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Many practical areas of engineering controls designed to mitigate exposure of surface mine workers to all airborne dusts, including silica, are:

A、drill dust collection systems

B、enclosed cab filtration systems

C、controlling dust on unpaved haulage roads

D、controlling dust at the primary hopper dump

提问人:网友yq2110 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Many practical areas of engine…”相关的问题
In the 7th paragraph, "many people don't have the time, inclination, or expertise necessar
y to take full responsibility for their own well-being in areas that are so complex as assuring they have sufficient income for retirement or choosing a health plan

A.many people are not knowledgeable investors

B.it's vitally important for people to have sufficient income for retirement

C.Bush's "ownership society" appeal is not practical for many ordinary Americans

D.retirement benefits have nothing to do with healthcare on this issue


A、A. With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization of China's economy, haze appears in a large number of cities and their surrounding areas, which is considered to be one of the major realistic problems facing the sustainable development of China's social economy.

B、B. Along with the stage of China's economy entering the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the smog phenomenon has appeared in many cities in China and its surrounding areas, and is considered to be one of the major practical problems facing the sustainable development of China's social economy.

C、C. As China has seen rapid industrialization and urbanization, smog prevails in a large number of Chinese cities and their surrounding areas, and is considered one of the major problems threatening China’s social and economic sustainability.

D、D. With China's economy entering the stage of rapid industrialization and urbanization, smog phenomenon appears in a large number of cities and their surrounding areas in China. It is considered to be one of the major practical problems facing China's sustainable social and economic development.


选项格式A.With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization of China's economy, haze appears in a large number of cities and their surrounding areas, which is considered to be one of the major realistic problems facing the sustainable development of China's social economy.

B.Along with the stage of China's economy entering the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the smog phenomenon has appeared in many cities in China and its surrounding areas, and is considered to be one of the major practical problems facing the sustainable development of China's social economy.

C.As China has seen rapid industrialization and urbanization, smog prevails in a large number of Chinese cities and their surrounding areas, and is considered one of the major problems threatening China’s social and economic sustainability.

D.With China's economy entering the stage of rapid industrialization and urbanization, smog phenomenon appears in a large number of cities and their surrounding areas in ChinA.With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization of China's economy, haze appears in a large number of cities and their surrounding areas, which is considered to be one of the major realistic problems facing the sustainable development of China's social economy.

B.Along with the stage of China's economy entering the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the smog phenomenon has appeared in many cities in China and its surrounding areas, and is considered to be one of the major practical problems facing the sustainable development of China's social economy.

C.As China has seen rapid industrialization and urbanization, smog prevails in a large number of Chinese cities and their surrounding areas, and is considered one of the major problems threatening China’s social and economic sustainability.

D.With China's economy entering the stage of rapid industrialization and urbanization, smog phenomenon appears in a large number of cities and their surrounding areas in Chin选项格式A. It is considered to be one of the major practical problems facing China's sustainable social and economic development.

The urge to explore is innate in Man.【C1】______ his imagination roams, Man seeks also to g
o. A large part of history is concerned【C2】______ the exploration of the world in which we live.【C3】 men have set out with amazing courage and fortitude to【C4】______ into unknown regions and lands. They crossed the sea in【C5】______ boats,traversed continents, scaled mountains, fought their way through jungles and swamps, endured【C6】______ hardships — all to explore, to see what had not yet been seen, to make【C7】______ the unknown. Nor did Man confine his movements 【C8】______ the surface of land and sea. With kites, balloons and aircraft he left the ground and to【C9】______ through the lower atmosphere. Now outer space receives his attention.

The hard way to answer the question, why should Man bother about【C10】______ space, is to attempt to list the specific practical benefits【C11】______ result. One knows, from past experience in other areas, that Man will【C12】______ see and discover new things in space. That will increase our store of scientific knowledge, and this new knowledge will find its way 【C13】______ valuable practical uses.【C14】______ about Man himself, from his experience in space, and from the effects of space and the space flight【C15】______ environment, will be invaluable. The new techniques developed to carry out the exploration of space, and to keep men【C16】______ in space, will inevitably be put into valuable practical uses in everyday life. The areas that will benefit are.【C17】______ .They include communications, generation, transportation and travel, food production,【C18】______ of resources, navigation, human comfort and welfare, biology and medicine, materials, fuels and many others.【C19】______ to state specifically just what the practical outcomes will be is【C20】______ impossible.







