ride of that terrible hum.

Paragraph 2 查看材料

A.The invention of the fridge.

B.The pollution caused by fridges.

C.The widespread need for fridges.

D.The days without the fridge.

E.The waste of energy caused by fridges.

F.The fridge"s contribution to commerce.

根据以下材料,回答题Lakes, Too, Feel Global WarmingThere"s no doubt: In the last few decade


Lakes, Too, Feel Global Warming

There"s no doubt: In the last few decades, the average temperature on Earth has been higher than it has been in hundreds of years. Around the world, people are starting to measure the effects of global warming—— and trying to figure out what to do about it.

Scientists recently used satellites to study the temperatures of lakes around the world, and they found that lakes are heating up. Between 1985 and 2009, satellites recorded the nighttime temperatures of the surfaces of 167 lakes. During those 24 years, the lakes got warmer——by an average of about 0.045 degree Celsius per year.

In some places, lakes have been warming by as much as 0.10 degree Celsius per year. At that rate, a lake may warm by a full degree Celsius in just 10 years. That difference may seem small——you might not even notice it in your bath. But in a lake, slightly warmer temperatures could mean more algae (水藻), and algae can make the lake poisonous (有毒的) to fish.

The study shows that in some regions, lakes are warming faster than the air around them. This is important because scientists often use measurements of air temperature to study how Earth is warming. By using lake temperatures as well, scientists can get a better picture of global warming.

The scientists say data on lakes give scientists a new way to measure the impact of climate change around the world.

That"s going to be useful, since no country is too big or too small to ignore climate change.

Scientists aren"t the only ones concerned. Everyone who lives on Earth is going to be affected by the rapid warming of the planet. Many world leaders believe we might be able to do something about it, especially by reducing the amount of greenhouse (温室) gases we put into the air.

That"s why the United Nations started the Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC. Every year the convention meets, and representatives from countries around the world gather to talk about climate change and discuss global solutions to the challenges of a warming world.

Scientists have been keeping records of lake temperatures for over 30 years. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

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