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America and Canada have many immigrants from Europe.





提问人:网友kevinzsf 发布时间:2022-01-07
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A、an apathetic

B、a moving

C、an indifferent

D、a special


1. Christianity Christianity began life as a Jewish sect. Far from attempting to find a new religion, the first Christians viewed themselves as Jews following the teachings of the Jewish Messiah. It was only later, after many non-Jews converted, that Christianity became a religion distinct from Judaism. Although Christianity shares much with Judaism, these two faiths differ significantly with respect to such fundamental issues as God’s relationship with humanity. The central motif through which this relationship has been understood in both traditions is that of a covenant or contract. In Hebrew scriptures ( the old Testament) , God offers a special relationship with his chosen people — the Jews through a contract that specifies the terms of this relationship . The details of this arrangement have been modified and expanded from time to time, in a series of covenants with Noah, Abraham, and Moses. The most well known of these contracts is God’s agreement with Moses on Mountain Sinai, the Ten Commandments. In the Christian understanding of covenant theology, God offers humanity a new contract — the New Testament— as revealed in the person and teaching of Jesus. Unlike previous covenants, the new covenant refers to the eternal fate of individuals rather than to the worldly fate of the nation of Israel. Also, rather than being offered only to Jews, the new contract is offered to humanity as a whole . Individual salvation and the question of how that salvation can be achieved is a dominant theme of traditional Christianity. Salvation, according to this tradition, is necessary because otherwise the individual is condemned to spend eternity in hell, a place of eternal punishment. Born into sin, the sentence of eternal damnation is the fate of every person unless she or he is saved from this fate by being“ born again ”through faith in Jesus Christ. All other doctrines are built around a warning of condemnation and a redeeming message of redemption. As the core doctrine, it would be natural that arguments over soteriology ( one’s theory of redemption) would lead to religions schisms. Disagreement over competing notions of salvation led to the split between Catholicism and Protestantism. Given the stark contrast between heaven and hell as eternal abodes of the soul, serious thinkers have had to grapple with the question —What happens to people who, while not saints, nevertheless are generally good people who have never committed any major sins in their lives? Reflection on this problem led to the development of purgatory, an intermediate realm between heaven and hell. In purgatory, souls are tortured for their sins, but are eventually released and allowed to enter heaven. 2. Which of the following statement is Not true?

A、Christianity used to a part of Judaism.

B、The New Testament focuses on the worldly fate in Israel instead of the eternal fate of individuals

C、Theme of traditional Christianity is individual salvation and how that salvation can be achieved

D、Souls will be released to enter heaven in the theory of purgatory.


2. Constantine the Great The Roman Emperor Constantine (c 280 - 337 A.D.) was one of the most influential personages in ancient history. By adopting Christianity as the religion of the vast Roman Empire, he elevated a once illegal cult to the law of the land. At the Council of Nicea, Constantine the Great settled Christian doctrine for the ages. And by establishing a capital at Byzantium, which became Constantinople and then Istanbul, he set into motion events that would break the empire, split the Christian church, and influence European history for a millennium. Flavius Valerius Constantinus was born in Naissus, in the province of Moesia Superior, present-day Serbia. Constantine's mother, Helena, was a barmaid and his father a military officer named Constantius. His father would rise to become the Emperor Constantius I and Constantine's mother would be canonized as St. Helena, who was thought to have found a portion of Jesus' cross. Later Constantine and Helena were shuffled off to the eastern emperor, Diocletian, in Nicomedia. Upon his father's death on July 25, 306 A.D., Constantine's troops proclaimed him Caesar. Constantine wasn't the only claimant. In 285, Emperor Diocletian had established the Tetrarchy, which gave four men rule over a quadrant each of the Roman Empire, with two senior emperors and two non-hereditary juniors. Constantius had been one of the senior emperors. Constantine's most powerful rivals for his father's position were Maximian and his son, Maxentius, who had assumed power in Italy, controlling Africa, Sardinia, and Corsica as well. Constantine raised an army from Britain that included Germans and Celts, which the Byzantine historian Zosimus said included 90,000 foot soldiers and 8,000 cavalry. Maxentius raised an army of 170,000 foot soldiers and 18,000 horsemen. On October 28, 312, Constantine marched on Rome and met Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge. The story goes that Constantine had a vision of the words in hoc signo vinces ("in this sign you will conquer") upon a cross, and he swore that, should he triumph against great odds, he would pledge himself to Christianity. (Constantine actually resisted baptism until he was on his deathbed.) Wearing a sign of a cross, Constantine won, and the following year he made Christianity legal throughout the Empire with the Edict of Milan. After Maxentius' defeat, Constantine and his brother-in-law, Licinius, split the empire between them. Constantine ruled the West, Licinius the East. The two remained rivals over a decade of uneasy truces before their animosity culminated in the Battle of Chrysopolis, in 324. Licinius was routed and Constantine became sole Emperor of Rome. To celebrate his victory, Constantine created Constantinople on the site of Byzantium, which had been Licinius' stronghold. He enlarged the city, adding fortifications, a vast hippodrome for chariot racing, and a number of temples. He also established a second Senate. When Rome fell, Constantinople became the de facto seat of the empire. 4. In paragraph six, which of the following word can replace the underlined word?