Questions 10~14 are based on the following passageArchitecture is the art or science of designing and constructing buildings with durable materials following cert ain canons. Historically, architecture has followed a succession of recognizable styles that may, for example, be identified as Gothic, Baroque, or Neo-Classical; or it has a specific style associated with a particular culture, such as Greek, Roman, or Egyptian. Architectural style, even if it is a country house, factory, hotel, airport, or religious building, reflects the values as well as the needs of the society that produces it. However, it is governed not only by taste and aesthetic interest but also b y many practical considerations. The availability of suitable materials is closely linked to the development of skills and influenced the shapes of buildings. Carpentry developed in areas of the world that were thickly forested. Although it has become scarcer, timber remains an important building material. In other areas, stone and marble were chosen for important monuments because they are fireproof and durable. Stone is also a sculptural material; stone architecture was often integral with stone sculpture. The use of stone has declined today because a number of other materials, such as glass, steel, and concrete are more economical to use and assemble.In regions where both timber and stone were scarce, earth itself was used as a building material. Mud or clay was compact into walls or made into bricks that were dried in the sun. Later, bricks were baked in kilns , which gave them greater durability. Building with stones or bricks is called masonry. The elements cohere through sheer gravity or the use of mortar. The Romans found a natural cement that, combined with insert substances, produced concrete. In the early 19th century a truly waterproof cement, the key ingredient of modern cement, was developed. So, it is said that Romans are great contributor to t he development of architecture.The writer of this article dose not mention_________.A.the style of the buildings B.the materials of the buildings C.the concept of architecture D.the areas where stone and timber are rich

At one time,________were the only practical way to cross the vast areas of the west.A.buse

At one time, ________were the only practical way to cross the vast areas of the west.




Wild Herds May Stampede Across Britain

A About 800,000 hectares of Britain have been identified as places where traditional farming could be replaced over time by wilderness nature reserves, possibly inhabited by vanished species such as elk, moose, beaver and wild horse. The radical vision of developing large-scale conservation areas and linking them via ecological corridors to allow herds of animals to roam across hundreds of miles is proposed as a relatively inexpensive way to revitalise the large areas expected to become uneconomic to farm during the next fifteen years as European Union subsidies are progressively cut.

B The proposals, drawn up by a group with extensive experience of such projects, have been presented to the Treasury and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. They are also being taken seriously by many big wildlife groups and landowners. The National Trust, the Forestry Commission, the WWF and the RSP8 are said to be enthusiastic about the scale of the areas envisaged.

C The areas tentatively put forward by the Wilderness Foundation for "re-wilding" are mainly in upland areas with farms that are only marginally economic. They include the isles of Arran and Harris, the central Cairngorms, Glen Affric and the Knoydart peninsula in Scotland, and the Brecon Beacons, Elan Valley, Plynlimon and $nowdonia in Wales. In England, parts of the Lake District, the North York Moors and the Pennines are proposed, along with wetland areas such as the Essex marshes and the Fenlands.

D "Large natural habitat areas offer significant alternative livelihoods to landholders and local communities," said Toby Ayckroyd of the Wilderness Foundation, which has also discussed the proposals with the government nature adviser English Nature, and its counterparts in Wales and Scotland. "A series of large interlinked natural wild lands is now entirely practical in Britain. Many large areas of farmland will become uneconomic for agricultural production over the next 20 years"

E The charity, which has worked with the world's largest conservation groups to develop wilderness areas in South Africa and elsewhere, says there is growing public and official interest in the economic value of wild places and the social benefits which they can generate. Some of the proposals are based on the experience gained in South Africa. "We do not envisage that anyone would have to be moved" Mr Ayckroyd said. "There would be core areas where people would not be encouraged to go, as well as inner and outer buffer zones, but there would be no restrictions put on access "The charity believes there is great potential for communities to earn money from international ecotourism.

F "If Britain is seen to be re-establishing wild places, and moreover for economic as well as conservation reasons, then rich country proposals for preservation of diminishing habitat and vanishing species in the third world would carry significantly more credibility" Mr Ayckroyd said. The idea of large-scale conservation areas was this week backed by several organisations. "It's imperative to think big. We certainly agree with the idea of thinking on the large scale, though we do not see herds of bison roaming around Britain" says Catherine Huirn, the nature conservation adviser to the National Trust, which is allowing a valley in Ennerdale, Cumbria, to revert to a wild state and is also working on large-scale ecological restoration projects in Snowdonia and the Fens with others.

