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Harold Pinter who was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contributions in play wrote all the

following EXCEPT

A.The Dumb Waiter.

B.The Caretaker.

C.Lady Windermere"s Fan.


提问人:网友kevinfuyu001 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Harold Pinter who was awarded …”相关的问题

Harold Pinter who was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contributions in play wrote all the following EXCEPT

A.The Dumb Waiter.

B.The Caretaker.

C.Lady Windermere"s Fan.


Who wrote Waiting for Godot ?

A、John Berger

B、Samuel Beckett

C、Harold Pinter

D、Martin Amis

听力原文:The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2005 is awarded to the English writer, Harold P

听力原文: The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2005 is awarded to the English writer, Harold Pinter. He is regarded as Britain's greatest living playwright. Mr. Pinter has written more than 30 works, and he is best known for his sparse style, dubbed "Pinteresque," which takes full advantage of the pauses and silences that build the dramatic effect. He is widely acknowledged to have influenced an entire generation of British writers. Mr. Pinter also has never shied away from fierce political debate. This human rights campaigner and anti-war activist has in recent years been an outspoken critic of the war in Iraq.

Which of the following is NOT true about Harold Pinter?

A.He is famous for his plays,

B.He sets up a new writing style.

C.He is concerned about human rights.

D.He is an active political figure.

This has been quite a week for literary coups. In an almost entirely unexpected move, the
Swedish Academy have this lunchtime announced their decision to award this year’s Nobel prize for Literature to the British playwright, author and recent poet, Harold Pinter and not, as was widely anticipated, to Turkish author Orhan Pamuk or the Syrian poet Adonis.

The Academy, which has handed out the prize since 1901, described Pinter, whose works include The Birthday Party, The Dumb Waiter and his breakthrough The Caretaker, as someone who restored the art form. of theatre. In its citation, the Academy said Pinter was "generally seen as the foremost representative of British drama in the second half of the 20th century," and declared him to be an author "who in his plays uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces entry into oppression’s closed rooms."

Until today’s announcement, Pinter was barely thought to be in the running for the prize, one of the most prestigious and (at (作图)1.3m) lucrative in the world. After Pamuk and Adonis, the writers believed to be under consideration by the Academy included Americans Joyce Carol Oates and Philip Roth, and the Swedish poet Thomas Transtromer, with Margaret Atwood, Milan Kundera and the South Korean poet Ko Un as long-range possibilities. Following on from last year’s surprise decision to name the Austrian novelist, playwright and poet Elfriede Jelinek as laureate, however, the secretive Academy has once again confounded the bookies.

Pinter’s victory means that the prize has been given to a British writer for the second time in under five years; it was awarded to VS Naipaul in 2001. European writers have won the prize in nine out of the last 10 years so it was widely assumed that this year’s award would go to a writer from a different continent.

The son of immigrant Jewish parents, Pinter was born in Hackney, London on October 10, 1930. He himself has said that his youthful encounters with anti-semitism led him to become a dramatist. Without doubt one of Britain’s greatest post-war playwrights, his long association with the theatre began when he worked as an actor, under the stage name David Baron. His first play, The Room, was performed at Bristol University in 1957; but it was in 1960 with his second full-length play, the absurdist masterpiece The Caretaker, that his reputation was established. Known for their menacing pauses, his dark, claustrophobic plays are notorious for their mesmerising ability to strip back the layers of the often banal lives of their characters to reveal the guilt and horror that lie beneath, a feature of his writing which has garnered him the adjective "Pinteresque." He has also written extensively for the cinema: his screenplays include The Servant (1963), and The French Lieutenant’s Woman (1981).

Pinter’s authorial stance, always radical, has become more and more political in recent years. An outspoken critic of the war in Iraq (he famously called President Bush a "mass murderer" and dubbed Tony Blair a "deluded idiot"), in 2003 he turned to poetry to castigate the leaders of the US and the UK for their decision to go to war (his collection, War, was awarded the Wilfred Owen award for poetry). Earlier this year, he announced his decision to retire from playwriting in favour of poetry, declaring on BBC Radio 4 that. "I think I’ve stopped writing plays now, but I haven’t stopped writing poems. I’ve written 29 plays. Isn’t that enough?"

In 2002, Pinter was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus and underwent a course of chemotherapy, which he described as a "personal nightmare". "I’ve been through the valley of the shadow of death," he said afterwards. "While in many respects I have certain characteristics that I had, I’m also a very changed man." Earlier this week it was announced that he is to act in a production of Krapp’s East Tape by Samuel Beckett as part of the 50th anniversary celebrat





Who owned MATTEI.?A. Mattson.B. Elliot.C. Harold Mattson and Elliot Handler.D. Harold Matt

Who owned MATTEI.?

A. Mattson.

B. Elliot.

C. Harold Mattson and Elliot Handler.

D. Harold Mattson, Ruth and Ellion Handler.

Such famous people as Dr. Harold Varmus, who won a Nobel Prize for Medicine, should attribute their success to their previous study of science.
Who defines “plot” as “an author’s careful arrangement of incidents in a narrative to achieve a desired effect”?

A.Abram M. H.

B.Harold Bloom

C.D. H. Lawrence

D.E.M. Foster

Please identify what type of evidence is used. Choose one appropriate answer. Harold McCon
nel, who has been working with and designing railroad tracks for the past three decades, after examining the scene of the accident at the train station, came to the conclusion that someone had tampered with the track and had bent it out of shape. This, in turn, led to the collision of the two passenger trains on Wednesday.

A、Expert testimony

B、Eyewitness testimony

C、An anecdote


1951年哈罗德·拉斯韦尔(Harold .Lasswell)出版的关于公共政策的一本书是

A、The Policy sciences(政策科学)

B、Politics:Who Gets What,When and How(政治学:谁得到什么?什么时候和如何得到?)

C、The Language of Politics:Studies in Quantitative Semantics(政治的语言:语义的定量研究)

D、Propaganda Communication in World History(世界历史上的宣传性传播)

A.Customers who don't pay their bills.B.Customers who aren't polite.C.Customers who wa

A.Customers who don't pay their bills.

B.Customers who aren't polite.

C.Customers who waste his time.

D.Customers who often complain.

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