1. Christianity Christianity began life as a Jewish sect. Far from attempting to find a new religion, the first Christians viewed themselves as Jews following the teachings of the Jewish Messiah. It was only later, after many non-Jews converted, that Christianity became a religion distinct from Judaism. Although Christianity shares much with Judaism, these two faiths differ significantly with respect to such fundamental issues as God’s relationship with humanity. The central motif through which this relationship has been understood in both traditions is that of a covenant or contract. In Hebrew scriptures ( the old Testament) , God offers a special relationship with his chosen people — the Jews through a contract that specifies the terms of this relationship . The details of this arrangement have been modified and expanded from time to time, in a series of covenants with Noah, Abraham, and Moses. The most well known of these contracts is God’s agreement with Moses on Mountain Sinai, the Ten Commandments. In the Christian understanding of covenant theology, God offers humanity a new contract — the New Testament— as revealed in the person and teaching of Jesus. Unlike previous covenants, the new covenant refers to the eternal fate of individuals rather than to the worldly fate of the nation of Israel. Also, rather than being offered only to Jews, the new contract is offered to humanity as a whole . Individual salvation and the question of how that salvation can be achieved is a dominant theme of traditional Christianity. Salvation, according to this tradition, is necessary because otherwise the individual is condemned to spend eternity in hell, a place of eternal punishment. Born into sin, the sentence of eternal damnation is the fate of every person unless she or he is saved from this fate by being“ born again ”through faith in Jesus Christ. All other doctrines are built around a warning of condemnation and a redeeming message of redemption. As the core doctrine, it would be natural that arguments over soteriology ( one’s theory of redemption) would lead to religions schisms. Disagreement over competing notions of salvation led to the split between Catholicism and Protestantism. Given the stark contrast between heaven and hell as eternal abodes of the soul, serious thinkers have had to grapple with the question —What happens to people who, while not saints, nevertheless are generally good people who have never committed any major sins in their lives? Reflection on this problem led to the development of purgatory, an intermediate realm between heaven and hell. In purgatory, souls are tortured for their sins, but are eventually released and allowed to enter heaven. 1. Why Catholicism and Protestantism split?

A、Because they have different salvation advocacy.

B、Because there are conflicts over soteriology.

C、Because they have differences between heaven and hell as eternal abodes(住所) of the soul.

D、Because they have different covenant.


