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According to Paragraph 3, people are able to live longer and move comfortable, lives becau


A.they are able to make innovations

B.they can build cities and record thoughts

C.their population tends to increase

D.they have special abilities to use ax

提问人:网友hakuci 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“According to Paragraph 3, peop…”相关的问题
The authors description of evidence concerning handedness mentions all of the following EXCEPT______.

A.ancient artwork

B.asymmetrical skulls

C.studies of tool use

D.fossilized hand bones


听力原文:Narrator Listen to a talk on home automation in a mechanical engineering class. Professor Today I would like to talk about automated home facilities. Current advances in home automation offer homeowners comfort, convenience, security and energy saving. In a fully automated house, you would be able to pick up phone, call your house and instruct it to stop the security system, turn on lights, turn on the compact disc player and start cooking the food in the oven, etc. , all while you were away from home. These and other advances in home automation are fast becoming available to people nowadays, thanks to the ongoing efforts of scores of consumer electronics companies. During the last decade, consumers have readily accepted such technological wonders as microwave ovens, fax machines and cellular phones. Cars are computerized, automated teller machines are widely used in banks and many people have access to personal computers. The interest in home automation, however, is not born of a desire to create a space-age home. It stems from a genuine interest in finding new ways to make a house safe, energy-efficient and comfortable. Take security for example. If there is a fire, an automated house will detect it, turn off the gas, turn on the lights, unlock the doors, set off an alarm and call the fire department. If someone tries to enter your home, a triggered motion detector can turn on floodlights in the yard and instruct your stereo set to produce the sound of a barking dog in order to frighten the person away. If you want to avoid unwelcome guests, you can mount a video camera at the front door, and view visitors on a TV screen. If the caller is someone with a clipboard and a hopeful expression, you can skip that trip to the door. But if it is a friend, you could tap a couple of buttons on the remote control, unlock the door and welcome him in. With home manager, one of several automation systems being sold on the market, you can warm up the master bedroom, kitchen and bathroom in the morning before the alarm goes off. Or you can program it to keep your childrens room at a constant temperature. In midsummer, you can even instruct sensors in the house to open skylights, turn on the ceiling fans and close the curtains when the house reaches a certain temperature. The increase of working couples and single people living alone means there is less time for and interest in menial tasks. Why not automate these tasks whenever possible? Home control systems also offer a lot of conveniences. First of all, you can program your house to do certain things at different times of the day or for different scenarios. A "wake-up mode", for instance, might turn off the security alarm, turn on the kitchen lights, turn up the furnace, heat water and start the coffee pot. A "romantic mode" might allow you, with the flip of a switch, to dim the lights, play romantic music and light the fireplace. And an "unoccupied mode" will arm the security system and randomly turn lights on and off in different rooms. All of these functions can be controlled while in the house or remotely from a phone or computer. In addition, home automation offers tremendous lifestyle. improvements for elderly and disabled people. For those who cant push a button or flip a switch, a voice command can be used to activate security cameras, turn on the stereo volume or drop the room temperature a few degrees. The click of remote control could turn on the oven, close the window or open the door. So, what is home automation exactly? In short, it is actually a combination of several things including microprocessors, enhanced power line transmission, computer chips, telephone and cable wiring, infrared sensors and radio frequency waves. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 12. What is the talk mainly about? 13. What are the benefits of home automation? 14. According to the professor, what is the main reason for the popularity of home automation system? 15. How does home automation benefit disabled people? 16. What does the home automation system consist of? Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. Professor Current advances in home automation offer homeowners comfort, convenience, security and energy saving. 17. Why does the professor say this? Professor Home automation offers security.Narrator Listen to a talk on home automation in a mechanical engineering class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What is the talk mainly about?

A.The differences between traditional and automated houses.

B.The advantages of automated houses.

C.The tendency of home automation.

D.The history of automation technology.

What may be influenced by air pollutants? [Clink on 2 answers. ]

A.Humans and animals.

B.The global climate.

C.Vegetations and plants.

D.Mineral materials.

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A.The international system demonstrates an unequal economic and political relationship between developed and less developed countries with the less developed countries being the center of this system.

B.Highly industrialized countries are at the center of the world system, and take advantage of less developed countries positioned on the margin of the system.

C.The international system is made up of developed and less developed countries with the developed countries being the center of the system playing a very important role.

