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When you say a funny thing, but your audience say, “oh, that’s terrible”, you should keep on trying. ()

提问人:网友zr71jp 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“When you say a funny thing, bu…”相关的问题
听音频,回答题 Did you ever wonder what occurs inside your body when something funny happe


Did you ever wonder what occurs inside your body when something funny happens? What is this thing we have in our brains that makes us say "ha-ha" when someone26abanana?

One way to find out is to watch the brain laugh. That"s what Dartmouth neuroscientist William Kelley did. He and his team had a number of volunteers watch an27of Seinfeld while being monitored by an MRI, a machine that allows researchers to see which parts of the brain are active at any 28 time. They then matched the MRI data with the laugh track to see how the brain changes when it"s 29 something funny. There"s no one "funny center" in the brain——but the findings were pretty.

When subjects were looking at something funny, the two regions in their left hemispheres lit up. From 31 studies these regions are known to be associated with resolving unclear meanings. Is there something in "getting it" that"s 32 the process by which we work with unclear information until we suddenly see the pattern in it?

A couple seconds later two other brain regions became 33, called the insula(岛叶 ) and the amygdala(扁桃腺 ). The insula is associated with 34, so it seems likely that this is the brain feeling good when it gets the joke——the "ha-ha" response. The amygdala is associated with memory formation. As the researchers35,while you may not be able to remember every plot detail in an episode of a soap opera, you can probably remember the jokes. Humor stays with us, forming a lasting memory.



第二节 短文理解1阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正

第二节 短文理解1

阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。

Mark Twain was a famous American writer. He wrote many famous stories and they are still told in many countries today. Mark Twain always liked to tell funny stories. He also liked to listen to funny stories and to play jokes(开玩笑)on his friends. One day, one of his friends didn't have money and asked Mark Twain to pay for his train ticket.

"But I don't have enough money to buy both your ticket and mine, "Mark Twain said.

The friend did not know what to do. He was very sad. "We can do this, "said Twain. "We can get on the train first and when the conductor(售票员)comes to take the tickets, you can hide (躲藏)under my seat. "

Later, however, on the train, when the conductor came to take the tickets, Mark Twain gave him two tickets—one for himself and one for his friend. Then Mark Twain said, " My friend here is a very strange man. When he travels on a train, he does not like to sit on the seat. He likes to lie on the floor under the seat. "

Everybody on the train then looked at the poor man under the seat and started to laugh.

Mark Twain was good at telling stories and playing jokes.



C.Doesn't say

A married couple was in a car when the wife turned to her husband and asked, " Would you l
ike to stop for a drink?" "No thanks," he answered truthfully. So they didnt stop. The result? The wife—who had indeed wanted to stop—became irritated because she felt her preference had not been considered. The husband, seeing his wife was angry, became frustrated. Why didn t she just say what she wanted? Unfortunately, he failed to see that his wife was asking the question not to get an instant decision, but to begin a negotiation. And the woman didn t realize that when her husband said no, he was just expressing his preference, not making a ruling. When a man and woman interpret the same interchange in such conflicting ways, its no wonder they can find themselves leveling angry charges of selfishness at each other. Research shows that the seemingly senseless misunderstandings that haunt our relationships can at least in part be explained by the different conversational rules by which men and women often play. Men grow up in a world in which a conversation is often a contest—either to gain the upper hand or to prevent other people from pushing them around. For many women, however, talking is typically a way to exchange confirmation and support.Women often think in terms of closeness and support, they struggle to preserve intimacy. Men, concerned with status, tend to focus on establishing independence. A cartoon I once saw shows a husband opening a newspaper and asking his wife, " Is there anything you d like to say before I start reading?" We know there isn t—but that as soon as the man begins reading, his wife will think of something. The cartoon is funny because people recognize their own experience in it. What s not funny is that many women are hurt when men don t talk to them at home, and many men are frustrated when they disappoint their partners without knowing why. When we don t see style. differences for what they are, we sometimes draw unfair conclusions ("You don t care about me."). But once we grasp the two characteristic approaches, we stand a better chance of preventing disagreements from spiraling out of control. Learning the other s ways of talking is a leap across the communication gap between men and women, and a giant step toward genuine understanding.

Which of the following words is closest in meaning to "irritated" in Paragraph 1?