2. Constantine the Great The Roman Emperor Constantine (c 280 - 337 A.D.) was one of the most influential personages in ancient history. By adopting Christianity as the religion of the vast Roman Empire, he elevated a once illegal cult to the law of the land. At the Council of Nicea, Constantine the Great settled Christian doctrine for the ages. And by establishing a capital at Byzantium, which became Constantinople and then Istanbul, he set into motion events that would break the empire, split the Christian church, and influence European history for a millennium. Flavius Valerius Constantinus was born in Naissus, in the province of Moesia Superior, present-day Serbia. Constantine's mother, Helena, was a barmaid and his father a military officer named Constantius. His father would rise to become the Emperor Constantius I and Constantine's mother would be canonized as St. Helena, who was thought to have found a portion of Jesus' cross. Later Constantine and Helena were shuffled off to the eastern emperor, Diocletian, in Nicomedia. Upon his father's death on July 25, 306 A.D., Constantine's troops proclaimed him Caesar. Constantine wasn't the only claimant. In 285, Emperor Diocletian had established the Tetrarchy, which gave four men rule over a quadrant each of the Roman Empire, with two senior emperors and two non-hereditary juniors. Constantius had been one of the senior emperors. Constantine's most powerful rivals for his father's position were Maximian and his son, Maxentius, who had assumed power in Italy, controlling Africa, Sardinia, and Corsica as well. Constantine raised an army from Britain that included Germans and Celts, which the Byzantine historian Zosimus said included 90,000 foot soldiers and 8,000 cavalry. Maxentius raised an army of 170,000 foot soldiers and 18,000 horsemen. On October 28, 312, Constantine marched on Rome and met Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge. The story goes that Constantine had a vision of the words in hoc signo vinces ("in this sign you will conquer") upon a cross, and he swore that, should he triumph against great odds, he would pledge himself to Christianity. (Constantine actually resisted baptism until he was on his deathbed.) Wearing a sign of a cross, Constantine won, and the following year he made Christianity legal throughout the Empire with the Edict of Milan. After Maxentius' defeat, Constantine and his brother-in-law, Licinius, split the empire between them. Constantine ruled the West, Licinius the East. The two remained rivals over a decade of uneasy truces before their animosity culminated in the Battle of Chrysopolis, in 324. Licinius was routed and Constantine became sole Emperor of Rome. To celebrate his victory, Constantine created Constantinople on the site of Byzantium, which had been Licinius' stronghold. He enlarged the city, adding fortifications, a vast hippodrome for chariot racing, and a number of temples. He also established a second Senate. When Rome fell, Constantinople became the de facto seat of the empire. 3. During Tetrarchy, Africa was ruled by _______.






4. The Dark Ages The Dark Ages are the period in Europe after the fall of the Greek and Roman Empires in 476 to the emergence of the Italian Renaissance in 1420. The term is also synonymous with the Middle Ages, or the Medieval Period, in which the Empire was overrun by the German Barbarian tribes and Rome herself was completely destroyed. The Visigoths, Huns and Vandals had no interest in learning, in architecture, or in culture. They were warrior tribes who were always at war. So buildings, libraries, works of art were all destroyed across Western Europe. This marks the end of a period of artistic, intellectual, economical, and political advancements. The Dark ages were a period of no real developments of anything except superstition and a belief in witchcraft. There too many disadvantages in different aspects. The collapse saw the end of stable government, schools, libraries, monetary system and a common language. During this period development of the human race was slowed down by 1,000 years. Many of the old arts and crafts were lost, and intellectual activity barely existed. People were forced to turn to the landowners to protect them. Life was now no more than growing the crops and rearing animals to provide food. Fortunately, Ireland had never been conquered by the Romans and was ignored by the Barbarians. The ancient Celtic civilization that had disappeared in Europe still flourished here. The Celts have a great love of learning and it is this that eventually saved Europe from the Dark Ages. The lost knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans was rediscovered in the Irish monasteries of France and Italy. However, the Darkness still continued for the majority of people. It came to a terrible head in the 14th century when the entire continent was overrun by the great plague known as the Black Death. It is thought that 100 million people died as a result. It was, we now know, the terrible, frightening, finale to the Dark Ages. 7. From the passage, which of the following statement is Not True?

A、The Dark Ages is also called The Medieval Period.

B、The Dark Ages began just after the fall of Rome and it dominated the European continent until the early 14th century.

C、The Dark Ages is regarded as a backwards time in human history.

D、There was no real developments of anything during the Dark ages.

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