D.The international system is made up of both highly industrialized and less developed countries in which the less developed countries can benefit from the developed countries.

In Paragraph 1, the author mentions all of the following results of the greenhouse effect EXCEPT______.

A.Midwest would become a desert

B.half of Long Island would be under water

C.the earth"s temperature would rise

D.Arizona would turn into a rain forest

The word undergo in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to______.






听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a talk in a music class. Professor Okay, uh. As you all know, music comes in many forms; most countries have a style. of their own. Poland has its polkas. Hungary has its czardas. Brazil is famous for the bossa nova, Caribbean countries for the merengue, and Argentina for the tango. So, how about America? What kind of music is typical of America? Does anyone know it? Student A Uh, I think it must be jazz. The U. S. is known for jazz. Whenever you turn on the TV or radio, you will hear jazz music. Its almost everywhere. Professor Thats right. Jazz is originated in America. But do you know who invented Jazz? Student B Um...African Americans. They invented jazz. Professor Exactly. It was African Americans who invented jazz and contributed to popular music in America. You know, in contrast to classical music, which...uh...which follows formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free-form. It bubbles with energy, expressing the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. It has a modern sound, which is brash, uninhibited and exciting. Do you know how jazz was originated? Come on, weve talked a little bit about this before. Student A Since jazz was invented by African Americans, it must have some connections with the history of African Americans. Student B Yeah... I read an article about jazz. It says... it says that American blacks were brought to the Southern states to work as slaves. And...and they were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours in the cotton and tobacco fields. Since...um...since this work was hard and life was short, singing became one way for them to relieve their pain and sufferings. So, jazz came into being. Professor Very good. But...there is something interesting missing. In fact, the origin of jazz is as interesting as the music itself. As said by Mary, the work of American blacks in plantation fields was very hard and life was short. So, when a Negro died his friends and relatives formed a procession to carry the body to the graveyard. A.. .a band often went with the procession. On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music, but on the way home the mood changed. The band played happy music. Everyone was happy. Although one of them died, the living were glad to be alive. The music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form. of jazz. But there were other influences, too. Do you know other influences of jazz? Student A I went to cultural nights before and watched the show by African Student Association. I got a feeling that jazz bears certain similarities with African music. They both sound happy and have quick rhythm. Professor You got that right. Jazz did get some influences from African music. The blacks usually came from West Africa. So...um...when they were brought to America, they already possessed a rich musical tradition. In Africa, people dance, sing, clap and stamp to the beat of a drum especially on religious ceremonies. Thus, uh...when American blacks settled to their new life, music retained its importance. In the fields, they made up...made up work songs, since, you know, singing made the hard work go faster. Besides, as they were converted to Christianity, they composed lovely spirituals. Spirituals also influenced jazz. What else besides work songs and spirituals? Student B How about the blues? I once came across a song of the blues named "Four Women". I remember what one line was like: "my mother is black and my father is white. My back is strong, strong enough to take the pain. " Its about four black women. Professor Yes, you are right. Blues also contributed to jazz. Blues was a type of slow, sad music from the southern U. S. Blues songs always describe something sad like...like an unhappy love affair, a money problem, bad luck etc. To this day, the expression "feeling blue" means being sad or depressed. In fact, there was hardly any activity or social event that could not be set to music. After the American Civil War, the Negroes became free and were ready for a new type of music. They wanted the music to preserve their musical tradition but be fast and happy to express their new-found freedom. They wanted something which...um...which they could play as professional musicians for both black and white audiences. So, they invented jazz, a combination of Negro work songs, spirituals and blues. To be good, a musician had not only to remember his part but also to be able to invent new variations on the spur of the moment. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 12. What is the talk mainly about? 13. Why does the professor mention the tango of Argentina? 14. What does the professor NOT mention as an influence of jazz? 15. Why does the student mention the African Student Association? 16. According to the passage, what quality should a good jazz musician have? Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. Professor Do you know how jazz was originated? Come on, weve talked a little bit about this before. 17. Why does the professor say this? Professor Come on, weve talked a little bit about this before.Narrator Listen to part of a talk in a music class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What is the talk mainly about?

A.Jazz musicians.

B.The origins of jazz.

C.The music style. of jazz.

D.The features of jazz.

What does the professor NOT mention as an influence of jazz?

A.Spiritual songs.

B.Work songs.


D.The blues.

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