听力原文:W: I saw a really interesting program on TV last night. It talked about the type
of things that record companies have to be careful with when they come out with new CDs.

M: What do you mean?

W: Well, they have to be very careful not to offend people -- especially parents with young kids who might buy a CD that contained violent content or used strong language.

M: How can that be avoided?

W: Well, don't you remember when that woman -- some senator's wife, I think, made a fuss over this issue? It's not really a law, but music companies are now encouraged to put a warning label on albums that describe violence or use strong language.

M: I don't understand. Doesn't that reduce the musician's freedom of speech?

W: Not really. Musicians still have a right to free speech, but the message on the label says, "Buyer, be careful: if you get upset by violence and ugly language, don't buy this album." You agree with that, don't you?

M: I don't know. I still think the whole thing is funny and unreasonable. Musicians should have the right to say what they want to say without having to have a warning label put on their music, I mean, who gets to decide what is considered offensive and what isn't, we don't need a sticker to tell us what to do!


A.Record companies should pay attention not to offend people.

B.Record companies should be very careful with their employees.

C.People should be very careful with their new CDs.

D.Parents should forbid children to buy new CDs.

根据下面材料,回答题。What Should I Say to the Person Who Has Cancer?It is normal to feel th


What Should I Say to the Person Who Has Cancer?

It is normal to feel that you don"t know what to say to someone who has cancer. You might only know the person casually, or you may have worked ____51____ or lived near each other for many years and have a closer relationship The most important ____52____ you can do is to acknowledge the situation in some way-whatever is most comfortable for you. You can show interest and concern,you can express encouragement, or you ____53____ offer support. Sometimes the simplest expressions of concern are the ____54____ meaningful.

While it is good to be encouraging, it is also important ____55____ to show false optimism or to tell the person with cancer to always have a positive attitude. Doing____ 56____ things may discount their fears, concems, or sad feelings. It is also tempting to say that you know ____57____ the person feels. While you may know this is a difficult time, no one can know exactly how the person with ____58____ feels.

Humor can be an important way ____59____ coping. It is also another source of support and encouragement. Let the person with cancer ____60____ the lead; it is healthy if they find something funny about a side effect, like hair loss or increased appetite, and you can certainly join ____61____ in a good laugh. This can be a great way to relieve stress and to take a break from the ____62____ serious nature of the situation.

When the person with cancer looks good, let them know! Refrain (忍住) ____63____ comments when their appearance isn"t as good, such as "You"re looking pale," or "You"ve lost weight." Cancer and its treatment can be very unpredictable. Be prepared for good days and bad ____64.____

Refrain from telling the person with cancer stories about family members or friends who have had cancer. Everyone is different, and these stories may not be helpful. Instead, it is better simply to tell them you know ____65____ about cancer because you"ve been through it with someone else.

___________ 查看材料





听力原文:W: You know, I've often wondered why people laugh at the picture of a big belly b
usinessman slipping on a banana skin and falling on his bottom. We are to feel sorry for him.

M: Actually, Laura, I think we laugh because we are glad it didn't happen to us. But of course there is also a kind of humorous satisfaction in seeing somebody self-important making a fool of themselves.

W: Yes, and then there are a lot of jokes about people who are too fat or physically handicapped, you know, deaf, or short-sighted, things like that. After all, it's not really funny to be like that.

M: Oh, I think that's because we're embarrassed. We don't know how to cope with the situation. Perhaps we are even a bit frightened we might get like that, so we laugh. What about the custard pie routine?

W: What do you mean "custard pie routine"?

M: You know, all those old films where someone gets so outraged with his boss, he picks up a custard pie and plasters it all over the other person's face.

W: That never makes me laugh very much, because you can guess it's going to happen. But a lot of people still find it laughable. It must be because it's the sort of the thing we'd all love to do once in a while and never quite have the courage to.

M: I had an old aunt who used to throw cups of tea at people when she was particularly irritated. She said it relieved her feelings.

W: It must have come a bit expensive.

M: Not really. She took care never to throw her best china.


19. Why does the man say we laugh when we see some self-important people making fools of themselves?

20. Why do some people joke about those who are fat or handicapped according to the man?

21. Why do many people find it funny to see someone throwing a custard pie on their boss's face?

22. Why did the man's aunt say she would drop cups of tea at people occasionally?


A.We simply cannot help reacting instinctively that way.

