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Many leading scientists down through the years from Galileo to Einstein have been deeply r

eligious. They have been intrigued by the essential mystery of life and material existence, and have recognized that spiritual as well as scientific understanding is needed.

Two biologists might examine a living cell under a microscope. One will see there the handiwork of God; the other will see only what evolution has chanced to produce. And yet both will agree on the cell's biological history, its composition, its structure, and its function. One physicist will find God in the exquisitely organized and exact laws of the physical universe. Another physicist will not be able to see anything beyond the laws themselves. The religious views of a scientist do not come from his science; they come from his entire philosophy, his whole view of the world. But scientists are not unique in this matter; the same disparity of thinking is to be found among people from all walks of life.

In the modern world, science serves two important functions. One is to provide the basis for a scientific technology. It is in this way that science has the greatest influence on our daily living. Through technology, we advance the structure of civilization and gain increasing domination over the earth and adjoining portions of the universe. The other purpose served by science is one of understanding. Through science, we discover how phenomena occur and, to a limited extent, why they happen the way they do. Vital processes are analysed and studied, that we may know more of how organisms function, and how they have come to be what they are. Through science, we seek to know what a man is—how his body works and why he thinks and dreams. As we search to know ourselves and the workings of our minds, we expect to find solutions to problems of confusion and discontent. Science is a way to under standing, but in some ways it is a narrow path that does not touch on all the questions posed by the facts of human life. Science does not provide a way of life; it does not create a moral order. It is quite obvious that not all human knowledge can be reduced to scientific terms. Interpretations of the ultimate meaning and value of life will, in the final analysis, be made more on the basis of spiritual awareness than on scientific acuity.

According to the author, many leading scientists ______.

A.have acknowledged that only religion can explain the mystery of life

B.have been puzzled by the mystery of life and material things

C.have attempted to explain physical life from a religious point of view

D.have been so intrigued as to make great efforts to solve the mystery of life

提问人:网友yitianbaihu 发布时间:2022-01-07
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A、the leakage current flow

B、the forward current flow

C、positive terminal under forward bias

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While fossil fuels—still generate roughly 85 percent of the world’s energy supply, it’s clearer than ever that the future belongs to renewable sources such as wind and solar. The move to renewables is picking up momentum around the world: They now account for more than half of new power sources going on line.

Some growth stems from a commitment by governments and farsighted businesses to fund cleaner energy sources. But increasingly the story is about the plummeting prices of renewables, especially wind and solar. The cost of solar panels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close to one-third in the past eight years.

In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source. In Scotland, for example, wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes. While the rest of the world takes the lead, notably China and Europe, the United States is also seeing a remarkable shift. In March, for the first time, wind and solar power accounted for more than 10 percent of the power generated in the US, reported the US Energy Information Administration.

President Trump has underlined fossil fuels—especially coal—as the path to economic growth. In a recent speech in Iowa, he dismissed wind power as an unreliable energy source. But that message did not play well with many in Iowa, where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36 percent of the state’s electricity generation—and where tech giants like Microsoft are being attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their data centers.

The question “What happens when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine?” has provided a quick put-down for skeptics. But a boost in the storage capacity of batteries is making their ability to keep power flowing around the clock more likely.

The advance is driven in part by vehicle manufacturers, who are placing big bets on battery-powered electric vehicles. Although electric cars are still a rarity on roads now, this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years.

While there’s a long way to go, the trend lines for renewables are spiking. The pace of change in energy sources appears to be speeding up—perhaps just in time to have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change. What Washington does—or doesn’t do—to promote alternative energy may mean less and less at a time of a global shift in thought.

The word “plummeting”(Line 3, Para. 2) is closest in meaning to .





It can be inferred from the last paragraph that renewable energy____.A.will bring the USA closer to other countries.

B.will accelerate global environmental change.

C.is not really encouraged by the USA government.

D.is not competitive enough with regard to its cost.

According to Paragraph 3, the use of renewable energy in America .A.is progressing notably

B.is as extensive as in Europe

C.faces many challenges

D.has proved to be impractical

Which of the following is true about clean energy according to Paragraphs 5&6?A.Its application has boosted battery storage.

B.It is commonly used in car manufacturing.

C.Its continuous supply is becoming a reality.

D.Its sustainable exploitation will remain difficult.

It can be learned that in Iowa, .A.wind is a widely used energy source

B.wind energy has replaced fossil fuels

C.tech giants are investing in clean energy

D.there is a shortage of clean energy supply

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