G One of the models for future British wilderness areas is Oostvaardersplassen, 30 miles from Amsterdam in Holland, where about 5,600 hectares (14,000 acres) of valuable, reclaimed land has been turned with government assistance into Europe's largest conservation experiment. An area once slated for industrial development is now roamed by more than 1,600 deer, as well as primitive descendants of Europe's original wild hor

Kitchen DesignOver the years economic, social and technological factors have influenced th

Kitchen Design

Over the years economic, social and technological factors have influenced the design of kitchens. Since it is often used simultaneously by both family members as well as guests, the kitchen requires not only a glamorous look but a practical one. Also, the design elements must meet the needs of the modern family.

Environmental concerns have had an enormous impact on kitchen design. This concern includes recycling of household material, as well as energy efficient appliances and the purity of both water and air. Research shows that up to 85 percent of the population is concerned about what might be in their drinking water. They are also often dissatisfied with the taste and odor of what comes out of their tap. This is why it's important to consider adding a water filter system.

The character of today's kitchen is very different from the way it was thirty years ago. There's more sophistication in food preparation, and more technological help with cooking and clean-up.

When choosing cabinets, first consider the style. Use the architectural style. of your house as a guide. Because cabinets are a big investment, it is best to choose quality. Popular styles in kitchen cabinets are framed panel doors with raised or recessed panels of wood, cabinet fronts with glass panes, or simple slab doors in a rich painted or laminated finish. Cabinet pulls, don't be afraid to mix and match styles.

Because many of today's kitchens consist of two or more cooks sharing in the meal preparation, there is a need for more counter space, cook tops and sinks. Although lifestyles are changing, the primary function of the kitchen as an area for preparing food has remained unchanged. The sink remains one of the most used areas in the kitchen as well as an important decorative statement.

Appliance technology is moving at a very fast pace. Choosing what type of appliances as well as how many will depend on several factors such as how often and how much you cook and the size of your kitchen.

Don't limit yourself to one of each kind of appliance. You can have a refrigerator in one place and a freezer in a separate area or two sets of cook tops, one on the counter next to the wall oven and one on an island. You can even have two dishwashers if size and budget require and permit—think of it as saving time in the long run.

A well-designed kitchen should be modern, beautiful and practical at the same time.



C.Not mentioned

TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR LOCAL BUSINESSES Aseries of 15 one-day courses is being planned


Aseries of 15 one-day courses is being planned for small businesses in the Scar brook area during September and October. The focus will be on practical training in a range of business skills areas, including presentation skills, marketing on the internet, negotiating effectively and dealing with difficult clients.

The courses are being run by a recently founded training organisation, Scar brook Training Company (STC). This organisation is a partnership between Scar brook Council and the town's Business Development Agency, which has been training Scar brook businesses for a number of years.

A spokesperson for the company confirmed that STC, which receives government funding, is offering these courses free of charge. This is an excellent opportunity for local businesspeople, who would otherwise expect to pay as much as £250 to attend a one-day business skills course.

Although firms are allowed to register a maximum of two employees per course, participants may attend as many courses as they wish. Bookings will take place for the two weeks following an open day at STC on 27 August. STC recommends that applications for places are submitted as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

For further information, contact STC on: 0859 211432 or online at: http://www, stc.co.uk.

Courses are aimed at companies in and around Scar brook.



C.Doesn't say

It can be really frustrating (使人沮丧的) for an overweight person to go to a gym and wor

It can be really frustrating (使人沮丧的) for an overweight person to go to a gym and work out with a positive attitude. All one has to do is walk by almost any nice gym and notice all the healthy, sweating, “skinny ” members. Sometimes they stare at those of us who are, well, zaftig . It is easy to see the judgment behind their eyes. Who wants to put up with that? Many people are self-conscious of their bodies and feel isolated when joining workout classes of while exercising, especially if they are larger than most of the others in the group. Now the fitness industry is finally paying attention. Popular gyms are catering (迎合) to overweight and weight conscious customers by dedicating areas where the “skinny ” people are not allowed. There are even gyms or programs that require members to be at least 50 pounds overweight to participate. Trainers recommend functional fitness as a practical goal, rather than six-pack abs(六块 腹肌). (79)They often use text messages to stay in touch with customers. Often at these specialized gyms, the trainers are overweight themselves, or working on their own weight goals, and this can help those people with anxiety caused by poor body image. The equipment has been designed for use by larger people. Wider seats, more cushioning, no mirrors, and tinted (有色的) windows for privacy, are all important changes. (80)Hopefully these types of gyms will successfully grow in numbers in the future. The idea is a very simple and potentially popular one. If it helps those of us who are bigger exercise more and improve our fitness level, it ’s a step in the right direction. The word zaftig in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.





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