B.We wish to hide our indifference to their misfortune.

C.We derive some humorous satisfaction from their misfortune.

D.We think it serves them right for being mean to other people.

What Should I Say to the Person Who Has Cancer? It is normal to feel that you don't k

What Should I Say to the Person Who Has Cancer?

It is normal to feel that you don't know what to say to someone who has cancer. You might only know the person casually, or you may have worked__________(51) or lived near each other for many years and have a closer relationship. The most important__________(52) you can do is to acknowledge the situation in some way -- whatever is most comfortable for you. You can show interest and concern, you can express encouragement, or you_________(53) offer support. Sometimes the simplest expressions of concern are the________(54) meaningful.

While it is good to be encouraging, it is also important___________(55) to show false optimism or to tell the person with cancer to always have a positive attitude. Doing__________(56) things may discount their fears, concerns, or .sad feelings. It is also tempting to say that you know __________(57) the person feels. While you may know this is a difficult time, no one can know exactly how the person with ___________(58)feels.

Humor can be an important way __________(59) coping. It is also another source of support and encouragement. Let the person with cancer __________(60) the lead; it is healthy if they find something funny about a side effect, like hair loss or increased appetite, and you can certainly join __________(61) in a good laugh. This can be a great way to relieve stress and to take a break from the___________(62) serious nature of the situation.

When the person with cancer looks good, let them know! Refrain (忍住)

___________(63) comments when their appearance isn't as good, such as "You're looking pale," or "You've lost weight," Cancer and its treatment can be very unpredictable. Be prepared for good days and bad__________(64).

Refrain from telling the person with cancer stories about family members or friends who have had cancer. Everyone is different, and these stories may not be helpful. Instead, it is better simply to tell them you know _________(65) about cancer because you've been through it with someone else.

第 51 题





回答下列各题: Mark Twain was a famous American writer.He wrote many famous stories and the
y arestilltold in many countries today.Mark Twain alwaysliked to tell funny stories.He also liked to listentofunny stories and to play jokes(开玩笑) on his friends. One day, one of his friends didnt havemoney and asked Mark Twain to pay forhis train ticket. "But I dont have enough money tobuy both your ticket and mine, "Mark Twain said. The friend did not know what to do.Hewas very sad."We can do this, "said Twain."We canget on thetrain first and when the conductor(售票员)comes totake the tickets, you can hide(躲藏) under my seat. " Later, however, on the train, when theconductor came to take the tickets, Mark Twain gavehim two tickets--one forhimself and one for his friend.Then Mark Twain said, "My friend here isavery strange man.When he travels on a train, he does not like to sit on theseat.He likes to lie onthe floor under the seat." Everybody on the train then looked at thepoor man under the seat and started to laugh. Mark Twain was good attelling stories and playing jokes.



C.Doesnt Say

Your committee has asked a prominent speaker to give a speech at the next meeting. Yo
u have been asked to introduce this speaker. What should you do()

A.Tell a funny story from the speaker’s childhood.

B.Think of a few things to say and ad lib the introduction.

C.Talk about some of the speaker’s accomplishments and honors.

D.Meet with the speaker to collaborate on an introduction that captures attention and establishes credibility.

听力原文:A friend gave George a parrot which had a big vocabulary, but most of the words t

听力原文: A friend gave George a parrot which had a big vocabulary, but most of the words the bird knew were bad words. At first George thought it was funny, but when George had important guests, the bird's bad words embarrassed him very much.

As soon as the guests left, George angrily shouted to the parrot, "That language must stop!" But the bird answered him with curses. He shook the bird and shouted again, "Don't use those ugly words!" Again the bird cursed him.

George was really angry. He took the parrot and threw him into the freezer. This time there was silence. After two minutes, George opened the door and removed the very cold parrot. Slowly the frightened parrot walked up George's arm, sat on his shoulder and spoke into his ear, "I'm sorry for my behavior. and will never behave badly again."

George asked, "Why the change?" The bird answered, "Because I saw what you did to the other birds. What did the chicken say?"

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. What do we know about the parrot?

30. What did George feel about the parrot?

31. Why did the bird want to change?


A.He only knew bad words.

B.He could say a lot of words.

C.He was good at praising others.

D.He was not able to learn words taught by George.

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